Compassion, Resilience and Sacrifice – A tribute to Heroes in Pakistan Annual Report 2019-2020 Our Vision Create an excellence-driven, comprehensive, compassionate, free of charge, replicable healthcare system accessible to all to please Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. HealthHealth indicators indicators clearly clearly suggest suggest thatthat it itis is the the lack lack of of healthcare healthcare - [not- [not terrorismsecurity oror shortageshortage ofof waterwater oror thethe energyenergy crises] crises] - that- that is is the the greatest greatest adversityadversity facing facing Pakistan Pakistan today. today. DR.DR. ABDUL ABDUL BARI BARI KHAN KHAN ChiefChief Executive Executive Officer, Officer, Indus Indus Health Health Network Network ContentsContents MessagesMessages ChairmanChairman 04 04 ChiefChief Executive Executive Officer Officer (CEO) (CEO) 06 06 IndusIndus Health Health Network Network IndusIndus Health Health Network Network 10 10 EducationEducation 14 14 IndusIndus Hospital Hospital Research Research Center Center 20 20 PrimaryPrimary Care Care and and Global Global Health Health Initiatives Initiatives 26 26 GynecologyGynecology and and Obstetrics Obstetrics 45 45 PhysicalPhysical Health Health and and Rehabilitation Rehabilitation 48 48 TheThe Change Change Maker Maker PediatricPediatric Oncology Oncology Trailblazer: Trailblazer: Dr. ShamvilDr. Shamvil Ashraf Ashraf 55 55 CreatingCreating a new a new benchmark: benchmark: Dr. SabaDr. Saba Jamal Jamal 58 58 TheThe Indus Indus Hospital Hospital Blood Blood Center Center 60 60 ImpactImpact 64 64 HappeningsHappenings ConferencesConferences 74 74 InitiativesInitiatives 75 75 RecognitionRecognition 77 77 AchievementsAchievements 77 77 Education/Training/ResearchEducation/Training/Research 78 78 PartnershipsPartnerships 80 80 OrganizationOrganization OrganogramOrganogram 84 84 InternationalInternational Affiliates Affiliates 86 86 ExpansionExpansion TheThe Indus Indus Hospital, Hospital, Korangi Korangi Crossing, Crossing, Karachi Karachi 90 90 TheThe Indus Indus Hospital, Hospital, QF &QF NST & NST Campus, Campus, Lahore Lahore 91 91 IndusIndus Health Health Network’s Network’s response response to toCOVID-19 COVID-19 92 92 AuditAudit Report Report 112112 4 Messages4 Messages MessagesMessages Chairman’sChairman’s Message Message DearDear readers, readers, I wouldI would like tolike bow to bow my headmy head in gratitude in gratitude to to fromfrom the variousthe various graphic graphic presentations presentations in this in this AlmightyAlmighty Allah, Allah, who who in His in infiniteHis infinite mercy mercy has has report.report. During During our pursuit,our pursuit, we celebrated we celebrated many many bestowedbestowed this thisopportunity opportunity upon upon all of all us of at us The at Theachievements achievements while while overcoming overcoming a multitude a multitude of of IndusIndus Hospital Hospital (TIH), (TIH), to selflessly to selflessly serve serve mankind. mankind.challenges.challenges. Through Through it all, it theall, passionatethe passionate commitmentcommitment from from our supportersour supporters has hasbeen been I wantI want to pay to paymy heartfeltmy heartfelt tribute tribute to our to heroesour heroes unwavering unwavering and andwithout without that, that, our impactour impact would would — our— frontlineour frontline workers workers i.e. doctors,i.e. doctors, nurses, nurses, not havenot have been been possible. possible. paramedics,paramedics, and andeveryone everyone who who has hasbeen been at the at the forefrontforefront battling battling the COVID-19the COVID-19 pandemic. pandemic. I I The TheIndus Indus Health Health Network Network today today is not is onlynot only wouldwould also also like liketo express to express my gratitudemy gratitude to our to our uniquely,uniquely, but firmlybut firmly positioned positioned to expand to expand its its donorsdonors and andsupporters supporters across across the worldthe world who who servicesservices and andprograms programs across across Pakistan. Pakistan. Moving Moving camecame forward forward to help to help the peoplethe people of Pakistan, of Pakistan, in ininto intothe nextthe next 10 years, 10 years, the Networkthe Network plans plans to to thesethese trying trying times. times. There There have have been been remarkable remarkable continue continue to adapt to adapt to the to changingthe changing patient patient examplesexamples of courage, of courage, compassion, compassion, and and needsneeds and andshifting shifting global global context context by connecting by connecting generositygenerosity which which kept kept the pandemicthe pandemic in control in control medicalmedical care care with with technology, technology, research, research, and and duringduring the firstthe firstwave wave in Pakistan. in Pakistan. All the All supportthe support policy policy engagement. engagement. It is ItThe is TheIndus Indus Hospital’s Hospital’s that thatwe received, we received, renewed renewed the commitmentthe commitment of of uniqueunique array array of services of services ranging ranging from from The TheIndus Indus Hospital Hospital and andIndus Indus Health Health Network Network community,community, primary, primary, secondary, secondary, and andtertiary tertiary (IHN).