Administration of Barack Obama, 2011 / Jan. 11 marks, he referred to Rep. Gabrielle D. Gif- Loughner; Antoine de Leocour and Vincent fords, who was shot while meeting with con- Delory, French citizens kidnaped in Niger by stituents in Tucson, AZ, on January 8; Jared L. suspected terrorists on January 7 and killed Loughner, suspected gunman in the January 8 during a rescue attempt by French and Nigeri- shootings in Tucson, AZ; Daniel Hernandez, an troops; and Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, wife of Rep. Giffords’s intern; Tucson residents Patri- President Sarkozy. President Sarkozy spoke in cia Maisch, Bill Badger, Roger Salzgeber, and French, and his remarks were translated by an Joseph Zamudio, who helped subdue Mr. interpreter. Statement on the First Anniversary of the Earthquake in Haiti January 11, 2011 As we mark 1 year since the catastrophic Over the past year, countless lives have been earthquake in Haiti, we honor the memory of saved, and many Haitians affected by the the quarter of a million Haitians who were lost, earthquake now have better access to food, wa- along with more than 100 Americans, many ter, and health care than they did before the United Nations personnel, and citizens from disaster. Still, too much rubble continues to dozens of nations. We recall how Americans, clog the streets, too many people are still living civilian and military, joined with people from in tents, and for so many Haitians, progress has around the world in one of the largest humani- not come fast enough. As we have said all tarian efforts ever attempted. And we continue along, helping the poorest nation in the West- to be inspired by the Haitian people and our ern Hemisphere recover from one of the worst vibrant Haitian American community, who natural disasters ever to strike our hemisphere have faced unimaginable loss with extraordi- will take years, if not decades. nary courage and faith. So on this day, when our thoughts and Since the first moments of the disaster, the prayers are with the Haitian people, my mes- United States has helped to rally international sage is the same as it was last year: Haiti can support for Haiti’s recovery and reconstruction and must lead the way with a strong vision for and respond to new challenges, such as the its future. The international community must outbreak of cholera and Hurricane Tomas. now fulfill the pledges it has made to ensure a This global effort, led by the Haitian Govern- strong and sustained long-term effort. And as ment, continues today and has been matched they forge ahead with the hard work of re- by the tremendous compassion of the Ameri- building their proud country, the people of can people, who, in difficult economic times, Haiti will continue to have an enduring partner have given generously to help. in the United States. Letter to Congressional Leaders on Review of Title III of the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996 January 11, 2011 Dear __________: February 1, 2011, of the right to bring an action under title III of the Act is necessary to the na- Consistent with section 306(c)(2) of the Cu- tional interests of the United States and will ex- ban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIB- pedite a transition to democracy in Cuba. ERTAD) Act of 1996 (Public Law 104–114)(the Sincerely, “Act”), I hereby determine and report to the Congress that suspension, for 6 months beyond BARACK OBAMA 13 Jan. 11 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2011 NOTE: Identical letters were sent to Daniel K. man, and Norman D. Dicks, ranking member, Inouye, chairman, and W. Thad Cochran, rank- House Committee on Appropriations; and Ile- ing member, Senate Committee on Appropria- ana Ros-Lehtinen, chairman, and Howard L. tions; John F. Kerry, chairman, and Richard G. Berman, ranking member, House Committee Lugar, ranking member, Senate Committee on on Foreign Affairs. Foreign Relations; Harold D. Rogers, chair- Remarks at a Memorial Service for Victims of the Shootings in Tucson, Arizona January 12, 2011 Thank you very much. Please, please be seat- man’s bullets. And the six people who lost their ed. To the families of those we’ve lost; to all lives on Saturday, they too represented what is who called them friends; to the students of this best in us, what is best in America. university, the public servants who are gathered Judge John Roll served our legal system for here, the people of Tucson, and the people of nearly 40 years. A graduate of this university Arizona: I have come here tonight as an Ameri- and a graduate of this law school, Judge Roll can who, like all Americans, kneels to pray with was recommended for the Federal bench by you today and will stand by you tomorrow. John McCain 20 years ago, appointed by Presi- There is nothing I can say that will fill the dent George H.W. Bush, and rose to become sudden hole torn in your hearts. But know this: Arizona’s chief Federal judge. The hopes of a nation are here tonight. We His colleagues described him as the hardest mourn with you for the fallen. We join you in working judge within the ninth circuit. He was your grief. And we add our faith to yours that on his way back from attending Mass, as he did Representative Gabrielle Giffords and the oth- every day, when he decided to stop by and say er living victims of this tragedy will pull hi to his Representative. John is survived by his through. loving wife Maureen, his three sons, and his Scripture tells us: five beautiful grandchildren. There is a river whose streams make glad George and Dorothy Morris—Dot to her the city of God, friends—were high school sweethearts who got the holy place where the Most High married and had two daughters. They did ev- dwells. erything together, traveling the open road in God is within her, she will not fall; their RV, enjoying what their friends called a God will help her at break of day. 50-year honeymoon. Saturday morning, they went by the Safeway to hear what their Con- On Saturday morning, Gabby, her staff, and gresswoman had to say. When gunfire rang many of her constituents gathered outside a out, George, a former marine, instinctively supermarket to exercise their right to peaceful tried to shield his wife. Both were shot. Dot assembly and free speech. They were fulfilling passed away. a central tenet of the democracy envisioned by A New Jersey native, Phyllis Schneck retired our Founders: representatives of the people to Tucson to beat the snow. But in the sum- answering questions to their constituents, so as mer, she would return east, where her world to carry their concerns back to our Nation’s revolved around her three children, her seven Capital. Gabby called it “Congress on Your grandchildren, and 2-year-old great-grand- Corner,” just an updated version of govern- daughter. A gifted quilter, she’d often work un- ment of and by and for the people. der a favorite tree, or sometimes, she’d sew And that quintessentially American scene, aprons with the logos of the Jets and the Gi- that was the scene that was shattered by a gun- ants—[laughter]—to give out at the church 14.
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