■ r ' X. FRIDAY, AUGUST 11. 19S0 jifRirtirglgr Eurtthtg lirralii •/ Avmfs D*iiy N*t Preua Run FotMMl u?0 ^^WtaSav Wenm FW the Mouth of July, 1856 Teduy, partly cleady under the supervision o f Mrs. Ruth cool; tkla eveutog folT'had oaelt s n * Myma Richmond and A l­ Hall at the Yam departmant. 9 ,7 2 3 low near 82. fair aad fred Hagenow wtU be married to­ To Preach Here Firm Enlarges The official opening la seheduled lEtimttg to aln aUgMIy sgaaaiw. A b o u t T o w n morrow ifl6ming at eleven a'elock for tomorrow morning. MaasbHr uf Iks Audit at S t JameVa church. • The management conBaUy In- Netver BuieMi of Onulattaua Manche$ter~^A City of VUlage Charm Dr, Chart* Johnaon, awlatant Its Salesroom v lt * ' Its many friends and ctistom- Mr. and Mra. tSeorge Green, of era to visit the new epaclous ssIm - Hutor at the Center CongreKa- PRICE FOUR CENTS Sooal church, wfll occupy the 478 Gardner atreet, are. vacation­ room. MANCHESTER. CONN„ SATURDAY. AUGUST 12. 1950 (TWELVE PAGES) ing thia week at the summer resi- Than F a ll— W) pulpit at the Covenant-Conjfrega- Retail Department at VOL. LXIX, NO. 26f Hq w i church Sunday morning. «ienee of Mra. Green’* parent* near Taunton, Maa*. Manchester Green Is RUPTURED? *n *r. Jr. and Robert KaChmann, N o v Double in Size J a r f hfr. and > f*.'ftu d y Eech- Members of Senior Girl Scout DM*t delay—MS ifes aaw aaod- Troop One who are planning to era teataree of AKRON mann ot AdhwtSrth atreet, are The retail aalesroom of the Man­ Fur Lined •MBdUir taTo montha with relative! go on the hiking trip on the Long TRUSSES fitted by exports Trail In Vermont the latter part la ]E«dmey, Vermont, and Glenn* chester Knitting Mills at Man­ Privete Rtttag roodi. of thl* month are requested to chester Green has been remodeled. F to a ,N . Y. meet at the Center church Monday Quinn's Pharmacy Forces Battle Gamely for Air Strip evenigg at seven o’clock. It has now double Ita former space and la completely alr-conditloned. Zip Coats Mrs. Jane England, who ha* The management stated today been visiting w’Uh relative* luid that, “ Regardless of how large our Milk Fed Broilers, WINE LIQUOR frieeda In town for the past nine retail business may become, we week* expect* to leave will always keep our policy of of­ Curvy Chorinas Can’t Cut Manchester's Grand Old Man Crowd Views fering the public the best In quali­ Fryers, Roasters USSR Promises home in St. Petersburg, Florida, Chapultepce Capers, Chum I’Yanks Are Confident and BEER tomorrow. ty at factory prlcea.” f Ar » Of ‘ i» In their new enlarged quarters and Capons The coat you love! The coat Midget Flyer Loa Angelea, Aug. 12.— (PI— The Y. P. F. Planning com m ltt* at the Green, the salesroom has Dreeeed, eleaaed aad avasbed that love* the seaaons! Zx- Reply to U. S. of St. Mary’s Episcopal church will the largest selection of wool Wrapped In oellnphane and held Mexico’s Pancho* and Pablos, Juana and Joaes, have had hold a meeting Monday evening at sweaters on display for men, wo­ In deep freeae for your con­ jctly right for fall and Die ill Crash / 1//7 7.7 t L their laat look at a prime U. seven o’clock In tha Parish House. men and children In this area. Now venience. No wnlrtng. Query on Ships Of Re-Taking Pohang; PACKAGE STORE at the salesroom are 20,000 first spring . then zip In the 8. axport—curvy, long-stem­ Manchester Fire OePfrtment quality aweatera Including ' odd PricBB Are Lotcer med chorus girls. James E. Vosyka Killed J'. 0--.K '.TRHT TfL 6507 Hose Company. No. 1. will hold a Dr. Rockwell H. Potter Iota, cancellatlona, and. factory warm fur lining and you’re The Mexican government drill and meeting Monday evening Ambassador Kirk Given has decided to enforce a law samples. The sportswear line has DeUvery la Maaeheater set for coldest winter days! When Wings of Small at 6:30 at the firehouse. Dr. Rockwell Harmon Potter, been Increased to Include jackets, Friday Evenlnga Pledge by Gromyko; requiring night club perform­ snow-sulta, slacks and shirts, Most exciting . our every ers to be of Mexican birth. Aircraft Collapse as Reds Menace Taegu of Hartford, will occupy the pul­ The meeting of the advisory A new Hand Knitting depart­ Slow Repayment Seen This waa disclosed today by Board of Health with the general pit at the Center Congregational ment has also been added which H. A. FRINK *lp-ln coat Is distinctively MIm Ginger Lee, who as head Speed Climbs to 200 manager and representative* of church Sunday morning. The carries many type* of moth-realst' SnlHvaa