(IHN). From From the verythe very first firstcoronavirus coronavirus case case in in levelslevels of healthcare of healthcare and andactivities activities that thatwill allowwill allow Pakistan,Pakistan, our medicalour medical team team and andcommunity community us tous reach to reach many many more more people people throughout throughout healthhealth workers workers have have been been risking risking their their lives lives Pakistan.Pakistan. everyevery day, day,working working on the on frontlinethe frontline of COVID-19 of COVID-19 as wellas wellas other as other health health emergencies emergencies resulting resulting AnotherAnother critical critical area area requiring requiring immediate immediate fromfrom this thispandemic. pandemic. Your Your contribution contribution has hasbeen been attention attention is the is dearththe dearth of quality of quality human human capital capital crucial.crucial. Thank Thank you! you! for healthfor health services services in Pakistan. in Pakistan. COVID-19 COVID-19 also also provedproved that thatan overwhelming an overwhelming challenge challenge for for OverOver more more than than a decade, a decade, The TheIndus Indus Hospital Hospital PakistanPakistan is the is lackthe lack of trained of trained and andskilled skilled has hasgrown grown into intoa countrywide a countrywide health health network network humanhuman resources. resources. This This challenge challenge is particularly is particularly and andhas hasmade made a significant a significant impact impact on the on livesthe lives plaguing plaguing the healththe health sector sector where where poorly poorly trained trained of millionsof millions of people. of people. You Youcan cangauge gauge our journeyour journey and andlow qualitylow quality human human resource resource have have resulted resulted IndusIndus Hospital Hospital Annual Annual Report Report 2019-2020 2019-2020 5 “Through“Through it all,it all, the the passionate passionate commitment commitment from from our our supporterssupporters has has been been unwavering unwavering and and without without that, that, ourour impact impact would would not not have have been been possible.” possible.” in nothingin nothing short short of a ofcatastrophe. a catastrophe. for sustainabilityfor sustainability of the of ever-growingthe ever-growing operation operation of of the Industhe Indus Health Health Network. Network. The Thereaders readers will bewill delighted be delighted to note to note that thatThe The IndusIndus Hospital Hospital is not is shyingnot shying away away from from its its As forAs me, for me,The TheIndus Indus Hospital Hospital has hastruly truly been been an an responsibilityresponsibility and andas a as response, a response, a a incredibleincredible experience, experience, which which has hasbecome become a part a part of of state-of-the-artstate-of-the-art ‘Indus ‘Indus University University of Health of Health my DNA,my DNA, and andI am I humbledam humbled at the at passionthe passion I take I take Sciences’Sciences’ aiming aiming to address to address the mostthe most pressing pressing away.away. Here Here I would I would like liketo place to place on record on record my my publicpublic health health needs needs of the of countrythe country is being is being appreciationappreciation for Dr. for Abdul Dr. Abdul Bari Bari Khan Khan for providing for providing built.built. The TheUniversity University will addwill addhigh-quality high-quality trained trained exemplaryexemplary leadership leadership to this to thisInstitution. Institution. I would I would healthcarehealthcare professionals professionals to Pakistan’s to Pakistan’s alsoalso like liketo express to express my gratitudemy gratitude to the to the workforceworkforce which which will becomewill become an ongoing an ongoing management,management, staff, staff, and andThe TheIndus Indus Hospital Hospital team team contributioncontribution towards towards the humanthe human capital capital pool. pool. for theirfor their passion passion and andunwavering unwavering support support for the for the cause.cause. ThisThis year year has hasalso also been been a year a year of transition. of transition. The The currentcurrent Board Board of Directors of Directors completed completed its its All theAll
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