![Binder 118, Lepocreadiidae Lepocreadium [Trematoda Taxon Notebooks]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Trematoda Taxon Notebooks Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of July 2021 Binder 118, Lepocreadiidae Lepocreadium [Trematoda Taxon Notebooks] Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/trematoda Part of the Biodiversity Commons, Parasitic Diseases Commons, and the Parasitology Commons Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology, "Binder 118, Lepocreadiidae Lepocreadium [Trematoda Taxon Notebooks]" (2021). Trematoda Taxon Notebooks. 114. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/trematoda/114 This Portfolio is brought to you for free and open access by the Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Trematoda Taxon Notebooks by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Lrpocnadiidae Nicoll, 193,( Medium sized distome., body variahlt> in. hape, ran ly withnut pin Mouth subterminal, prepharynx, pharynx. anrl t·sophagus pre ent; intes­ tinal e«a almo t always long, rarely joining excretory vesicle or with separate anal openings. Excretory vesicle tubular, variable in length, frequently reaching pharyngeal level; rarely Y-shaped and then ,vith short arms not receiving main tubules; excretory pore J.>OSterior, terminal or subterminal. Main excretory tubules never reach cephalic region but divide near acetabular level to form anterior and posterior collecting tubules. Flame cells numerous. Genital pore anterior to ventral sucker, median or displaced to left; rarely marginal or with a "genital sucker." Cirrus sac present or absent; if present almost always followed by an extemal seminal vesicle. Testes in posterior half of bo<ly, occasio11ally multiple, usually two, median and tandem, sometimes diagonal or oppo­ site in short bodied forms. Ovary pretesticular, rarely behind level of anterior testis. True seminal receptacle and Laurer's · canal present. Vitellaria usually extensive, often filJing body posterior to ventral sucker, rarely confined between levels of cirr~s sac and anterior testis or re­ strided to post-testicular region of body. Uterus preovarian in almo t all pnera and not atensive; eggs relatively few and large. Parasite of fiahes. Cercariae of trichocercous type, stylet lacking, with cQn­ ~ eye-spots remnants of which may persist in adults. Develop iJJ • ' rediae in gastropods, encyst in invertebrates. Includes the aaldamilies : -<JV£te.- LLpocr !'mliidoe ~-Mo..rno.e.,t, 1q~o ~ V i),'lflL)! I ' lt:0. i1.·; • •'1il i !II' r; !, '-, ,_, /z, .,1 ,rf·, • 'rf 'I<; t't~1 7 ( 1 fl I 11 1 l t ,1 1, ' ·1 r 1; '- ·, j , I r<~-(• • 111. 1 1 r, 1··1t.1 \ ,r ... ·... • 1 t The name Lepocreadiidae was first published in the Zoologi~al Record for 1934, bu the parta were islUed separately and before the volume. Whether Part VI, hich contains the literuve CIII the Trematoda, was issued in 1934 or 1935 is uncertain. ,C-'l.t)M ~rVlllk;.19/t~ If''-/ Le,ocrnd,;""8 Odhner, 1905 With chanc.ttrs of the family. ~nital pore to ldt of median line: cirrus ac presmt, followed by external seminal v iclc which is somt­ timel embedded in a glandular mass. Vitt-llaria well developed, reaching ponerior end of body; uterns