' T-r i f ™ , V NET PRESS RUN ; fU E WEATHER AVERAGE DAiLV OlRGUIiATION V ' Peveeast hr O* Weather Barean. for the Month of Mny, 1029 I , Be«* Ua«ea 5.330 FB lr: toiUght; Wednesday ln« Memben ot the A edit Bareaa of Ctrcalatlone ■ . ■ V/r '-r>. -creasing cdondlness. , ' Conn. State Library— Comp. VOL. X U IL , NO. 208. (Clawlfled Advertising on Page 10) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1921 *T»-B»trv ii: PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS UTTLE ORPHAN, CONGRESS SET Principals in Ohio Murder THREEBODIES SEEKING ICE IN FOR VACATION; STILLREMAIN \ R 0A D , IS KILLED VOTKREIEF IN ^A N N E L OF SHOTGUNS, RIFLES Sammy Poleu, Whose Fam­ Orders Tariff Revision and Four Others R kovered from Dry Killings in Last Few Days Wave irf Protest A g ^ ily Life Has Been Tragic, Appropriates 150 Mil­ Plane Which Crashed In­ Start Discussion All Over U. S., Recent Killings Along The seething cauldron of public dissension and-public ap­ Dies in Hospital After Be­ lions for Fanners—To to English Channel— One probation over recent dry killings reached a new maximum of Canadian Border Forces intensity today as development followed development. ing Struck by Autoist. Adjourn Tomorrow. Was An American. Within the last 24-hours, International News Service dis­ Treasury Department to. patches indicated, the following events injected themselves in­ Little Sammy Poleu. four y^ rs Washington, June 18.— After or­ . Folkestone, England, June 18— to the situation! .Issue Strict Regulations; old orphan, died at the Memorial dering a general revision of the A grim search continued today for 1. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Lowman announced hospital at midnight last night tariff and appropriating $150,- the bodies of three of the seven he will forbid Customs border patrolmen from carrying shot­ Federal Men Now Can after he had been hit on Middle 500,000 to start President Hoover’s persons killed when a giant twla- guns. _ Turnpike West by an automobile farm relief program, Congress be­ motored Imperial Airways plane 2. Representative Clancy of Michigan in a House debate driven by Joseph Polito, of 40 Irv­ gan packing up today for a sum­ Theora Hlx Dr. Jaines H. Snook plunged Into the English channel charged promiscuous shooting caused the killing at Detroit of Carry Only Service Pis­ mer vacation. Investigating the brutal “ hatchet murder” of Miss Theora Hlx, Ohio yesterday while enroute from Croy­ ing street. The youngster never re­ don Airdrome to Paris and Swit­ Archibald Eugster, 20. ^ • gained consciousness having suf­ The House and Senate will ad­ State co-ed, police at Columbus detained Dr. James H. Snook, professbr 3. Citizens of International Falls, Minn., renewed their ap­ tols. of veterinary medicine, for questioning. The body of the glM, badly zerland. fered a fractured skull and fractur­ journ tomorrow afternoon, the Sen­ The dead-included one American, peal to President Hoover for protection from the “terrorism ed collar bone. He was rushed to ate getting a two months’ vacation beaten and hacked as with a hatchet, was found by boys onra rifle range near Columbus after she nad been missing for hours. t)r. Snook was a Adolph Melster, of Garfield. N. J. of Customs agents.” BULLE’nN f the hospital by the driver of the while the House undoubtedly will Meister’s body was amon* those re­ car that hit him. The accident hap­ be gone until September. The va­ member of the winning American blympli' pistol team at Antwerp in 1920 Murder charges were preferred against an Arkansas and is said to have been a champion pistol shot In former years. covered and this morning lay in a 'Washington, June 18.-— pened shortly after five o’clock, cation wa? ordered because the temporary morque at Dungeness. sheriff and a Georgia court bailiff, who were accused of killing Polito being on his way home from President’s legislative program for President Hoover today took All the dead were pawengers. men in alleged liquor casek. cognizance of the recent wave work. the special session has been com­ Four other passengers in the plane pleted, except for the tariff re­ 5. New York state authorities began John Doe proceedings of prohibition killings by Issu- , /I Ran Into Road survived the tragedy but were in a ing a statement from the The child was playing outside vision, and that bill will not be hospital today suffering from minor m the case of Arthur Gordon of Plattsburgh, killed by Cus­ ready for the Senate until late Au­ White House saying he “ deep­ the home of a relative, Frank Seek To Free Suspects injuries. The pilot and mechanic toms patrolmen early Saturday. ly deplored” them. Ronca, of 59 Middle Turnpike, gust, 0^ the plane also were rescued. Committees to Work. 6. A Coast Guard patrol boat fired on a pleasure launch in At the same time, however, \West, who has boarded young Need Three Motors he called upon the citizens of Poleu since his mother’s death a A number of House and Senate The accident is causing much the Detroit river. 