AdvancingAdvancing BroadbandBroadband WirelessWireless ThroughThrough Open,Open, GlobalGlobal StandardizationStandardization Roger B. Marks NationalNational InstituteInstitute ofof StandardsStandards andand TechnologyTechnology Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access WWWhhhyyy SSStttaaannndddaaarrrdddsss??? •• PeoplePeople oftenoften taketake thethe viewview thatthat standardizationstandardization isis thethe enemyenemy ofof creativity.creativity. ButBut II thinkthink thatthat standardsstandards helphelp makemake creativitycreativity possiblepossible ---- byby allowingallowing forfor thethe establishmentestablishment ofof anan infrastructure,infrastructure, whichwhich thenthen leadsleads toto enormousenormous entrepreneurialismentrepreneurialism,, creativity,creativity, andand competitiveness.competitiveness. – Vint Cerf, Internet pioneer • Fast Company, April 2000 WWWhhhyyy SSStttaaannndddaaarrrdddsss??? SurveySurvey ofof aboutabout 600600 peoplepeople atat BWBW WorldWorld ForumForum (6(6 MarchMarch 2000):2000): HowHow importantimportant areare standardsstandards toto thethe long-termlong-term successsuccess ofof thisthis industry?industry? ExtremelyExtremely important:important: 59%59% SomewhatSomewhat important:important: 30%30% BusinessBusiness CaseCase forfor BroadbandBroadband WirelessWireless StandardsStandards “Subassembly“Subassembly andand chipchip manufacturersmanufacturers simplysimply cannotcannot supplysupply thethe performanceperformance ...... atat aa priceprice whichwhich isis feasiblefeasible forfor significantsignificant penetrationpenetration intointo thethe consumerconsumer marketmarket today…today… LMDSLMDS maymay bebe closestclosest toto achievingachieving thisthis goal,goal, butbut itsits lacklack ofof aa unifiedunified standardstandard andand lacklack ofof commitmentcommitment toto significantsignificant volumesvolumes willwill inhibitinhibit furtherfurther priceprice declinesdeclines.”.” - “Millimeter Wave 1998” Allied Business Intelligence SSStttaaannndddaaarrrdddiiizzzaaatttiiiooonnn BBBooodddyyy •• IEEEIEEE StandardsStandards AssociationAssociation ••IEEEIEEE 802:802: LAN/MANLAN/MAN StandardsStandards CommitteeCommittee ––IEEEIEEE 802.16802.16 WorkingWorking GroupGroup onon BroadbandBroadband WirelessWireless AccessAccess •• 802.16802.16 SponsorshipSponsorship –– IEEEIEEE ComputerComputer SocietySociety –– IEEEIEEE MicrowaveMicrowave TheoryTheory && TechniquesTechniques SocietySociety IEEEIEEE 802802 TheThe LAN/MANLAN/MAN StandardsStandards CommitteeCommittee Wired:Wired: –– 802.3802.3 (Ethernet)(Ethernet) TheThe WirelessWireless Web,Web, 802802 Style:Style: –– 802.11:802.11: WirelessWireless LANLAN ••LocalLocal AreaArea NetworksNetworks –– 802.15:802.15: WirelessWireless PANPAN ••PersonalPersonal AreaArea NetworksNetworks {{incinc.. Bluetooth}Bluetooth} –– 802.16:802.16: WirelessMANWirelessMANTM ••MetropolitanMetropolitan AreaArea NetworksNetworks WWWhhhyyy IIIEEEEEEEEE 888000222??? DatacomDatacom StandardizationStandardization ––GlobalGlobal ––OpenOpen ––Industry-DrivenIndustry-Driven –– e.g.e.g. 802802 inin unchallengedunchallenged inin LANLAN •• 802802 EthernetEthernet standardsstandards publishedpublished byby