9594 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE May 27 The following-named officers of the Ma­ 1n the Marine Corps, subject to quallfteatton million for the completion of th~ Inter­ rine Corps for permanent appointment to therefor as provided by Iaw: American Highway; the grade of major: · · Richard H. Esau, Jr. H. R. 12356. An act to amend the act en­ John S. Alexander Chester M. Lupushan- William R. Gentry. titled "An act to authorize and direct the Joe B. Crownover sky Wllliam R. Irwin. construction of b:ridges over the Potomac Dene T. Harp Kenneth J. Smock River, and for other purposes," approved Eugene W. Gleason Ji::dgar D. Pitman August 30, 1954; and John E. Quay,Jr. David M. Bidwell CONFIRMATIONS H. R. 12377·. An act to authorize the Com­ Paul G. Graham Harry Hunter, Jr. missioners ot the District of Columbia to Edgar F. Remington Donald R. Dempster Executive nominations confirmed by borrow funds for capital improvement pro­ John E. McVey Cecil L. Champion, Jr. the Senate May 27. 1958: grams and to amend provisions of law re­ Elbert. F. Price Ross R. Miner UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDG!l lating to Federal Government participation Thomas L. Cobb Erame M. Patrias in meeting costs of maintaining the Na­ Walter H. Hodge, of Alaska, to be United tion's Capital City. Ted H. Collins Joseph DiFrank, Jr. States district judge, division No. 2, district Gordon R. Squires Kenneth J . Conklin of· Alaska, for the term of 4 years. The message also announced that the Joseph W. Krewer Richard J. Fellingham John W. Kirkland Walter E. Sparling CIRCUIT COURTS, TERRITORY OF HAWAII Senate had passed, with amendments in, John J. Murphy PaulL. Hitchcock Frank Aloysius McKinley, of Hawaii, to be which the concurrence of the House is Robert D. Slay William R. Quinn fourth judge of the first circuit, circuit requested, bills of the House o,f the Richard W. Benton Joseph L. Wosser, Jr. courts, Territory of Hawaii, for the term of following titles: Harold :F. Keller Stanley G. Dunwiddie, 6 years. H. R. 6006. An act to amend certain pro­ Robert L. Parnell, Jr. Jr. UNITED STATES ATTORNEY visions of the Antidumping Act, 1921, to pro­ McDonald D. Tweed Jack G. Kelly Henry J. Cook, of Kentucky, to be United vide for greater certainty, speed, and effici­ Loren W. Calhoun Elwin M. Jones States attorney for the eastern district of ency in the enforcement thereof, and for Daniel A. Casey, Jr. Julian G. Bass, Jr. Kentucky for a term of 4 years. other purposes; and William F. Harrell Daniel A. Somerville H. R. 10015. An act to continue until the Harvey L. Jensen Emanuel R. Amann UNITED STATES MAasHAI. close of June 30, 1959, the suspension of du­ Herbert F'. McCorml~k Leland S. G'aug John Burke Dennis, Missouri, to be United ties on metal scrap, and for other purposes. Truman Clark William B. Higgins States marshal for the western district of Stanley E. Adams Richard B. Haines Missouri for a term of 4 years. The message. also announced that the Robert C. Simons George R. Pillon Senate agrees to the amendment of the Thomas H. Nichols,Charles N. Sims, Jr. House to a bill of the Senate of the fol­ Jr. James T. Doswell II WITHDRAWAL lowing title: James S. McAlister William H. Johnson Thomas W. Clarke George T. Keys Executive nomination withdrawn from S. 2498. An act for the relief of Matthew Duane G. Lynch Paul T. Wiedenkeller the Senate May 27, 1958:. M. Epstein. Robert E. Paulson Leslie W. Bays POSTMASTER The message also announced that the John T. Ryan Leo Gerlach Perry C. Harris to be postmaster at Brown­ Senate agrees to the report of the com­ Joseph A. Nelson Bobby Carter ing in the State of Illinois. Rocco D. Bianchi Donald R. Harris, Jr. mittee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amend­ Robert V. Anderson Steve Furimsky, Jr. I I .. ... II William L. Hall Roy E. Oliver ments of the Senate to the bill <H. R. Charles H. Watkins, Jerome J. C. Beau 10746) entitled "An act making appro­ Jr. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES priations for the Department of the In­ The following-named officers of the Marine TuESDAY, MAY 27, 1958 terior and related agencies for the fiscal Corps for permanent appointment to the year ending June 30, 1959; and for other grade of captain: The House met at 12 o'clock noon. purposes." Frederick L. Farrell, Jr.William E. Garman The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, The message also announced that the James C. Gerard Richard L. Hawley D. D., ofl'ered the following prayer: Vice· President has appointed Mr. JoHN­ Gerald W. Vaughan Charles R. Kucharskf.:, STON of South Carolina and Mr. CARLSON Richard H. Marciniak Jr. John 8: 12: Jesus said unto them, I am Marvin E. Day Eugene Lichtenwalter the light oj the world; he that followeth members of the