MOST RKVK1?E\I) JAMES V. CASEY ARCIIHISHOE OF DENVER ^ denser jatholic Supplement to the Register THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 VOL. IXI, NO. 40 I 1 : t. C o ngratIllations . .. to the Most Reverend James V. Casey on his installation as Archbishop of Denver KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Archdiocese of Denver FOURTH DEGREE ASSEMBLIES IN ARCHDIOCESE John H. Reddin General Assembly Boulder Assembly 1183 Denver Boulder Archbishop Urban J. Yehr General Assembly Longmont Assembly 1313 Colorado Springs Longmont Msgr. Bernard J. Froegel General Assembly Sterling Assembly 1559 Greeley Sterling Rev. G. Joseph LaJeunesse General Assembly Holy Family Assembly 4636 Fori Collins Security Leadville Assembly 681 Leadyille METRO DENVER CHAPTER COUNCILS Sterling Co. 1559 Sterling Denver Co. 539 Denver Stratton Co. 2099 Stratton Coronado Co. 3268 Welby Greeley Co. 2 160 Greeley North Denver Co. 3319 Denver Glenwood Co. 2308 G/enwood Springs Dr. Earl C. Bach Co. 3340 Littleton Fort Morgan Co. 2742 Fort Morgan Queen of the Holy Rosary Co. 3799 Edgewater Sacred Heart Co. 3115 Roggen Aurora Co. 4079 Aurora Mother Cabrini Co. 3247 Limon Bishop Machebeuf Co. 4647 Denver Immaculate Heart of Mary Co. 3252 Cheyenne lVe//s Bishop Tihen Co. 4796 Denver St. Augustine Co. 3285 Brighton Southvrest Denver Co. 4844 Denver Big Thompson Co. 3434 Loveland St. Joachim Co. 5046 Arvada Holyoke Co. 3519 Holyoke Bishop Matz Co. 5161 Denver Akron Co. 3543 Akron Our Lady of the Mountains Co. 5757 Golden Julesburg Co. 3549 Julesburg OTHER COUNCILS IN ARCHDIOCESE St. Michael the Archangel Co. 4131 OF DENVER Craig Colorado Springs Co. 582 Fr. Edward Prinster Co. 4462 Colorado Springs Steamboat Springs 1 Leadville Co. 681 Security Co. 4636 Leadville Security Boulder Co. 1183 Pius XII Co. 4699 Boulder Colorado Springs Fort Collins Co. 1214 Platte Valley Co. 4732 Fort Collins Fort Lupton Longmont Co. 1313 Immaculate Conception Co. 5237 Longmont Lafayette Burlington Co. 5768 Burlington to Your Excellency, the Most Reverend Archbishop James V. Casey, from all of us at the American National Bank. Our sincerest welcome to you in your new position as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Denver. You have left a rich heritage of dedicated and devoted service to the Diocese of Lincoln. NB ' THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF DENVER m The FRANCISCAN Fathers and Brothers The Most Rev. James V. Casey ARCHBISHOP OF DENVER FR. PACIFICUS KENNEDY, FR. GILES WEBSTER, O.F.M. O.F.M. I* FR. KEVIN P. HENRY, O .F.M . FR. D E C U N M AD D EN , FR. A Q U IN A S REDING, O .F.M . O .F.M . ST. ELIZABETH'S CHURCH BR. M A R IO N RESSEL, IITH AND CURTIS ST. BR. SEBASTIAN T O B IN O .F.M . O .F .M . THE MONASTERY OF THE FRANCISCAN FATHERS AND BROTHERS ( . #■ His Holiness, Pope Paul VI Page 1 Thursday, May 11, 1967 THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Cbsunvsuidi, J in sA t GREETINGS Conf^ratulations Congratulations and DUFFICY To His Excellency BAKED ENAMEL and Best Wishes Sincere Best Wishes to His Excellency, From to His Excellency, IRON Auto Painting the Most Reverend JAMES K CASEY, JAMES