ISO/IECISO/IEC LLLiiimmmiiitttaaatttiiiooonnnsss tttooo IIIEEEEEEEEE PPPrrroooccceeessssss WeakWeak onon follow-throughfollow-through •• compliancecompliance && interoperabilityinteroperability testingtesting •• marketingmarketing ConsortiaConsortia havehave filledfilled thisthis vacuumvacuum 888000222’’’’’’’sss SSSuuucccccceeessssss::: EEExxxaaammmpppllleeesss • Nov. 1999: Total sales of Shared Hubs and LAN Switches grew 5% to $3 billion in 3Q99, according to the Dell'Oro Group's quarterly report... Gigabit Ethernet port shipments, which grew 46% quarter over quarter, were driven by an average price decline of 20%. • Feb. 2000 - According to the Dell'Oro Group's Shared Hub & LAN Switch 5-Year Forecast, the Ethernet Switch Market is predicted to grow to in excess of $23 Billion by 2004, an average annual growth rate of 20% per year. A key driver of this growth is the expansion of the Ethernet Switch market from the LAN into the MAN/WAN. 888000222...111666 MMMeeemmmbbbeeerrrsss •• EngineersEngineers •• IEEEIEEE 802.16802.16 –– 108108 votingvoting MembersMembers –– 3838 near-Membersnear-Members –– 4343 officialofficial ObserversObservers –– OverOver 160160 peoplepeople atat recentrecent meetingsmeetings 888000222...111666 MMMeeemmmbbbeeerrrsss FFFrrrooommm::: 3Com Corp. NTT AT&T Wireless Services Netro Corporation Adaptive Broadband Inc. Nokia Networks Agilent Technologies Nortel Networks Alcatel Nottingham Trent University Analog Devices, Inc. Oak Wireless Aperto Networks Philsar Semiconductor Inc. Belstar Systems Corp. RADWIN Ltd. BreezeCOM RF Solutions BridgeWave Communications, Inc. Radiant Networks PLC Broadcom Corp. Radiocommunications Agency, UK Cabletron Systems Rainbow Network Systems Canon Research Center America, Inc. Runcom Technologies Ltd. Carleton University SR Telecom Inc. Centre for Wireless Communications SciCom CircuitPath Network Systems SiCOM, Inc. ComTier, Inc. Siemens Communications Consulting Services SpaceBridge Networks Corp. Conexant Systems, Inc. SpectraPoint Wireless LLC Crosspan Network Access Technologies Sprint E. A. Robinson Consulting, Inc. Technical Strategy Associates Ensemble Communications Inc. Telaxis Communications Corporation Gennum Corporation Telcordia Technologies Hardin & Associates, Inc. TelesciCOM Ltd. Harris Corporation Teligent, Inc. Hughes Network Systems Tioga Technologies Industry Canada Transcomm Inc. Infineon Technologies Corp. TurboNet Communications Integrity Broadband Networks, Inc. U S WEST Advanced Technologies Intel Corp. University of Sheffield InterDigital Communications Corp. Vyyo Inc. Malibu Networks WaveIP Ltd. Mitsubishi Electronics America, Inc. Wavtrace, Inc. Motorola Inc. WestEnd NEC America, Inc. Wireless Facilities, Inc. NIST World Access Inc. 802.16’s802.16’s WideWide OpenOpen ProcessProcess •• AnyoneAnyone can:can: – Attend meetings – Subscribe to email list – Read documents – Comment on documents •• MembersMembers cancan votevote – Membership acquired by attendance •• FinalizedFinalized throughthrough openopen “Sponsor“Sponsor Ballot”Ballot” ProcessProcess •• TaskTask GroupsGroups •• CallCall forfor ContributionsContributions – Specific topics for discussion at next meeting •• ReceiveReceive