Ava. Wapplng Of Lend-Lease Loan of the Ginger Lee Agency, an­ ■1h------ styled for fashlon-smartnes*. the Board of Education to discum service will begirt A t 9:15. ant yams and accessories. Special Tel. Man. 7168 A f t * « r.' M. nually contracts for hundreds Detroit, Aug 12- iCi Twelve Enriny Rolls Up Huge the advisability of securing a full Dr. Potter has preached In Man­ knitting Instruction la given free of variety and vaudeville acta thousand *pcctator* at the Inter­ Waahlngton, Aug. 12 — OF) — I'owpr Along Naktong time health officer for the town chester many times and la very with south of the border caba­ national Air Fair saw a handsome Propaganda Failure well liked here. He is one of the Bueeia h * promiaed a raply to a U to be held Tuesday at 5 pm. ret*. young pilot die when his midget RIvrr; Seize* Impor­ Instead of tonight. most popular preacher* In this new demand from the United part of the state and hla aervlce* B to t* for aettlement of Moscow’* plane crashed yesterday. tant Briflgeheatl Near Dark-haired. 21-y*ar-old James Dangerous to Eisler Anyone desiring to attend the are In great demand. tong overdue lend-leaae account. E. Vosyka of Oak Park, III., waa A former dean of the Hartford Siiiain; 1st Cavalry Italian supper being put on by ALL Andrei Gromyko; Soviet deputy pulled lifeless from the wreckage Seml’iary Foundation, Dr. Potter B ow les H ints the Andover Lake Association to­ foreign mlnlater, gave the pledge of hla tiny craft, the “ Ace of Dia­ Fights Off Attack at WATKINS morrow evening at 6:.’10 Is request-: Is president of the Connecticut In Moecow this week to American monds," while other midget planes Chief Tall Tale Teller of Council of Churches, pa.stor emeri­ aSOTHBRS. IKC ed to make reservations by this Ambassador Alan Kirk. raced on overhead. Malik Finishes Bayonet Point; 10 En­ evening by phoning Coventry tus ana honorary minister of Cen­ Summer Dresses Officials her* ga .vt no Indication Session Call East Germany Flops Cl Both wing* of the plane collaps­ emy Tanks Destroyed fu n er a l 7888. ter lurch of Hartford. He re- Colors:* Grey. aa to when the Russian reply may 1^' cflv*o his B.A. at Union Cuilcge. ed as Vosyka flew her at 200 mllei On Fire-Bomb Story SERVICE be expected. It w u generally an­ an hour In the third heat of the Seeoitd Week hts B.D. at Chicago Theological green, wine. ticipated that Soviet officials For Housing 'Fo Cap Other Fizzles By The Associated Press Seminary and his D.D. at - Union $10,000 continental Trophy race. REDUCED would be alow to make any ac­ Just before the race togan, a Onntnd J.We*t College in 1907. From 192.5 to % ^v-\ taupe. ' A small American aiul South Kore­ ceptable offer for clearing the newspaper photographer caught D ir e c t o r Spaghetti 1940 he served as president of the Berlin, Aug. 12—(A’)—Gerhart Beratinji; U. S. an forces today clung dogged­ books of the nearly $11,000,000,000 Governor Offers Special a three-year-ola spectator, Joan American Board of Comnflsslon- deposit will hold Elsler’a year aa propaganda chief and Meat Ball American claim. Renegar of suburban Berkley — 1 ly to the vital airstrip of Po- ers for Foreign Missions. Cottons—V oiles—Crepes coat for you. Meeting of Legislature planting a good luck klsa on Voay- of the Communist East German SUPPER Hop# To Locate Ships Spppcli Answer lo Aiis- hang, Red held east coast Sizes 12 to 2fl, 9 to 15 However, there waa some hope If G. O. P. Is Truly In­ ka's smiling face. governnwnt haa been marked by port, as North Korcaps rolled that th* reply will provide definite Her pilot failed to return. a aeries of failures—a dangerous lin'fi Cliurge <»f Soviet With All The Fixln« The heat waa won by Keith Sor- up po.ssibly 60,000 men for Information of the whereabouts of terested in Program trend for any official under a'Red At 100 amall naval craft whose re­ Responsihility in War; an onslaught on Taegu on the Regular $5.98 Values (Oontlnued oa Page Four) govlfiment. r flaming 50-mile central FOR SALE turn the United States haa been Hartford, Aug. 12—<4>)—Govsr- Reds Get I.Jist Word THE RED BARN N o U demanding ' for the paat three Tile latest failure came this front. American reinforce- $3.98 nor Chester Bowles haa hinted that Tko Sign of • Andover I.,ak« year*. week—sn about face by the East menta were rushed to the Taegu WEST SIDE State and Defense department of­ If, aa he put it, Republicans are German government on an alleged Lake Sucers*.
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