^D N ESD AT, OCTOBER T, W4t\ Mamhi^strr Eurttitta H m lb Average Daily Cirenlation The Weather --- ---------- ----------- - — r ^ . ------------------------- - For the Month of September, 194X Forecast of C. i. Weather : The Past Chiefs club of Memo­ 7,637 rial Temple Pythian Sisters will About Town meet tomorrow evening at the Member of the AmHt SHghttjr tonight. home of Mrs, Mamie Dickinson, HALE'S SELF SERVE Bnrenn. of CirenUtione 36 Bigelow street. All members are * The Original In New* Enjfland! —, Hale’s October Sql6 of Manchester— A City of ViUage Charm Th* Alpin* aocifty ^ reqiie.sted to be present as there ■MiltlilT toniftnt^ T .30 will be work for the Memorial Hospital which is urgently needed. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTTOBER 8, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS in the Italien-'AmeHcen clubnouee AND HEALTH MARKET VOL. Lxn„ NO. 7 (ClsHined Advertlalng on Page IS) Ml mdntlg:e r t w t . George Richard Delaney, of Or. CharlM W. Strant of Main Hawthorne street who enlisted in THURSDAY SPECIALS SHEETS, TOWELS an4BUNKETS •traet hai »old , to Contractor the Armv Air Corp.s last week, writes to his folks at home that he First Jap War Prisoners Reach Continental U. S. George Griffin. hi» houM at 85 ^sji^ (ireen Stamps Given With Ca.sh Sales. Hanrj’ street. Dr. Slrant i family is stationed at Camp Croft. S. C. Approjpriation Veteran Nazis Sent moved during the paet rummer to Stock Up Now A t Thp^e Special Prices their place in Coventry. A requiem masa in -itieiiiiiry ol Mf«diuni S|y^ Bolt Mrs. Mary Squatrito who died . The monthly .neetii^ J?' .seven months ago, was celebrated Quaker Oats aamuch class of the Church of the this morning at 7:30 in St. James s Swells Arms Cost Naiarene, will meet tomorirow eve- church. To Halt Red Tanks; n lia t ^ght o'clock at the home Aunt Jemima of Mrs. John McAllister, 49 Miss Selma Sn.vder' of flak L g e. Wadmvorth street. street, second year puial at Man- Pksfs. Above 220 Billions che.-'ter High school, entertained Pqncake Flour 2 with'Jiongs and tap dances at benefit program of the -Kmght.s I’roniler Approximately 90 Per •ort More Gains of the Highway’: club held recently Guns Equal PINEHURST at the Hotel x.G.srde, Hartford. Pancake Syrup o Cent o f ,New Expendi­ Mr. iH+d Mr.s. I*>yd Freeman ol tures of $6,236,956,- THURSDAY... 48 Deepwo.id Dnve''sfe spending Or Surpass Rii88ian8 |^orce Enemy tjuaUef" ✓ 621 Earmarked for New Penetrations ^ } 'U r S e S AIU q S their vacation in 'V'etrixi.nt, New Stalingrad Reported i , To hi vert Prussian Hampshire' and New \i>rk states. 2 4 ' Bag $1.19 72” X 99” Otter Lake All White Navy to Build 14,611 Flour Foes^Arms Units from Other Planes for Carriers. Encircled Enemy Units!' Pick Council Northwest of City Split Fronts in Effort to Stop Dozen of JSation's Top Lowest Price in Years! Toilet Tissue Rolls 25c SHEET BLANKETS Washington, Oct. 8.—</P) Up in Two Parts To Run War Offensive Aimetl at Rc«- — A $6,236,956,621 appropri­ Rank Mechanical En- Ant! Annihilated, NaZis lieving Siege of Stal- I* rf‘p*n ation bill, swelling the coun­ . fiineers See Surprises CAMEO c l e a n s e r Seconds of Two Stork try’s cost of arms to . more Claim; I^irge Block Lord Strabolgi Predicts iiigrat!; Soviets Main* 3 cans 25c Carrots or Beets Cannon Fine For Germans and Japs. Reg. $1.98 than six times the bill for Of Houses Captured. Speedy and Victorious tain Initiative Today, 2 cans cleanser and 1 $1.59 World War No. 1, was sent to holder for 59c. Holders, Aberdeen Proving Gmund. Md., End if Air Forres MODISS Fresh Cabbage the House floor today with Berlin (From German Mo.scow, Oft. 8.—(I'P)— limited supply, in red or MUSLIN SHEETS The fine.st all white sheet blanket made. Slight oil approximately 90 per cent of Oct. 8 t>P/ A doZen of the na­ Made Overwhelming. spots or misweaves — no holes or tears. tion’s top rank mechanic's! en­ Broadeffsts), Oct. 8.— (IP)— Rod Army tank forces break­ blue. Woven for longer wear, with soft bleaclied finish free the new’ exjienditure.s ear- gineers agreed today that not New German penetrations of ing into tlie fortified ..German from sizing. Made by the makers of the famous Cannon . mar)ted for the Navy. In ap­ Stalingrad were reported to­ Glasgow, Scotland, Oct. 8.—(/p) left flank northwest of Sta­ PINEHURST proving the omnlbiiB second sup­ only are present American guns Blindfolded and under heavy guard, the first-J-ap prixoners of war to reach the continental United —Lord Strabolgi, labor peer, call­ McIntosh Apples towels. plementary rtational defense bill, day liy the high command, lingrad were reported today FRESH FISH equal or superior to the enemy’s, .States'are taken down the gangplank at Dutch Harbor, Alaska, after capture- in a naval engagement ed today for a Supreme Allied war Fresh Mackerel ....lb . 