S1914 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 5, 2003 and no Democrats, OK. I don’t think we Whereas the people of the United States us time and again to defy the odds. need to do that in the form of an agree- and the world have enjoyed rich benefits Those heroes did not take their task ment, but at least the Chair would rec- from the space program including techno- lightly, but they undertook it with joy. ognize we are going to do that. logical advances in medicine, communica- Ilan Roman, the first Israeli astro- tions, energy, agronomy, and astronomy; naut, who was on that fated flight, Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I think Whereas we in the Congress of the United that would be very much something we States recognize that curiosity, wonder and wrote the following words from space: will agree to and appreciate. We have a the desire to improve life on Earth has in- The world looks marvelous from up here, lot to do in morning business over the spired our exploration of space and these so peaceful, so wonderful and so fragile. course of today and tomorrow. To be traits epitomize the intrinsic dreams of the His serene vision came to a cata- able to use that time efficiently, alter- human race; strophic end on Saturday morning, and nating back and forth is certainly fine. Whereas, despite these lofty goals, we real- that moment when the world awoke to ize that our reach for the stars will never be the news that seven astronauts dis- f without risk or peril, and setbacks will al- ways be a part of the human experience; appeared into the skies will be one RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME Whereas we recognize our solemn duty to etched in our collective memories for- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under devote our finest minds and resources toward ever. the previous order, leadership time is minimizing these risks and protecting the In recent years, America has borne reserved. remarkable men and women who are willing too much tragedy and experienced too to risk their lives to serve mankind; and much grief, but our collective loss still f Whereas we will always hold in our hearts sears our souls and the pain is never the seven intrepid souls of Columbia, as well MORNING BUSINESS easier to bear. Today, just 4 short days as those explorers who perished before, in- after they vanished into the crystal The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under cluding those aboard Apollo I and the Space Shuttle Challenger: Now, therefore, be it blue skies of Texas, we pause to re- the previous order, there will now be a member them and thank them from period for morning business not to ex- Resolved, That— (1) the tragedy which befell the Space our hearts: Rick Husband, Kalpana tend beyond the hour of 12:30 p.m., with Shuttle Columbia shall not dissuade or dis- Chawla, Laurel Clark, Ilan Roman, the time to be equally divided between courage this Nation from venturing ever far- William McCool, David Brown, and Mi- the two leaders or their designees. ther into the vastness of space; chael Anderson. Mr. SUNUNU. Mr. President, I sug- (2) today we restate our firm commitment And though the families’ loss cannot gest the absence of a quorum. to exploring the planets and celestial bodies be diminished, their pain and grief is The PRESIDING OFFICER. The of our Solar System, and beyond; (3) we express our eternal sorrow and shared around the world and our pray- clerk will call the roll. ers are with them. The legislative clerk proceeded to heartfelt condolences to the families of the seven astronauts; Their sacrifice will never be forgot- call the roll. (4) we convey our condolences to our ten. Their lives were not lost in vain. Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, I friends and allies in the state of Israel over We will send more brave astronauts ask unanimous consent that the order the loss of Colonel Ilan Ramon, the first into the cosmos to learn and discover. for the quorum call be rescinded. Israeli in space; We will continue to explore the vast The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (5) we will never forget the sacrifices made sky that envelops the Earth and their objection, it is so ordered. by the seven heroes aboard Columbia; and (6) we shall learn from this tragedy so that names will forever be etched into the f these sacrifices shall not have been in vain. history of space flight. Rick Husband, a spiritual man, a COMMEMORATING THE There being no objection, the Senate Texan, the commander of the Space ‘‘COLUMBIA’’ ASTRONAUTS proceeded to consider the resolution. Shuttle Columbia, often signed photos The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, I referencing Proverbs 3:5–6: ator from Texas. send a resolution to the desk on behalf Trust in the Lord with all your heart and Mrs. HUTCHISON. I thank the Chair. lean not on your own understanding; ac- of myself, Senator NELSON of Florida, Mr. President, today I rise to honor Senator FRIST of Tennessee, Senator knowledge Him in all your ways and He will the memory and the sacrifice of the direct your paths. DASCHLE of South Dakota, Senator seven astronauts whose lives were trag- Throughout history, our young Na- CORNYN of Texas, and Senator GRAHAM ically cut short in pursuit of the new- of Florida, and I ask for its immediate tion has experienced great heartache est frontier—space. and tragedy. Each time, we have over- consideration. America is a word, a country, and a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The come adversity with boldness and te- people. America is also a spirit, an in- nacity. We have come back stronger clerk will report the resolution by domitable spirit of adventure and cour- title. than ever. age, one that defies complacency and With steely resolve and a firm deter- The legislative clerk read as follows: accepts challenge. The American spirit mination, we rose from the ashes and A resolution (S. Res. 45) commemorating knows no bounds. embers of Ground Zero more resolute the Columbia astronauts: Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon also than ever before. Whereas the United States of America and had that spirit, and so did Kalpana the world mourn the seven astronauts who Christina Rossetti, the 18th century perished aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia Chawla, who was born in India and poet, wrote a poem called ‘‘Remem- on February 1, 2003, as they re-entered made America her home. It is that ber.’’ She could never have envisioned Earth’s atmosphere at the conclusion of spirit which President Kennedy har- what this poem would come to rep- their 16-day mission; nessed in 1961 when he made the bold resent, but it did bring me some solace Whereas United States Air Force Colonel claim: Within a decade, America would in this time of tragedy in my home Rick D. Husband, Mission Commander; put a man on the Moon and return him State of Texas. She wrote: United States Navy Commander William safely home. Remember me when I am gone away, ‘‘Willie’’ McCool, Pilot; United States Air That same spirit enabled us to fulfill Force Lieutenant Colonel Michael P. Ander- Gone far away into the silent land; son, Payload Commander/Mission Specialist; a great mission and make space travel When you can no more hold me by the hand, United States Navy Captain David M. Brown, seem routine, although it was never Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay. Mission Specialist; United States Navy Com- routine. Remember me when no more day by day mander Laurel Blair Salton Clark, Mission It is that spirit which fueled the You tell me of our future that you planned; Specialist; Dr. Kalpana Chawla, Mission Spe- hearts and minds of those seven men Only remember me; you understand cialist; and Israeli Air Force Colonel Ilan It will be late to counsel then or pray. and women who launched into the sky Yet if you should forget me for a while Ramon, Payload Specialist were killed in the on January 6, 2003. line of duty during the 113th Space Shuttle And afterwards remember, do not grieve: On Saturday, we were reminded of For if the darkness and corruption leave Mission; the high price we sometimes pay for Whereas we stand in awe of the courage A vestige of the thoughts that I once had, necessary to break the bonds of Earth and reaching new horizons. Our thirst for Better by far you should forget and smile venture into space, with full knowledge of knowledge led us to explore space. Our Than that you should remember and be sad. the perils and complexities inherent in such curiosity, sense of wonderment, and de- We will hold these seven souls in our an endeavor; sire to improve life on Earth prompted hearts and eventually we will smile VerDate Jan 31 2003 04:34 Feb 06, 2003 Jkt 019061 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05FE6.003 S05PT1 February 5, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1915 again. We will rise from the ashes in to explore their boundaries. This Mr. SUNUNU. I suggest the absence the fields of Texas, Louisiana, and Ar- unending quest for knowledge is the of a quorum. kansas. The quest for space exploration very essence of what makes us human. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The will not end with this tragedy. It will It is a flame that burns so bright. It clerk will call the roll. live on, it will prosper, for it is our burns so bright that not even the depth The legislative clerk proceeded to duty, our calling, and our destiny.
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