
Index Abrahams, R. 52 Aulich, J. 70, 78 Abu Ghraib 34, 146 Auschwitz-Birkenau 38 Acharya, A. 133 Austria 115 Acton, C. 106 Avant, D. D. 16, 46, 57, 79 aerial bombings 39, 43, 45, 68, 137 Axelrod, A. 87 Afflerbach, H. 28 Azaryahu, M. 106 Afghanistan 50, 51, 73, 80, 103, 131 Azerbaijan 79 Afghanistan War 39, 55, 56, 68, 102, 108, 127, Bacevich, A. J. 56 130 Bagaeen, S. 156 Africa 40, 69, 71, 72, 75, 77, 92, 124 Baker, C. E. 104 Agent Orange 43 Ballentine, K. 119 Agnew, J. 141 Bangladesh 71 Alexander, M. G. 96 Barbier, M. K. 67 Algeria 79 Barkawi, T. 3 Al Jazeera 102 Bartle, R. 58 Allan, S. 104 Base Realignment and Closure Process (BRAC) Allende, S. 76, 81 69 Allen, M. 99 Baum, D. 39 Allen, M. J. 108 Baylis, J. 67 Allison, W. T. 68 Beah, I. 109 Allport, G. W. 94 Beare, M. E. 127 Almerighi, M. 121 Beckett, K. 72 Al Qaeda 50, 53, 92 Beck, U. 93, 97 Altschuler, G. C. 108 behaviourism 7, 14 American Civil War 49, 101, 106 Bellocchio, M. 32 Amnesty International 42 Beneduce, R. 40 Anders, G. 43 Berger, P. L. 13 Anderson, D. L. 68, 76, 77 Bernstein, S. 13, 15 Andersson, R. 71 Bertelli, S. 29 Andreas, P. 121 Bevan, R. 78 Angola 79 Bhatia, M. 80 Arab-Israeli wars 38, 103 Biersteker, T. J. 133 Arab spring 104 Bilmes, L. 130 Ardrey, R. 3 bin Laden, O. 109 Arendt, H. 13, 33, 35, 36, 74, 89, 110 Bishop, R. 78 Argentina 36, 81, 94 black market 70, 84, 126, 127 Arlacchi, P. 109 Black Sea region 69 Armao, F. 31, 33, 52, 65, 90, 96, 142, 143, 144 Blandy, S. 156 Armenian genocide 94 Blien, U. 143 Armstrong and Vickers 116 Bloch, M. 29 Aron, R. 6, 16 Blomberg, T. G. 145 Arriagada, G. 76 Bloom, M. 65 Ashplant, T. G. 106 Blumin, S. M. 108 Asia 40, 77, 82, 152 Bobbio, N. 80, 147 Atkinson, R. 156 Bolivia 80 atomic bomb 6, 43, 116, 117 Bonanate, L. 17, 44 Index 193 Booth, J. A. 76 Carr, E. H. 5 Booth, K. 5 Carruthers, S. L. 101 Booth, M. 80 Carter, J. A. 92 Borch, C. 153, 154 Carvalho, F. J. C. de 129 Borghese, J. V. 76 Cazeneuve, J. 53, 63 Bosnia 103 Central Asia 69, 71, 125 Bosnian war 42 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 7, 80, 82 Bosnian War 4, 101, 106 Chang, I. 42 Bourke, J. 105 Charles VIII of France 112 Bourne, M. 75 Charles V of Spain 112 Bowman, J. 62 Charlie Hebdo 103 Braudel, F. 16, 18 chartered companies 114, 129, 130, 140 Brauer, J. 119 Chen, A. 53 Brazil 79 Cheney, D. 131 Bretton Woods system 84, 128 Chicago 78 Brewer, M. B. 95, 96 child soldiers 40, 49, 51, 109 Brewer, S. A. 58, 95 Chile 81 Brigate rosse (BR) 59 Chilean coup 76 Brighton, S. 3 China 52, 70, 72, 79, 122, 127 Brodie, B. 8 Chinese Revolution 127 Brown, W. 71, 141 Chin, K.-L. 127 Bruinessen, M. van 91 Church, J. 56 Brzezinski, Z. 19 citizen-soldiers 55, 95, 104, 108 Budreau, L. M. 106 civilians Buehn, A. 125, 126 and propaganda 88, 91 Buitenhuis, P. 87 as personnel in the military 48, 57, 58 Bull, H. 14 as victims 39, 40, 42, 50, 51, 73, 75, 82, 97, Burchill, S. 14 107, 117, 137 Burk, J. 58, 64 involvement in wars 24, 66, 68, 74, 106, Burma 71, 79 118, 136 Burton, J. W. 6 relationship with the military 56 Buscetta, T. 109 clan Bush, G. W. 55, 58, 81, 95, 131, 132, 137 and neopatrimonial relationships 149 Buzan, B. 14 and the administration of justice 148 Byers, M. 99 and the family 147 Byman, D. L. 60, 133 definition of 146 Cable News Network (CNN) 101, 104 Clancy, G. 78 Caffrey, S. 149 Clapp, J. 125 Caforio, G. 58 Clark, I. 17 Caillois, R. 4 Clausewitz, K. von 24, 25, 67, 136 Calder, K. E. 69, 105 cleavage structures. see state and the new Calvi, R. 121 cleavage structure Cambodia 38, 82, 94 Clinton, B. 131 Camorra 93 Cloonan, M. 93 Canada 123 Coaffee J. 155 Canetti, E. 41, 61, 99 Codrignani, G. 42 Capa, R. 103, 104 coercive commercial enterprises 47, 50, 51, 53, capitalism 23, 128, 137, 142, 147, 148, 151. see 63, 64 also market of violence coercive non-profit organisations 46, 50, 51, 52, Cappelletto, F. 108 53, 59, 63, 64 194 Index Cohen, D. 108 Croatia 4 Cohen, E. A. 54 Cruz, J. M. 52 Cold War 6, 7, 47, 55, 68, 75, 82, 120 Cuban Missile Crisis 82 and the media 91 Cuddy, A. J. C. 96 ending of 16, 30, 47, 57, 62, 63, 67, 70, 109, Cull, N. J. 87 117, 119, 123, 126, 127, 128, 130, 149 Cumings, B. 101 legacy 10, 69, 78, 138, 139, 140 Cunningham, K. J. 65, 89, 90 periodisation of 17 Cunningham, S. B. 86 propaganda apparatuses 87, 98 cyberterrorism 93 Collins, K. 146, 147 cyberwar 101 Colombia 42, 52, 73, 74, 78, 80 Davies, D. 5 Commission on the National Guard and Reserves Davis, D. E. 72, 140, 155, 156 56, 58 Davis, F.