Women To Elect Council Chai rmen On Second Ballot Election of the chairmen of the Honor and Judicial committees of WSCGA will take place tomorrow from 4 to 6 p. m. in the women's dormitories. At a meeting of the WSCGA last VOL. XXXVI No. 21 COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY, WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA MARCH 18, 1947 evening, Mary Louise McNabb, Barbara Simons and Pat Snyder were nominated from the floor for chairman of the Honor committee. Macy Diggs, Nora Spann and Helen Thomson were nominated Johnny Long To Plav For Ji ii for chairman of the Judicial com­ ay ror June ua mittee. ' The slate for this week's elec­ tion includes the offices of secre­ tary of the Executive council, sec­ Week End Will Feature retary of the Judicial committee, junior member of the Judicial committee, and sophomore member Dances At Matoaka Site of the Honor committee. Two women were nominated for each Johnny Long and his orchestra will play for two dances and an office by the Senior Nominating afternoon cdpicert during the week end of Finals, June 6 and 7, committee. Additional nomina­ according to the announcement by Bren Macken, chief President's tions, were made from the floor. Aide. Slate Prepared Macken stated that both dances are scheduled to be held in the Jane Coleman and Jane Oblen- der were nominated by the Senior amphitheatre now under construction in Matoaka Park. He declared Nominating committee for secre­ that, in spite of bad weather, considerable progress has been made tary of the Executive council. in the grading and construction Jackie Freer »and Marilyn Graves of the project, and that the lighting were nominated from the floor. contractor has assured the comple­ Nominated for secretary of the Theatre To Give tion of lighting installation not Judicial committee are Alice Bax- later than June 1. ley and Jean Canoles. Vilma Bar- Macken revealed that a possible gerstock and Ruth Volkert were 'Joan Of L orraine delay in preparation of lighting nominated from the floor. Joan of Lorraine by Maxwell facilities Had been regarded as the Jody Felix and Lou Hostetter are Anderson, next play of the William most serious threat to completion running for the office of junior and Mary Theatre season, will be of the project before June Finals. member of the Judicial committee. given on Apr. 30 and May 1. <The In case of rain, he pointed out, the Marilyn Allenbaugh .and Eva play has just been released from dances will be held in Blow Kafka were nominated from the Broadway where Ingrid Bergman gymnasium. floor. Nominees for sophomore has been starring in the title role. Friday Dance Formal member of the Honor committee The play depicts /a rehearsal on Friday night's dance will be held are Barbara Campbell and Jeanne a bare stage with the players pro­ from 9 p. m. until 2 a. m. Macken Payne. Nancy Black and Connie ducing the story of Joan of Arc's disclosed,while the Saturday night Caraart were nominated from the visions and her aid in saving dance will last from 9 p. m. until floor. France. The story debates the 12 midnight. The Friday night Students will vote in their re­ question of the necessity and yet dance will be formal and that of spective dormitories. Women liv­ Saturday night, informal. The EMSS the difficulty in believing in any­ ing in sorority court will vote in thing. Saturday afternoon concert, open to the public, will be held in front Jefferson hall. Miss Althea Hunt, director, an­ Committee Appointed JOHNNY LONG of the Wren building, from 4:30 nounced that tryouts have been until 5:30 p. m. Acting on a motion made by held since last Fridlay. Lorabeth Moore, Pat- Jones, presi­ ., J.otta of .Lorraine is the fourth Ticket prices and advance ticket dent of the Executive council, ap­ sales dates will be announced later, pointed a committee to investigate and final play of the William and Students Offered Chance Mary Theatre season. The three Macken stated. The President's the possibilities of liberalizing the Aides, sponsors of the Homecoming current rules governing riding in other plays presented this year were Arsenic and Old Lace, Arms and Mid-Winter dances, will also cars. Lorabeth is acting as chair­ sponsor the June Finals dances. man of the committee. Other For Chest X-Ray Survey and the Man and Comedy of Errors. Macken pointed out, however, that members are Laurie Pritchard, B. As part of a nationwide move­ served, whether tubercular in nat­ the college is underwriting ' the J. Taylor, Ginna Lewis, and the in­ ment to wipe out tuberculosis, first ure or not, the person in question dances, and is contributing approx­ coming chairman of the Judicial major cause of death in the age will be advised confidentially in Dr. Raphael Demos imately $300 for the Saturday icommittee. the matter. afternoon concert, for which no group 15 to 24, an opportunity will admission fee will be charged. Laurie Pritchard proposed an be offered all students at the col- •amendment to the WSCGA con­ 100 Per Hour To Speak Thursday Macken disclosed that Mid-Winter leg to have their chests x-rayed stitution whereby the chairmen of Facilities have been developed Dr. Raphael Demos, called "one dance yielded a profit of approxi­ the Judicial and Honor commit­ free of charge next Monday and for taking x-rays at a rate of 100 of the most interesting and popu­ mately $172, which will be added tees would be chosen by their re­ Tuesday, Mar. 24 and 25, at Mat­ per hour. In order to avail them­ lar lecturers at Harvard," will pre­ to the funds available for June spective committees from among thew Whaley high school. ' selves of this service, students can sent his talk on "Plato and De­ Finals. their senior members. Thejnotion According to literature received, report to Matthew Whaley at any mocracy" Thursday, Mar. 20, at Famous Recordings was tabled until the next meeting. the x-ray films will be developed of the following times during the 8 p. m. in Phi Beta Kappa hall. Johnny Long ig associated by Pat announced that the bowling and interpreted by a chest specia­ two-day period: 10:30 a. m. to 12 Dr. Demos will address the many local record collectors with -alley is now within bounds. list and if any abnormality is ob- noon; 1-5 p. m.; 6-9 p. m. Philosophy club and Eta Sigma Phi his revival of the old favorite, on Friday night. See FINAL DANCES, Page 3 The XKray survey is being spon­ sored by the James City County Federalists To Sponsor Broadcast, Tuberculosis association, and their offer to examine all students at the college is part of a current Duke Denies Fire Hazard Conditions Forum For Williamsburg Citizens country-wide program. United World Federalists will of outlining the proposal for an According to Miss Grace J. Stated In Marshal's Letter To Council sponsor a town meeting and a adult chapter of the group in Wil­ Blank, college bacteriologist. Wil­ xadio broadcast in Phi Beta Kappa "Rotten" fire hazard conditions dition has now been corrected, ac- liamsburg and stimulating interest liam and Mary has been requested in Phi Beta Kappa hall were de cording to his understanding. hall on Friday, Mar. 21, at 7:45 in the student body in the prin­ to require participation of all din- p. m. nied by Charles J. Duke, bursar, The hazardous situation of the ciples of world federal govern­ ing-hall personnel. "Since the Monday. Dr. Dudley W. Woodbridge, pro­ basement of the building filled ment. Kahn urged students as x-ray may also reveal other chest with old scenery and materials of fessor of jurisprudence, is serving well as citizens to attend the Mr. Duke declared that he had conditions, it would be well worth received the official report from the Theatre was noted by Mr. as chairman of the event. Speakers meeting. while for every student to avail at the broadcast will be R. Mayne the State fire marshal's office Duke. The College will act on the John Helfrich, a member of the himself of this opportunity," Miss Monday morning and that no recommendations of the commit­ Albright, national chairman of the college chapter, addressed a com­ Blank added. United World Federalists, and Rob­ "excited" language had been used tee appointed to decide what needs mittee representing all of Wil­ in the report. A committee con­ to be done. ert L. Humber, author of the liamsburg's civic, religious and According to National Tubercu­ Humber resolution advocating fed­ losis association literature, tuber­ sisting of Charles Major, college professional organizations on Mar. architect, Henry Keyser, in charge eral government, which has been 12, stating the proposal for the culosis can be cured, but an x-ray passed by 14 states including is the only means of detecting it of college grounds, and Thomas' E. Heatwole Heads Drive United World Federalists chapter Thorne, head of the fine arts de­ Virginia. in Williamsburg. Eunice Hall is before it has advanced to a dan­ gerous stage. This campaign has partment, was appointed by Mr. To SpareThe Campus" Meeting For Citizens the chairman of the coordinated Duke to investigate the conditions town committee. As a result of been designed to stop the disease The town meeting, which will reported by the fire marshal. Harry Stinson, president of ODK, •"follow the broadcast, will primary the meeting, the town meeting in its early stages. was proposed. senior men's honorary society, has ily be. an open forum for the A story in the Newport News announced that the society is spon­ -townspeople.
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