preovarian in almost all genera. Para ites of marine fishes. Type genus Le pocreadium Stossich, 1903. Includes al10: utidapedon Stafford, 1904 (syn. Le podora Odhner, 1905). Opechona Looss, 1907 (syn. Pharyngora Lehour, 1908). Aeph,ai.diogenes Nicoll, 1915. Psewlocreadium Layman, 1930 (syn. Leptocrradium Ozaki, 1936). Dif>loporus Ozaki, 1928 ( syn. Hiani1rni Stunkard, 1930). MtJtitestis Manter, 1931. Rhagorchis Manter, 1931. Lepotrmta Ozaki, 1932. M zoxns,u Manter 1934. Lepocreadioid,·s Yamaguti, )()]6. Hypocreadir,,m Ozaki, llJ]<i. Labrifer Yamaguti. }<14(J. Allolepidapedo11 Yamaguti. 194-0. Oprcl1011oides Yamaguti, 1~)40. £M£Nb£o f/o,.,,/11l-lJ ME.rR.oN1rv11, Homalomctri11111' 1w111. nu•z,. pro A11alfocrcadiinat I li,nter ,SV M14 WT~ ,e, l'lfo3 and Ba11yham, 1932 With the character of the family. Body not ver} elongate, vvith or without spines. Genital pore median, immediately in front of or rarely posterior to ventral sucker: cirrus sac lacking. Vitellaria well developed. rarely restricted to post-testicular r{'gion. Parasites of freshwater and marine fishes. Type genus Homalometron Stafford, 1904 (syn. A11allo­ creadium Simer, 1929). Includes also: Microcrcadiuni Simer, 1929. Crassicutis :\lanter, 1936. Myzotus Manter, 1940. An unnamed genus reported hy 1fanter ( 1941). Deropristiinae S1tb/. nov. With characters of the family. Rody t'longate and spino e with en­ larged spines on the middorsal and lateral regions of. forebody. Genital pore median, anterior to ventral sucker; cirrus sac present. Cirrus and rnetraterrn with prominent spines: genital sinus tubular. Ovary and anterior testis separated hy a spaet· iuto which tilt' nterns may extend. Vitellaria scanty, between levels of cirrus sac and anterior testis. Para­ sites of migratory fishe ; larval stages marine. Type and only genus Deropristis Odhner, 1905. Since the subfamilies Lepocreac.liinae an<l Ilomalometrinae diff ~r chiefly in respect to the terminal genitalia, their validity may ue que tion­ able. However, differences in their cercariae and the fact that both uh­ families have become established in the literature probably ju-..t1fy their retention. Manter ( 1926) expressed the view that the genera Anallo­ CTeadi•• and Homalomctron probably arc synonymous. \\'l' can fin n buti for· maintaining the separate identity oi the,e genera. ince Homolonutron ha dear priority, the name Anallocriadium · nut a ii- ' able for the subfamily Anallocreadiinae propo ·ed by Hunter li.nd Hang­ ham (1932 Lepocreadiidae " . rot es on the Status of borne 'l'axa 1,; j t;hin the FP i 1 ;;1 ' How•'-'- (19~ f,) Thl" family IA'pocn·adiicttr v. a, d1, 1J, .. t mto 1ht: ,uhlauailin l,pncttadiinae Odhnf'r, 190j, Homalom,·1ri11.1<· C:.,hl,· and Jl1Jnninrn. 1942, and l>t-rnpristinae Cablt> and H11nninl"n. 1942, by Cable .m,I Jlunnmrn ( 1942 . Skrjabin ( 1960) rlf'\'atr<l tlw l>f'ropri,tinat' to famih ,ta111,. ,rnd Prtrn (_ 1961 1~1 forward ~idence .upportinl! tl,i~ drcio;ion. Sl.rj.,Lm follnv.nl Y,u11.A~u1i (19581 in using thr family Den11~1d,·nidat" Yama~•1ll, I 1t'1H. to etc r1111111111d,tte thr 1.:rnu1 /)nmadr"a Manttt, 19-1-6, and ht' also indudrd P1,udr11 ,, ad,um l.awan. 1910, in this family. One or h<lth of thf'St' J.,rent•ra had lw,·n da'l~ifwd in tlw I.,.,,._ n-adiid~ ~· prr,·iou1 authors : Cahl,• and Hunnin<'n. l~H2: Mantt>r. 1947. ttrno-llolli1 and Mantt-r. 1957: So~andare,-lkmal, l<l59 . F111tl1rrmon·. ~krj.tbin di\ idt'd th..: mnaining genrra of tht' l..f"pocr,•adiidar into lrn s11hfam1hr1 Nahhas and Cable ( 1964) rt·tained P(,udncr,adium in tht- IKJH" rf"'ciduda,. '111«- _.uthor follows this dttision and incluclt>s Dermad1111a in 1hr Lc·poc 1radi1da,o. following pttvious authon (Manter. 