Monkleigh Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 21st May 2014 at 7:30pm in Monkleigh Village Hall KEY: Actions are shown in bold blue type Decisions are shown in bold red type Councillors Present: Helen Gilbert, Carol George, David Grigg, Julia Landolfi, Martin Read, Alan Tremelling and Di Williams. Clerk: Patrick Blosse Also in attendance: 3 parishioners and Cllr. Gaston Dezart (DCC) The Parish Council meeting was preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting: Chairman’s Address: Helen Gilbert welcomed all to the meeting and gave a brief resume of the Parish Council’s activities for the past year. It had been a difficult start to the year with the loss of the previous Chair and Vice-Chair and there had been some delay in pulling together the Council’s contribution to the Draft Local Plan. It had also been disappointing to hear that the work that had been done had been ignored by the District Council. Helen was pleased to see that more parishioners were attending council meetings and taking an interest in parish affairs. The introduction of an email distribution list for minutes and agendas had been well received. This is due to be followed by the introduction of a website in the coming year. The scheme to erect bus shelters in Monkleigh and Saltrens had not yet reached a satisfactory conclusion but Helen was looking forward to being able to fulfil David Sloman’s vision in the near future. There had been some frustration about the burnt property at 2 Council Cottages but a planning application had now been approved and the property is up for a sale so it is hoped that this will soon reach a satisfactory conclusion. Parking at Monkleigh School had also caused some frustration during the year. Helen believed that this might be an issue that will ultimately prove incurable. The precept had been raised this year after some years of remaining static. She felt that it would be more sensible in future years for the precept to rise in small stages each year rather than risk having to impose a large rise in one year again. Helen was pleased that the Speedwatch scheme in Saltrens had been approved and would be activated soon. Lastly, Helen thanked the new clerk, Pat Blosse, for his support over the past year. Annual Crime Report: In the absence of PCSO Melissa Baker, the Clerk gave a resume of the crime statistics for the past year: 2 – criminal damage to vehicle 2 – possession of drugs 1 – malicious wounding with intent 3 – assaults occasioning actual bodily harm 1 – cause intentional harm and distress Open Forum: Alan Tremelling advised everyone that the Ebay website had been hacked and advised parishioners to change their passwords 315. Apologies: Cllr Phil Pennington 316: Election of Officers: Helen Gilbert and Di Williams stated that they were not prepared to stand as officers for the coming year. Both had stepped in last year and had only intended to serve for one year. Following a brief discussion it was unanimously agreed that the Councillors wished for the Parish Council to continue. Julia Landolfi was proposed by Helen Gilbert, seconded by David Grigg and was unanimously elected as Chairperson. Martin Read was proposed by David Grigg, seconded by Di Williams and was unanimously elected as Vice-Chair. 317. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 19th March 2014 were confirmed and signed. It was agreed that the clerk would continue to maintain a hand-written copy of the minutes until the present minute book was completed and that, by that time, it was hoped that the website would be operating, making access to the minutes more transparent. 318. Declarations of Interest: Alan Tremelling in relation to item 326(ii) – Hunters Lodge planning application 319. Public Participation: None 320. Clerk’s Report: (i) The Clerk presented 14 items of correspondence, most of which had been distributed by email prior to the meeting: HAGS SMP: Play equipment flyer South West Water: Updated 2015-20 Business Plan Torrington Area Advisory Group: Agenda, 15th April 2014 Monkleigh Primary School: Monthly Update Rural Revitalization Conference: Bristol 26th June 2014 Torridge and North Devon LEADER funding for 2015 TDC: First World War - Remembering Our Fallen Heroes – The Council had been asked to provide a list of the names of Monkleigh parishioners who had died whilst serving in the First World War. It was agreed that the list on the war memorial was the only available list and that the Clerk would use this to respond to TDC Weare Giffard Parish Council: Vehicle access at Annery Kiln – Weare Giffard Parish Council had asked for support in seeking parking restrictions at the entrance to Annery Kiln off the A386. It was unanimously agreed