SYRACUSE PARKS & RECREA 63(1&(5675((76<5$&86(1<::: TION 6<5$&86(1<863$5.6 STEPHANIE A. MINER, MAYOR %AYE M8HAMMA', &OMMISSIONER -OHN :A/SH, 'EP8TY &OMMISSIONERIOONER FIND US ON FACEBOOK 2I¿FH RI WKH 0D\RU 6WHSKDQLH $ 0LQHU 0D\RU 'HDU 1HLJKERUV $V VXPPHU DSSURDFKHV , LQYLWH \RX DQG \RXU IDPLO\ WR VKDUH 0DLQ2I¿FH LQ WKH YHU\ EHVW D 6\UDFXVH VXPPHU RIIHUV E\ SDUWLFLSDWLQJ LQ $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ([W WKH SURJUDPV DQG DFWLYLWLHV VSRQVRUHG E\ WKH &LW\ RI 6\UDFXVH $GXOW5HFUHDWLRQ([W 'HSDUWPHQW RI 3DUNV 5HFUHDWLRQ DQG <RXWK 3URJUDPV $TXDWLFV'LUHFWRU([WRU 6\UDFXVH VXPPHUV LQFOXGH WKH WUDGLWLRQV RI %LJ 5LJ 'D\ WKH &RPPLVVLRQHU([W )LVKLQJ 'HUE\ WKH 6WUDWKPRUH +RPHV 7RXU -XQHWHHQWK WKH 'HSXW\&RPPLVVLRQHU([W ,ULVK )HVWLYDO WKH 7DVWH RI 6\UDFXVH DQG VR PDQ\ PRUH 'RJ&RQWURO([W )RUHVWU\([W :KHWKHU \RX DUH D VZLPPHU D JROIHU D UXQQHU RU HQMR\ IHVWL *ROI'LUHFWRU([W YDOV DQG HYHQWV WKHUH LV VRPHWKLQJ IRU SHRSOH RI DOO DJHV $QG ZKHWKHU \RX OLYH RQ WKH 6RXWK 6LGH RU WKH :HVW 6LGH WKHUH LV *URXQGV0DLQWHQDQFH([W D SDUN FRQYHQLHQWO\ ORFDWHG LQ \RXU QHLJKERUKRRG ZKLOH RXU 3ODQQLQJ 'HYHORSPHQW([W GRZQWRZQ HYHQWV DUH FHQWUDOO\ ORFDWHG IRU DOO FLW\ UHVLGHQWV 6SHFLDO(YHQWV([W <RXWK5HFUHDWLRQ([WRU (QMR\ WKH VXQVKLQH +RXU,QIRUPDWLRQ/LQH 6LQFHUHO\ COMMUNITY CENTERS %XUQHW$UWV &UDIWV)DFLOLW\ 6WHSKDQLH $ 0LQHU %RYD 6FKLOOHU3DUN 0D\RU &DQQRQ6WUHHW &LW\ +DOO ± 6\UDFXVH 1< 0DJQDUHOOL 0F&KHVQH\3DUN ± )D[ 1RUWKHDVW 6HDOV .LUN3DUN YOUNG LUNGS AT PLAY 6RXWKZHVW ,Q DQ HIIRUW WR FUHDWH D FOHDQ DQG KHDOWKIXO HQYLURQ :HVWPRUHODQG PHQW IRU DOO SDUNV SDWURQV WKH &LW\ RI 6\UDFXVH :LOVRQ 'HSDUWPHQW RI 3DUNV DQG 5HFUHDWLRQ KDV MRLQHG WKH JURZLQJ ³<RXQJ /XQJV DW 3OD\´ LQLWLDWLYH DQG GOLF COURSES KDV FUHDWHG VHYHUDO WREDFFRIUHH ]RQHV WKURXJKRXW WKH SDUNV V\VWHP 7KH IROORZLQJ DUHDV ZLOO EH GHV %XUQHW3DUN LJQDWHG DV 7REDFFR )UHH &LW\ 3DUN 3OD\JURXQGV 6XQQ\FUHVW3DUN &RPPXQLW\ &HQWHUV DQG *URXQGV &LW\ 3DUN 3RROV DQG <RXWK 6SRUWV )LHOGV POOLS 1RWPDGHDYDLODEOHWRWKHSXEOLF SENIOR CENTERS TABLE OF CONTENTS %RE&HFLOH PHONE NUMBERS.............................................3 0DJQDUHOOL 0F&KHVQH\3DUN :HVWVLGH DEPARTMENT INFORMATION.....................4 CALENDAR AT A GLANCE..............................5 IMPORTANT CITY DEPARTMENT NUMBERS ADULT PROGRAMS..........................................6 &LW\+DOO AQUATIC INFORMATION............................7-9 &LW\/LQH'3:&,7< &RGH(QIRUFHPHQW GOLF INFORMATION.....................................10 &RPPRQ&RXQFLO &RPPXQLW\'HYHORSPHQW SPECIAL EVENTS......................................11-14 6FKRRO'LVWULFW YOUTH INFORMATION............................15-22 :DWHU'HSDUWPHQW SYRATHON INFORMATION.........................23 www.syracuse.ny.us/parks OFFICE LOCATION & HOURS FEES The Syracuse Parks, Recreation & Youth Programs Department POease pay the fee OisteG Zith program information $OO fees are 2f¿ce is OocateG at Spencer Street, Syracuse, 1Y e[pecteG to Ee paiG at the time of registration $OO checks shouOG The of¿ce hours are am to pm, 0onGay through Ee maGe payaEOe to &200,SS,21(R 2F F,1$1&( POease FriGay Go not senG cash There ZiOO Ee a serYice charge for aOO returneG checks PARK RENTAL PERMITS 2ur Parks offer conYenient Oocations, scenic