Leicester 1957

Leicester 1957

LEICESTER 1957 Thanks to Tim Grant Updated 7.12.2106 No Times recorded at Leicester until June Monday 14th April 1957 Cowley Stadium, Oxford Oxford Cheetahs 65 Leicester Hunters 29 (Challenge) Oxford Ronnie Genz 3 3 2’ 2’ F 10 2 Gordon McGregor 1 2’ 2’ 3 2’ 10 3 Jack Biggs 3 3 1 2 3 12 Dennis Newton 2’ 2’ 3 3 3 13 2 Gerald Jackson 3 3 2’ 3 3 14 1 Howdy Byford 1 1 0 2’ 0 4 1 Frank Johnson 3 0 3 Leicester Harry Bastable 0 0 0 1 0 1 Charlie New 2 1 2 2 3 3 13 Des Haswell 1 1 1 1 1 5 Arthur Wright 0 0 3 0 1 4 Ron Mountford 2 0 0 2’ 4 1 Nick Nicholls 0 1 1 0 2 Vic Hall 0 0 0 Ht1 Genz, New, McGregor, Bastable 67.6 4 2 4 2 Ht2 Biggs, Newton, Haswell, Wright 67.2 5 1 9 3 Ht3 Jackson, Mountford, Byford, Nicholls 68.6 4 2 13 5 Ht4 Johnston, McGregor, New, Hall 66.8 5 1 18 6 Ht5 Biggs, Newton, Nicholls, Mountford 68.4 5 1 23 7 Ht6 Genz, McGregor, Haswell, Wright 68.6 5 1 28 8 Ht7 Jackson, New, Byford, Bastable 68.0 4 2 32 10 Ht8 McGregor, Genz, Nicholls, Mountford 68.4 5 1 37 11 Ht9 Wright, Byford, Haswell, Jackson 68.6 2 4 39 15 Ht10 Newton, New, Biggs, Bastable 67.6 4 2 43 17 Ht11 Newton, Genz, Bastable, Nicholls 68.6 5 1 48 18 Ht12 Jackson, McGregor, Haswell, Wright 69.0 5 1 53 19 Ht13 New, Biggs, Johnson (nf), Nicholls (nf) 68.6 2 3 55 22 Ht14 Newton, Byford, Haswell, hall 69.8 5 1 60 23 Ht15 Biggs, Jackson, Wright, Bastable 68.4 5 1 65 24 Ht15 New, Mountford, Genz (nf), Byford (nf) 70.0 0 5 65 29 Friday 10th May 1957 Blackbird Road, Leicester Leicester Hunters 50 Oxford Cheetahs 46 (Britannia Cup North) Leicester Ken McKinlay 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Charlie Barsby 0 1 E 0 0 1 Jack Geran 2 2 2 1 2’ 9 1 Des Haswell 1’ 0 0 0 Ron How 1’ 3 2’ 3 3 12 2 Alf Hagon 2 1 3 1 2’ 9 1 Reg Fearman 0 0 0 Oxford Ronnie Genz 1’ 2 3 1’ 0 7 2 Gordon McGregor 2 3 0 1 1 7 Jack Biggs 3 1’ 1 2 2 9 1 Dennis Newton 0 2 0 3 1 6 Ray Cresp 0 1 1’ 1’ 0 3 2 Howdy Byford 3 3 2 2 2’ 12 1 Roy Bowers 2’ E 2 1 Ht1McKinlay, McGregor, Genz, Barsby 3 3 3 3 Ht2 Biggs, Geran, Haswell, Newton 3 3 6 6 Ht3 Byford, Hagon, How, Cresp 3 3 9 9 Ht4 McGregor, Bowers, Barsby, Fearman 1 5 10 14 Ht5 Byford, Geran, Cresp, Haswell 2 4 12 18 Ht6 McKinlay, Newton, Biggs, Barsby (ef) 3 3 15 21 Ht7 How, Genz, Hagon, McGregor 4 2 19 23 Ht8 McKinlay, Byford, Cresp, Barsby 3 3 22 26 Ht9 Hagon, How, Biggs, Newton 5 1 27 27 Ht10 Genz, Geran, McGregor, Haswell 2 4 29 31 Ht11 