7. Detroit, border guards seized ten alleged ;rum running the border states to help the year and a half ago. His father committees will have to work dur­ In Columbus Slaying comment against the use of twin- law oflTlcers In their-efforts to died tragically in 1925 when a ing the hot summer months, led by motored planes in the cross-channel boats and arrested almost a score of persons. check bootleggers and smug­ crazed neighbor shot him. The the Senate finance committee service. Aviation experts today 8. Canadian officials threetehed to prosecute as trespassers glers. Poleu child was hit, it is said^ by which is revising the House tariff Columbus, Ohio, June 18.— out that.authorities have not shown were discussing the advisability of The president’s statement witnesses, when he ran into 'the bill. There will be other commit­ using the safer tri-motored planes Federal dry agents caught spying on rum runners from their Habeas Corpus proceedings will be [one bit of evidence connecting side of the international line. ’ . said: street after getting pieces of ice tees however, investigating south­ Instituted by attorneys for James either with the killing. for the cross-channel service in the “ I deeply deplore the killing from a truck owned by L. T. Wood, ern patronage, the condition of In­ H. Snook and Martin T. Myers held At midnight last night Meyers future. of any person. .The Treasury local ice dealer. The Polito car was dian tribes and the status of the in connection with the brutal mur­ was taken from jail to the morgue Four of the. dead were women. Department Is making a con­ passing and struck the youngster naval and military establishments. der of Theora Hlx, Ohio State where Miss Hlx’s body lies. He gaz­ The three missing bodies are also stant effort to prevent the mis­ as he reached the middle of the A number of Important matters co-ed, unless police place formal ed Unemotionally at the face of'the of women. Rescue workers drag­ uses of arms. The misuse will road. will be sidetracked until after the ging the channel at the scene of EASTERN HALF OF U. S. charges against them or grant them dead girl. After an hour of ques­ he determined by the order­ * Pollto's story recess and then may meet with such their liberty within a short time. tioning he remained unshaken and the tragedy fear that they may ly proceedings of the de|iart- Joseph Polito’s statement of the opposition as to prevent action on This announcement came today never be recovered as they may . ment and the courts. declared he kn' w nothing concern­ have been swept out into the chan­ accident follows: "I was coming them at the special session. Lead­ from counsel for the two faculty ing the killing of the co-ed. “ I ho|ie the communities down Middle Turnpike at an ordi­ ON THE GRIDDLE TODAY ing this list will be the Norris con- members. i nel. County Prosecutor John J. Ches­ Bodies Recovered along the border will do their nary rate of speed. Just before Ox­ ^ititutlon amendment, eliminating To charges by police that Snook ter, Jr., declared today he had in best to flelp the Treasury to ford street there was one of Wood’s ‘Tame duck” sessions of Congress. and Meyers both have admitted In the temporary morgue at Dun­ store “ sensational developments^ In geness were also the bodies of Leon end the war that is being car* ice wagons. I had come almost The Senate has passed it five times having had affairs with the girl the murder mystery, but would not ried on by international crim­ abreast of it when a child ran out in the last six years but the House Thomas Malcolm, of Hamilton, Most Cities Report Over 90 whose body was found terribly mu­ reveal what his information was. VETERAN PRENTISS inals against the laws of the from in back of the wagon and be­ never acted on it. It has been tilated last week near the 'rifle Ont., Alfred F. Smith, pf London “ We are in no rush, but we have and Melbourne, Australia and one United States. fore I could stop I had bit him. I pending there for several weeks and range here, their attorneys pointed a cast-iron case,” Chester declarbd. "It is their activities that picked him up and rushed him to House leaders apparently Intend to woman. Degrees— No Cooler The women among the dead were pre the root of all our dlflicnl- the hospital.
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