a prep school, and completed one year in college before the advent of World War II attracted my at­ tention. Volunteering into the Army Air Corps cadet program, I reached Maxwell Field, Alabama to be transferred into British Flying Training School #5 in Clewiston, Florida, earned both Air Corps and RAF STRAIGHT AND LEVEL wings; was then moved to Great Falls, Montana as a ferry pilot with the Air Transport Command, flying fighters, twins and multi-engine aircraft throughout the World War II period. Following the war period, I returned to North Carolina, married, completed college, and established a hosiery manufacturing business in Pilot Mountain, By Brad Thorn as North Carolina, where I continue to reside with my family. Aviation is my hobby, beginning in the early thirties with model building and progressing to the present, with my spare time devoted toward EM, our Division, and maintaining my homebuilts, single engine "tra­ With the excellent guidance available from the Offi­ velling" aircraft, and my most recent project, a 1937 cers, Directors, and Advisors of our Division, we will D-17R Beech Staggerwing. My interest in aviation con­ strive to serve the membership, EM and all aviation tinues to increase throughout the years. The fellow­ with the expertise available to fulfill the purpose of ship, fly-ins, local EM Chapter #8, our Antique Chap­ this Division: ter #3 (NC-SC-VA), our EM Antique/Classic Division 1. to encou rage and aid the retention and restora­ - all contribute to my high regard for those whose tion of antique, historical and classic aircraft; interest lies in aviation. 2. to establish a library devoted to the history of After serving the Division as Chief Classic judge aviation and to construction, repair, restoration, for the Oshkosh International Convention, as Advisor maintenance and preservation of aircraft, par­ and member of the Board of Directors, the Division ticularly antique, historical and classic aircraft Secretary, and now as President, I pledge to serve our and engines; Antique/Classic Division with the best of my ability 3. to hold and conduct meetings, displays and edu­ and with the effort expected of me. cational programs relating to aviation with em­ phasis on restoration, maintenance and care of antique, historical and classic aircraft and en­ gines; 4. to improve aviation safety and aviation educa­ tion. WILLIAM EHLEN The Vintage Airplane has been acclaimed by many March 24, 1913 - February 11, 1979 to be the best publication available - devoted en­ tirely to the functions and history of antique and clas­ We were saddened to learn of the death of sic aircraft, historical events of aviation interest, res­ our friend Bill Ehlen. Bill was active in the for­ toration and maintenance of antique and classic air­ mation of the Antique/Classic Division, had a craft, and a library of useful information. We plan to hand in the development of Sun 'N Fun, took The Antique/Classic Board of Directors, following expand and add to the Vintage Airplane new and ex­ an ambitious role at Oshkosh, and was seen fre­ the resignation of J. R. Nielander, Jr. as President of citing items of interest to antique and classic buffs. quently at fly-ins around the country with his the Division, has appointed me to serve as your Presi­ This is your publication and we solicit your thoughts Aeronca Chief. Bill's interest in vintage air­ dent for the unexpired term. The hours and hours of and suggestions about it~ contents. craft and his contributions to the sport aviation time, thought, preparation, planning, and execution As your new President, I feel you should be given movement as a Director achieved a level of ac­ by J. R. throughout the past years are obviously planted a brief background, so I introduce myself as a hosiery complishment that will be deeply missed. and the seeds have grown into the expansion of our manufacturer by trade, who soloed in 1938 at the age Division. It is my utmost desire to increase this growth. of sixteen in a J-3 Cub - as so many have - attended TIl~ VI""TAC7~ AIl?VLA""~ Editorial OFFICIAL MAGAZINE Staff EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION INC. Publisher of THE EXPER IMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION Paul H. Poberezny P.O. Box 229, Hales Corners, WI 53130 CopyrightO 1979 EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc., All Rights Reserved. (Dave G ustafson Photo) Editor 1949 Bell 47, a Classic belonging to Patricia's Heli­ MARCH 1979 VOLUME 7 NUMBER 3 David Gustafson copter Service. The Co ver . .. Grand Champion Classic Aeronca Chief a t Sun ' N Fun belongs to AI Na se - story next month. (David Gustafson Photo) Associate Editors: H. Glenn Buffington, Edward D. Williams, Byron (Fred) Fredericksen Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Associate Editorships are assigned to those writers who submit five or more articles which are published in THE VINTAGE AIR· TABLE OF CONTENTS PLANE during the current year. Associates receive a bound volume of THE VINTAGE AIR· PLANE and a free one·year membership in the Division for their efforts. POLlCY·Opinions Straight and Level by Brad Thomas ... , ........... .. _.......... .. .. , 2 expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting Sun 'n Fun '79'by Paul Hopkins , . , . " .. .. , .. , . .. ". ,., . .. ... ,. 