McKinlay, Byford, Genz, Haswell 3 3 32 34 Ht12 How, Biggs, Gresp, Barsby 3 3 35 37 Ht13 Newton, Byford, Geran, Fearman 1 5 36 42 Ht14 McKinlay, Biggs, Hagon, Bowers (ef) 4 2 40 44 Ht15 How, Geran, Newton, Genz 5 1 45 45 Ht16 McKinlay, Hagon, McGregor, Cresp 5 1 50 46 Brian’s Nominated Brian Elliott 2 3 5 Colin Gooddy 1’ 3 4 1 Vic Hall 1 2’ 3 1 Barry’s Nominated Barry East 3 E 3 Alan Pearce 0 2 2 Mike Lawrence 0 9 Reg Fearman 1 1 Ht1 East, Elliott, Gooddy, Pearce 3 3 3 3 Ht2 Gooddy, Pearce, Hall, Lawrence 4 2 7 5 Ht3 Elliott, Hall, Fearman, East (ef) 5 1 12 6 Top Two Match Race Ron How bt Ken McKinlay Saturday 11th May 1957 Perry Barr, Birmingham Birmingham Brummies 57 – Leicester Hunters 39 (Britannia Cup North) Birmingham 1. Eric Boothroyd 1’ 3 3 2 1 10 1 2. Harry Bastable 2 2’ 1 0 2’ 7 2 3. Ron Mountford 3 3 1 3 1’ 11 1 4. Jim Tolley 1 2’ 0 1’ 0 4 2 5. Guy Allott 2 2 2’ 3 2 11 1 6. Nigel Boocock 1’ 1’ 3 3 3 11 2 7. Derrick Tailby 3 0 3 Leicester 1. Ken McKinlay 3 3 3 3 3 EF 15 2. Charlie Barsby F F EF N N 0 3. Gordon McGregor 0 0 1 0 1’ 2 1 4. Alf Hagon 2 2 1’ 0 2 0 7 1 5. Des Haswell 0 0 N N N 0 6. Jack Geran 3 1 2 0 1’ 2 9 1 7. Reg Fearman 1 2’ 1 2 6 1 Ht1 McKinlay, Bastable, Boothroyd, Barsby [f] 71.2 3 3 3 3 Ht2 Mountford, Hagon, Tolley, McGregor 73.0 4 2 7 5 Ht3 Geran, Allott, Boocock, Haswell 74.8 3 3 10 8 Ht4 Tailby, Bastable, Fearman, Barsby [f] 74.8 5 1 15 9 Ht5 Mountford, Tolley, Geran, Haswell 73.6 5 1 20 10 Ht6 Boothroyd, Hagon, Bastable, McGregor 73.4 4 2 24 12 Ht7 McKinlay, Allott, Boocock, Barsby [ef] 72.2 3 3 27 15 Ht8 Boothroyd, Geran, Hagon, Bastable 74.0 3 3 30 18 Ht9 Boocock, Allott, McGregor, Hagon 73.8 5 1 35 19 Ht10 McKinlay, Fearman, Mountford, Tolley 72.4 1 5 36 24 Ht11 McKinlay, Boothroyd, Tolley, Geran 73.2 3 3 39 27 Ht12 Allott, Bastable, Fearman, McGregor 75.0 5 1 44 28 Ht13 Mountford, Hagon, Geran, Tailby 74.6 3 3 47 31 Ht14 Boocock, Fearman, McGregor, Tolley 75.4 3 3 50 34 Ht15 McKinlay, Allott, Mountford, Hagon 74.0 3 3 53 37 Ht16 Boocock, Geran, Boothroyd, McKinlay [ef] 75.4 4 2 57 39 Monday 13 th May 1957 Stanley Stadium, Liverpool Liverpool Eagles 51 Leicester Hunters 43 (Challenge) Liverpool Ron Clarke 2 2’ E 0 4 1 Bob Fletcher 1’ 3 3 2 2 11 1 Peter Craven 3 3 3 3 2 14 Dennis Jenkins 1 F 1 1 2’ 5 1 Eddie Rigg 2 2 1’ 1’ 1’ 7 3 Al Allison 1’ 1’ 2 0 3 7 2 Peter Thompson 2’ 0 2 1 Leicester Ken McKinlay 3 3 2 2’ 3 3 16 1 Tommy Toll 0 0 0 1 2’ 3 