AGENDA ITEM: 7 PLANNING COMMITTEE: 10 OCTOBER 2013 _____________________________________________________________________ Report of: Assistant Director Planning Relevant Managing Director: Managing Director (Transformation) Contact for further information: Mrs.C.Thomas (Extn. 5134) Planning Control Team Leader (E-mail:[email protected]) _____________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: PLANNING APPLICATIONS _____________________________________________________________________ Background Papers In accordance with Section 100D of the Local Government Act 1972 the background papers used in the compilation of reports relating to planning applications are listed within the text of each report and are available for inspection in the Planning Division, except for such documents as contain exempt or confidential information defined in Schedule 12A of the Act. Equality Impact Assessment There is no evidence from an initial assessment of an adverse impact on equality in relation to the equality target groups. CONTENT SHEET Report Ward Application Site Location & Recommendation No No Proposal 1 Aughton And 2013/0556/FUL 36 Winifred Lane Planning Downholland Aughton Lancashire permission be L39 5DJ granted. Construction of detached dwelling house and formation of new vehicular access. 2 Burscough 2013/0235/OUT Land Adjacent 10 Ivy The decision to East Close Burscough grant planning Lancashire L40 5BR permission be delegated to the Outline - Erection of Assistant Director approximately 40 Planning in dwellings. consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Planning Committee subject to a planning obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 being entered into. Report Ward Application Site Location & Recommendation No No Proposal 3 Burscough 2013/0661/FUL 5 Moss Lane Burscough The decision to West Ormskirk Lancashire grant planning L40 4AL permission be delegated to the Demolition of existing Assistant Director buildings and erection Planning in of seven dwellings. New consultation with vehicular/pedestrian the Chairman and access road and Vice Chairman of provision of parking. the Planning Committee subject to a planning obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 being entered into. 4 Knowsley 2012/1170/OUT Land Adjacent To 119 Outline Planning Southport Road permission be Ormskirk Lancashire granted. Outline - Erection of two 3 bed properties (1 pair of semi-detached dwellings) with off road parking. 5 Scarisbrick 2012/1244/FUL Cop House Farm Planning Jacksmere Lane permission be Scarisbrick Lancashire refused. L40 9RS Demolition of existing buildings and clearance of site and erection of 14 affordable dwellings. New vehicular/pedestrian access. Report Ward Application Site Location & Recommendation No No Proposal 6 Scarisbrick 2013/0572/FUL Copelands Farm Planning Drummersdale Lane permission be Scarisbrick Ormskirk granted. Lancashire L40 9RB Two storey rear extension. 7 Scarisbrick 2013/0666/OUT 3663 Booker Food Outline Planning Service Park House permission be Black Moss Lane refused. Scarisbrick Ormskirk Lancashire L40 9RN Outline - Demolition of warehouse and offices and erection of dwellings. 8 Tarleton 2013/0726/FUL Moss Side Farm Moss Planning Side Lane Tarleton permission be Preston Lancashire granted. PR4 6LD Erection of agricultural storage and processing building. No.1 APPLICATION 2013/0556/FUL NO. LOCATION 36 Winifred Lane Aughton Lancashire L39 5DJ PROPOSAL Construction of detached dwelling house and formation of new vehicular access. APPLICANT AIB Group (UK ) PLC WARD Aughton And Downholland PARISH Aughton TARGET DATE 12th August 2013 1.0 DEFFERAL 1.1 This application was deferred at the September meeting to enable Members to visit the site to consider the proposals on their merits, being clear of the planning history and comparison with the development presently on the site and to assess the impact of the development on the amenity of adjoining residents. 2.0 PREVIOUS RELEVANT DECISIONS 2.1 2011/0846/FUL REFUSED (11.10.2011) Retention and alteration of dwelling including formation of full roof hip to north-western half of the main roof; reduction in length and height of rear first floor wall to outrigger with new link roof over ground floor accommodation; formation of roof hip to rear outrigger; reduction in the rearward projection of dormer and roofslope of the lower north- western section of the building. Appeal DISMISSED. 