andand postpost writtenwritten contributionscontributions •• DiscussDiscuss andand debatedebate atat meetingmeeting •• AdoptAdopt initialinitial draftdraft •• ReviseRevise inin andand outout ofof meetingsmeetings •• AdoptAdopt finalfinal WGWG draftdraft byby 75%75% votevote •• FinalizedFinalized throughthrough openopen “Sponsor“Sponsor Ballot”Ballot” 888000222...111666 PPPrrrooojjjeeeccctttsss 802.16802.16.1.1:: AirAir Interface,Interface, 10-6610-66 GHzGHz ••PHYPHY Chair:Chair: JayJay Klein,Klein, EnsembleEnsemble ••PHYPHY Editor:Editor: JeffJeff FoersterFoerster,, IntelIntel ••MACMAC Chair:Chair: CarlCarl EklundEklund,, NokiaNokia ••MACMAC Editor:Editor: GlenGlen SaterSater,, MotorolaMotorola 802.16802.16.2.2:: CoexistenceCoexistence ••AndyAndy MacGregorMacGregor,, NortelNortel (Chair)(Chair) 802.16802.16.3.3:: AirAir Interface,Interface, 2-112-11 GHzGHz (licensed)(licensed) ••BrianBrian KiernanKiernan,, InterdigitalInterdigital (Chair)(Chair) ––CarlCarl BushueBushue,, SprintSprint (Vice(Vice Chair)Chair) WirelessWireless High-SpeedHigh-Speed UnlicensedUnlicensed MANMAN (study)(study) ––WirelessHUMANWirelessHUMANTM ––DurgaDurga P.P. SatapathySatapathy,, SprintSprint (Chair)(Chair) 888000222...111666...111 DDDeeevvveeelllooopppmmmeeennnttt PPPlllaaannn Document IEEE 802.16-99/05 http://wirelessman.org/docs/99/80216-99_05.pdf 888000222...111666 SSSeeessssssiiiooonnn HHHiiissstttooorrryyy IEEEIEEE 802.16802.16 SessionsSessions (1(1 weekweek each):each): #1:#1: JulyJuly 1999:1999: 106106 peoplepeople becamebecame membersmembers #2:#2: AugustAugust 1999:1999: FunctionalFunctional RequirementsRequirements #3:#3: SeptemberSeptember 1999:1999: 802.16.1802.16.1 ScheduleSchedule #4:#4: NovemberNovember 19991999 –heard–heard 802.16.1802.16.1 ProposalsProposals (19(19 PHY,PHY, 1515 MAC)MAC) #5:#5: JanuaryJanuary 20002000 (118(118 people)people) ––heardheard 22 ConvergedConverged 802.16.1802.16.1 ProposalsProposals 880022..1166 SSSeeessssssiiiooonnn HHHiiissstttooorrryyy (((cccooonnnttt...))) #6: Mar. 6-9, 2000, Albuquerque (126 people) •802.16.3 group established ••WirelessWireless High-SpeedHigh-Speed UnlicensedUnlicensed MANMAN (WirelessHUMAN( TM) #7: May 1-5, 2000, DC (158 people [+ETSI]) •Agreement for 802.16.1 merger •First 802.16.3 meeting (requirements) •First WirelessHUMANTM meeting •agreement with ETSI BRAN 880022..1166 MMeeeettiinngg SScchheedduullee #7.5: May 30-June 2, 2000, Boulder, CO •Details of merged 802.16.1 proposal #8: July 10-13, 2000, La Jolla •802.16.1 to Final Task Group Review #9: September 11-15, 2000, Denver •802.16.1 to Working Group Letter Ballot #10: November 6-10, 2000, Tampa •802.16.1 draft completed •802.16.2 draft completed CCCuuurrrrrreeennnttt 888000222...111666...111 PPPrrrooopppooosssaaalll Submitted by 35 participants from: 3Com Lucent Adaptive Broadband Inc. Motorola BreezeCOM Newbridge CircuitPath Network Nokia Systems Nortel Communications Consulting Oren Semiconductor Ltd. Services SiCOM, Inc. Crosspan (A Raytheon Co.) Siemens Digital Microwave Spacebridge Networks Corp. Corporation SpectraPoint Ensemble Communications TelesciCOM Ltd. Ericsson Vyyo iSKY 888000222...111666...111
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