V13 N21 Thursday, Jan. 18, 2007 Clinton, Bayh on giving up the ship Visit to Iraq, Afghanistan forge Terror War positions By MARK CURRY WASHINGTON - U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh returned from a weekend visit with key leaders and U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan to a United States more divided and pessimistic than ever over our fate in the region. Yesterday, Bayh joined travelling com- panions Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) and Rep. John M. McHugh (R-N.Y.) at a press conference in the U.S. Capitol to declare his opposition to President Bush’s decision to send more troops to Baghdad, and to call for a deployment of at least two more military divisions to Afghani- stan by spring. White House intentions to increase the size of U.S. military forces in Iraq have further divided both the nation and its capital. Ac- The trip to Iraq and Afghanistan by Sens. Hillary Clinton and Evan Bayh had cording to a poll released Tuesday by the Pew many speculating on a potential 2008 Democratic ticket. (HPR Photo by Mark Research Center for the People and the Press, Curry) 60 percent of Republicans say they support according to the poll analysis. Wednesday was a popular the president, but fewer than one in three Americans (31 day for posturing in the Senate. In a flurry of activity long percent) overall favor the deployment. absent on Capitol Hill, senators, “If anything, the plan has triggered increased par- mostly Democrats, unleashed See page 3 tisan polarization on the debate over what to do in Iraq,” several salvos to force the White Lugar stays mum on surge By BRIAN A. HOWEY INDIANAPOLIS - For those of us awaiting news on Sen. Richard Lugar’s position on the Iraq troop surge, don’t hold your breath. “Lugar may not have more to say “I was heartened by the goals he set on surge,” said his press secretary, Andy Fisher on Wednesday. “He for the state. Full-day kindergarten notes that too little emphasis has been placed on the broader strate- and health care are proposals Dem- gic importance in the Middle East and the Iraq border security, so that ocrats have had for years. Now we has been his focus.” need to take advantage.” This comes as some of Lugar’s Republican colleagues in the Senate - Sen. Earline Rogers, on Gov. Daniels Page 2 Thursday, Jan. 18, 2007 and Foreign Relations Committee are The Howey Political Report is The Howey Political Report parting with the president over the PO Box 40265 published by NewsLink Inc. It Indianapolis, IN 46240-0265. troop surge. Sens. Sam Brownback (a was founded in 1994. conservative presidential candidate) www.howeypolitics.com and Gordon Smith are openly oppos- Brian A. Howey, Publisher [email protected] ing the surge. Foreign Relations col- Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington Indianapolis Office: 317-506-0883. league Chuck Hagel, another potential Writer presidential aspirant, was preparing Indianapolis Fax: 317-254-0535. Mark Curry, Washington Writer Washington, DC Office: 202-256-5822. to sponsor a non-binding resolution Jack E. Howey, Editor Business Office: 317-254-0535. opposing the surge with U.S. Sens. Carl Levin and Joe Biden (yet another Subscriptions: ©2007, The Howey Political Report. POTUS candidate). $350 annually HPR via e-mail; All rights reserved. Photocopying, Internet Lugar seems intent on press- $550 annually HPR & HPR Daily Wire. forwarding, faxing or reproducing in any ing what he calls “regional diplomacy.” Call 317-254-0535. form, in whole or part, is a violation of Or, as Fisher explained, in the state- federal law. ment at Secretary Rice’s hearing last week, Lugar neighborhoods, but by the actions of said, “Much attention Iraq’s neighbors,” Lugar said in that has been focused on the statement. President’s call for increas- “For this reason, I have ing troop levels in Iraq. This advocated broader diplomacy in the is an important consider- region that is directed at both improv- ation, but it is not the only ing stability in Iraq and expanding our element of his plan that options in the region. Inevitably, when requires examination. The anyone suggests such a diplomatic larger issue is how we will Sens. Chuck Hagel, Dick Lugar and Joe Biden in course, this is interpreted as advocat- manage our strategic inter- Iraq in 2005. Hagel and Biden are openly contest- ing negotiations with Syria and Iran, ests in the Middle East in ing the Iraq troop surge. Lugar hasn’t taken a nations that have overtly and covertly light of our situation in Iraq.” position and is focusing on “regional diplomacy.” worked against our interests and Lugar said he’s (Lugar Photo) violated international norms. But the going to continue offering purpose of the talks is not to change constructive suggestions and are.” our posture toward those countries. A support to the President in advancing Lugar detailed four strategic necessary