wm i-^---. Pago Eighteen. THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE; THUB$DAY^ SKmMBEB 7, jflSO ; -V— and Johnson 17-2. Terrill tripled Cranford High-Scorers are. Jied "for Ranhofer, Kovacs mm for. the Panthers in their tenth\&utgers Gridders Start lids year in tlie league. jMarooii^ game of the season. Lose to Park Police Club Sets 3SA3SS — I9S0 High in Pistol League trMm car ' AB n '' A*. Pitcher Nick Druzek homered . The Cranford Police Pistol Team 14 39 . IB .487 At the end of the first round 0( Are Ifoia • for the Lodge, topping First Bap- suffered its second straight loss in 19 69' 33 .478 shooting matches }n the Union VfeEOr 1 . Arc Y«ai, iHkltGame' list 10 to 3. Muldrow and Thomas fnnthnl1 gniy the Union County League Tuesday Softball tilt is so 22 jaa County Pistol League on August .'REGISTERED ? hiiTnarne runs for the loseri son kickoff in New Jersey this despite a high score of 1118. Win- 9 23 9 J91 23, eight Cranford policemen REGISTERED ? | CHANFOUD SOPTBAU. LEAGUE ning team was the Union County chalked up high individual aver- TEAM STANDINGS „ week as-Rutgers ended its train- Clippers Win Final Mi ing session at Sea Girt on the Jer- Park Police, with 1125. ages in a field of 125 competitors • -••.. ' w. ••" T. Pet. League Gqme, 5*2 '' Individual scores were: . AU contestanls.are_members of 12 September 28 Maroons t 15 4 .789 sey shore l$st Friday. September 2tt v Art Rooncy's Shamrocks IS 5 SIsxr IS 11 s'Teams £©FBay .750 The' Cranford Clippers, after a Union County Police pistol teams Olil Timers ». 13 •5- .730 Summer vacation ended abruptly Pile Sea. Sees TaUI in the league." ts the Deadline Lodge — ~ 13 1 .C50 series of steady losses, won their, Hnnhn'fcr S3 S3 100 290 Game Js the Deadline k Teams To Mfcet lfy.-., Builders' General Supply 12 0 -COO on August 21 for some 40 Scar- > Fischer 97 , 84 07 278 Johnson'and Johnson . O 10 final league game Sunday, defeat- John G. Ranhofer, Municipal •mm .474 let players who started their Klempa 85 *83' 97 273 • The Linden '.l£3 „.........„_ 0 12 .400 ing the Elizabeth.Braves 5 to 2. Kovacs !_ 01 84 100 273 Court Clerk, and Patrolman Jos- ••'.••t.\i Sunday JPlay-offs Panthers : ^' 4 0 .400 twice-daily drills under the watch- Outlaws - ^- 7 13 .3C8 ful eyes "of Coach Harvey Harman The Westfield Hawks won the Total _u_ 1118 eph J. Kovacs captured 15th and /-• At Memorial Field ' C.Y.O. ...' ~ ' 0 • 13 .310 Union County Baseball pennant the Miller. al& shooUns. scored 03. 87 and against the Cxazxfanfi 17th places, respectively. The eight and his staff. : .s Gave '. t 'Vol. LVII. No. 34 The Maroons; leading softballers First Baptist _. 0 13 ..310 94 for a 274 total. present a ^brmicEaSilJc men, who ranked in the top half of CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1950 24 Pages — FIVE CENTS 111 Bumps Dill's •. 3 17 ...150 Leon Root of East, Orange, the same day, trouncing the Rahway UNION CO. POLICE PISTOL LEAGUE 1L See gsat jsalts in brooder house in. Ahc municipal league, hjanked SCHEDULED GAMES Indians and Question Marks, who TEAM STANDINGS 1 the field, were: Today: State University's candidate for pose, the Tip*"^ f**,*™ i nrw ze inrft ifvpnii^'ntyfl "^ Inrovide nlen* the Catholic Youths 12-0 and edged tied for. second place. • • W Times Lodcc vs. C.Y.O.; .' All-American center honors, led September 16 at hty tS, wraEJslion in tot weather. 3, Av. Score Visiting Nurse Group Builders' General Supply 6 to 5 Builders' General vs. .J. & J. A walk by Joe Formanek and Linden No. 1 11 fox l^te l 4 Ranhofer -278.1 287 New .Commander Tomorrow: the veteran contingent of 18 Plalnfield 11 Their record b£ Kovacs Singles-by-JohnnyI-Nostce..andL-Ikfc. .. 376.7 285 l0 Names New Chairmen —268.--- 2tH A 9-2 defeat from the Lodge, Shamrocks vs.-Johnson and Johnson. few junior varsity graduates and Baldwin, Koury doubled for two Bahway Prison Guards 3 two years agnt is a (•"^however, held the Maroons to a runs to even the Braves 2-0 lead CBANFOBD „— e weaQiez. 5. U possible don't Rosendjile. .- 283J 275 4 a solid corps of sophomores make I.lnH^n Jia. 2 . ing' one. Against Orom . L— 288 27a 4 year have been named by the half-game lead, with one game" to in the third frame. Doug Staples 6 IT0IX4 been found ineligible to vote : To Map PJans«ffor up the balance of the Scarlet Eliazbeth , 6 they, have Klempa' -a. 254,8 264 G ranford Visiting Nurse Associa- at the coming election because ' i>lay. The Shamrocks and the'Old squad. gained the bases to register two Scotch Plains ._ 8 Koury-i. ..