He Lost His Good Humor The Weather Today Fair and warmer today, Tomorrow partly YARMOum. ENGLAND (JfY) - The Ice crealll mnn wu Irate. Four boy". lwo of them lZ. one 11 and the cloudy and warm with a few local even­ o&iaer ehrht. stole 64 bricks of I e cream and tr thelll ing showers. High today 80; low 60. Yes· all In one III&ht. he tolil the court. The boys w .. r .. pi .. d OWaJ1 terday's high 73; low 56. en prpbatlon. Established laS8-Vol. SO, No. 2l7-AP News and Wirepboto Iowa City. Iowa. Wednee<icry, Tune 9, 1948-Five Cent. Southern Wheat Overflows Grain Elevators f , Civil Rights Proposal In Draft Await Vote BernadoHe Dumb Cluckl---lot This Hen 2-Year Limit, RAD}~O RD , Y A. (It?-. in th Camily (,8 t be('sme 8. mother th other day, the liHle r d hen 11 b n helping h r with tb Sels Truce ('hor . 1]('r . Alien Recruits IGtty wandpred into thr hpn hall of th R v. P. T . Tra . , pator 0 (I t-il' 'l'0 (·huf!'h. borrow d (I .acant n t, and soon gaT birth to four kitt£'ll .. For Friday Whpn the mother cat left tit n t till' Dl'rt da\' for Ii troll Pass Senate uround th rhi k 11 Y8rd, 8 Rhod I lund red h ~ jumped up CAIRO (JP)-Count FolkI.' Bern­ WASHINGTON - The sen- into th n l and took o,·er. adotte disclosed last night that he ote mode twO chan, in the draft bill yett rday. th n in a late nlaht has asked Jews and Arabs to stoP emon arreed to vole on a e1vll fllhtlnl In Plllcstine at 6 a. m. rights amendment tad y. Gr enwlch tim F?lday (tomor­ row mldn &ht Iowa time). The amendments approved were Northwest Lashed By (1) to 11mlt the proposed selective 1\ said he had asked for Arab service bill to two years instead and Jewish replJes to hill prOPpSI'd of nve a first pi nned, and (2) truce terms by noon today (6 to permit 2~,OOO all 10 rve in Il . m, Iowa time). Wave New Columbia the Am rlcan arm d forces at IT'S WHEAT HARVESTING TIME IN TilE OUTD and thIs pUe hallds were Jlllln& Ute &raln on the pavement atter th town' vaIn 'But dispatches from Amman, home and nbroad. the Trllns-Jordan capital, sa id PORTLAND, ORE. (IP) - The third wave of the Columbie rlv r .of Texas and Oklahoma. wheat was as hl&h as It tl'uck body yestu­ elevator were filled to (' P ILy. Till ear' rOll I aid to look !Iood rolled Into the main v Hey y terday - the 20th dey of batti· The civll righta proposal sched­ day. The picture Wil taken 11\ Burkburlll'tI, Tex., wherl' harvest beUer thlln th 1947 crop. (AP WIREPHOTO) prospects [or any truce were uled ror decision today is the I[rowing dim. Ina aaainst r3mpnglnll water. in the P cWc northwest. Two mor bodi were recovered Cram shattered Van port. Thi. seerea tion amendment sponsored While all Arab states were re­ lifted th numb I' at flood dead to 29. The homelesa totaled 60,000. jointly by S n tor Russell (D-Ga.) ported stondlnl firm a,oinst ac­ Property damnie was in the muiti-mlllions. and S nator Maybonk (D-S.C.). ceptinl Jewish condition. 101' a The known d('ad ol Vonport, destroyed In the first wave nine It would I t nJist d men serve truce. Il reinforced EBYPUan days a,o, now Is four. Th re was encourllglna news, how ver, trom In earelat d unita JJ: they re­ Primary .Results 'Satisfy' Labor spearhead w 5 reported flghtina the Red Cross, which reported quest. to let out of a Jewish trap at Is­ that the hsl or unlocllted Vanpor~ The extra-hours esslon last dud, 23 miles south of Tel Aviv. -------------------------- P fiB was dwindling hourly. al&ht, second In a row, Wag fea­ S ven U. S. naval officers I rt The list h d 725 nam Monday Summer Session of tured by a len£1hy speech by Sen­ Truman Honors War Near Record GOP Vole (asl Last of Guard Unit Washlnlton ye terday by plane to IL was down to 545 y terday. ator Lanier (R-N.D.) on a pro~ help keep tab on th~ manner In The third flood wav was rld­ Congress Foreseen posed am ndment to limit private DES MOINES UP) - Gov. Robert D. Blue and U.S. Rep. John W. which any cease lire arran&:ement profitl from the draft proararn Hero it Dedication, Gwynne were deIeated for Republican renomination In Monday's Returns to Iowa City Illi from