V: CASEY newly Appointed Archbishop WORKS ACME SAA9S of Denver. INC. Eugene Lilly AGENCY DeCRQCE C ^ 2? LILLY Specializing In Scholastic Free F.stimateH REALTY CO. STRUCTURAL on Body Work/ Trim , Upltolstery STEEL Insurance and Spot Jobs Edward A. DeCroce — REALTOR — AUTO BODY AND ''Master of Photography' BRYCE MORRIS PAINT CO. 3145 W. 38th Ave. 6700 West Colfax 238-0S18 ALSO CHURCH CONSULTANT WROUGHT IRON BLACK & WHITE 477-1683 3131 E. Colfax Ave. SERVICE 4655 E. COLFAX 534-8176 2434 East Colfax 377-8818 745 Decatur 3 3 3 -9 0 4 6 AUTO BAKE CO, It Pays to Consult a Realtor Denver, Colorado 80204 Ph. 388-6353 2600 S. Broadway 722-4676 r w r r v T W T w n : W E Archbishop Our best wishes Janies V. Casey for a rewarding Episcopate O M STROHMIMGBH E Electric Companq i n * n « T - OMpIete Elechcal Service •IHDUSTRIAL •COMMERaAL •RESIDEHTIAL 1178 STOUT ST. DENVER COLORADO 222-5733 L After Hours 781-4953 or 781-0315 A ikV*- m T M >iii M >IK T Ek? TO THE MOST REV. JAMES V. CASEY k >1^ E M>1^ R yti Y >1? Welcome and Warmest Congratulations >lk- >1? u >11; AND m M [COMPANY M >1? >ik Plumbing & Heating M 16th at Boulder Contractors Oil! Speer at Sherman >11: Neighborhood A f Mortuaries 181 VALLEJO ST. East Colfax at Magnolia >i« 455-3663 >1^ 744-6311 2775 South Broadway >1K Serving DenvePs Families Since 1890 M M Page 2 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER ’ Thursday, May 1], 1957 M a y 1 extend to you m y heartfelt congratulation* f oon u rthe E x occasion c e lle n c y : of your appointment as Archbishop o f D enver. W hile th is new task brings added responsibility and o n th e o c t« - u . challenge,withW i hthat ant ile thissamconfident enew sense task that of o.you complete w ill m dedication eet the demands and untiring of challenge. 1 a"h m have coniident characterlted that you w your ill u. year# as priest and office with that sam e-rfully sense confidentof complete that dedicat., the divine la.vot an d ■ -o n tin u e t o a c c o m p a n y y o u i n th i s service which have characterized your--alous years efforts as prie w ill bring B i s h o p . X am prayerfully confident that the■ 'n divine d the fa^voisalvation . of assistance of the past w ill continue to accompany you in this new assignm ent and through your zealous e lfo rtf w ill bring abundant fru its fo r the glory of God and the salvation of '•■'ur people as they ■,0> 1' isVvt V,1»" toe*I w'* vet'i Page 3 Thursday, May 11, 1967 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER SISTERS OF to His Excellency, James V. Casey... ST. FRANCIS OF we extend a cordial PENANCE & CHARITY Srmng Colorado !/\/e£cJO §M tjR. in 3 Localiotvf to his new Archdiocese o f Denver ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST l.ongmont. Colo. Sr. Mary Johnita ST. PETER'S Fleming, Colo. Sr. Mary Gregory M m m M ertm rm , Im . ST. ANTHONY'S J. EMMETT NOONAN, DIRECTOR Sterling Sr. Mary Dennis 2406 FEDERAL BLVD. • DENVER, COLORADO • TELEPHONE 433-6575 _______________________ Denver's only member of the Catholic Funeral Directors Guild________________________ All Qood OUR WARMEST GREETINGS, AND Wishes GONGRATULATIONS TO llIS EXGELLENCY to the THE