THE BELFAST GAZETTE, MARCH 27, 1942. STATUTORY NOTICE TO CREDITORS. The said deceased died on the 24th day of June, In the Goods of WILLIAM HUTCHINSON, late of 1941, and Probate of her said Will was on 17th Dromore, Descrtmartin, County Londonderry, October, 1941, granted forth of the Principal Farmer, deceased. Registry, King's Bench Division (Probate) of the NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute, High Court of Justice in Northern Irelandl to that all creditors of or claimants against the estate Michael McCoy, of Tullymacrieve, Mullabawn, and of the above-named deceased' who died on the 26th Bernard Macken, of Newtownhamilton, both in the day of November 1941 are hereby required to County of Armagh, Farmers, the executors and furnish (in writing) particulars of their claims or trustees named in the said Will. demands to the undersigned Solicitor for the Dated this 25th day of March, 1942. Administrators of the deceased not later than the FISHER & FISHER. Solicitors, Newry. 1st day of May 1942 after which date the assets To the Secretary, Ministry of Finance for N.I., and will be distributed having regard only to the claims all others concerned. then received. Dated this 12th day of March, 1942. R. EVAN BURNS, Solicitor for Adminis- trators, Mayfair, Arthur Square, Belfast; and Maghera. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUEST. In the Goods of DANIEL MURRAY, late of Kinnegoe, in the County of Armagh, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute STATUTORY NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 30 and 31 Vic. Cap. 54, Sec. 19, that the above- Estate of ROBERT JAMISON, late of "Birchhill," 1 named Daniel Murray, who died on the 26th day Alliance Avenue, Belfast, Retired Merchant, of June, 1941, by his last Will, dated the. 27th day deceased. of December, 1939, made the following, charitable bequest:— NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute 22 and 23 Victoria Chapter 35, that all persons " I give and bequeath all monies which I have having any claim or demand against the estate invested in Irish Free State Savings Certificates of the above deceased, who died on the 1st July, and which I estimate would now be of the value of about Eight hundred pounds to the Most 1941, are hereby required, on or before the 1st Reverend Edward Mulhern, the present Catholic May, 1942, to furnish particulars thereof (in Bishop of the Diocese of Dromorek and his succes- writing) to the undersigned Solicitors for the sors in office of Bishop of Dromore, to be held Executor, to whom Probate of deceased's Will was by him and them upon trust and to apply the income granted forth of the Principal Registry of the arising from the investment thereof in the main- King's Bench Division (Probate) of the High tenance and education of students for the Priesthood Court of Justice in Northern Ireland on the 21st for the diocese of Dromore." November, 1941. Probate of the said Will was on the 27th day of And further take notice that after the said 1st January, 1942, granted forth of the Principal May, 1942, the Executor will proceed to distribute Registry of the King's Bench Division (Probate), the assets of the deceased having regard only to of the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, the claims then received. to Peter Murray, of Clanrolla, Teacher, and John Dated this 20th day of March, 1942. Gallery, of Lurgan, Solicitor, both in the County of Armagh, the Executors in said Will named. •CLEAVER & FULTON, Solicitors for the Executor, 62 Wellington Place, Belfast. Dated this 20th day of March, 1942. JOSEPH P. McCONVILLE, Solicitor for the Executors, 17 Mayfair, Arthur Square. Belfast; and Lurgan. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. In the Goods of BRIDGET MCARDLE, late of Camlymacullagh, Newtownhamilton, County Armagh. Widow, deceased. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the provi- In the Goods of JOHN McCujRE, late of Pathfoot sions of the Charitable Donations and Bequests Act Cottage, Glynn, Larne, in the County of Antrim, (Ireland) 1867, that the. above-named deceased by Retired Master Mariner, deceased. her last Will and Testament dated the 25th da}* of May, 1937, made charitable bequests in the terms NOTICE is hereby given, in pursuance of the following:— Statute 30 and 31 Vic. Cap. 54, Sex:. 19, that the above-named deceased by his Will dated the 16th (a) " I give and bequeath my Drummill Farm day of October. 1934, after making certain specific to my Trustees to realise and the proceeds to be bequests and providing for the payment of an paidj over to Rev. Father Gogarty or his successor, Annuity to his wife as therein mentioned left at Newtownhamilton, for the purchase of a new devised and bequeathed all the rest residue and Bell for the Catholic Church I belong to, situate remainder of his Estate whatsoever nature and at Newtownhamilton, and my said Trustees are. kind and wheresoever situate in equal shares between hereby authorised to take out of moneys in Bank The Royal National Life-Boat Institution, the or Post Office, a sum sufficient to make up a sum' Smiley Cottage Hospital at Larne, and the Larne of two hundred and fifty pounds for said new Bell District Hospital, the same to be applied and- used and so far as necessary, I give and bequeath the. by the Trustees or Governing Bodies of the said entire said sum of two hundred and fifty pounds respective Institutions in whatever way they might to Rev. Father Gogarty or his successor for said think proper for the benefit thereof. object and if for any reason said bequest is. void, The said deceased died on the 25th day of October, then I bequeath said sum of Two hundred and 1941 and Probate of said Will (with one Codicil fifty pounds, to Rev. Father Gogarty or his successor thereto) was on the 30th day of January, 1942, as the case may be absolutely." granted forth of the Principal Probate Registry of (b) £100 for Masses as in said Will stated, such j the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland to Masses to be said in public by Rev. Father Gogarty John Rainey, of Thornlea, Larne, Coal Merchant, or his successor. and Charles Close, of Curran Road, Larne, Watch- And the said deceased further directed that any maker and Jeweller, both in. the County of Antrim, monies remaining over after payment of the legacies .the Executory therein named. mentioned in her said Will should be divided Dated this 18th day of March. 1942. amongst her pecuniary legatees in proportion to the MACAULAY & RITCHIE, Solicitors for legacies given to them, the legacy relating to the the Executors, 83 Royal Avenue, Belfast; New Bell to rank as a legacy of One hundred pounds, and the deceased further directed that each and Larne,. legatee should pay his or her legacy duty on legacies To the Ministry oi Finance and all others whorn^ payable under said Will. it may concern..
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