19-t 7; S~andan·,-1\nn.tl. l'r,'1 Tiu·~ g,·rwra an- 10 similar to ~e of thOlt' rclairn·d b~ Sl.rj,1l11n III ii,,. Lq1111 11·,1diida,. tli.ll tlwy do not app<-ar to warrant ,;eparation inln a ,1-paralt' f.urnh Ai. f.u .. , thr 'i11Lfamilif"s <"numcratrd hy Skrjahin are nmcerrwd, lllt' auth!,r pwl1·1, 111 rl'lain only thf' Lt>pocreadiinae and Homa- lomctrinat> which can he .,1·parated h~ tht> ptc!>1·nci> and absencr of a cirrus sac respecti\'.e-ly. ( Cable and II unnint"n, 19 ~2 . It i~ the author's opinion that this difft>n·nce is fundamental and considc·rahly more signihcant than th<> charactt-rs used hv Skrjabin to separate thC'~l' subfamilies from the others . .Manter ( 1963) erected the subfamily Megaperinae and transferred the 1ub­ family Sphincterostomatinae Yamaguti, 1958, from the family Allocreadiidae to the Lcpocreadii<lae. Furthermor<>. he enwnded the spelling of the Homalornetrinae lo Hornalomctroninae since it was based on the genus Homalomet,on. However, Sahhas and Cable ( 1964) gave the Megaperinac famil) status in anticipation of frat11res likely to be present durin~ the development of the excretory system The author follows this decision and further point, out that thf' Sphinctero­ stomatinaf' lack a cirrus sac and can accordinRIY he acc-ommodatt>d in the Hnma­ lomrtronin.ir. Bravo-Hollis and ~fant<"r ( 1957 ) noted that Dai t)'lolrt·ma Bra\o­ Holli~ and Mantt'r. 1957, which was classifird by tht>se au1tu,n in th«- Homalo­ metroninae, is similar in general structurf' to ,Sphinrt,·r0Jt11ma Yamaguti. 1917. type gc-nus of th" Sphinclerostomatinae. Thus the family Lepocreadiiclac contains only two 1ubf .unilsr,, thr l..rpn­ cn·atliinat· and Homalomt>troninaf'. st'parat,-d by th,. i,n·~n"· JIU! .thlrnr•· o( a ci~rw1 · sac respectively. Neocrrndium has bt-t'n compart•d with, and stu,w, c 1,_.,1 rrtrmbl.ino• to. genera which are members of th<' subfamily Lrpt)( rPad11na1·, anti It i, propc.-d that it should be- acrnmmodat,·d in thi, "1hfamih. Ttw <lia~no1i, ol thr 111h­ family Lrpoc:rt"a<liina<> ~ivt>n hy C:ahlf' and Hunni~c·n t 1~2 1 dll'rr(,-,,. rr,pur,., emendation to include fonm with a lymphatic sysh•m The presence of a !ymphatic system in Nt'ocread1um i1 not uniqur but 11 ,d10 chara~trrist}~ ~f ~hf' 1f'pocr<'adiid grnrra -◄ focrradium Mantrr. 1917. Nwopu­ t·readtum S1dd1qu1 and Cahl<>. 1960. and (hoan,u!na Mantrr, 1940. iilld othf'r di~«-neti(· trrmatode families including the Wart'trrmatid~r Sri\ .ut.ii\ a. I <1'i'4 - Megasolenidae Skrjabin, 1942), Gyliaucht-nidae 01aki, l 91'i. ~nJ Paumph11- 1omidae Fischoede~. 1901. It has hf'«"n u!Wd, along ~ itl1 r,the1 c Ii.,., t1·u tu mp­ port a relationship bt'tw«-en thf'tr familin b) sornf' a111t.on (f' g Maran l<f~7 .
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