THE MORNING OREGON!AN, SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1917. 15 in i We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Am ounting to 10c or More Trading Stamps Given on All Charge A ccounts if Paid in Full by 10th of Each Month Open an Account. Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors, Second Floor Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in the Basement Kodaks, Cameras and Supplies; Fourth Floor Tea Room, Fourth Floor SATURDAY HELP PORTLAND Last Day of Demonstration. WHY PAY WILL BE Grocery Specials UNCLE The Standard Store of the Northwest AGENTS 20c AND 25c CANDY DAY SAM FOR . FOR PAT- AT THE,. Fourth Floor Machine-slice-d WIN THE HOOVER Naiad Shields TERNS? NO BARGAIN Bacon, the . pound WAR. ELECTRIC Notion Department, First Floor HOME CIRCLE. Choice Frankfurters, lb. 19 SUBSCRIBE SUCTION Saturday will be the last day JOURNAL PAT- PURE OWE Oleomargarine, 2 lbs. for 50 TO THE s, &King CLEANERS. in which to consult the factory TERNS COST CANDIES AT Queen Olives, bulk, qt. 350 LIBERTY Wortman expert in regard to your Dress old OVER Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods LOW PRICES. Small Oranges, 2 dozen 2o LOAN. 3D FLR. Shields. Don't fail to come. 130 Splendid Economies in These June White Sale Offerings for Saturday! And Hundreds of Unadvertised Specials Eqtially as Good Will Be Found in All Depts.--- Shop at This Store and Save! Women's $15 Coats Special $9.95 Sample Neckwear Women's Garment Store, Second Floor V3 V2 Lisle Hose In sorting up and rearranging the stocks, we have come across At to Price a number of odd Coats, which must be disposed of once. All are 600 Pieces in This Special Shipment Latest Novel- 50c Pair of good style and all are strictly up to date in every respect. Center Circle, First Floor ties, Shapes, Styles, full-fashion- All ed Smart sport models with belt, large collar and novelty cuffs All All Colors Women's extra loose-fittin- g effects and many novelty styles. Made up in flannels, Main Floor Women's Sample Neckwear Collars, Seta and Vestees in fine gauge mercerized silk lisle velours, Bedford cords, poplins, cheviots and mixtures. Some are a phenomenal disposal Saturday at from to regular prices. This Hose in black and white. Shown navy, new blue, wine, elate, season's very latest novelties all styles,, all shapes and all colors also in full range of all sizes. These shown in white, others in fiQ very much more also checks and plaids. Excellent ?15 Coats in this sale staple neckwear. Made up in Georgette crepe, pique, pongee, silk are worth than embroidered, hemstitched and tucked. Made to sell at 75c 1 the sale price, Saturday F Q up to $2 on sale Saturday for the first time at to y2 special, the pair at only Silk Waists at $5.49 Women's Silk Petticoats $4.49 June Sale of Linens June Specials in Silk Gloves Second Floor Special assort- Second Floor Women's Silk ment of high-clas- s Waists taken Petticoats at a special low price White Silks 60c to $1.75 from our regular stock. Georg- for Saturday. Made in at- and Domestics Special Lines Reduced Special Display Satur- ette crepe with beautiful bead tractive styles with fancy Housekeepers will save embroidery, new high collars. flounces, trimmed with rows of considerable by taking advantage of the day at Center Circle June White Sale prices now in force. We have immense stocks and Dept., Main Floor Also many other models of small ruffles. Messaline, taf- are in a position to give our customers the best bargains going. Celebrated Portland Maid and crepe de chine, and nets. and silk jersey in all lead- - WHITE taffeta feta Supply your household needs here and pay less than elsewhere. JAP SILKS PO Kayser makes, excellent quality Good range of colors. (PJT AQk ing plain colors, J4 A 27 inches wide at, a yard OOl tricot and Milanese in Paris Priced special at only tDde'xi changeable, a t r ip e s Diefi:i7 WHITE PONGEE (J1 QC point and fancy two-tone- d ef- Cloths White wash Goods SILK, 27 yard DX.OO fects, also with contrasting Pattern ins, stitched backs. Silver, pearl, Specially Priced WHITE TUSSAH fj( pongee, mode, tan, navy, gray. Reduced Pearline Batiste, a yard 480 SILK, 84. inches, yard w6WU White and black with contrast- Main Floor Richardson's Pat- White Organdies, 350 to 9O0 ing embroidered backs are also Children's Tub Dresses Cloth, Toilet Needs tern Cloths of beautiful double, Nurses' the yard 220 very popular. The prices are the satin damask. Assorted patterns.' White Sheer Linene, yd. 220 