Band 33 b Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 1978 Contents Contents of Number 1 Cyclic Amidines Complexes: Complexes of 5:6:11:12-Tetrahydro-2,8-dime- Original Communications thylphenhomazine with Copper(II), Nickel(II) Cyclic Diazastannylenes, II. Intermolecular Lewis- and Zinc (II) Acid-Base Adducts of 1,3,2,4 A2-Diazasilastanneti- M. S. HUSSAIN and SAEED-UR-REHMAN 67 dines (In German) Arylazoisoxazolinthiones: Preparation and Reac- M. VEITH 1 tionsof4-Arylazo-3-methyl-2-isoxazolin-5-thiones Cyclic Diazastannylenes, III. The Crystal- and N. A. KASSAB, S. O. A. ALLAH, and S. A. EL- Molecular Structure of the Monoclinic Phase of BAHATT 75 1,3 - Di - tert - butyl - 2,2 - dimethyl -1,3,2,4 A2 - diaza - Derivatives of 5H-Cyclopenta[2,l-b:3,4-b']dipyri- silastannetidine (In German) din-5-one (4,5-Diazafluoren-9-one) M. VEITH 7 I. F. ECKHARD, N. G. KEATS, and L. A. SUM- Cyclic Diazastannylenes, IV. Oxidation of 1,3-Di- MERS 80 tert - butyl- 2,2 - dimethyl-1,3,2,4 X2- diazasilastanne - Investigations of Quaternary Pyridinium Salts, tidine (In German) VII. Quaternary Pyridinium Salts with Urea or M. VEITH, 0. RECKTENWALD, and E. HUMPFER 14 Carbamate Group. Preparation of Inner Salts Preparation of Polyborates with Hindered Tertiary (In German) Amines and Quaternary Ammonium Bases in W.-H. GÜNDEL 84 Organic Solvents (In German) Chemistry of Carbon Subsulphide, III. Formation of G. HELLER and B. BICHOWSKI 20 Pyrimidinthiones (In German) N,N'-Dimethylacetamidin Derivatives of Alumini- W. STADLBAUER, TH. KAPPE, and E. ZIEGLER 89 um, Gallium and Indium (In German) Intramolecular Exchange Processes in Cyclo- F. GERSTNER and J. WEIDLEIN 24 pentadien Systems. Structural Dependence of Kinetics of the Alkaline Solvolysis of Trichloro- Activation Barrieres (In German) acetate Ion in Water-Ethanol Solutions K. ALBERT and J. HAMBRECHT 94 I. M. ISSA, E. M. DIEFALLAH, M. R. MAHMOUD, Synthesis and 13C NMR Spectra of £er£-Butylated and A. M. EL-NADY 30 Cyclohexenone Epoxides (In German) LiBeSb and LiZnBi, Ternary Compounds with a K. ALBERT, H.-P. SCHNEIDER, D. KOCH, and Wurtzit-type Lattice (In German) A. RIEKER 100 CH. TIBURTIUS and H.-U. SCHUSTER 35 Photoreactions of 2,2'-Dihalogen Substituted Ben- New Antimony(V) Oxides and Hydroxides zoin Ether and Benzildimethylmonoketals in (In German) Solution (In German) H. RUMPEL, W. BERNDT, K. ADAM, and E. C. BAK and K. PRAEFCKE 106 SCHWARZMANN 39 Dibromo(dimethylamino)alane and Diiodo(dime- thylamino)alane. Preparation and Crystal Struc- Notes ture (In German) A. AHMED, W. SCHWARZ, and H. HESS 43 Ternary Compounds of Sodium and Potassium with Coordination Chemistry of Ambivalent Ligands, Manganese and Elements of the 5. Maingroup VIII. Synthesis and Reactivity of Ionic and (In German) Covalent Sulfinato Complexes of Tetraorganyl- H.-U. SCHUSTER and G. ACHENBACH 113 VB-Elements of the Type R4'E02SR (In German) A Contribution to the Knowledge of Ternary Inter- I.-P. LORENZ and J. K. THEKUMPARAMPIL 47 metallic Lithium-Phases with Zinc (resp. Cad- Formation of Copper(II) Complexes of 1,3-Diamino- mium and Indium) and Tin or Lead (In German) 2-propanol in Aqueous Solution W. POBITSCHKA and H.