CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E23 army colleague, Richard Fite, who owns the Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me COMMENDING LT. GENERAL WIL- Brace Place. Richard aided Steve in learning in honoring this great and good man whom I LIAM F. PITTS, AND REAR ADMI- and teaching proven techniques to provide was proud to represent and to call my friend. RAL ALLEN E. HILL amputees in Third World Countries with new I ask my colleagues to also join me in extend- prosthetic limbs. Steve raised the funds to go ing my deepest sympathy to Homer's beloved HON. KEN CALVERT to Thailand on his own and donated his time, wife, Eleanor, and his children Annette, Helen, OF CALIFORNIA including taking his personal time off to go and Boyd and Homer, Jr. We are indeed a better IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES help the unfortunate in Thailand. nation and a better people because of him. Steve has also served on the Executive Saturday, January 6, 2001 Board of the Montclair Firefighters' Associa- f Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, today I speak tion. He is quick to volunteer his time for As- with great pride to commend and praise two sociation matters, from staffing the cooking HONORING BARBARA ANN RIEDER, magnificent AmericansÐmen who unselfishly trailer to working for members to allow them to DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF OPER- made a career of serving their country, in attend a class sponsored by the International ATIONS times of peace and war, one in the United Association of Fire Fighters or the California States Air Force and the other in the United Professional Firefighters. Steve is always States Navy. On November 20, 2000 I had the there, and can always be counted on. HON. ZOE LOFGREN honor of emceeing an event where the names Happily married for twenty years to his love- OF CALIFORNIA of these native sonsÐboth born in my Con- ly wife, Theresa, together they are blessed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gressional district of Riverside, CaliforniaÐ with two fine children, Andrew Joseph and were inscribed on the Mission Inn Fliers' Wall. Saturday, January 6, 2001 Kathryn Rose. We in the Congress salute him The men of whom I speak so highly and hold for his selfless efforts and achievements. Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, today I recog- in such esteem are Lieutenant General Wil- f nize the achievements of Barbara Ann Rieder, liam F. Pitts, U.S. Air Force, and Rear Admiral Allen E. Hill, U.S. Navy. TRIBUTE TO BRIGADIER GENERAL Deputy Director of Operations for the Public On March 26, 1934, the first wing ceremony HOMER A. BOUSHEY, USAF (RE- Health Department of Santa Clara County. Ms. of the Mission Inn Fliers' Wall took place and TIRED) Rieder is retiring after over 35 years of dedi- cated service to the people of Santa Clara established a tradition that recognizes great HON. ANNA G. ESHOO County. aviators and contributors of aviation. For the Barbara Rieder began serving in the Depart- ceremony a pair of copper wings, bearing the OF CALIFORNIA ment of Public Health in 1963 as a staff Public name of the date that the flier visited the Mis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Health Nurse after graduating from the Univer- sion Inn, is attached to the wall of the St. Saturday, January 6, 2001 sity of California at San Francisco. She was Francis ChapelÐThe International Shrine of Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I wish today to consistently commended for her dedication Aviators. A 20th century phenomenon, man's celebrate the life of a distinguished American and the quality of her nursing care, and was taking to the sky can be recognized by any and a beloved Californian, Brigadier General promoted to Supervising Public Health Nurse visitor to the Fliers' Wall today, we have all Homer A. Boushey, USAF (Retired). and then Director of Public Health Nursing. In- seen incredible events in air or space in our Brigadier General Boushey died on Decem- spiring others with her tireless work for the individual lifetimes. I was proud to witness Lt. ber 22, 2000, at the age of 91. He was a na- health of the community, in 1980 Ms. Rieder General William F. Pitts and Rear Admiral tive of San Francisco and a graduate of Stan- became the Deputy Director of Operations for Allen E. Hill place their wings among the 141 ford University. He enlisted as a flying cadet at the Public Health Department she had joined presently on the wallÐthe wings of pioneers Randolph Field, Texas, where he became in- 34 years earlier. and herosÐtaking their place of honor among terested in Robert H. Goddard's studies of ex- Working through the Public Health Depart- the great birdmen of history. Lt. General William Pitts gave