THECOPYRIGHT^ l^ lf THE gpoBTINO L,rl PUBLISH IHO Co. SPORTING LIFE.ENTIBED AT PHILA. POST OFFICE AS SECOKD CLASS HATTER. VOLUME 9, NO. 23. PHILADELPHIA, PA., SEPTEMBER 14, 1887. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. the generally condemned "blacklist" resolution have been very wild on the trip, and I think to that serration of twelve men, and I am not aware of any act is due the loas of several games. In three games change. The list, on a gues.-?, will consist of Morris, was passed and it was determined to cut off his he former Bent iiiueteeu men to first bane on called McCormick, Galvin, Carroll, Miller. Wh.tney, Cole- supply of inside information by barring him, as REORGANIZED balls, and in four games the latter allowed twenty-two LATE NEWS. man, Barklpy, Kuehno, Field*, Smith and Dairymple. well as all other delegates connected with news­ men to reach the initial ba£ on phantom hits. That Perhaps Ku'-hne and Dal may be left off under special papers, from the meeting. For this reason Harry always rattled the team, and it is a difficult matter to agreements to make room for Beet her and possibly Weldon, of Cincinnati, did not come on and Geo. The Western League Re­ win under such conditions." another man to be secured. TEAM NOTES. Pittsburg Declares Itself POTLETS. Munson, of St. Louis, found business elsewhere Mr. Johnson says the men have all conducted them- to attend to. Before the meeting was opened Contrary to expectations Beei her was not given work eelves like young miuidterd on the trip and speaks this week and may not be d^ain this season. But he he was quietly informed by a committee what duced to Six Clubs. highly of thHr good behavior. He thinks Gid Gard­ for Percentage. will nit be sold. So says President Nimick. Weak "The Sporting Life's" was in store for him in order to spare him ner will proven valuable man for the team. He has hitting was nut the only cau?e of Boi-cher s lay-off. It humiliation. Mr. Caylor, however, insisted that not touched liquor this year and promises to drink is said that the m>tniigf ment thought his tmbits were he had done nothing warranting such extreme nothing in the future. He has been fielding brilliantly not steady, aud the lay-off was to remind him of the "Orator" George Shafler Sus­ aud batting in fine form. Wm. Johnson lias been re­ Denny McKnight in Luck - fact. It is niit known whether his p»y goes on or not, measures, $nd that he would stand his ground. leased, as I predicted. He is a good ball player, but but it apparent!) does. Plan Endorsed The meeting was called to order by Chairman pended for the Balance too light for tbe League. McGeachy is with the chib Glasscock usually takes a run down home when in Phelps, Mr. Wikoff acting as secretary. The once more and is glad to get back. It Is said that he Rowe to Go Abroad A this city, but he did not have enough time this trip. Lew Simmonsj Balti­ haa really been quite sick aud the question of finiug Mauager Roed, of the Clarion Club, was in tho city delegates were: Athletic, without the consent of Manager more, H. R. Vonderhorst, Wm. Barnie; Brook­ of the Season. him for leaving Ball Club Sued, Etc. this week engaging sever)*! batteries for his team. He Fogel will b« settled when the club reaches home. was after Bminelt and Qnino, and Miller and Alien lyn, C. II. Byrne, Jos. Doyle; Cincinnati, W. C. He will not be able to play for a week or two on ac­ (colored), aud, I think, captured both. Clarion is well Wikoff (proxy); Clevelacd, F. H. DoB. Botison, J. A. count of an accident in Pittsburg. In catching a fly AFTER HATFIELD. up iu a championship race, comprising Franklin and BITHBASSOCIATIOB. Williams; Metropolitan, W. W. Watroua, 0. 1>. Caylor; KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept. 8. The Western bull during [ ractice he had his thumb knocked cut of near towns, aud wants to win the race uo matter what Louisville, Zack and J. H. Phelps; St. Louis, 0. Yon League directors held a protracted meeting yes­ j<-iot. Shomberg'g wretched fielding of late has caused The New York Club Negotiating for Port­ it costs. der Ahe. Immediately after roll-call Mr. Caylor'a terday. Umpire Young, who had been struck much regref. He seems utterly unable to throw a President Nimick once again says next year rigid presence was objected to by 3tr. Byrne, on the ground in the face by "Orator" George Shaffer, of the ball across tbe diamond with any accuracy. He ia land's Crack Player. rules will be laid