2.2 E/2008/0195/UBW – Enforcement against unauthorised building works. Following identified discrepancies between the dwelling approved under planning permission ref. 2006/0530 and the dwelling presently on site, the Council served an enforcement notice on the applicant on 15 December 2008, seeking the demolition of the existing dwelling and removal of the resultant materials. This was considered at appeal and the notice upheld. A successful challenge to the High Court resulted in a reconsideration of the appeal which resulted in the enforcement notice being varied to require the building to be amended to comply with the 2006/0530 permission. The date for compliance with the notice expired on 21 August 2011. 2.3 2008/0058/FUL WITHDRAWN 04.2008 Erection of replacement detached dwelling with integral double garage including new vehicular access (amendment to planning permission 2006/0530). 2.4 E/2007/0286/TSN – Temporary Stop Notice (05.10.07) - Breach of conditions 7 and 8 on 2006/0530 (tree protection). 2.5 2006/0530 GRANTED (26.06.06) - Erection of replacement detached dwelling with integral double garage including new vehicular access. (The 2006 permission). 2.6 2006/0304 WITHDRAWN (May 2006) - Replacement dwelling with integral (basement) garage including new vehicular access. 2.7 2005/1218 REFUSED (21.12.05) - Erection of replacement dwelling with integral garage and creation of new vehicular/pedestrian access. 2.8 2005/0617 REFUSED (14.09.05) - Erection of a replacement dwelling with integral double garage and creation of new vehicular access. ALLOWED on Appeal. 2.9 2005/0337 WITHDRAWN (June 2005) - Erection of replacement dwelling house. 3.0 OBSERVATIONS OF CONSULTEES 3.1 Lancashire County Council (Highways) (01.08.13) – no objections in principle subject to conditions in relation to sight lines, parking and manoeuvring areas, hard surfacing and closure of existing access. 4.0 OTHER REPRESENTATIONS 4.1 Aughton Parish Council (23.07.13) Members referred to the planning history of the site and considered that unless the proposal accords with Planning Permission 2006/0530 in totality, this planning application should be refused. 4.2 One letter from an adjacent neighbour objecting on the following grounds (summarised): The ground floor level of the existing building is estimated at about 0.5 metres higher than the previous dwelling so direct height comparisons with the 2006/0530 permission don’t reflect the true impact of the development. None of the works undertaken to date comply with the 2006/0530 planning permission referenced in the enforcement notice. The proposed scheme does not alter the side outrigger which was identified as appearing so intrusive and dominant as to cause an unacceptable loss of outlook during the appeals – this harm has not been addressed. The proposed treatment of the front elevation through the addition of decorative canopies does not address the harm to the streetscene it merely masks the additional depth of brickwork between the lower and upper floors. Planning matters surrounding this site have been ongoing for more than 8 years and the current proposals do not address the concerns that the building is too wide, too long and too high. The proposals remain bulky and overbearing and out of character for the location as identified through the course of the last appeal. The problems start with the foundations therefore it would be more economic to demolish than to try to alter the house as-built. 5.0 RELEVANT POLICIES 5.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the West Lancashire Replacement Local Plan and the West Lancashire Local Plan Submission Document provide the policy framework against which the development proposals will be assessed. 5.2 The site is located within Main Settlement Area as designated in the West Lancashire Replacement Local Plan (WLRLP). West Lancashire Replacement Local Plan Policies: DS1 – Location of Development DE1 - Residential Development GD1 - Design of Development 5.3 The site is within a Key Service Area as designated in the West Lancashire Local Plan (2012-2027) Submission Document (emerging plan) West Lancashire Local Plan (2012-2027) Submission Document (emerging plan) Policies: Policy GN1 – Settlement Boundaries Policy GN3 – Criteria for Sustainable Development Policy RS1 – Residential Development Policy EN4 – Preserving and Enhancing West Lancashire’s Built Environment 5.4 Additionally the following documents are relevant to the consideration of the application: Supplementary Planning Document ‘Design Guide’ (Jan.2008). West Lancashire Interim Housing Policy (July 2010) 6.0 OBSERVATIONS OF ASSISTANT DIRECTOR PLANNING The Site 6.1 The application relates to a plot of approx. 16.5 x 60 metres to the north-eastern side of Winifred Lane, situated in a row of residential development on the edge but within the settlement boundary. An unfinished dwelling has been erected on the site. Land to the south-west is open pasture within the Green Belt, land to the north-east is part of a tennis club with mature trees close to
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