joint select commfttee on Marcus D. McAnally Edward J. Sample Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall the part of the Senate, as provided for in Rylen B. Rudy Edward H. Stansel have the light of life. the act of August 5, 1939, entitled "An Paul G. Janssen David R. Stanton Most merciful and gracious God. we act to provide for the disposition of cer­ RichardT. Spencer Harold J. McMullen tain records of the United States Gov­ Jimmie L. Dillon Robert L. Zuern worship and adore Thee for Thou art the life of our lives, the light of our minds, ernment,'' for the disposition of execu­ Coyle H. Willis Robert D. Jameson tive papers referred to in the report of Lawrence R. Hawkins Robert D. Purcell and the love that fills our hearts. Raymond L. Duvall, Jr.Joseph B. Brown, Jr. We thank Thee for the manifestation the Archivist of the United States num­ William K. Hutchings Billy D. Conrad which Thou hast made of Thyself as the bered 58-14. Reginald G. Sauls IV John R. Fox strength of all that is good and the glory Edison W. Miller Joseph P. Mitchell, Jr. of all that is beautiful. Donald W. Anderson JohnS. Bugg, Jr. TRADE AGREEMENTS EXTENSION Alan B. Kimball Joseph R. Lepp Thou art always drawing us to Thy­ ACTOF1958 John W. P. Robertson Cyril H. Cornwallis­ self by the bonds of love which nothing William H. Stewart, Jr. Stevenson, Jr. can break, and see~ing to lead us out of Mr. BOLLING, from the Committee Marque C. Debenport Joe E. Willis darkness into the blessedness of the on Rules, reported the following privi­ Leo J. LeBlanc, Jr. ::r'homas F. Rochford larger and more abundant life. leged resolution <H. Res. 578, Rept. No. Laurence A. Taylor William H. Keith Grant that daily we may be baptized 1777) , which was referred to the House William G. Brothers, Robert E. Nicholson with Thy Holy Spirit, giving us an Calendar and ordered to be printed: Jr. John C. Love awareness of Thy presence, an inflow­ Resolvecl, That upon the adoption of this Guy R. Campo Robert E. Cook resolution it shall be in order to move that Ralph F. Kenyon Franklin C. Broadwell ing of Thy peace, and a new sense of Thy Alfred N. Drago Donn E. Seaman power. the House resolve itself into the Committee Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. of the Whole House on the State of the James S. Thompson John A. Hennelly Union for the consideration of the bill (H. Louis W. Schwindt James W. Dion R. 12591) to extend the authority of the Michael A. Ciaburro John H. Strandquist The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ terday was read and approved. President to enter into trade agreement un· James W. Kirk Morgan L. Spence der section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as George M. Lawrence, Theo F. Aschenbeck amended, and for other purposes, and all Jr. Jack K. Griffith MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE points of order against said bill are hereby Allan H. Robb Charles F. Keister waived. After general debate, w:Qich shall Wallace H. Graham Samuel J. Fulton A message from the Senate by Mr. be confined to the bill, and shall continue Richard Petroff for permanent appoint­ McGown, one of its clerks, announced not t<> exceed 8 hours, to he equal1y divided ment to the grade of first Iieutena~t in the that the Senate had passed without and controlled by the chairman and rank­ Marine Corps, subject to qualification there- amendment bills of the House of the ing minority member of the. Committee on fore as provided by law. · · !allowing titles: Ways and Means, the bill shall be considered The following-named officers for temporary as having been read for a.m.endment. No H. R. 7870. An act to amend the act of amendments shall be in order to said bill ex­ appointment to ~he grade of first lieutenant July 1, 1955, to authorize an additional $10 cept amendments offered by direction of the \ '-1958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 9595 Committee on Ways and Means or an amend. as follows: Restore the matter stricken out action agreed upon and recommended in -the ment proposing to s~rilte out all after the by said amendment amended to read as accompanying conference report as to each enacting clause and inserting i~ lieu there· follows: "Provided further, That $35,000,000 of such amendments, namely: shall be transferred to this appropriation of the text of the bill H. R. 12676, and said · DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE amendments shall be in order any rule of the from funds available under section 32 of House to the contrary notwithstanding, but the Act of August 24, 1935, for purchase and Agricultural Research Service such amendments shall not be subject to distribution of agricultural commodities and Amendment No.
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