Reproduced from Air Extra by Ian Allan Publications FullReproduced Credit to Ian from Allan Air ExtraPublications by Ian Allan Publications ''l' E Fll Tl=;H CALEEICTNIAN !x= ::1'tuii! " .':. ::ii& 'CALEDONIAN 2,15. be advised of some down to the inevitable diversion after holding was in touch with the Captain during the significant area of weathet that overflies for half an hour or so while Houston Control final stages of pre start checking. with tower Daisetta Vortac...' patiently tried to rescue something from the clearance established. the Ground Engineer Daisetta Vortac was a radio beacon slap sogg! mess oerow. rvas asked for air pressure and for in the middle of our final run in to Houston-s The day had started peacefully enough. confirmation that the engines could be fast dcveloping Intercontinental Airport with introductions on board the aircraft at started in safety. As soon as pressure the last 'signpost' on a Journey that had- Gatwick: Captain Peter Whyte. First Officer appeared in the system Sid Roberts began brought us 4.200nm non'stop from Gatwrck: Peter Looker and Engineering Officer Sid calling the rising values until the required out over the North Atantic to within sight ol' Roberts. As I arrived they were all involved -j8 40psi was achieved. With confirmation of the southern tip of Greenland. over the with pre'flight checking the listed call and this pressurc. First Ofhcer Peter Looker frozen wastes of Labrador and the pollution response procedure that- guarantees a selecled Cround Start on No.1 cngine lo troublcd Crcat Lakes. before threading our methodical clearance of all important allow air into the pneumatic starter motor. waJ, along the spider's web ofjet routes high svsrems on the aircraft. They were aiming to As soon as the G/S valve opens. air vents above the larmlands and industrial cities of have their checks substantially completed by through the starter and the overall system continental USA. Now. with only 300nm to the time the customers began to arnve. and prcssure drops: this is monitored on the run. one of our final sector controllers was to be ready for starting as soon as the last Engineer's panel to indicate satisfactory advising caution and vastly understating the one had come down the Jetway and been operation of the valve. Outside the aircraft problems of continuing on our planned welcomed aboard. I had arrived half waj, the Ground Engineer watched the engine and course. Already a smooth horizon was through the 'Before Sta.t Check'. with called'Rotation'as the fan started to move- beginning to shorv early signs of a bubbling Engineer Sid Roberts calling: Thc aircreu then switched their attention to cauldron of cloud tops. with the full menace trvo instruments. In the centre of the main becoming clearer by the minute as our Eng: 'Yaw damper'. panel there are four vertical rows of progress 'over the hump continued to Capt:'On.' instruments. in d ic atin g identical unwind the curvatu.e of the Earth. warm. Eng: 'Mach and airspeed warning.' performance references on each of the excited winds from the Gulf of Mexico had Testr Loud bell 'Checked.- engines. From the top thel, are EPR (Engine violently collided with a stream of cold air Engr 'Window heal.- Pressure Ratio). Nr (Low pressure spool '1, coming down from the north and between Capt:'Low.' RPM). EGT (Exhaust Gas Temperature). N? them they had spawned the Texan Eng: 'Q and pitot heaters. (Q feel or (High pressure spool '1' RPM). and finally granddadrJv of all storm clouds topping artificial feel unit heater) the Fuel Flow Meters. The First Officer out at a.eported 70.000ft and dumping loin Capt: 'Checked and off.' concentrated on N, and watched lor l5ol' of of rain on Conroy County in just one hour ! Eng:'Exteriorlights.' available RPM while the Engineer checked At the invitation of British Caledonian Capt: Set.' his own panel for a satisfactory rise in oil Airways I was on the flight-deck of pressure. At 15"6 N, Peter Looker selected G AYEX. a Boeing 707 355C rostered for and so it went on: with passengers now 'Start'on the engine start lever. letting fuel the Wednesdays only slot of their daill' streaming on 1() the aircraft. nearll' fili1' into the system for the first time. As the fuel London-Housron FIight BR245 (on the items on the pre start check list rvere called. ignited EGT began to rise sharply and the other six days each week 8R245 is a DC- l0 physically checked and answered until. with low-pressure spool RPM (N,) increased. At schedule). I was there to watch a typical 70? the door about to be closed. the'CIeareo to 34%' N, the ground start valv€ was closed on route operation as it progressed from start call was made by Sid