-U. SCHUSTER 115 L. H. J. LAJUNEN and R. KIVEKÄS 59 6 H - Dipjrrido [2,1 - b: 1', 2' - e] -1,3,5 - selenadiazinium ESR Study of Copper Complexes Adsorbed on Fully Dibromide: A Dipyrido Analogue of Selenaxan- Hydrated X and Y Zeolites thene G. MARTINI and M. F. OTTAVIANI 62 H. G. GRANT and L. A. SUMMERS 118 IV Contents The Behaviour of Phosphinato Complexes of Semiempirical Use of Chirality Functions for the Rhenium towards l,2-Bis(diphenylphosphine)- Description of the Optical Activity of Methan ethane (In German) Derivatives in the Transparent Region II E. LINDNER and H.-H. OETJEN 120 (In German) Oxidation of Sulfur-Nitrogen Compounds to Sulf- W. J. RICHTER 165 oxides by Peroxyacids (In German) X-ray Photoelectron Studies of Pentacarbonyl R. STEUDEL and F. ROSE 122 Chromium and Tungsten Complexes with Nitro- Preparation of the Manganese (II) Complex with gen Ligands (In German) 3,4-Dihydroxi-L-phenylalanine (L-DOPA) H. BINDER and D. SELLMANN 173 (In German) Synthesis of l,l,4,4-Tetramethyl-l,4-distanna-2,5- K. v. MARTIUS and K. E. SCHWARZHANS 124 cyclohexadiene and its Bis(copper(I)chloride) N-Methylsulfonyl and N-Phenylsulfonyl N-methyl- Complex (In German) hydroxylamine (In German) G. E. HERBERICH and B. HESSNER 180 M. BACKHAUS and C. BLIEFERT 125 Indole[3,2 gjindolizidines via Sodium Borohydride Investigations of Beryllium Chelates with Substi- Reduction of Indolic Imides tuted Acetoacetanilides by Mass, NMR and W. N. SPECKAMP, J. DIJKINK, P. PASMAN, and IR Spectroscopy (In German) J. C. HUBERT 127 A. KETTRUP, P. ACKERMANN, and W. RIEPE 183 Mass Spectrometric Investigation of Organic Nitro- On the Coordination of Carbon Monoxide on Bis- gen Compounds, XXIX. Electron Impact Induced (dithiolato)-Iron Complexes (In German) 1,1-Elimination of Nitrenes from Silylated Hydro- D. SELLMANN, P. KREUTZER, and E. UNGER 190 xylamine Derivatives (In German) Raman Intensities and Reactivity of Phenyl Vinyl H. SCHWARZ, B. STEINER, G. ZON, and Y. H. Ethers and Phenyl Vinyl Sulphides (In German) CHANG 129 R. R. M. BRAND, M. L. HALLENSLEBEN, H. K. SCHENKEL, and E. D. SCHMID 197 The Crystal and Molecular Structures of Methyl- Contents of Number 2 (4- Br- phenyl )amino - chlorpheny lborane, Original Communications (BrC6H4)(CH3)NB(Cl)(C6H5) and Methyl(2-methyl-4-Br-phenyl)amino-chlor- Reactions of Phosphanes MenP[OCH(CF3)2]3_n with (2 - methy lpheny 1) - borane, Hexafluoroacetone (In German) (BrC7Hti)(CH3)NB(Cl)(C7H7) (In German) G.-V. RÖSCHENTHALER 131 M. L. ZIEGLER, K. WEIDENHAMMER, K. AUTEN- 1,4-Dioxane • H20 • SbCls; Vibrational Spectra, RIETH, and H. FRIEBOLIN 200 Crystal and Molecular Structure (In German) Synthesis of New Oxindolotrimethine Merocyanine W. SCHWARZ, A. SCHMIDT, and G. E. BINDER 136 Dyes Tetramethylsilane - a Methylating Agent for Boron- Z. H. KHALIL 209 trihalides (In German) Thermal Decomposition of P,P-diphenyl-N-benzyl- W. HAUBOLD, A. GEMMLER, and U. KRAATZ 140 Preparation and Structure of [Ti(acac)3]C104 phosphinothioic Amide and P,P-diphenyl-N- (In German) methyl-phosphinothioic Amide N. S. SRIDHARA 212 U. THEWALT and T. ADAM 142 About Ba2Fe22+Fe93+Alii034 (In German) Angular Heterocycles: Studies in the Synthesis of HK. MÜLLER-BUSCHBAUM and M. HARDER 146 Some Substituted 6-Anilino-5-alkoxy-12H-benzo- New Metal - Pentafluorothiophenol Compounds [ajphenothiazines D. M. KAMINARIS and A. G. GALINOS 149 J. P. TIWARI