19c tlie House Appropriations com- in AlcutUri waters. Landed at night, they were turned over to an Army provo.st marshal and later which said that northwest to have forced the enemy to 'iViittee authorized 14.611 new but "both the Germans and the coimrlll and -said that If all Allied 6 lbs. 25c; 16-qt. ^ k t. 79c Japanese have some unpleasant taken to an internment Jamp, previously prepared lor such guests.— (Official Navy Photo from NEA). of the besieged city “ encir­ divert veteran Prus.sian Smelts...................... Naval planes to- complement an cfTorta were directed to building Fillets of Haddock, Sole 81x99 . iinprecederited aircraft carrier surprises in store.” from NEA). cled enemy forces wliich had units, the elite'of hia A m y , $1.49 The experts, still rubbing up- overwhelming Air Forces there building program now under way. lieen sjdit up into two parts 'rom pther fronts in an effort and Flounder. bruises acquired in tanks which would be a speedy and vlttorious I>et* Navy Build Carriers were annihilated." Transocean to stop the push auned at reliev­ Fresh Oysters. HEALTH Mi^RKET negotiated the "liver energiZer"— ili.spatchcs said this encirclement end to the war. ing the siege of the Volga city. Clams for Chowder. 72x108 The measure granted the Navy terrain like a wa.shboard only hail been accomplished at the siib- "From recent speeches of Nazi The Rus.sians, however, maintalni, Chicken Pies ^ ea. 25c $1.49 authority to enter into contract more so -said nar'j7 a word .about Allies Face Supply Difficulties; uib of Orlovka which the hlgn leaders,” he s^d in an.addre.ss, "it ed. the initiative on the steppe* obligations estimated at approxl- what these new’ weapons were. is clear. .. that Hitler and hLs t h r if t y PINEHURST 5fi SANlim NMKINS comm'and reported several days even as the Germans poured mor« Chicken Croquettes 6 for 15c mateiv $9..’>10’000.000 for the Home In Prodiietion Now ago had been captured in an en­ confederates would like a patch- and more men and machines into FRESH MEAT CUTS building of the carriers and hun- They did disclo.se, how’ever. that veloping move. the holocaust. The latest' official 81x108 dred.s of other surface craft. ' Japanese Quit Aleutian Islands (Cohtlnued on Rage Nine) Special On ^ IN MY-NOi m i Chop Suey Ih. 29c $1.59 ' siZe Not indicated report said that German attacks . rrevious legislation enacted by (Continued on Page Nine) STEWING LAMB (Neither the high command nor w'ere beaten, off both to the north­ Cmtgress-authqriZcd the fleet addi­ west as well. as Ihside the ruined 2-Pound Cuts with 1 Vege­ Pototo Salad lb. 19c tions but did hot .set aside any Trtinsocean gave any indication table Soup Bunch or 2 * A I rn o St Insuperable of the size of the Russian force re­ city. 42x36 Pillow Cases funds for, them, or permit con­ Flee from Attn and Ag- H ailiail LcaSC Threat Made Lose Jhou'suXiA of Men Bunches Carrots.. FRESH FISH IS IN. .IN GOOD VARIETY TO BAKE. tract obligations to be assumed by Backers Drop Complications* in ported destroyed.) During the past three days, dis- ALL FOR 49e BOIL. FRY OR BROIL the Navy for them. gattii and Are Under­ “ In the Caucasus district,’’ a -patches said, the Germans lost Auburn Percale Kittery 80” X 90” Giant Sire Chatham Simultaneously, the bill, would going Heavy Rom hard- Maintenance of Lines conimiuuque reiiorled, "enemy at­ To Retaliate thousands of men, hundreds ol Braise yuar Lamb Stew furnl.sh fresh financial resen'eafor Plan to Tax Part of Jap tacks were repelled and our own trucks and armored - cars aad with Ve^tablea . serve FRESH the war projects of a doZen differ­ ment on Kiska Island. Is Slowing Advance. wedges of attack were -driven scores of tanks without corapen- SHEETS and CASES SHEETS and CASES ent government agencies nibber farther forward against stubborn with dumpHaiTB, tomato On Prisoners satiag gains. for the war machine to roll on. Secret Pact resistance. Documents taken from newly aoe...Fresh FmU Salad. Bwonds of Lady Pepperell Seconds of Lady Pepperell air lanes to carry the Allies' mes- Retail Sales Gen. MacArthur’s ' Head- "Also in Stalingrad the enemy NORTHERN OYSTERS Muslin Double Plaid Blankets Washington. Oct. '8.— (IP) captured prisoners emphasiZed Percale sago of victory, homes fob,,war quartens, Au.stralia, Oct. 8.— had to give up further terrain in fleeted Baby — Blasted by American sen British Promise Binding again the importance the Gernuuta (2 for $1.55) Clams for Chowder — Steamers Note the extra width and length.
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