1 Ted Connor 0 0 0 0 Ray Harris 2 0 3 1’ 0 6 1 Charlie Barsby 0 2 F 0 3 5 Nick Nicholls 3 F 3 3 2 11 Bill Davis 1 0 1 Ht1 McKinlay, Clarke, Fletcher, Toll 80.6 3 3 3 3 Ht2 Craven, Harris, Jenkins, Connor 78.9 4 2 7 5 Ht3 Nicholls, Rigg, Allison, Barsby 79.0 3 3 10 8 Ht4 Fletcher, Thompson, Davis, Toll 79.6 5 1 15 9 Ht5 Craven, Barsby, Jenkins (f), Nicholls (f) 81.6 3 2 18 11 Ht6 Fletcher, Clarke, Harris, Connor 80.2 5 1 23 12 Ht7 McKinlay, Rigg, Allison, Harris 79.0 3 3 26 15 Ht8 Nicholls, Fletcher, Clarke (ef), Barsby (f) 79.6 2 3 28 18 Ht9 Harris, Allison, Rigg, Connor 80.0 3 3 31 21 Ht10 Craven, McKinlay, Jenkins, Toll 77.4 4 2 35 23 Ht11 Nicholls, McKinlay, Jenkins, Thompson 80.6 1 5 36 28 Ht12 McKinlay, Fletcher, Rigg, Barsby 79.0 3 3 39 31 Ht13 Craven, Nicholls, Harris, Thompson 79.0 3 3 42 34 Ht14 Allison, Jenkins, Toll, Davis 80.6 5 1 47 35 Ht15 McKinlay, Craven, Rigg, Harris 78.0 3 3 50 38 Ht16 Barsby, Toll, Allison, Clarke 81.0 1 5 51 43 Thursday 16th May 1957 Cowley Stadium, Oxford Oxford Cheetahs 49 Leicester Hunters 46 (Britannia Cup North) Oxford Ronnie Genz 2 3 2 F 1 8 Gordon McGregor 1’ 2’ 1 1’ 3 8 3 Jack Biggs 3 3 3 3 F 12 Dennis Newton 2’ 0 0 2 1 5 1 Ray Cresp 3 1 1’ 1 2 8 1 Howdy Byford 0 0 2 3 0 5 Roy Bowers 3 0 3 Leicester Ken McKinlay 3 3 1’ 3 2 3 15 1 Charlie Barsby F 0 0 Jack Geran 0 2 3 2 2 2 11 Des Haswell F 0 0 0 Alf Hagon 1’ 1’ 2’ 3 0 2’ 9 4 Ian Williams 2 2 0 1 1’ 3 9 1 Reg Fearman 1 0 1 2 Ht1 McKinlay, Genz, McGregor, Barsby (f) 3 3 3 3 Ht2 Biggs, Newton, Geran (ret), Haswell (f) 5 0 8 3 Ht3 Cresp, Williams, Hagon, Byford 3 3 11 6 Ht4 Bowers, McGregor, Fearman, Barsby 5 1 16 7 Ht5 Biggs, Williams, Hagon, Newton 3 3 19 10 Ht6 Genz, Geran, McGregor, Haswell 4 2 23 12 Ht7 McKinlay, Hagon, Cresp, Byford 1 5 24 17 Ht8 Hagon, Genz, McGregor, Williams 3 3 27 20 Ht9 Geran, Byford, Cresp, Haswell 3 3 30 23 Ht10 Biggs, Geran, McKinlay, Newton 3 3 33 26 Ht11 McKinlay, Newton, Williams, Genz (f) 2 4 35 30 Ht12 McGregor, Geran, Cresp, Hagon 4 2 39 32 Ht13 Biggs, McKinlay, Williams, Bowers 3 3 42 35 Ht14 Byford, Geran, Newton, Fearman 4 2 46 37 Ht15 McKinlay, Cresp, Fearman, Biggs (f) 2 4 48 41 Ht16 Williams, Hagon, Genz, Byford (ret) 1 5 49 46 Friday 17th May 1957 Blackbird Road, Leicester Leicester Hunters 57 – Birmingham Brummies 39 (Britannia Cup North) No times recorded at this meeting Leicester 1.

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