and R. L. MITAL 214 The Crystal Structure of BaZn2P2 and BaZn2As2 Reactions with Heterocyclic Diazonium Salts, II. (In German) Synthesis of Some New Pyrazolo[l,5-c]-as- P. KLÜFERS and A. MEWIS 151 triazines and l,2,4-Triazolo[l,5-c]-as-triazines About the Formation of Macrocyclic B-N-Com- M. H. ELNAGDI, M. R. H. ELMOGHAYAR, S. M. pounds (In German) FAHMY, M. K. A. IBRAHEIM, and H. H. ALNIMA A. MELLER and H. J. FÜLLGRABE 156 216 On the Perhydrolysis of Tris(alkoxy)boranes in the Spectroscopic Studies on Pyrazaboles Presence of Some Inorganic and Organic Bases C. E. MAY, K. NIEDENZU, and S. TROFIMENKO 220 in Nonaqueous Solvents (In German) Substituent Effects in the Oxythallation of Alkenes G. HELLER and D. MARQUARD 159 M. STRASAK 224 Contents V Selenium Heterocycles, III. Synthesis of Selenolo- A Neutron Diffraction Study on the Modifications (2,3-b)quinolines of CuZrFe (In German) T. K. RAJA, N. SOUNDARARAJAN, V. BAKTHAVA- V. PROPACH and F. STEFFENS 268 CHALAM, and P. SHANMUGAM 228 The Structures of the Phases NagSru and NaisSn4 Complexation of Tertiary Amides by Phenols in (In German) Carbon Tetrachloride Solutions W. MÜLLER and K. VOLK 275 E. KWIATKOWSKI, K. KOZUBEK, and Z. PEP- Chalcogenides of As, Sb and Bi as Positive Electrodes LINSKI 230 in Lithium Cells (In German) Ion Pairs of Semiquincnes with Diorgano Thallium- J. 0. BESENHARD 279 (III) Cations (In German) Photoelectron Spectra and Molecular Properties, K. B. ULMSCHNEIDER, H. B. STEGMANN, K. LXIX. Molecules with S—N Multiple Bonds (In SCHEFFLER, and G. VIERTEL 237 German) B. SOLOUKI, H. BOCK, and 0. GLEMSER 284 Notes Oxidation of Mandelic Acid by Os(VIII) First Alkali Metal Thallium(I) Sulfides (In German) B. L. CHANDWANI and G. D. MENGHANI 291 Chemiluminescence of S02-0xidation (In German) E. GEHLE and H. SABROWSKY 241 Synthesis of Tri-ter£-butylstibine and Tetra-tert- J. STAUFF and W. JAESCHKE 293 butylcyclotetrastibane by Reaction of Di-tert- The Alcoholysis Reaction of 3,5-Difluoro-l,l,3,5- 6 6 6 butylantimonychloride with Magnesium tetraoxo-2-alkyl-l A ,3A ,5A ,2,4,6-trithiatriazin (In German) (In German) D.-L. WAGNER, H. WAGNER, and 0. GLEMSER 300 H. J. BREUNIG 242 Synthesis of Tetrakis(trimethylgermyl)-distibane Spin-Labeled Cyclic Oxyphosphoranes 4-0xy-l- (In German) oxyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine (In German) W. STORZER and G.-V. RÖSCHENTHALER 305 H. J. BREUNIG 244 Tin-Chalcogen Heterocycles, VIII. Dimethyltin The Insertion of Hexafluoroacetone into P-H Bonds Telluride, a Six-membered Ring (In German) of Phosphanes Me«PH3 n (In German) G.-V. RÖSCHENTHALER 311 A. BLECHER and B. MATHIASCH 246 Optically Active Transition Metal Complexes, LV. Crystal and Molecular Structure of 4-Phenyl-1,2,3- Preparation and Stereochemistry of thiadiazol-3-oxide (In German) W. WINTER, U. PLÜCKEN, and H. MEIER 316 [C5H5Mo(CO)2NN']PFfl with NN' = Ethylenedi- amine and Propylenediamine (In German) Radiolysis of Cytosine, 5-Methyl Cytosine and 2'- H. BRUNNER and M. MUSCHIOL 247 Deoxycytidine in Deoxygenated Aqueous Solu- Isolation of w-Triacontane, Aliphatic Alcohols and tion. A Pulse Spectroscopic and Pulse Conducto- Sitosterols from Convolvulus Microphyllus Sieb metric Study of the OH Adduct A.
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