settings anG REGISTRATION/CONFIRMATION afforGaEOe rates for gettogethers Oarge anG smaOO :hether it Ee a Preregistration is reTuireG for aOO fee EaseG programs anG camps ZeGGing ceremony, pictures, famiOy reunion or company picnic, Registrations for &,TY ResiGents & ZiOO Ee processeG on a ¿rst our parks proYiGe resiGents of aOO ages a ³&ommon *rounG´ to come, ¿rst serYe Easis 1on&ity resiGents¶ 1& reTuests ZiOO Ee e[ercise, pOay, anG take in aOO the Eeauty our naturaO urEan spaces haYe to offer $ permit ZiOO giYe you e[cOusiYe rights to an area processeG on a ¿rst come, spaceaYaiOaEOe Easis Eeginning 0ay Zithin the city park of your choice (ach of our picnic areas , Forms may Ee maiOeG to Syracuse Parks, Recreation, is Gifferent POease make sure the area meets your neeGs Eefore & Youth Programs Department, Spencer Street, Syracuse, appOying for a permit for that particuOar sheOter 9ehicuOar access 1Y, &amp&Oinic registration con¿rmation Oetters ZiOO to some of the picnic areas is restricteG Ee maiOeG appro[imateOy Zeeks after receiYing registra tion SZim con¿rmations ZiOO Ee maiOeG Zeek Eefore Oessons 8pon receipt of your permit appOication, Ze ZiOO senG out your Eegin ,f you prefer to register in person, of¿ce hours are am permit if the space is aYaiOaEOe :e ask that you pOease secure the pm, 0onGay FriGay The Recreation Department can not Ee Oocation Eefore pOanning the eYent POease note that you shouOG responsiEOe for Oost or misGirecteG maiO &on¿rmations anG aOO not assume you haYe use of an area untiO you haYe receiYeG the other corresponGences ZiOO Ee maiOeG to the aGGress proYiGeG on permit You must have your permit with you on the day of the event. Separate permits ZiOO Ee reTuireG for each Oocation the registration form onOy Proof of resiGency may Ee reTuireG you choose, anG there ZiOO Ee an aGGitionaO per hours permit fee for each aGGitionaO Oocation For e[ampOe, if you Zish REFUND POLICY to use the /iOy PonG anG the Rose *arGen at ThornGen Park, tZo $OO refunG reTuests must Ee suEmitteG in Zriting to Spencer separate permits are reTuireG, anG there ZiOO Ee tZo permit fees Street, Syracuse, 1Y, , $ttn R(F81D R(48(ST of each per hours Payment must be made within  FuOO refunGs ZiOO Ee processeG if reTuesteG in Zriting at Oeast two weeks after you make a reservation. For more information seYen Eusiness Gays in aGYance of the cOass pOease caOO e[t  ,f a refunG reTuest is receiYeG Oess than Gays in aGYance of the cOass, you ZiOO receiYe a refunG ELECTRICAL HOOK-UP FEE  1o refunGs ZiOO Ee giYen Oess than one fuOO Eusiness Gay prior There is a eOectricaO hook up fee, Zhere outOets are aYaiO to the cOass starting Gate ,f the cOass Eegins on 0onGay, the aEOe There is no poZer source aYaiOaEOe at ThornGen Park (0 refunG reTuest must Ee receiYeG Ey the ThursGay prior 0iOOs 0emoriaO Rose *arGen, the ThornGen Park Picnic SheOter, or the 2nonGaga Park *a]eEo PoZer is aYaiOaEOe at the Thorn  $OO refunGs ZiOO Ee paiG Ey the &ity of Syracuse Yia check Gen Park $mphitheatre, the /iOy PonG at ThornGen Park, anG the maGe payaEOe to the name on the originaO registration form, anG 2nonGaga Park Picnic SheOter PoZer at the 2nonGaga Picnic couOG take up to Zeeks to