289 Statement by [14 MAY 1990] Minister 290 291 Statement by [RAJYA SABHA J Minister 292 [Shrimati Jayanthi Natarajan] Secondly an attempt was being made even at the Prime Minister's presence to give a us, those of us who were very vociferous on different version about the incident. It is from this side, of trying to make political capital press reports in Fatehpur, which says that the out of this situation. The hon, Prime Minister Chief Minister of Utter Pradesh had said has visited Fatehpur. I have got press reports something which was completely at variance that the Prime Minister and the Chief with the statement tbat has been given here, Minister of U.P. have also accused the which is the report of the District Magistrate. Congress and said that they would prevent The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh has said the Congress Party from trying to make in the presence of the Prime Minister—I political capital out of the situation. So, can read it out, but I don't want to waste tne before I seek my clarification, I want to say time of the House—that the deceased was that it is not a question of making political drunk and that it was a suicide attempt. He had capital, but if sucti an incident has occurred, I picked up a quarrel, while he was drunk, with want to Say on my own behalf that we are not some people, and had tried to kill himself by here to praise the Government. It is our job as pouring kerosene. The Chief Minister had said the Opposition party to bring out whatever this in fhe^ presence of the hon. Prime attrocities have been committed, and we are Minister without being contradicted. The only doing om job. if something has been report of the District Magistrate is done, it is our duty to point it out. If political completely different. I don't understand how capital arises out of that, well, that is the Chief Minister, as late as May 10, can something which is incidental. It is nothing to make such a statement. Very curiously this be ashamed of. It is no answer to such a fe exactly the stand taken by the man who serious charge to turn around and say, "You ought to be in jail today. I am going raise are making political capital." You come Out that in a miuute. The father of the two people, with an answer to what happened. It is no who are in jail today. Mr. Arjun Singh, has answer to turn around and ask, "Why are you taken the same stand It is very curious that making political capital out of it? Tbat does the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh in th-: not silence you completely. Madam, I wanted Prime Mi raster's presence should echo the to place fhis on record. Same thing. This is the curious thing. You will forgive me if I read it for a minute: "The father Apart from that, Madam, 1 charge this of the two accused in the Dhanraj murder case Government with attempts at a massive says that the two of them—Raju and cover-up operation. The reason why I am Dhanraj—had heen drinking near the saying this is, because this the hon. Prime tubewell and that they were totally drunk by oe Minister's constituency, there has en an the time they came to the Chakki where attempt tc cover up the whole thing in two Raju blacked out and Dhanraj was told to go ways. One way was that the whole thing was home by some of the villagers. On reaching the sought to be hushed up. I do not know how pond Dh-anrai got enraged at something anj many of us are aware of this. But the fact is started hurling abuse, threatening to ssy how that it was sought to be hushed up. It came to long Raju wil be able to rule the village. The light only after more than a month and a half father, who was seen sitting close to MT. so anj since the incident had actually occurred. The so, the son of the Prime Minister during the reason why it came to light is that the election campaign of the village, say, since he relatives of the deceased and the relatives of was out of the village at the time of the the woman, Kuchchi Devi came to the Lok incident, from Sabha Gallery and created a racket see. king the account which some of the villagers justice. This was how it first came to public light. Otherwise it would have been buried. have given him, Dhanraj after drinking and Nobody would have heard shouting set himself on fire and jumped into the pond. But, he says, he 293 Statement by [ 14 MAY 1990 ] Minister 294 does n°t know who poured kerosene on Bill, it was the Congress Government that not Dhanraj. He demanded a full inquiry into the only introduced the Bill, but passed the Bill. It matter." It is very curious that this is one story was the Congress Government, not this which the Chief Minister is echoing. I don't Government. It was notified by this understand what kind of justice these people Government on 30th January, which was will get if this is ihe stand of the Chief supposed to coincide with the death Minister who is mot being contradicted by the anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. What has hon. Prime Minister. happened? On the 1st of January this Government brought out a special action plan, which said; lhere is another very important point that 1 want t bring t the notice of the Government. 0 0 "The day this Bill is notified, they will see to Just no at the end of the statement, hon. Paswa w n it that every Stat Government immediately Ji said that this Government is determined to e brings in special courts to try atrocities on stamp out atrocities, Hon. prime iMnister in Scheduled Cashes and Scheduled Tribes." Fatehpur said: "We will set up special courts." They said that it was notified on the 30fh Everybody seems fe think that this Government January. Then, what happened? Let us take is going to set up special courts to stamp out Bihar which 's being run by the Janata Dal atrocities against Scheduled Cases and where there should not be any problem at all. Scheduled Tribes. I want to remind th«g House that it was the Congress Government led Till today, they have not notified any special by Rajiv Gandhi which first brought the Bill courts for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled and passed it in this House on atrocities against Tribes. Madam, I would like to read a very Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes interesting quotation. and also a Bill making provision for special SHRI M. A. BABY (Keraia); Madam, I am courts. At that time, it was in September 1989, these two Bills, which were really effective on a point of order. Bills for preventing atrocities against SHRIMATI JAYANTHI NATARAJAN; Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Are yo afraid because I a going t expose designated atrocities, said that these are all u ro 0 somebody? atrocities and the provision of special courts was made for more stringent punishment. To say that there wi][ be special courts so that it SHRI M. A. BABY: I am only on a point of can be Speedily tried, I may say, was not order. Madam, may I know from you what is the correct. A Bill to that effect was introduced by scope of seeking a clarification? Are they Smt. Rajendra Kumari Bajpai at that time. converting a suo mottt statement into a full- This wag passed in the Lok Sabha and this was fledged discussion? Once a Minister makes a passed by the Rajya Sabha in September 1989. suo motu statement in Rajya Sabha, there is And what hon. Upendra Ji, as leader of the scope for seeking clarifications. .. Opposition, had said at that time was: "I .(Interruptions) ...In the Rajya Sabha, we have welcome the Bill. Mere piece of legislation the scope for seeking clarifications on the basis is not enough. There should be political will on of the statement being made by the Minister, the part of the Union Government and the State Now, my hon. colleague is taking it to the level Governments t0 implement this." of a full-fledged discussion. May I know firom you whether you are going to give that scope for every Member? In that case it is welcome ... Now, I want to show you what has (Interruptions) ----- I know that it is a happened later. The Bill was then notified by very sensitive issue and a very important issue this Government. We passed the and if it is converted into a full-fledged discussion, I welcome it. I am not against converting it into a full-fledged discussion but the same scope should be 295 Statement by [RAJYA SABHA] Minister ' 295 [Shri M. A. Baby] Scheduled Tribes. He also said that he I would see to it that it is done immedia given to every Member. ... {Interruptions) tely. They swore that the moment they .... It should be limited to seeking clarifications notified it, they will see to it that all the only. I would like to have your ruling on this. state Governments will immediately notify. In the last week of April, SHRIMATI JAYANTHI NATAR.A- ' 1990 the Chief Minister of Bihar, JAN: Madam.
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