- 253.3 208' 5 .. Soft music in keeping with the Albert G. Ingalls; .horticulture. Timers, tied for second place, each 0 A V The Cranford Pistol Team at tion. With the chairmen listed theme, "Autumn Song," will set Mrs. Green; consultants. Mrs. Ed- they have moved, are not at Bowling League Season • With Root at center, Harmon is more runs, also in the third. Noske, Roselle Park . hove played 20"games. Baldwin and Staples each hit two 10 - the local club "of tFw» Ina- the sarhe time racked up a lir'st- firsts they are as follows: Finance, the mood today for the annual fall win A. Crtiikshank; junior exhib- addresses given in Cranford, not worried about the middle, of 8 . ternational wOl . /, The first four teams of the final Final plans for the opening of for the winners. Fanwood .«..~«~._»«__ 12 round avefage of J075.8, with sev- !harles J.' Stevens,. Mrs. J. P. flower, show to be held by theits, Mrs. Lewis B. Gately; staging. Garwood or Kenilworth, or are o the seventh season of the Cranford his. line but he is in search of some National Ki^ 23. ISSHBte t Standings will compete in play- CRANFO&D CUPPEOS en wins and four! losses for fifth Heuer and Mrs. G. B. McDiarmid; Cranford Garden Club from 3 to 9 Mrsl Wilmer F.t Whitescarver; improperly registered, are Attendance Reaches depth on the flanks. Principal AB E H fniHrgfiF'Tn'iftwfl •' First Local Polio Bowling League will be made to- standing in the league. aursing, Mrs. William H.vOld, Mrs. p. m;, in the auditorium of Cran- properties. Mrs. Ge<Jrge G. Miller. listed in, an advertisement by offs at Memorial Field Sunday at D. Wehrenbcre. s» "^1_ 3. O 1 " Asm Dtiif Wiraner • in file woods. 2,883 Mondayj, Lessj ^ morrow evening at a meeting holdovers at end are Hal Corizzi of H. H. McCullough and Mrs. Ed- ford Methodist Church. Tickets and classification, Mrs. Marvin D. the Union County Board of '2 p.m. Clifton and Bill Pellington of Ram- Formanek, cf 4 .1 t ' iilmiM^fin toCm. 'Tllotl}* C^EAN BAOS PCBCHABED—While or United Fund Heat Victim Still Critical • • Filling out their schedules. of team captains at the home Noske. lb '—— 5 1-2 In Tennis Singles dren. ' • •if is gnnbalaly oearbjr, just watting Cobrfed — without buttons or catches — ward Roos, and supplies, Mrs. R. will be available At the door. - HalL Elections on page 40 6f this Pupils in High School of- Roy K. Scheller, president sey. Tackle veterans include. Burt Baldwin, 2b ^ 4 1 2 The. lUTaroonsr 8 Deota pu pound. Brine them into The . Names More Workers, The condition of 2G-year-old Bumps Dill's suffered a 3-1 defeat Koury. 3b-c : 5 .11 Ann.Duff won |he title match in^ ter jcn.to leave. ' ' L. Tomlinson, Mrs. J. Bradford Three general classifications will Also, entries, Mrs. Ira J. Stone; issue of The Cranford Citizen Enrollment at Cranford schools of the league, 7 Park avenue. Arnold of Linden and Stan Mich- 1 Cranlom Cluien and Chronicle VIrs. Mary Biribauer of 118 Beslor • fr,om the! Shamrocks, • and the Koon. p ^.™ ,~.~ 4 O O the girls' singles fT'i's tournament firo the ffprp^* xsrltfi pi^p^ Joy Drive to Open Oct. 6 Wilson, and Mrs. R. J. Kaul. be featured. They include: A col-judges, Mrs. Wismer; tickets. Mrs. and Chronicle. this year as of Monday showed ay The meeting w.ill start at 8 p. m. aelsoTi of Highland Park. •••-.-' Van Hart, If -._ 2 0 0 •on the nxoxmci ynftTp JO&CD •WMM>*«^<e^«*<>«<«*o*««o«««.>> avenue, first Cranford polio vic- C.Y.O. edged the Cranford Blues W. Wehicnbers, If ••_ 2 OO st. the municipal courts this week, lection constituting three or more Charles C. Goodfellow; publicity, Persons whose names appear decrease'of 14 students under the Tentative plans call for tHe re- In ^he backfield. Rutgers ..will be catching. At tPty Tia«u>^ HBJJTTII Area chairmen for the ninth an- .Also, transportation, John V. 4 to 3. i Austin, II : ; 1OO defeating finalist Gail Brinkman, Nostrand, Mrs. Oliver Richards blooms or stalks in the same con- Mrs. Joseph L: Conrad; awards. in the list are given the oppor- im, was reported unchanged last total of 2,907 recorded last year. Builders' General edged the Pan- sumption of league bowling on Fri- outfitted with some reliable* let- Staples, irf . 4 1 ' 2 •> 3-8.6-1,6-1;..' " James H T\ TTKJTVP ac ftns*^, ^Sssss dflu nual United Fund Campaign to tainer — one only of. any variety; Mrs. William H. Fairchild; garden, tunity to present proof of resi- night at Muhlenberg Hospital, Dr. Howard R.Best, supervising day evening, September 15, at thetermen- Walt LaPrarie of Long Gallo, c -— — - 2.
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