
The magnetic behavior of diluted magnetic semiconductors Citation for published version (APA): Swagten, H. J. M. (1990). The magnetic behavior of diluted magnetic semiconductors. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. https://doi.org/10.6100/IR340473 DOI: 10.6100/IR340473 Document status and date: Published: 01/01/1990 Document Version: Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. 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The work described In this thesis was part of the research program of the Soliel State Divlslon, group Cooperative Phenomena, of the Department of Physics at the Eindhoven Univarsity of Technology, and was supported financlally by the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM). TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTERI. INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER ll. MAGNETIC BEHAVlOR OF 11-VI GROUP 23 DILUTED MAGNETIC SEMICONDUCTORS, BASED ON Mn 1. Magnetic beha.vior of the diluted magnetic semiconductor Znt-x:MnxSe, p. 24 2. Ma.gnetic properties of Znt-xMnx:S, p. 39 CHAPTER m. MAGNETIC BEHA VlOR OF 11-VI GROUP DILUTED MAGNETIC SEMICONDUCTORS, BASED ON Fe 1. Magnetic properties of the diluted magnetic semiconductor Znt-:xFexSe, p. 46 2. Low-temperature specific heat of the diluted magnetic semiconductor H&t-x:-yCdyFexSe, p. 60 3. Ma.gnetic susceptibility of iron-based semima.gnetic semiconductors: high-temperature regime, p. 74 4. Ma.gnetiza.tion steps in iron-based diluted ma.gnetic semiconductors, p. 83 CHAPTER IV. CARRIER-CONCENTRATION-DEPENDENT 89 MAGNETIC BEHA VlOR IN IV-VI GROUP DILUTED MAGNETIC SEMICONDUCTORS 1. Preparatien a.nd carrier concentra.tions of Pbt-x-ySnyMn:x Te and Snt-:xMnxTe, p. 90 2. Hole density and composition dependenee of ferroma.gnetic ordering in Pbt-x-ySnyMnxTe, p. 96 3. Carrier-concentration dependenee of the ma.gnetic interactions in Snt-xMn:xTe, p. 101 SAMENVATTING 105 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 106 CHAPTER ONE Introduetion In this chapter the diluted ma.gnetic semiconductors (DMS) are introduced. First, the general physical properties, such as the composi­ tion range and band structure are briefly reviewed. Subsequently, some attention is paid to the 6p-d exchange, which is the background of all the phenomena specific for DMS. The major part of this chapter, however, deals with the magnetic properties of DMS, and serves as an introduetion to the other parts of this thesis. With respect to the Mn-containing DMS we will focus on the d-d exchange (J) between Mn ions. In particular, the strength of J, as well as the relevanee of long-range interactions, are emphasized. The possible origin of these intera.ctions is analyzed on the basis of existing exchange models. Next, a new family of DMS, containing Fe instead of Mn, is introduced. In Fe-based materials new physical effects are ob­ served, a.rising from Fe levels located above the valenee bands, which are not populated in the Mn case. More importantly, we wil! discuss the possible influence of this on the magnetic properties. Finally, we will introduce the IV-VI group DMS. In comparison with II-VI and II-V materials, the carrier concentration in these systems is very high, lead­ ing, in some cases, to ferroma.gnetic RKKY interactions. Moreover, it has been shown that the ferromagnetic interactions in Pbt-x-ySnyMnxTe and Snt-xMnxTe strongly depend on the carrier density. This phenom­ enon, the so-called ca.rrier-induced ferromagnetism, is introduced, and also some recent developments are reported. Chapter I INTRODUCTION 2 I. GENERAL state (paramagnetic, spin-glass, antiferro­ magnetic, ferromagnetic). Diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) The flexibility with which the lattice - or semimagnetic semiconductors (SMSC) constants and band gaps can be varied within - are ternary or quaternary semiconductors the wide range of magnetie-ion concentration whose cations are partially replaced by a con­ in, mostly, Mn2+-containing DMS, as well as trolled amount of divalent transition-metal the unique tunability of the electronk levels ions and recently, also rare--earth ions. A with magnetic field and temperature, make canonical example of such system is Cd 1_x­ DMS materials good candidates for applica­ Mnx Te, belonging to the most extensively tions in, for example, field-tunable far-infra­ studied II-VI group alloys. Most of the effort red sensors and lasers, and optica! devices has been devoted to the substitution of Mn2+, based on the large Faraday rotation. Finally, partially because physical properties are not one of the most spectacular developments complicated by nonvanishing orbital momen­ concerns the MBE growth of heterostruc­ ta (S = 5/2, L = 0) but, more importantly, tures, superlattices and thin films based on because of the technological ease of Mn2+ DMS. Besides the promising preparation of implantation in the semiconducting host (in new, hitherto nonexisting structures such as 2 striking contrast withother ions such as Fe + Ga1_xMnxAs and MnTe it is with MBE poss­ and Co2+). ibie to bring the physics of DMS, and es­ The scientific interest for DMS materials pecially the characteristics known as band­ has been triggered by the observation of a gap engineering, into the rich and exciting variety of exciting effects, in the field of semi­ phenomena of the Quanturn W ell. conductor physics, as well as on physics of This first part of the thesis presents a magnetism of solids. As for the semiconduc­ physically oriented introduetion to the pres­ ting effects, they all stem from the interac­ ent status in this new class of materials. As tion between d electrans (the spins) and the for the structural and electronk properties of s- and p-like orbitals of the band electrons, DMS, we will, however, confine ourselves to the so-called sp-d exchange (Jsp-d)· This a rather brief overview, since a review by interaction amplifies so to say the Zeeman J.K. Furdyna1 and a recent issue of Metals splitting of electronk levels, and, consequent­ and Semiconductors 2, as well as more dated ly, interesting effects are observed, such as a reviews 3, are providing excellent insights in giant Faraday rotation, an extremely large the physical properties of DMS. In these re­ negative magneto-resistance, and field-de­ cent reviews 1-2, the magnetism of DMS, pendent metal-insulator transitions. which is the content of this thesis, is focused The magnetic properties of DMS are merely on II-VI group materials containing intimately related to the indirect spin-spin the conventionally Mn2+. A braader introdue­ interaction between the random distributed tion to this subject will therefore be pre­ magnetic ions (Jd-d)· The interaction Jd-d sented here, emphasizing current topics in originates from indirect electron processes this field: the relevanee of long-range interac­ between two localized moments and their tions, the substitution of Fe2+ instead of intermediating band electrans and as a result, Mn2+, and the observation of carrier-concen­ Jd-d is strongly coupled to Jsp-d· The experi­ tration-dependent magnetic interactions in mental contributions to unravel these under­ IV-VI group materials. Furthermore, this lying physical mechanisms are mainly dealing part will offer the reader an introductory with the strength, character and radial de­ guideline to the forthcoming chapters of the pendence of Jd-d> and the magnetic phase thesis, in which these subjects will be treated diagram in which temperature and concentra­ in detail. tion of magnetic ions trigger the magnetic Chapter I INTRODUCTION 3 IT. CRYSTAL STRUCTURE, COMPOSITION AND BAND STRUCTURE Telluride DM S 4.2 I< In Ta.ble I, see page 4, the crysta.l struc­ > ture and the composition range of all known .. Mn- and Fe-containing DMS are ta.bulated. a. In most cases DMS crystals of high quality < and large dimensions can he synthesized 2 by (!) >­ using the Bridgman (-Stockbarger) method (!) a: or, toa lesser extent, chemica! transport.
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