down and it will be made worth tha that ho (Caylor) was a newspaper correspondent, and badly broken up over it, but thinks when he gets Special to SPOUTING LIFE. A Committee to Formu- Lincolns, Tuesday afternoon because he had while of all men to abide by them. Iu other words, that he should either be compelled to withdraw or all borne he wruld brace up. Shomberg would be one of Scj>t. 10. Manager Mutrie, th*iy will have to play ball. newspaper men be admitted al:ke, and Mr. Barnie, of refused to call the game with Denver, was on be could PORTLAND, Me., tho greate-t first basemea in the country if of the New York Club, is in town negotiating Sixth place teems secure just now. Washington , late It. Baltimore, offered a formal resolution requesting with­ hand and preferred charges against Shaffer. overcome this one fault. He is a sober, industrious cannot heat out the Gas City men. drawal. Mr. Caylor declined to withdraw, on the player, and as a batter has but few superior*. In the for the release of (ril Hatfield, tho crack batter, ground that Mr. Byrne himself was a newspaper con­ When the meeting was called to order it was Manager Ftvel thought Seery and Tom Brown, al­ found that Emporia, Wichita and Hastings were three games in Boston be made eight hits iu thirteen base-runner and general player, of the home though left-handed hitters, could hit Morris despite tributor and that another delegate, Jimmy Williams, times at bat, which is a fine record. The club played club. If he is released he will leave a hole be­ Dem.y'ts advice. They did not do much against him. of Cleveland, was also a contributor to the Cleveland not represented, while President Menges held an exhibition game in South Bend, Ind., yesterday, however. A Hint of What the Scheme Plain Dealer, and Ihtit they also bo requested to with­ was read from Em- hind him not easily filled. He can play any Omaha's proxy. A letter winning by 11 to 2. In tbe second inning Hackett poaitioi^third tase preferred, and ia quite a Gavioand "big head" are the jokers <>f the team. draw. This point was met by the etatement that these poria tendering her resignation, and it was ac­ had a thumb knocked out of joint and had to retire, infield gentlemen were simply occasional contributore, were pitcher. His performance on Thurday was remark­ The hitter i* more generally known us Carroll. is Like. cepted as the only solution of the seven-club Boyle going to third and ihe only Denny behind the able. He pitched two games against tho Lyons, who Ou a (air estimate the home team ia a good deal ahead not paid for their work and did not make it a business. bat. Leitner pitched and could have shut the amateurs of the season nuaucially. % CIKCLB. Cnylor next made tho point th-it he was & stockholder difficulties caused by Wichita's drop. Mr. out bad it not been for two errors by Boyle at third. got two hits in the first and i.nly five in the second. iu.as well as manager of, the Metropolitans and Townley, of Lincoln, then moved to rearrange Tho team plays in Chicago to-day, to-morrow and Hte release will come high, but New York must have The special meeting of the American Asso­ therefore a regularly qualified delegate to any conven­ him. Hauager Mutrie said hut night that he was TROUBLED SYRACUSE. ciation last Monday may, in future times, be re­ the schedule, but this was defeated, all but him­ Saturday and comes home for the balance of the sea­ well pleased with Hntfield, as he seemed to be what tion of tho Association. This point was met with the self voting against it. son. There has been considerable growling about the Tue Row at Newark—Tho Club's Pennant ferred to as the most important convention in assertion that every convention is tho judge of the club's poor work, but when play is called next Mon­ the New York Club needed a good third baseman eligibility ofits members, and then the resjlution waa In the afternoon the directors met to consider and a good base runner. Mutrie is not BO particular Chances—Con Murphy Released. the history of base ball, inasmuch as by it was day all of the kickers and cranks will be on tho front if he ij not a good hitter. a complete revolution tit to a vote. 7 to 1 wfti the result, the Metropolitan whether the games played by Loavenworth, St. seats, especially if the club wins a g.ime in Chicago. SYRACUSE, Sept. 7. Editor SrcitTi.va LIFE: taken the first step towards lub alone voting for Caylor.
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