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Wilford Brimley, ‘Cocoon’ and ‘Natural’ actor, dies 4019 Special Notices 4019 Special Notices 4019 Special Notices 4019 Special Notices The Associated Press main great thing from the LOS ANGELES — Wilford film. I was overjoyed mak- Brimley, who worked his ing those scenes and espe- way up from movie stunt cially working with Wilford rider to an indelible charac- Brimley.” STATEWIDECLASSIFIEDS ter actor who brought gruff A Utah native who grew charm, and sometimes men- up around horses, Brimley Call Neil McConnell at 1-800-569-8762 to place your ad here! ace, to a range of films that spent two decades travel- included “Cocoon,” “The ing around the West and EDUCATION/TRAINING MISCELLANEOUS DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK Natural” and “The Firm,” working at ranches and race OR BOAT to Heritage for the has died. He was 85. tracks. He drifted into movie blind. Free 3 day vacation, Brimley’s manager Lynda work during the 1960s, rid- tax deductible, free towing, All Bensky said the actor died ing in such films as “True ,SLJ[YPM`PUN 3H^U5LLK paperwork taken care of. Call Grit,” and appearing in TV SWEET 1-866-587-0119 Saturday morning in a Utah :LY]PJLZ :VTL*HYL& hospital. He was on dialysis series such as “Gunsmoke." >OL[OLYP[»ZHKKPUN #HECKOUTTODAYS and had several medical ail- He forged a friendship V\[SL[ZVY^PYPUNHUL^ "USINESS$IRECTORY Arkansas’ only 100% CORN WATER DAMAGE HKKP[PVU`V\TPNO[Q\Z[ LISTINGSFORLAWNSERVICE ments, she said. with Robert Duvall, who BUSINESSESINYOURAREA online university. The mustached Brimley encouraged him to seek ÄUK[OLOLSW`V\ULLKPU #HECKITOUT to your home? [OPZ)\ZPULZZ+PYLJ[VY` READY was a familiar face for a num- more prominent acting ber of roles, often playing roles, according to a biog- No book costs. NOW! Let us do a fast professional characters like his grizzled raphy prepared by Turner cleanup & maintain the value of baseball manager in “The Classic Movies. No fees. Esau Farms your home! We will work with your Natural” opposite Robert Brimley, who never 870-382-5738 insurance company. Call now! Redford's bad-luck phenom- trained as an actor, saw his career take off after he won EsauSweetCorn.com 855-401-5267 enon. He also worked with Free application. Redford in “Brubaker” and an important role as a nucle- “The Electric Horseman.” ar power plant engineer in Stay in your home longer with an American Standard Walk-In Brimley's best-known “The China Syndrome.” Bathtub. Receive up to $1,500 work was in “Cocoon,” in “Training? I’ve never been Learn more at: off, including a free toilet, and which he was part of a group to acting classes, but I’ve FOR RECRUITMENT a lifetime warranty on the tub of seniors who discover an had 50 years of training,” eversity.edu/builtforyou and installation! Call us at 1-844-280-4161 or visit www. alien pod that rejuvenates he said in a 1984 Associated CDL Flatbed Drivers walkintubquote.com/arkansas them. The 1985 Ron Howard Press interview. “My years FINANCIAL film won two Oscars, includ- as an extra were good 6+23285 NEEDED Become a Published Author ing a supporting actor honor background for learning Over $10K in debt? Be debt REGIONAL -North Little Rock Location for Don Ameche. about camera techniques free in 24-48 months. Pay a Great pay, Earn $50K-$65K/year. We want to read your book! Brimley also starred in and so forth. I was lucky &/$66,),('6 fraction of what you owe. A+ $600 Sign-on Bonus Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by authors “Cocoon: The Return,” a to have had that experi- BBB rated. Call National Debt since 1920 book manuscript submissions 1988 sequel. ence; a lot of newcomers Relief 866-916-4956. Late-model trucks. currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, For years he was pitch- don’t." 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Be prepared for (03/2<0(17 power outages. FREE 7-year a man you could trust,” Brimley had a recurring Need IRS Relief $10K - $125K+ SERVICES extended warranty ($695 value!) Bensky said in a statement. role as a blacksmith on “The Get Fresh Start or Forgiveness Schedule your FREE in-home “He said what he meant and Waltons” and the 1980s 5($/(67$7( Call 1-844-431-4716 Monday DISH Network $59.99 For 190 assessment today. Call 1-877- he meant what he said. He prime-time series “Our through Friday 7AM-5PM PST Channels! Add High Speed 319-0598 Special fi nancing for Internet for ONLY $14.95/month. qualifi ed customers. had a tough exterior and a House.” SAVE BIG on HOME Best Technology. Best Value. tender heart. I’m sad that I Another side of the actor $872027,9( INSURANCE! Compare 20 Smart HD DVR Included. FREE AT&T Unlimited Talk and Text. will no longer get to hear my was his love of jazz. As a Installation. Some restrictions A-rated insurances companies. Get a new device every year friend’s wonderful stories. vocalist, he made albums apply. Call 1-855-374-9776 Get a quote within minutes. with AT&T NEXT! Call us today He was one of a kind.” including “This Time 3(76 Average savings of $444/year! 1-855-524-1405 Barbara Hershey, who met the Dream’s On Me” and Call 844-463-4011! (M-F 8am- NEW AUTHORS WANTED! Brimley on 1995 s “Last of “Wilford Brimley with the 8pm Central) Page Publishing will help you the Dogmen,” called him “a Jeff Hamilton Trio.” HEALTH & MEDICAL self-publish your own book. COMPUTER /,9(672&. ISSUES? wonderful man and actor. ... In 1998, he opposed an FREE author submission kit! He always made me laugh.” Arizona referendum to ban HEARING AIDS!! Buy one/ Limited offer! Why wait? Call get one FREE! 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Your donation b|_1oromƓƑƔƑƑ tor who deployed ruthless drawn out pronunciation of helps education, prevention & !;v|ub1ঞomv-rrѴĺ tactics to keep his law firm’s diabetes as “diabeetus.” He you! Our network has recovered support programs. FAST FREE millions for clients! Call today for PICKUP - 24 HR RESPONSE secrets safe. owned the pronunciation in (%52$'67 a FREE consultation! 877-330- - TAX DEDUCTION 877-831- 844-260-6728 John Woo, who directed a tweet that drew hundreds 2856 2770 Brimley as Uncle Douvee of thousands of likes earlier 7(;$5.$1$$5 Week of July 27, 2020 S in 1993’s “Hard Target,” told this year. :::7(;$5.$1$*$=(77(&20 The Hollywood Reporter in Brimley is survived by his 2018 that the part was “the wife Beverly and three sons..
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