MOST REVEREND JAMES V. CASEY ON THE OCCASION OF HIS ENTFIRONEMENT Denver Archdiocese AS ARCHBISHOP OF DENVER. and Most Reverend JAMES V. CASEY Archbishop of Dtmttr THE SINCERELY Biplomat JOHN K. MONROE SR. MOTOR HOTEL DOWNTOWN DENVER WILLIAM H. MONROE at 18th and Sharman w <*OOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOCOCOOOOOSOOCS For Lunch or Dinner . Mognifkiiie! NORMANDY A Hearty Welcome to Archbishop James V. Casey FRENCH RESTAURANT from the 360 friendly people at Denvers “HelpingesC Bank! 4900 East Colfax 399-1313 Reservations Every Nite IM R A L- E3AIMK Including Saturday A rvi o T L j S T C O . CENTRAL PARK • 15TH AND ARAPAHOE STREETS • DENVER, COLO. 5- 3 'T r ^ ___Member Federal Deposit Insurarsce Corporation Page 4 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Thursday, May 11, 1967 ^cl[5w««f of JDfitbfr CMANCCRY OFFICE * COiOBAOS •OtO) May 11, 1967 In nry own name and on behalf of the devoted Priests, dedicated Religious, and loyal and co-operative laity of the Archdiocese of Denver, I am happy to extend a most, cordial welcome to Archbishop James V. Casey as he assumes the obligations of office in his new field of labor for the Church. We pray that Almighty God will give him continued good health, success and blessings in his every undertaking as Archbishop of Denver. Urban J. Vehr We offer our We are most happy to add our sincere congratulations and prayerful wishes Congratulation^ on the occasion of the installation of our new Archbishop, His Excellency TO HIS James V. Casey. EXCELLENCY. t 7999 W. COLFAX AVE. <TPH. 2 3 8 - 6 4 0 1 L e i b -''' a x -, T e B o c k i i o r s t a Co. JOHN E. ZOOK EARL G. COLGLAZIER GERARD R. TeBOCKHORST, CPCU PHONE 825-0241 duAUMmOL AUWL 1S97\\130 PUBLIC SERV. BLDG To His Excellencv, The Most Reverend JAMES V. CASEY, newly appointed Archbishop of Denver, we extend our most sincere greetings, and pledge devotion, unflinching loyalty and earnest prayers. DOMINICAN SISTERS OF THE THIRD ORDER OF ST. DOMINIC HOLY ROSARY CONVENT 4670 Pearl St. 825-3579 NOTRE DAME CONVENT 2190 So. Sheridan 936-2831 HOLY TRINITY CONVENT 3100 W. 76th Ave. 428-3091 STS. PETER & PAUL CONVENT We congratulate His 4040 Pierce SL 422-6419 ST. DOMINIC'S CONVENT 2901 Grove St. 433-7875 Excellency Archbishop James V. Casey Congratulations to His-Excellency, Archbishop JAMES V. CASEY, on on His Installation His Installation as Head of the Archdiocese of Denver, our prayers go with you for a long, as Head of the fruitful and felicitous reign. Leigh Congdon Archdiocese of and staff Denver. RITE LITE SUPPLY CO. Lir.HTINC; FIXTURES AND SUPPLIES OVER 1.000 FIXTURES ON DlSPlj^Y LICirriNXJ SPECIALISTS FOR ALL LIGHTING NEEDS CHURCH, SCHOOL, OFFICE, RESIDENCE SAFEWAY 2&26 No. Speer Denver 433-6744 Leigh Congdon Lighting Consultant Page 6 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Thursday, May tl, 1967 Diocese of Wyosing Chancery Office Box 436 Cheyenne, Wyoming Hay U , 1967 The clergy, religious, and faithful of the Diocese of Cheyenne join me in extending to Archbishop Casey a most cordial w e l c o m e to the Province of Denver.
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