Level 00 Level 01 Level 02 Level 03 Level 04 Level 05 Level 06 Level 07 Level 08 Level 09 Level 10 Level 11 Level 12 Level 13 NP::neural plate F::forebrain SP::secondary prosencephalon RSP::rostral secondary prosencephalon POTel::preoptic (impar) telencephalon (preoptic area) POR::preoptic roof plate RSCom::rostral septocommissural area RSComv::ventricular zone of RSCom ACBed::anterior commissure bed RSComm::mantle zone of RSCom MnPOC::median preoptic nucleus, commissural part POA::preoptic alar plate PO::preoptic area LTer::lamina terminalis area LTerv::ventricular zone of LTer LTerm::mantle zone of LTer LTerp::periventricular stratum of the LTer VOLT::vascular organ of the lamina terminalis LTeri::intermediate stratum of the LTer MnPOI::median preoptic nucleus, intermediate part LTers::superficial stratum of the LTer MnPOS::median preoptic nucleus, superficial part PO1::first (dorsal) preoptic domain PO1v::ventricular zone of PO1 PO1m::mantle zone of PO1 PO1p::periventricular stratum of PO1 AVPe::anteroventral periventricular preoptic nucleus RSPO::rostral septopreoptic nucleus PO1i::intermediate stratum of PO1 DMPAi::dorsomedial preoptic area, intermediate part AlPO::alar preoptic nucleus PO1s::superficial stratum of PO1 DMPAs::dorsomedial preoptic area, superficial part PO2::second (ventral) preoptic domain PO2v::ventricular zone of PO2 PO2m::mantle zone of PO2 PO2p::periventricular stratum of PO2 MPOPe::medial preoptic periventricular stratum MPO::medial preoptic nucleus MPOL::lateral part of MPO MPOM::medial part of MPO MPOC::central part of MPO PO2i::intermediate stratum of PO2 LPO::lateral preoptic nucleus PO2s::superficial stratum of PO2 VLPO::ventrolateral preoptic nucleus POH::preopto-hypothalamic band POHv::ventricular zone of POH POHm::mantle zone of POH POHp::periventricular stratum of POH VMPO::ventromedial preoptic nucleus POHi::intermediate stratum of POH POHA::preopto-hypothalamic area POHs::superficial stratum of POH ESO::episupraoptic nucleus VLH::ventrolateral hypothalamic nucleus PPHy::prepeduncular (rostral) hypothalamus PPHyA::alar part of prepeduncular hypothalamus RPaA::rostral paraventricular area of PPHyA RPaAv::ventricular zone of RPaA RPaAm::mantle zone of RPaA RPaAp::periventricular stratum of RPaA RPa::rostral paraventricular nucleus RPaAi::intermediate stratum of RPaA LA::lateroanterior hypothalamic nucleus RPaAs::superficial stratum of RPaA RSO::rostral supraoptic nucleus ASO::accessory supraoptic nucleus ES::eye vesicle, stalk/nerve EPg::eye vesicle, pigmented retina EN::eye vesicle, neural retina ENv::ventricular zone of neural retina ENm::mantle zone of neural retina ENp::periventricular stratum of the retina ON::outer nuclear layer OPL::outer plexiform layer ENi::inner nuclear stratum of the retina Hor::horizontal cell layer Bi::bipolar cell layer Mu::Muller cell layer Acr::amacrine cell layer IPL::inner plexiform layer ENs::superficial stratum of the retina GCL::ganglion cell layer GC::ganglion cells IAcr::inverted amacrine cells OF::optic fiber layer RSPa::rostral subparaventricular area of PPHyA RSPav::ventricular zone of RSPa RSPam::mantle zone of RSPa RSPap::periventricular stratum of RSPa SCHp::suprachiasmatic nucleus, periventricular part RSPai::intermediate stratum of RSPa SCHi::suprachiasmatic nucleus, intermediate part AHA::anterior hypothalamic area, anterior part AHC::anterior hypothalamic area, compact part RSPas::superficial stratum of RSPa TC::tuber cinereum area PPHyB::basal part of prepeduncular hypothalamus RHyB-D::dorsal part of RHyB RHyB-Dv::ventricular zone of RHyB-D RHyB-Dm::mantle zone of RHyB-D RHyB-Dp::periventricular stratum of RHyB-D ABasp::periventricular part of the anterobasal nucleus RHyB-Di::intermediate stratum of RHyB-D ABasi::intermediate part of the anterobasal nucleus RHyB-Ds::superficial stratum of RHyB-D ABass::superficial part of the anterobasal nucleus RHyB-I::intermediate part of RFB RHyB-Iv::ventricular zone of RHyB-I RHyB-Im::mantle zone of RHyB-I RHyB-Ip::periventricular stratum of RHyB-I VMHp::periventricular part of VMH RHyB-Ii::intermediate stratum of RHyB-I VMH::ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, main part RHyB-Is::superficial stratum of RHyB-I TuLH::tuberal lateral hypothalamic area RHyB-V::ventral part of RHyB RHyB-Vv::ventricular zone of RHyB-V RHyB-Vm::mantle zone of RHyB-V RHyB-Vp::periventricular stratum of RHyB-V Arcp::periventricular part of the arcuate nucleus RHyB-Vi::intermediate stratum of RHyB-V Arci::intermediate part of the arcuate nucleus RHyB-Vs::superficial stratum of RHyB-V Arcs::superficial part of the arcuate nucleus RHyB-P::perimammillary part of RHyB RHyB-Pv::ventricular zone of RHyB-P PeMVO::perimammillary circumventricular organ Level 00 Level 01 Level 02 Level 03 Level 04 Level 05 Level 06 Level 07 Level 08 Level 09 Level 10 Level 11 Level 12 Level 13 