Roberts and thc No 3 engine to allow the air system pressure departure to touchdown. but this'significant Captain contacted Gatwick Ground Control to build up in readiness for starting No 4. area of weather' caused all the careiully on l21.95 to ask lor start-up clearance. Engines are started in the sequence 3 4 2-l prepared flight plans to be thrown out of the The 707 does not have an APU (Auxiliary (No I being the port outer). As soon as No 2 window (metaphorically of course. at Power Unit) as standard equipment one is running. the generator on No 3 the first 39.000ft!) and resulted in the first diversron is available as an option but only at the cost ro srart is brought on line by the Engineer during eighteen months on the route. With of l62ftr of space in the rear cargo compart and the aircraft can be self-supporting. Air the decidedly non typical nature of this ment and the airc.aft is normalll' botrle' arc provided for independent starting particular operation squarely placed on my dependent upon ground based power for but these would only be used in the event of shoulders all your fault 1,ou know. initial starting. The Air Start Unit connects external power failure or at an airfield where This has never-'lt's happened to us before!' a to the aircraft just under the leading edge of no external facilities were available. disappointed but good natured crew settled thc starbnard wrng and the Ground Engineer with all engines running a brief to www.british-caledonian.com Reproduced from Air Extra - Full credit to Ian Allan Publications Start Check'ensured that ground equipment the runwav and turned for a rolling take'off their own until we had passed over Daventry had cleared. that the interconnect valves on With thc run$ a) centreline disappearing and were wellon our way to the NATS entry the two hydraulic systems were closed and rapidl!' under the nose. Peter Looker began point. that the doors were secured. Satisfied on all calling critical speeds as Captain Whyte Immediately before departurc the aircraft three points. Captain whyte turned to conccntrated on the essentially manual had been given a transPonder code Catwick Ground Movements Controt ano business of seeing the 707 safely into the air' 1'. .squawk 67? l') to ensure accurate asked for push-back clearance at l2.4lhrs Dccision speed (Vr) at our weiSht had been identification during its passage through the GMT (all subsequent timings are CMT). computed at l40kts. with VR (rotation) and London Control Zone. This code was dialled With push back confirmed we were on our V. (liit om at 149 and I63kts respectively. on to the altimeter linkeC transponder. As way: one ?07 with 62.000 kilos of fuel. 670 Rotation was called only 43 seconds after soon as th€ airborne equipment received a kilos of general cargo. 130 kilos of mail. 84 lull power was applied and we lifted off a radar signal that it recognised. it returned a passengers and ll crew a total take-off sccond or two later. height-encoded signature that would appear rveight of 137.900 kilos. We were to burn off we had cleared out of the London on the Controller's screen. The 'squawk' nearly a tonne (ie. a merric ton=1.000 kilos) Control Zone on Standard Instrument code was changed several times during our of fuel during the 6ve-minute taxi to the Dcparturc (SID) Daventry ll. one of Righl to correspond with instructions liom threshold of Gatwick's runway 08. thi.teen prescribed routes away from various Air Traffic Control Centres. During the long ride to the end of the Gatrvick's runway 08. Making use of a As soon as we were established on our runway. another series of checks were variety of cxisting radio beacons. SIDs are climb out. Gatwick Departure Control completed: published for all major airports and some relinquished responsibility for the aircraft by mrlitarr airficlds. Their primary function is calling: 'Caledonian 245 airborne at 12.47. 'Ground start selector.' to furrnel aircraft on to the airways as Contact London Centre on I28.9'. London F/O: 'off.' smoothl)' as possible and they ensure Centre were to superr ise our climbing transit E ng: 'Anti-ice.' accu.ate control of separation in areas of rhrough the difficult skies above Southeast Fro: 'Checked and set.' high traffic density. Daventry ll called for England and as we emerged inlo the 'Artitude warning.' {rhe stick shaker Calcdonian 245 our callsign to climb sunshine through some patchy cumulus we system rattled aggressively) straighl ahead until- we were three- miles from were cleared. without speed restrictron. to FtO:'Checked.' Cat\\ ick DM h ( Di\tancc Mea'uring FL280 (FliBht Level 280 or 28.000f1).
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