A HALLOWEEN TREAT FOR TRICK-OR-TREATERS Oc tober 1996 Popular r i Jim Build a 0011110 Welcome trick -or- treaters greeter with spooky sights and sounds this Halloween Usiug Digital Panel Meters Learn how to make your next project more accurate and attractive Build a Have your oscilloscope perform like ^gil, i?}.: -,, one that costs hundreds mo 4 GÈF}tSBAC H lo> J PUBLCATIO-J f J F iJi JJdfl Find out what they do, and bow $3.50 U.S. 71896 48784 to join the ranks yourself $3.9E CAN. AmericanRadioHistory.Com Better Designs rnr t,z ,, ?imp siew - Faster .^wEt9j>np,.á410 .i:7.,ç','*] Guaranteed with * Electronics Workbench! # 4)" Just click and drag to create and edit 11`1Í. schematics. Mix analog and digital devices in any combination with full True Mixed -Mode Power control over values, models and Connect any analog or digital device to any other device without limit. Only Electronics Workbench offers this Try scenarios and behavior. 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ALL ORDERS SUBJECT TO $15 SHIPPING AND HANDLING CHARGE Finland: 0 Australia: 2 -519 -3933 Belgium: 2- 384 -73-09 Brazil: 11- 453-5588 Canada: 416- 977 -5550 Chile: 2- 236 -0300 Cyprus: 9-641-801 Czech Republic: 4-823-454 Denmark: 33.25 -0109 -297 -5033 Israel: Italy: 11- 431-5549 lapon: 3- 5395.2126 France: 1 -49- 08-90 -00 Germany: 711 -62 -7740 Greece: 1 -524 -9981 Hungary:1-215 -0082 India: 11 -578 -7055 Indonesia: 21- 470 -0815 3.647.5613 Malaysia: 3- 774.2189 Mexico: 5.593 -5260 Nethedands: 10-450-4949 New Zealand: 9.267 -1756 Norway: 22- 16.70 -45 Philippines: 973 -27 -0118 Portugal: 1.614 -6609 Singapore: 777 -2303 Slovenia: 61 -317-830 South Africa: 331 -6 -8309 South Korea: 2.3452 -9757 Spain: 1. 383.8335 Sweden: 8.740.5500 Taiwan: 2- 366 -0080 Thailand: 2- 398 -6952 UAE: 4- 453505 UK: 203-23-3216 USA: 416.917 -5550 CIRCLE 13 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD AmericanRadioHistory.Com OCTOBER 1996 Popular Electronics Vol 13, No. 10 A GERNSBACK PUBLICATION C O V E R S T O R Y 31 Build the Goblin Greeter This Halloweer, why not greet trick -or- treaters with a special treat of your own? With the Goblin Greeter installed, every time some- one rings your doorbell, he or she will be welcomed to your abode by a spooky, hologram -like phantom and haunting noises. The cir- cuit can also be used indoors to provide your next Halloween party with a frightfully fun host -D. Derek Verner C O N S T R U C T I O N Page 31 56 Build a Delayed Sweep Adapter This simple, plug -in circuit will increase the capabilities and perfor- mance of your scope. For less than $30, the Adapter lets you add a delayed sweep to just about any oscilloscope you choose. That saves you the added cost of buying an oscilloscope with the fea- ture built -in -Skip Campisi F E A T U R E S 39 Using Digital Panel Meters Page 45 Here are some great applications for digital panel meters that you can use as stand -alone units or as springboards for your own cicuit designs. Once you know how to work with DPMs, you'll be able to increase the accuracy of the next project of yours that requires a display, and give it a more attractive, professional look -Bill Stiles 45 Radio Amateurs Just who are hams and what do they do? There seem to be more than a few misconceptions about the amateur -radio hobby and its practitioners. Learn the truth in this panoramic look at radio ama- teurs, and see just how easy it is to become a ham yourself -Karl T. Page 56 Thurber, Jr. POPULAR ELECTRONICS (ISSN 1042. 