regional dialogue should not U.S. strategic objectives. “I appreci- objectives in his statement at the Jan. be sacrificed because of fear of what ate the efforts the President has made 11 hearing. These are: might happen if we include unfriendly thus far to reach out to Congress 1. Preventing the use of Iraq regimes. Moreover, we already have and the American people,” Lugar said as a safe haven or training ground for numerous contacts with the Iranians Tuesday. “I was encouraged by the terrorism; and Syrians through intermediaries President’s emphasis on a regional 2. Preventing civil war and and other means. The regional dia- element in his Iraq strategy. Whenever upheaval in Iraq from creating insta- logue I am suggesting does not have we begin to see Iraq as a set piece -- bility that leads to regional war, the to occur in a formal conference set- an isolated problem that can be solved overthrow of friendly governments, ting, but it needs to occur and it needs outside the context of our broader the destruction of oil facilities, or other to be sustained.” interests -- we should reexamine our calamities; Lugar believes that both our frame of reference. Our efforts to 3. Preventing a loss of U.S. friends and our enemies in the region stabilize Iraq and sustain a pluralist credibility in the region and the world, must know that we will defend our government there have an important and; interests and our allies. “They must humanitarian purpose. But remaking 4. Preventing Iran from domi- know that we are willing to exercise Iraq, in and of itself, does not con- nating the region. the substantial leverage we possess stitute a strategic objective. Stability “I would observe that all in the region in the form of military in Iraq is important because it has a four of these strategic objectives are presence, financial assistance, diplo- direct bearing on vital U.S. strategic deeply affected not just by whether matic contacts and other resources,” objectives. To determine our future the insurgency and sectarian violence he said. “Although it is unlikely that course in Iraq, we must be very clear can be abated in Iraqi cities and a political settlement in Iraq can be about what these strategic objectives imposed from the outside, it is equally Page 3 Thursday, Jan. 18, 2007 unlikely that one will succeed in the absence of external national security.” pressure and incentives. We should be active in bringing So while Sens. Hagel and Brownback and Norm these forces to bear on Iraqi factions, and we should work Coleman have openly split with President Bush on Iraq, to prevent miscalculations related to the turmoil in Iraq,” similar to the way Foreign Relations Chairman J. William Lugar said. Fulbright split with President Johnson on Vietnam, Lugar is Lugar concluded at the hearing on Jan. 11 that unlikely to make a public departure with President Bush. “Congress must carefully study how the President’s plan If he did, it would have sensational repercus- will affect the welfare of American service men and wom- sions. And he knows it. So Lugar will do what he perceives en, the prospects for success in Iraq, and the future of our he does best: work around the margins, quietly trying to broader strategic interests.” influence an isolated and incurious administration which He has told committee witnesses that he wants to finds itself at this writing in a quagmire of unprecedented hear how prescriptions proposed will affect “the broader proportions.v strategic context of the Middle East that is vital to U.S. From page 1 House to reconsider the deploy- Clinton wrote in a letter to Defense Secretary Robert Gates. ment. Among those joining the “It would be tragic if we fail in Afghanistan because of an fray were Sens. Barack Obama unwillingness to deploy a manageable size of additional (D-Ill.) and Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.), both considered troops to aid an important and willing ally during a time of presidential contenders. In a press conference that preced- true need.” ed Bayh’s, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman The senators also highlighted the continued short- Joe Biden (D-Del.) and Sens. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) and age in intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance capa- Carl Levin (D-Mich.) described their intention to submit a bilities, including Predator unmanned aerial vehicles, and nonbinding, bipartisan resolution opposing the deployment. the importance of helping a country that has proven to be Hundreds of reporters and photographers attended a willing partner in the fight against terrorism. the Bayh-Clinton-McHugh press conference, cramming the “There are reasons to be hopeful about Afghani- hearing room to capacity and spilling into the office spaces stan,” Bayh said during the press conference.
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