4 re sts entirely with the contributor. Directors Cantilever Cessnas The " World's Most Efficient" by Gar Williams. , ...... , . ...... , , . ..... , , , , . .. , , . 8 PRESIDENT Claude L. Gray, Jr. AI Kelch National Stearman Fly-In by Thomas E. Lowe, . , . , , , . , . , . ,. , , .. , ... , 20 W . BRAD THOMAS, JR. 9635 Sylvia Avenue 66 W , 622 N. Madison Avenue 301 DODSON MILL ROAD Northridge, CA 91324 Cedarburg, WI 53092 Borden's Aeroplane Posters From The 1930's PILOT MOUNTAIN, NC 27041 213/349~1338 414/377-5886 Home by Lionel Salisbury .... .. .... , .... .... ........... , , . .... , , ... _... 23 919/368-2875 Home Dale A. Gustafson Morton W. Lester New 15 Passenger 1933 CurtiSS-Wright Condor Transport .. ... , . , .. _.. 24 919/368-2291 Office 7724 Shady Hill Drive P.O . Box 3747 Watkins Skylark X-470E by Cedric Galloway ... ... .. , . , .. ... , .. , . , , .. 25 VICE-PRESIDENT Indianapolis, IN 46274 Martinsvillf>, VA 24112 Letters To The Editor . .. _.. ......... .... ....... .. , .. , . , , ..... , ... 26 JACK C. WINTHROP 317/293-4430 703/632-4839 'Home Calendar of Events ...... ... .... ,.,', . ..... , ....... .. ,., . , .. , .. ... 26 ROUTE 1, BOX 111 Richard H. Wagner 703/638-8783 Office EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION MEMBERSHIP ALLEN, TX 75002 P.O. Box 181 Arthur R. Morgan 2141727-5649' Lyons, WI 53148 3744 North 51st Blvd. o NON-EAA MEMBER - $20.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique/ Milwaukee, WI 53216 Cla ss ic Division, 12 monthly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE ; one year mem­ SECRETARY 414/763-2017 Home 414/763-9588 Office 414/442-3631 bership in the Experimental Aircraft Ass ociation and separate membership cards. M . C. "KELLY" VIETS SPORT AVIATION magazine not included. 7745 W . 183RD ST. lo hn S. Co peland Advisors Dan Neuman STILWELL, KS 66085 9' Joa nne Drive 1521 Berne Circle West o EAA MEMBER - $14.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique/Classic W estborough, MA 01 581 Robert E. Kesel Minneapolis, MN 55421 Division , 12 monthly iss ues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE AND MEMBERSHIP CARD. 913/681-2303 Home 617/36&- 7245 455 O akridge Drive 6121571-0893 Ro ches ter, NY 14617 (Applicant must be current EAA member and must give EAA membership number,) 913/681-2622 Office Jo hn R. Turgyan Ro nald Fritz 7161342·3170 Ho me 1989'Wilson, NW 1530 Ku se r Road TREASURER 716/325·2000, Ex t. Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Trento n , NJ 08619 ' 23250/23320 Office E. E. " BUCK" HILBERT 6161453·7525 609/585-2747 8102 LEECH ROAD Stan Gomoll Gene M o rris Ro bert A. White UNION, IL 60180 104290th Lane, N E 27 Chandelle Drive P.O . Box 704 815/923-4205 Minnea polis, MN 55434 Hampshire, IL 601 40 Zellwo od, FL 32798 6121784-1172 3121683· 3199 ' 305/88&- 3180 THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091 -694 3) is owned exclusively by EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc.. and is published m onthly at Hales Co rners, Wi sco nsin 53130. Seco nd class Postage paid at Hales Corners Post Office, Hales Corners. Wisconsin 53130, a nd additional mailing offices. Membership rates fo r EAA Antique/Classic Divisio n , Inc., are $14.00 per 12 month period o f which $10.00 is fo r the publicatio n o f THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is o pe n to all who are interested in aviation. Page 4 Page 8 Page 20 3 •••••••• By Paul Hopkins that usually passed during the nighttime hours; leav­ of tho,. that d;d make th9.how -'-- mo,. about that 1617 South Florida Avenue ing the days mostly clear and not too cold. Only one later. Lakeland, Florida 33 803 day of forty knot gusts threatened to wreck havoc on The fenced Sun 'N Fun compound was a week long (Photographs by David Gustafson, Editor) our tent city. The most damaging weather for many beehive of aviation activity. The OX-5 Club sponsored happened hundreds of miles to the north. Record a tent for aviation pioneers which provided a gather­ snowfalls, ice storms, and just plain unflyable (or ing place for these honored guests, as did the Fri­ Sun 'N Fun 79 is history, and as usual, "Old Man driveablel winter fare kept a great number of con­ day evening "Gathering of Eagles" hosted by the Winter" had a bag full of tricks to keep us on our toes. vention bound guests far from their destination. Florida Sport Aviation, Antique and Classic Associa­ In past years, we have run the gauntlet of everything Registration statistics proved the effects of the tion. Our beloved pioneer, Jessie Woods, aided and from tornado alerts and line squalls to snowstorms.
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