170-XI Published monthly by Gernsback Publications, Inc. 500 Bi- County Boulevard, Farmingdale, NY 11735. Second - Class postage paid at Farmingdale, NY and at additional mailing offices. One -year, twelve issues, subscription rate U.S and possessions $21.95, Canada $28.84 (includes G.S.T. Canadian Goods and Services Tax Registration No 8125166280), all other countries $29.45. Subscription orders payable in U.S. funds only, International Postal Money Order or check drawn on a U.S. bank. U.S. single copy price $3.50. Copyright 1996 by Gernsback Publications. Inc. All rights reserved. Hands -on Electronics and Gizmo trademarks are registered in U.S and Canada by Gernsback Publications. Inc. Popular Electronics trade- mark is registered in U.S. and Canada by Electronics Technology Today, Inc. and is licensed to Gernsback Publications, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Postmaster: Please send address changes to Popular Electronics, Subscription Dept., P.O. Box 338, Mount Morris, IL 61054 -99.32 A stamped self -addressed envelope must accompany all submitted manuscripts and /or artwork or photographs if their return is desired should they be rejected. We disclaim any responsibility for the loss or damage of manuscripts and /or artwork or photographs while in our possession or otherwise. As a service to readers, Popular Electronics publishes available plans or information relating to newsworthy products, techniques, and scientific and techno- logical developments. Because of possible variances in the quality and condition of materials and workmanship used by readers, Popular Electronics dis- claims any responsibility for the safe and proper functioning of reader -built projects based uponor from plans or information published in this magazine. 1 AmericanRadioHistory.Com O C T O B E R 1 9 9 6 Popular Electronics P R O D U C T R E V I E W S Larry Steckler, EHF, CET, editor -in -chief and publisher 8 Hands -On Report EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Dan Karagiannis, managing Sycom Technologies Total Recall digital voice recorder editor Teri Scaduto, assistant editor Evelyn Rose, editorial assistant 26 Product Test Report Joseph J. Carr, K4IPV, APC Back -UPS Pro 650 uninterruptible power supply contributing editor Marc Ellis, contributing editor Jeffrey K. Holtzman, C O L U M N S contributing editor Don Jensen, contributing editor Charles D. Rakes, 12 Multimedia Watch contributing editor Exploring outer space -Marc Spiwak Marc Saxon, contributing editor Marc Spiwak, contributing editor John Yacono, contributing editor 16 Net Watch Halloween on the Web -Dan Karagiannis PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Ruby M. Yee, production director Kathy Campbell, 59 Antique Radio production assistant Looks like it's mailbag time! -Marc Ellis ART DEPARTMENT Andre Duzant, art director 61 DX Listening Russell C. Truelson, illustrator Slovak radio on the air -Don Jensen CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Jacqueline P. Cheeseboro, circulation director 63 Scanner Scene Theresa Lombardo, Entering the computer age -Marc Saxon circulation assistant Michele Torrillo, 64 Think Tank POPULAR ELECTRONICS bookstore Jose wins again -John Yacono BUSINESS AND EDITORIAL OFFICES Gernsback Publications, Inc. 500 Bi- County Blvd. 68 Circuit Circus Farmingdale, NY 11735 Op -amp applications - Charles D. Rakes 1 -516- 293 -3000 FAX:1-516- 293 -3115 President: Larry Steckler 72 Computer Bits SUBSCRIPTION Help tools -Jeff Holtzman CUSTOMER SERVICE/ ORDER ENTRY 1- 800 -827 -0383 74 Ham Radio 7:30 AM - 8:30 PM EST Advertising Sales Offices The folded dipole- Joseph J. Carr listed on page 110 Composition by Mates Graphics D E P A R T M E N T S Cover by Loewy Design Cover Illustration by John Edwards 4 Editorial 406 ABC 6 Letters AUDITED Since some of the equipment and circuit- 28 New Products ry described in POPULAR ELECTRONICS may relate to or be covered by U S. patents. 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