to offer support and Cllr Dezart offered to also press for action via the newly formed Bideford Forum Junkmail: Recycling and Composting newsletter Schedules of Planning Applications. The Clerk explained that these had now been replaced by a weekly emailed list of all applications in the district. Since the Clerk will still be notified of any consultations required, it was agreed that the weekly list would not be distributed. Mark Group: Free Cavity and Loft Insulation posters and flyers Clerks and Councils Direct magazines TTVS: Annual Membership Request. It was agreed to pay £10 for an annual subscription to the electronic newsletter. TAP Fund 2014/15 and offer to join Weare Giffard Parish Council in a scheme at Annery Kiln – The Clerk explained that the TAP Fund Scheme was continuing for the current year and, as last year’s grant had not been claimed, would be worth £718 this year but it would not be possible to roll any of this forward after 31st March 2015. Weare Giffard had proposed a joint scheme to fund a feasibility study for a community water turbine on the river at Annery Kiln, which represented the border between the two parishes. There was some concern that there was very little detail available about the proposal and that, as the grant would only fund a feasibility study, there was a risk that the scheme would never get off the ground and the opportunity to spend the grant on another project would have been lost. It was agreed that all members would consider alternative potential projects and that the clerk would try to obtain more details about the water turbine scheme and that these would be discussed at the next meeting. 321. Monkleigh Primary School – Walking Bus Scheme: The scheme had not started yet as DCC were apparently carrying out a safety check before giving approval. Martin Read reported that the ‘chicane’ of cars had improved at first, but that some parking outside the school by school staff was starting to happen again (not every day though). The use of Grigg’s Field for parking on the day of the cross-country run had worked well. A new resident next to the school had complained about people parking on his drive. David Grigg felt that it was the introduction of the Pre-School that had caused more problems. Martin Read agreed pointing out that this had extended the school day. 322. Bus Shelter: The Clerk distributed brochures of a variety of bus shelters. He believed that £1,000 should be allowed for installation costs although this would depend on the size and style chosen. DCC Highways had not yet completed their safety audit. There was some debate about the sites available and the possibility of building a purpose- made shelter to fit the spaces available. It was agreed to call a site meeting with Julian Roskilly as soon as possible and Cllr Dezart undertook to exert some pressure for this if necessary. 323. Street Lighting: The light opposite the village hall had been repaired but the one nearest the church was still not working at all and martin Read reported that the one outside Monkleigh School is ‘erratic’. The Clerk will report both lights to DCC. 324. Road Surface Repairs: David Grigg thought that the hump in the temporary repair on the sharp bend in Monkleigh should be taken off. Alan Tremelling explained that the wrong aggregate had been used by the contractors last year and that they should put it right. 325. Members’ Reports: David Grigg reported that the edges of the road from Monkleigh to Monkleigh Mill were worn away. The Clerk will report to DCC Highways. David also asked the Clerk to request that the grass at the junction of the A386/A388 is cut as it obscures sightlines. (This work was done the day after the meeting before being reported.) Alan Tremelling said that DCC had reported that it had no money for road repairs so there would be little chance of the work being done. Di Williams had received complaints about the hedge at Holly Cottage which was blocking the view. Martin Read believed that this helped to slow down traffic but other councillors believed it was more of a hazard than a help. It was agreed that the Clerk would write to the owner (Mr Dymond) to ask if the hedge could be trimmed. Martin Read asked the Clerk to ask Torridge DC for a response to his email about the Settlement Plan. Gaston Dezart gave a report of the potholes situation. For the week-ending 12th May 2014, 1,978 reported, 1,548 completed, 934 backlog. There were 12 gangs doing ‘hot- box’ repairs and 16 using the ‘cold leg’ method. These teams were still using staff that would otherwise be allocated to lengthsman duties and there was no likelihood that this situation would end soon.
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