receiYe SheOter is OimiteG anG can not accommoGate any kinG of cooking  ProrateG refunGs may Ee giYen after a program has Eegun if or cooOing units for e[ampOe, coffee makers, popcorn machine Zritten meGicaO Yeri¿cation from your primary physician is re etc ceiYeG for inMury or iOOness $ prorateG refunG ZiOO Ee EaseG on the numEer of Gays Oeft in the cOass upon receipt of your meGicaO FACILITY RENTAL PERMITS Yeri¿cation in our of¿ce ,f Ze receiYe the Zritten meGicaO Yeri The &ity of Syracuse Parks Department ZeOcomes you to one of ¿cation after the enG of the cOass, no refunG ZiOO Ee giYen our rentaO faciOities :hen some of our faciOities are not Eeing useG for Gepartment run recreation actiYities anG &ity eYents, CANCELLATIONS they are aYaiOaEOe for priYate rentaO 2ur EuiOGings are the perfect The Department reserYes the right to canceO or comEine cOasses Oocation for that speciaO party or meeting programs if necessary FuOO refunGs ZiOO Ee giYen if a cOasspro The Parks Department currentOy rents out ¿Ye faciOities They gram is canceOOeG POease Yisit httpZZZsyracusenyusparks are the %arry Park FieOG +ouse, %urnet Park :arming anG Rink message%oarGhtmO for canceOOations anG upGates $rea, Sunnycrest Rink $rea, ThornGen Park &arriage +ouse anG FieOG +ouse INCLEMENT WEATHER FOR POOLS 2utGoor pooOs ZiOO Ee cOoseG at Oeast minutes ZheneYer thun The SpeciaO (Yents GiYision hanGOes aOO rentaO inTuiries %e Ger or Oightning is reporteG fore compOeting a FaciOity RentaO $ppOication, pOease contact 0ary %eth Roach or %ritney Farmer to check aYaiOaEiOity 0ary %eth can Ee reacheG at e[t or mroach# INCLEMENT WEATHER FOR CAMPS cisyracusenyus %ritney can Ee reacheG at e[t or Efarm :e ZiOO make eYery effort to contact parents anGor meGia out er#cisyracusenyus $ security Geposit ZiOO Ee reTuireG in Oets Eefore the morning Eus runs Eegin, though this may not aO aGGition to the hourOy rentaO fees that appOy Zays Ee possiEOe :e Go ask that parents make arrangements for the possiEiOity of miG Gay camp canceOOation Zhen the Zeather FIELD PERMITS conGitions are threatening POease Yisit For e[cOusiYe use of any of our ¿eOGs, pOease contact -oeOOe ZZZsyracusenyusparksmessage%oarGhtmO for canceOOations Dougherty at e[t anG upGates Department Information Syracuse Parks & Recreation... Come out and play with us! %Oue Rain (cofest +anoYer STuare & &ity +aOO &ommons $mericu Syracuse $rts & &rafts FestiYaO &oOumEus &ircOe MAY 30 - (SF ,, &amp %egins 0uOtiSport &amp %egins Tennis 1 1on &ity resiGents 1& can register for camps Oeagues, &amp at %arry Park %egins cOinics & Oessons 31 Pops in the Park 8pper 2nonGaga Park 4 $GuOt Lacrosse League Preregistration for returning team GeaGOine AUGUST 5 - &raw¿sh FestivaO &Ointon STuare 6 02ST ,, &amp %egins RoEotics &amp %egins Tennis 6 - 0ountain *oat Run &Ointon STuare &amp at Sunnycrest Park %egins 12 +iawatha Lake Fishing DerEy 8pper 2nonGaga Park 9 Tennis &amp at Sunnycrest Park %egins 18 $GuOt Lacrosse League registration GeaGOine 9 Shakespeare in the Park ThornGen Park 19 - Downtown Living Tour 10 Shakespeare in the Park ThornGen Park 27 0emoriaO Day &oncert PaOace Theatre 11 Shakespeare
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