Published by United Farm Workers January 1986 Volume 3, Number 1 BOYCOTT EDITORIAL FOOD AND JUSTICE January 1986 Magazine of the United Farm Workers 01 Ameflca, AFL"CIO La Paz, Keene, CA 93570 Boycott Hopes Soar in Canada ®~ll During his grueling 28-day, 17­ Chavez met with Toronto Mayor National Executive Board: city, 4,000 mile coast-to-coast boy­ Art Eggleton and the city council. The President" cott tour of Canada, Cesar Chavez council passed a unanimous resolu­ Cesal Chavez Secretary~Treasurer: didn't suffer from jet lag. The entire tion in support of the grape boycott Peter Velasco trip was made i'n a used '79 Olds 88. and Mayor Eggleton proclaimed Octo­ First Vice-President; Dolores Huerta But while Chavez kept his feet on ber 8 "Grape Boycott Day." "I urge all Second Vice-President the ground, hopes for success of the Torontonians not to buy grapes until Frank Ortiz Third Vice-President new international boycott of non­ legal protections are restored to Cali­ David Martinez UFW fresh grapes were flying high. fornia farm workers," the Mayor said. Members: Arturo Rodnguez In Toronto, Chavez watched res­ Thanking the council for its en­ Arturo Mendoza pectfully as the Canadian flag -- a red dorsement, Chavez said cLjtting off Oscar Mondragon maple leaf brilliant against a white California grape sales in Toronto was Sen Maddock background -- was slowly raised to important: "Toronto is the third-largest Editorial Board the top of the flagpole over City Hall market for fresh grapes in North Cesar Chavez, EdItor David Martinez, Associate Editor on October 8. America. You consume grapes at a Frank: Ortiz But the Canadian flag fluttered in rate far out of proportion to your Recent boycott tours of Texas and Canada Arturo Rodriguez the breeze for only a few moments almost three million population." (reported in this issue) provide heartwarming Arturo Mendoza Oscar Mondragon before it was slowly lowered. Then Chavez also noted that Canadians testimony to the mounting support people every­ Sen Maddock Chavez watched with pride as another buy 15 percent of the fresh grapes where are providing our new boycott of California Roberto de la Cruz Barbara Macri flag took the maple leafs place over produced in California and that fresh grapes.* Writer; Toronto for the rest of the day -- the Toronto, Vancouver a.nd Montreal are Texans and Canadians responded by the Fr. Ken Irrgang black eagle emblem of the United three of the 10 largest markets in the thousands enthusiastically to our boycott mes­ Photographer: Victor Aleman Farm Workers of America. world for west coast produce. "You sage. We also attracted extensive press coverage Production Director: for the grape boycott in every city and town we Paul Chavez visited. The threats posed to farm workers and consumers by the pesticide poisoning of grapes was a special source of interest and concern. Food and Justice (ISSN 0885-0704) is published People are shocked to learn that farm wor­ monthly for $5 per year by kers are being just as badly abused today as they the United Farm Workers of America, AFL·CIO, Old were before California's farm labor law was passed Highway 58, La Paz, Califor· in 1975. They are angered to learn how law-and­ nia 93570. Application to mall at second·class post· order Gov. George Deukmejian refuses to enforce age rates is pending at the law enacted 10 years ago to protect farm Keene, California. POSTMASTER: Send address workers. changes to: There are other signs the boycott is working. Food and Justice Grape prices are down to 39¢ a pound...and even La Paz, CA 93570. lower in some areas. Cold storage facilities are crammed with unsold grapes. One grape producer recently told a member of the UFW's executive board: "We were positive you guys could never pull off another successful boycott. But we're hurting already." Y Fifteen Members ofParliament from the three majorpoliticalparties pledgedsupport for grape boycott in the House of Commons in Ottawa, the capital of Canada. 4except the 3% of grapes produced under UFW contract 2 3 use "Merci beaucoups!" The Quebec came from making the long and Federation of Labor, the Montreal arduous trip across Canada by car -­ Central Labor Council, the Loyola staying in people's homes and visiting Jesuit Community, the MontrearCiti­ with them in restaurants, gas stations, zens Movement, the United Food and and drug stores. He took note of the Commercial Workers, the Teachers special concern the Canadian people Union, the Confederation of National and government have for the suffering Trade Unions, the Social Justice Com­ and oppressed outside the nation's mittee of the Archdiocese of Montreal, borders. "We farm workers, certainly, and other groups and individuals all but the down and out in other coun­ expressed support for the boycott. tries, too, are grateful there are such people as Canadians -- you give us Canadians expressing support for the grape boycott. The People hope:' he said. Arturo Rodriguez, a UFW national The month-long journey covered can see why your help was so impor­ Columbia, farm