CENTRA L ZIMBABWE CONFERENC E of the Seventh-day Adventist Chu rch 201 9 Mid Year E xecutive Commi ttee Repo rt Table of Contents President’s Preamble 2 Secretariat And Family Life Report 5 Financial Report 9 Stewardship & Church Development Report 12 Sabbath School , Personal Ministries , Multicultural 18 Publishing Ministries 22 Health Ministries 24 Trust Services 26 Women’s Ministries 26 Children Ministries 27 Voice Of Prophecy 28 Adventist Education 29 Adventist Youth 33 Central Zimbabwe Conference Mid Year Report 2019 PRESIDENT’S PREAMBLE As l report the successes of our conference in the first six months, l can only use E G White’s words “To hu- man agencies, is committed the work of extending the triumphs of the cross from point to point. As the Head of the church, Christ is authoritatively calling upon everyone who claims to believe in Him to follow His example of self-denial and self-sacrifice in work- ing for the conversion of those whom Satan and his vast army are exerting every power to destroy. God’s people are called upon to rally without delay under the bloodstained banner of Christ Jesus. Unceasingly they are to continue their warfare against the enemy, press- ing the battle even to the gates. And everyone who is added to the ranks by conversion is to be assigned his post of duty. Everyone should be willing to be or to do anything in this warfare. When church members put forth earnest efforts to advance the message, they will live in the joy of the Lord and will meet with success. Triumph always follows decided effort.” {7T 30.1} As a conference we continue to live in the joy of the Lord as we meet with success in various faculties of God’s work. Our year began on a brighter note re- gardless of the economic challenges around us. I Surely praise the Lord for leading his work as we fol- 2.Reach In (Discipleship and Nurturing) low. Stewardship registers continues to be our tool of I will give a glimpse of the work done in the first six monitoring faithfulness and encouraging total mem- months and my fellow officers and departmental di- ber participation. Through the district assessment rectors will give more details. meetings we encourage all churches to have month- We began our year with leadership summits, where ly church boards to nurture its members to faithful- we met church pastors and elders to share leadership ness and every member to review the tithe reflectors skills as to how best we could transact God’s business released from the conference monthly. Stewardship in 2019. The leadership summits were conducted in seminars were conducted in February and the tithe Lower Gwelo, Gweru, Masvingo and Chiredzi. trend rose in March. 1.Reach Up (Revival and Reformation) A holy convocation was conducted in Zvishavane, As a conference we continue to encourage our mem- where 13 pastors flooded the mining town. We bers to participate in Bible and Spirit of Prophecy thank God because 155 families were visited and daily study. The monthly report by churches, pres- 1039 church members were seen during that week. ident’s report and quarterly district assessments are helping us to check the progress. During the first Of interest were members who returned tithe in quarter that ended 30 March 2019, our membership kind. 45 beasts were returned to the Lord as tithe stood at 155715 ,475 churches, 364 companies and while 2 were given as offerings. A family in Gweru 11030 members are reading the bible daily and 8 City returned 17 beasts as tithe while another family 201 members are reading Spirit of prophecy daily. in Zimuto district returned 7 beasts as tithe, and in 14 321 Members have bibles, 13411 members have Rushumbe district another family returned 13 beasts hymn books, 11 726 have Sabbath School Study Bi- as tithe. Sogwala West had 5 beasts, Nhema North ble Guides. We also had all our churches participat- had 4 beasts, Chivi North had 4 beasts, ing in the Ten days of prayers, 9-19 January. 2 Nhema South had a beast, Petsheya had 2 beasts, One Work at Chizombe Adventist School in Bikita and beast given as offering in Zvishavane South,10 sheep Chavarove Adventist School in Zimuto has not also returned as tithe in Chiredzi Central... progressed. We hope this quarter we will make some strides. 6. ACMs Church clerks had a weekend camp in Shurugwi to finalize on ACMS and progress was made. We hope very soon all names will be in ACMS. Almost all our members are now in the ACMS register. 3. Reach Out (Soul winning) We conducted level two preachers’ training in Lower Gwelo, Masvingo and Chiredzi. 