RHyB-Pm::mantle zone of RHyB-P RHyB-Pp::periventricular stratum of RHyB-P TMp::tuberomammillary nucleus, periventricular part RHyB-Pi::intermediate stratum of RHyB-P RPeM::rostral perimammillary nucleus TMi::tuberomammillary nucleus, intermediate part RHyB-Ps::superficial stratum of RHyB-P TMs::tuberomammillary nucleus, superficial part RHyB-M::mammillary part of RHyB RHyB-Mv::ventricular zone of RHyB-M RHyB-Mm::mantle zone of RHyB-M RHyB-Mp::periventricular stratum of RHyB-M MMn::median mammillary nucleus RHyB-Mi::intermediate stratum of RHyB-M MM::medial mammillary nucleus RHyB-Ms::superficial stratum of RHyB-M TMc::tuberomammillary nucleus, caudal part PPHyF::floor of prepeduncular hypothalamus TubF::tuberal floor ME::median eminence Inf::infundibulum NHy::neurohypophysis MamF::mammillary floor CSP::caudal secondary prosencephalon Tel::telencephalic vesicle TelR::roof plate of evaginated telencephalic vesicle CSCom::caudal septocommissural area CSComv::ventricular zone of CSCom SFOe::subfornical organ, circumventricular ependymal specialization CSC0mm::mantle zone of CSCom CSComp::periventricular stratum of CSCom SFOp::subfornical organ, periventricular (neuronal) portion CSComi::intermediate stratum of CSCom TrSe::triangular septal nucleus CSComs::superficial stratum of CSCom TCh::telencephalic choroidal tissue TelA::alar plate of evaginated telencephalic vesicle SPall::subpallium SeSPall::subpallial septum DgSe::diagonal part of septum DgSev::ventricular zone of DgSe DgSem::mantle zone of DgSe DgSep::periventricular stratum of DgSe LSV::lateral septal nucleus, ventral part DgSei::intermediate stratum of DgSe LSIV::lateral septal nucleus, intermedio-ventral part SHy::septohypothalamic nucleus DgSes::superficial stratum of DgSe VDB::vertical nucleus of the diagonal band PalSe::pallidal septum PalSev::ventricular zone of PalSe PalSem::mantle zone of PalSe PalSep::periventricular stratum of PalSe LSIp::lateral septal nucleus, intermediate part, periventricular PalSei::intermediate stratum of PalSe LSII::lateral septal nucleus, intermedio-intermediate part Ld::lambdoid septal zone PalSes::superficial stratum of PalSe MS::medial septal nucleus StrSe::striatal septum StrSev::ventricular zone of StrSe StrSem::mantle zone of StrSe StrSep::periventricular part of StrSe LSD::lateral septal nucleus, dorsal part StrSei::intermediate part of StrSe LSID::lateral septal nucleus, intermedio-dorsal part SFi::septofimbrial nucleus StrSes::superficial part of StrSe PaSe::paraseptal subpallium SeDg::septo-diagonal transition area SeDgv::ventricular zone of SeDg SeDgm::mantle zone of SeDg SeDgp::periventricular stratum of SeDg STMV::nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial division, ventral part STLI::nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral division, intermediate part SeDgi::intermediate stratum of SeDg SIBT::substantia innominata/basal nucleus, transitional part BAC::bed nucleus of the anterior commissure SeDgs::superficial stratum of SeDg HDBT::horizontal nucleus of the diagonal band, transitional part SePal::septopallidal transition area SePalv::ventricular zone of SePal SePalm::mantle zone of SePal SePalp::periventricular stratum of SePal STMA::nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial division, anterior part SePali::intermediate stratum of SePal SePalCo::septopallidal core nucleus SePals::superficial stratum of SePal TuSePal::septopallidal part of the olfactory tuberculum ICjM::island of Calleja major SeStr::septostriatal transition area SeStrv::ventricular zone of SeStr SeStrm::mantle zone of SeStr SeStrp::periventricular stratum of SeStr AcbCo::accumbens nucleus, core domain SeStri::intermediate stratum of SeStr AcbSh::accumbens nucleus, shell domain SeStrs::superficial stratum of SeStr TuSeStr::septostriatal part of the olfactory tuberculum CSPall::central subpallium Dg::diagonal domain Dgv::ventricular zone of Dg Dgm::mantle zone of Dg Dgp::periventricular stratum of Dg BSTM::bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial division BSTMPM::posteromedial part of BSTM BSTMPI::posterointermediate part of BSTM BSTMPL::posterolateral part of BSTM EADg::extended amygdala, diagonal part Dgi::intermediate stratum of Dg SIB::substantia innominata/basal nucleus (main part) Dgs::superficial stratum of Dg HDB::horizontal nucleus of the diagonal band (main part) MCDB::magnocellular diagonal band nucleus Pal::pallidum Palv::ventricular zone of Pal Palm::mantle zone of Pal Palp::periventricular stratum of Pal BSTL::bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral division BSTLP::posterior part of BSTL BSTLJ::juxtacapsular part of BSTL BSTLD::dorsal part of BSTL Pali::intermediate stratum of Pal GPal::globus pallidum VPal::ventral pallidum Pals::superficial stratum of Pal TuPal::pallidal part
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