Cream Serge same as last season 60c, 85c, 98c to $13.50 White Nainsook, 10 yds. - Cloths size 2x2 yards $6.30 $1!93 Cream Storm Serge, C- pQ $1.25, $1.35, $1.50. $1.65, $1.75 Second Floor Special showing Saturday of &. Drugs Checked Dimities, a yard 320 54 inches wide, yard at NEW KID GLOVES in white, beautiful new White Dresses for confirmation Cloths size 2x2 yards $7.63 Fine Sheer Batistes, yard Main Floor We reserve the right at Cloths size 2x3 yards 200 Cream Storm Serge, (J " black and all the newest colors. and graduation; also new models in Children's " $9.00 White Beach Suitings, yd. QK all times to limit quantity of Cloths size yds. 180 54 inches wide, Let this store supply your needs. Suits, Coats. S. & H. Stamps with purchases. the 24x2 $8.65 Gabardine Skirtings 220-32- 0 yard wlOD any article to be sold to customer. Cloths size 24x3 yds. Department, First Floor. GIRLS' WASH DRESSES in two-pie- ce $10.30 Jap Nainsook, 12 yards $2.25 middy styles, also high waistline effects and Freezone the Dinner Napkins in patterns to SPECIAL showing of new Col- NewfJ7 match above Cloths, doz. one-pie- ce waist style. Good quality materials. Corn Cure, Special $8.50 ored Wash Goods in all the latest Ages 6 to 14 year's. 98c, $1.49, $1.98 to $13.50 Odd Napkins no cloths to patterns and shades. Now is the Orchard White, on to WASH DRESSES tots 2 to 6 years match at $3.83 $6.30 doz. time to make ready for Summer. for little . 01 of age. High waistline, two-pie- ce middy and Sale Saturday at. $15 Hats at $5.00 smock effects." Priced at 69c, 89c up to $3.50 Revelation Tooth Powder at 23 Department, Second Pepsodont Tooth Paste now 390 Floor ODD LINES slightly soiled Wash Dresses. Piuto Water, large size, at Sale of Mohawk Sheets Extra special offering for Saturday. Ages 6 330 -- to 14 at 79c; ages 2 to 6 at 39c, 69c Bennett's, Maltoid Dog and Puppy MOHAWK SHEETS in QP MOHAWK SHEETS, in Q- O- Black Milan Hemp Shiny Straws, White bone-shape- 81x99 inches, now 81x90 Cakes, d, the box 300 size at Jvrx size inches, now at Milans and Leghorns, both plain band Mentholatum, 2 sizes, 170, Note There are no restrictions Buy all you want of these Sheets, trimmed and for dressy wear. Also beau- Girls' Coats $8.98 330 tiful new white hemps. Large, medium and Novelty navy and serge. Good Prophylactic Tooth Brushes, fac- mixtures, tan only small Hats trimmed with flowers and fan- full styles with fancy collars. Ages 6 to 14. tory "seconds," special at 150 Hand Scrubs, special at only 50 cies of various kinds. Hats for all occa- Waldorf Toilet Paper, 650 sheets sions. Formerly priced $7.50 CET ff to the roll, four rolls for only 250 They're Delicious up to $15.00, now on sale for 0JUtf Scottissue Crepe Toilet Paper, 1000 sheets to the roll, 2 for 250 Have you ever tried Nikko Products? $7.50 White Boots $4.98 Scottissue Towels, size 11x15 If not stop at the Candy Counter and Basement Specials Department, First Floor inches, 150 Towels to the roll spe- ask to see these dainty confections the tor Children s Day Women's ch White Calfskin Buttoned Boots cial 450, or three rolls for $1.25 latest of which is Nikko Dipped Choco- New shipment of Trimmed Hats just in. Dainty at a special low price for Saturday. Stylish new Waterglass for preserving eggs. lates. Also Nikko. Garden Salted Pea- white models with flowers and ribbons, also black recede last with neat plain toe, enameled half-Lou- is Pints 200, quarts 350, gals. 850 nuts, Pecans, Almonds, Raisins, Glace Hats latest shapes, including droop effects. Prices heels and walking sole. Boots QQ " D. & R. Cold Cream tubes 4S0 Cherries, Pineapple and Canton Ginger. for these fine Hats range from 5O0 up to $1.98 CJI 1 well worth $7.50. Saturday, the pair 0xeO Oriental Cream, large size, $1.10 Nikko Garden Products are deliciously CHILDREN'S WASH HATS I CHILDREN'S Untrimmed Hats Spirits of Camphor, bottle 150 different. Candy Dept., First Floor. in various styles. Priced at 500 in Panamas, etc., 500 to $1.08 White Laced Boots Bocabelli Castile Soap the gen- uine article large bar for only 850 Upjohn's Wine, Beef and Iron, full At, $7.98 pint, guaranteed, special now ch 790 Main Floor Women's Laced Baume Analgesique Beugne 500 Boots of fine quality white kid. Round- Peroxide, 3 sizes, hand-turne- 100, 150, 230 Young ing toe, no tip,' d soles, cov- Woodbury's Preparations at 220 Men's and Men's Suits ered heels with plate, perforated vamp Lavoris Mouth Wash priced spe- and lace stays.
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