1000 preachers were trained. We also had school week of prayers in all our 25 schools and 444 souls were won. We have so far baptized 4 636 souls as a conference. Praise be to God. We also conducted Evangelism summit as a confer- ence which was conducted at Mhandamabwe. The meeting was attended by 317 delegates from across the conference. Pastor Ngwaru from SID, Pastor Manyakara from ZCUC and Elder Mashavira from Masvingo West were our guest speakers. 7. Community Service Mission to Zaka, Somabula, Petsheya and Rupemba - Chivi North conducted a clean-up campaign at were successful. A total of 935 members went out for Mhandamabwe clinic, Utete clinic through Dorcas evangelism, we had 141 sites, 5 596 homes were vis- and another clean-up was conducted at Balmain ited and 19 168 people were seen. At the end of two township by Adventures. weeks 840 souls were baptized. Glory to God. - Gweru North had blood donation programme where church members participated KEY STRATEGIC ISSUES - Zvishavane South children donated food hampers to Zvishavane General hospital 4.Conference re-alignment - Masvingo West Dorcas donated various food items to Mucheke old peoples home The committee is working on the re-alignment docu- - Rushumbe district donated various food items ment and this ExCom will vote on their recommen- and goods to a Mwenezi family which later was dation. We also have a committee to spearhead the broadcasted on ZBC and the nation joined hands renovations of number 16 Flamtree Avenue Rhodene with the church to help the disadvantaged family. in Masvingo to an office for the new conference. The The area has been opened up for the gospel as over committee has met and applications were made for 60 people from that area have been baptized so far. the change of use of the house to an office to Masvin- Surely Christ’s method alone, will bring success in go council and once a positive response is given, the this work. building of the office will begin. A plan for the office - The conference also joined the entire nation in has been drawn and consultations are underway be- donating towards cyclone Idai victims. Various fore it is voted by the ExCom. goods and cash was raised and was forwarded to 5. Mundondo and Save Boarding Schools help the affected families in Chimanimani, Gutu, There is good progress as far as these projects are Zaka and Bikita. We thank our Union for provid- concerned. We have given both Save and Mundondo ing transport for Chimanimani donations. schools $20 000 this quarter for the developments. - Zvishavane North built a house for a disadvan- And recently another amount was allocated to these taged family in Zaka schools. - Masvingo west paid fees for 13 students at Mashingaidze in Zaka 3 8. Schools And Clinics Boards Elder Munyaradzi –Evangelism, Elder Chikaka We held school boards for 7 schools namely Lowveld communication. Primary, Chiwawa Primary, Chiwawa secondary, The executive committee will choose the secre- Mashapa Primary school, Gwitima Primary, Run- tary treasure of this committee. Chapters were also yararo primary and Hanke High school this past quar- launched in Gweru,Masvingo,Chiredzi and Zvisha- ter. We conducted school week of prayers during the vane first term to all our 25 schools across the conference and 444 souls were won during that week. We thank 13. Ministerial the schools who continue to be mission oriented. Four of our pastors graduated in Theology from Solu- si University-Pastors Moyo H, Gwatipedza L, Siziba We also held clinic boards for Hanke and Lower Gwe- L, and Prosper Machacha. One shepherdess and 5 lo clinic. The meetings were meant to make sure that pastor’s kids graduated also. the Adventist DNA continues to exist in our institu- A shepherdess meeting was conducted and we want tions. to thank the shepherdesses for their contribution to 9. Global Youth day making God’s work a success. 19 pastors were visited - Our young people participated in the 2019 Global this quarter by either the president or the ministerial Youth day under the theme Adopt. Every corner of director while two retires were also visited. the conference the youth donated various goods and food items to the community. 14. VOP - Zvishavane North Adventures visited Jairo’s Jiri Old A VOP training was done in Chiredzi by the Union people’s home. and Conference director. We also want to thank our Union for the vernacular VOP lessons. This quarter 10. CZC Office completion 138 VOP students graduated in Somabula district. In our strategic plan we want to finish building our Many districts are to conduct their graduations in the office. For this quarter we thank God for the kitchen next quarter. walls were tiled and a sink was installed. The board- room was renovated and we hope we will do the par- 15. Human Resources titioning soon.
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