over 36 years treme altitude flying. He flew a postal route ment, Barbara Rieder addressed public health to his country in the United States Air Force between Cleveland and Newark in an open crises such as AIDS and the effects of sub- commanding a broad array of units from a cockpit bi-plane, and then returned to San stance abuse on infants. Her work on behalf bombardment squadron to the sixth Allied Francisco where he flew bi-planes from Crissy of children led to commendations from such Tactical Air Force in NATO at Izmir, Turkey. In Field. He was awarded the Distinguished Fly- diverse groups as the California Nurses Asso- World War II he flew B±29 aircraft striking at ing Cross for his heroism in bringing in a ciation, San Jose State University and the the Japanese Empire from Pacific bases on Douglas 0±46 with damage to both ailerons Women of Achievement Organization. Ms. 25 missions. He completed his service at and the main wing spar. With the outbreak of Rieder's example has led many nurses to take March Air Force Base (now March Air Re- World War II, Boushey was assigned to a P± a stronger role in legislative advocacy and serve Base) in 1975 as the Commanding Gen- 40 Pursuit Group, but was soon transferred to public health. In her many articles and presen- eral of the Fifteenth Air Force, Strategic Air Research and Development to work on the tations, Ms. Rieder brought her compassion Command. The Fifteenth Air Force was re- development of jet engines and was instru- for the community to the often arcane matters sponsible for the Strategic Air Command oper- mental in the development of the revolutionary of health policy. Lockheed P±80. ations in the Western United States and Alas- Barbara Rieder expanded her service to the His life history is a litany of ``firsts'' and of ka with a mixed force of reconnaissance, entire state during her tenure as the cofounder honors bestowed. He commanded the first bomber aircraft and missiles that supported and president of the California Association of U.S. jet fighter group, and held briefly the the national strategic deterrence mission. Public Health Nursing Directors, and as the ``over-water'' air speed record. He was listed Lt. General William Pitts has received nu- president of the California Conference of Local in the Aerospace Museum's 1959 Laureates merous decorations and awards during his Health Department Nursing Directors. Hall of Fame for his efforts on behalf of a mili- service that include the Distinguished Service tary space program and he was invited to the Barbara Rieder has been a role model and Medal, Legion of Merit with one oak leaf clus- President's Astronauts' Dinner after the suc- a leader in her community and in the county. ter, Distinguished Flying Cross with one oak cessful moon landing. After 35 years of service, her passionate con- leaf cluster, Air Medal with three oak leaf clus- Brigadier General Boushey, an ardent advo- cern for the health of the community is ters, Air Force Commendation Medal, Purple cate of a strong national defense, was an undiminished; her leadership and visionary ap- Heart and others. early opponent to U.S. involvement in Viet- proach have left their mark on both the Public Rear Admiral Allen E. Hill made a career in nam, the arms race and nuclear proliferation. Health Department and all of Santa Clara the United States Navy serving as a carrier He sponsored California's Nuclear Freeze Ini- County. aviator, where he participated in five combat tiative in 1982 and in June 2000, he was a I wish to thank Barbara Rieder for her com- cruises and flew over 400 combat missions. In signatory to the Global Security Institute's passionate and dedicated service to the Coun- fact, he was twice deployed to Korea flying F± Joint Nuclear Reduction/Disarmament State- ty and wish her the best in her future endeav- 9/F±2 Panthers and, during his first combat ment. ors. Furthermore, she has my personal thanks cruise, he and three other pilots participated in After his retirement, in addition to pursuing for our years of friendship. He integrity, vision the first all jet and highest aerial engagement his hobbies of tennis and inventing, he sup- and strength will be sorely missed, but our in the history of air warfare. He retired only ported his wife in her career as a Council- lives are the richer for having had the chance after accomplishing his objective of institu- woman and Mayor of Portola Valley. to know her. tionalizing the tactical training of Naval officers E24 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks January 6, 2001 responsible for Battle Group operations, example for all citizens of Ohio and across the upcoming inauguration as the 31st General through his opportunity to establish in Wash- country.
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