mountain tributaries, Is carried out. Fourteen other 1,000 miles upstream, where the W ASHlNGTON (JP)-Congr 9 under ceriain cond! tJOnll. state primary - results over which organized labor express d "com­ oWc rs equally divided between hottest .un ot theDson was may have to IiCrap ill JUne 19 Later, he yielded the fioor to plete satisfaction." the army and air force Ilre to be Discovers It's a Girl From Waterloo Duty meltin, snowfields. adjournment goal Dnd com back Senator Ru sell, who was followed Blue, who carried only 13 of Iowa's 99 counties, also was oppoSC<i senl immediately lrom LIle Amer- let r, s nate GOP lead ra sllid by Maybllnk. ..,BOARD PRESIDENT TRU­ by the farm bureau and educDtors. The Iowa State EducDtion assoc­ Th 10 t of the Iowa CIty na- Ican occupatIon forces in Europe. It will be lelt III the crltlcol y sterday. The weary senator. 11nally lower river are1l Thursday. By MAN 'S TRAIN. ENROUTE TO iation said the results were "the expression ot an enlighten d elec­ tionol l\.Iard to stand duty during Tho state depllrtment sllld the aareed to call it II day after May­ Saturday the river will be back F ceQ by a jam-pllcked work BUTTE (JP) - President Truman torate." the r'c nlly-seWed meal-packers' truce team was requested by clledule, the senate Republic n bank's speech. They decided to dedicated an airfield yesterdllY Gwynne's district included Wat- I strike returned home yesterday Bern dolle. France and Bel&:ium up nearly to the heiaht of th reconvene today at 9 a.m. (Iowa rirt ond mo t dest.ructive cr L. polley commit! suid it looks to a boy killed in the war - only erloo, site of a ree nt bitter p3C'k- Off. I I PI from Wat rloo. are eICpecled to provide ,Imllllr lik th lowmok r8 may not apt time), allow tho' in lavor at the it ,turned ou l to be a girl killed ThDl waVe smoshed Vanport, a ing house stnke. HI' WIlS dean o[ . ICla Twenty-rive men Ilnd lwo oW- group. through b for th' COP conv li­ bill to peak on hour and oppo­ Iowa's congr sslonal d legation of rlmary Vote at home. r('tn drove bnck to Town City in Il At II news conferenee h re eity of 18,700, rio. NI count! lian sturting Junl' 21. nents 30 mmUte, nd then vote at wat rfron~ indu.lrl and bur t That was at Cal'ey, 3 IItlle town eigM Republicuns. FI"gures Announced two ond OJ1t!-hillr ton trUCk, arm- B rnadotte s31d If his terms for n Tbe,y'U toIlk It UVCl' with thl.' 11:30 a.m. in southern Idaho. The primary saw a Republican otcd caT, hillC truck and jeep- tru~ w r rejected he would have Into t./lQu511llds or acr of rich house aboul returnIng. Botll Moybank and Rus ell, Mr. Truman stopped there mo­ turnout of more than 316,000 vot­ cqulpment of til 10clll unit. to r r r th whole matter back 10 farmland. h il'mall TaCt (R-Ohio) lI~t­ arJUinI for t h searegation menta rily as . he skimmed ac~oss ers, close La Lhe r{!cord high of OfficiDI return~ from the eoull­ D Inoblllzing or the 45 III ~ tll U lty COWlCU. The:' .oecontl wave, which reach­ . 0(] (oul billa tor Ctitlll III thill or ~ am ndm nt, 88fd that pollticlans the state by cal' at mile Il min­ 332,000 established In 19 . Nearly ty audItor's oWe y ~terday gave ekinll'(! 1 cli n this)le r would a \JPr5 of the 1r)W() Jty unit s nl to "1 eornesUy b !leve the propo­ ed the oc an Monday. atlded 10 dcI': 65.000 vat s were t'ust in ' the William S. Beardsley II 445 ma­ let th d Ire to win vot Influ- ute pace. He was on the way to W n t rloo by a governor's pl'oclo­ sals Dnd interpretations set fo rth th damn . All tOld, al'my nl­ 1. The two-yeoI' droft m II ur , Idaho Falls .to pick up his special Democratic primary. jority in the Johnson counly bal­ ence th m all lh<' raci 1 lsaue. illation of a stole-Wide emerg ncy In my note of June 7 provide In ers e~tim t 414 .000 aer in IIlr ·ad.y on the senat floor. train and move up into Montanll loting for the GOP governor nom­ May bank, jn th lin I speech at State Rep. William S. Beardsley, un May III has been going on lor just basis for II truce-just to both tl)e Columbia balin hav b n.
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