workers risk their lives executive board member who accom­ large and small cities in nearly all of tant in our previous boycott victories by working with toxic pesticides:' panied Chavez on the trip, said the the 10 provinces of the second-largest and why we have come back to ask he said. friendliness and hospitality shown in country in the world. you to help us again," he said. Vancouver were impressive but not Chavez stopped to promote the Parliament unique. "Everywhere we went:' he boycott in the provinces of British Vancouver In Ottawa, the nation's capital, said, "people made their resources Columbia (Vancouver); Alberta (over Chavez' extended tour of Canada the boycott produced a rare display of available to us and threw open their the Rockies to Edmonton, Red Deer, got off to an impressive start in Van­ unity when 15 Membe s of Parliament homes to us." and Calgary); Saskatchewan (Saska­ couver, where leaders of major labor representing the three major Canadian In a speech in London, Ontario, toon and Regina); Manitoba (Winni­ organizations pledged substantial sup­ political parties -- Liberal, Conserva­ Chavez also spoke of the rewards that peg); Ontario (Thunder Bay, Sault Ste. port. Dennis McDermott, president of tive, and New Democrats -- appeared the Canadian Labour Congress which with Chavez at a Parliament Hill press has championed the farm workers' conference and signed a huge pledge cause for almost 20 years, provided card supporting the boycott. staff and resource support for Chavez' The same day, Rod Murphy, Canadian tour. In addition, McDermott Member of Parliament from Churchill, agreed to Chavez' request to spearhead addressed the House of Commons: "I a fact-finding group which will travel hope all Members of this House will to California and investigate abuses take the lead in encouraging Canadians against farm workers by growers and to support this cause" on behalf of the Deukmejian administration. California grape workers who "con­ Art Kube, president of the British tinue to be fired, coerced and abused Columbia Federation of Labour, ex­ by the corporate grape growers." Even though Chavez himself could pressed solid support for California Art Kube, president of the British Columbia farm workers: "Your struggle has barely manage a heavily accented Federation ofLabour (second from left, back always been our struggle and we will Mexican American "Bon joursl" in pre­ row), and Raj Chouhan, president of the stand with you now as we have since dominantly French-speaking Quebec, Canadian Farm Workers Union (second from the earliest days of 'Ia causa.' " friends and supporters translated the left, front row), and other labor leaders wel­ comed Chavez and UFW National Executive Raj Chouhan, president of the boycott message throughout Montreal Board Member Arturo Rodriguez (extreme Canadian Farm Workers Union, pro­ and the rest of the province: "Boy­ left, front row) to Vancouver. mised to join the UFW in its war on cottons des raisins de table de la pesticides, which is also a problem in Californie!" Toronto Mayor Art Eggleton (with handraised Canada. "From the grape fields of Montreal residents provided many at podium) and City Council members vote Delano to the apple orchards of British opportunities for Chavez to learn and to endorse the UFW grape boycott. 4 5 TESTIMONIAL Marie, Sudbury, London, Hamilton, In addition to innumerable individual endorse­ Toronto, and Ottawa); Quebec (Mon­ ments, the following Canadian orgilnizations Canadians Speak Out on the Boycott treal); and Nova Scotia (Halifax). endorsed the boycott: Alberta Provincial Council of Solidarity SaFldwiched between Toronto and Canadian Farm Workers Union Ottawa was a two-day side-trip to Canadian Labour Congress Sam Saumur. London, Ontario: Chicago, where Chavez met with Canadian Union of Public Employees I was in California a couple times and saw the Confederation of National Trade Unions injustices grape workers endure. We have to Mayor Harold Washington. Wash­ District Labour Councils of Calgary, Edmonton, fight against injustice wherever it's found. ington presented him with the key to Halifax, Hamilton, London, Montreal, Ottawa, the city, praised the UFW leader for Red Deer, Regina, Saskatoon, Sault Ste. Marie, publicizing the dangers of pesticide Sudbury, Thunder 'Bay, Toronto, Vancouver, Mayor Art Eggleton, Toronto: Winnipeg The farm workers cause is absolutely just. We poisoning to farm workers and con­ Federations of Labour of Alberta, British Columbia, boycotted for them before to improve their sumers, and pledged support for the Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, conditions and we will do it now or any time grape boycott.Y Saskatchewan in the future when they need our help. Hamilton Mayor Bob Morrow and City Council Manitoba New Democratic Party Sam Saumur Mayor Art Eggleton Members of Parliament: Charles Caccia, Mike Beth Seeman, Winnipeg: Cassidy, Simon de Jong, Suzanne Duplessis, Working people have to stick together.
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