-L. 54 condottiere 111 Davis, L. E. 119 Congo 79 Davis, M. 23, 72 Conroy, J. 36 Dawson, G. 70, 78, 106 conscription 30, 35, 46, 54, 55, 56, 57, 63, 112, Dawson, L. L. 93 129, 130, 136 Dear, M. 71 constitutive theory 11 Declaration of Paris 115 conservative 12 deduction 14 constructivist 12, 13, 15 Defensible Space Programs 155 critical 12 dehumanisation process 35, 36, 50, 51 emancipative 12 De Luna, G. 104 feminist 13 De Lutiis, G. 76, 82 postmodernist 12, 13 democratic regimes 9, 18, 29, 46, 54, 55, 58, contractors 50, 52, 56, 95, 124, 130, 131, 139 118, 139, 148 and clusters of sovereignty 144 and armed forces 64, 112, 139 and globalisation 142 and clusters of sovereignty 142, 145 and professionalism 49, 51 and permanent global civil war 151 and strategies for recruitment 60 and preventive war 18 and strategies of coercion 145 and privatisation of violence 118 self-representation of 109 and propaganda 91, 94, 95 Cooley, A. 69 and secrecy 81 Cooley, J. K. 146 and totalitarianism 98 Cooper, N. 119, 126 and war 2 Cooper, P. J. 77 triumph of 17, 97 Cordesman, A. H. 43, 75 democratisation 62, 137 Cosa Nostra 31, 93, 121 democratisation of memory 105 Costigan, S. S. 133 Der Derian, J. 12 Coté, W. E. 104 Desch, M. C. 47 coup d’état 28, 76, 81 Dickinson, L. A. 131 Courtwright, D. T. 127 Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia (DINA) 81 Cowan, D. E. 93 Dishman, C. 60 Cox, M. D. 127 Drake, R. 82 Cox, R. 12 Dratel, J. L. 97 Craig, C. 119 Dudziak, M. L. 137 Creel, G. 87 Dumézil, G. 49 Crelinsten, R. D. 41 Duncan, G. 52, 73 Creveld, M. van 41 Dutch East India Company 115 Crimean War 100 Earhart, D. C. 91 Index 195 Easton, D. 153 rationalist 12 Eatherly, C. 43 extraordinary rendition 36, 146 Echandía Castilla, C. 73, 80 Eyler, G. 60 Eckert, S. E. 133 Fabre, G. 127 Egypt 38, 74 Fair, C. C. 61, 91 Ehrenreich, B. 41, 105 Farcau, B. W. 76 Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. 35 Feaver, P. D. 46 Eichmann, A. 33 Feinstein, A. 102 Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) 73 Findlay, R. 119 Ejército Popular de Liberación (EPL) 73 Finnemore, M. 16 Eldar, A. 106 Fischerkeller, M. P. 96, 98 Elder-Vass, D. 13 Fiske, S. T. 96 Eliade, M. 32, 53 Fleurant, A. 123 Elias, N. 110 foam theory 153 Ellul, J. 89 Foerstel, H. N. 82, 102 embedded journalists 101 Fogu, C. 106 Engerman, S. L. 119 Foote, K. E. 106 English East India Company 115, 129 Fornari, F. 89 Enloe, C. 13, 56 Forster, A. 47, 57 Enste, D. 126 Foucault, M. 29 Ernst, J. 68, 76 France 55, 69, 70, 103, 115, 116, 122 Escobar, P. 78 Frederick the Great of Prussia 112 ethnic cleansing 28, 42 Freedman, D. 102 ethnic conflicts 16, 100, 120 Freeman, J. 131 ethnic groups 15, 21, 42, 64, 139, 142, 147 French Revolution 22, 105 ethnicity 24, 46, 64, 97, 141 fringe armies 47, 50, 51, 53, 59, 63, 64 ethnic rape 42 Fromm, E. 4 Europe 5, 18, 47, 68, 69, 79, 83, 105, 117, 125 Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia and arms production and sales 120, 122 (FARC) 73, 80 and chartered companies 115 Fujita, M. 142 and conscription 55 Fukuyama, F. 17 and extraordinary rendition 36 Fuller, B. 156 and global jihadis 50 Fussell, P. 108, 137 and partisan war 82 Fyne, R. 91 and police forces militarisation 48 Gabriel, R. A. 38, 39 and privateering 113, 115 Galeotti, M. 127 and securitisation of the urban spaces 79 gangs 20, 21, 30, 33, 45, 50, 51, 52, 59, 64, and state formation 20, 31, 140, 144, 145 72, 79, 93, 95, 97, 103, 132, 154. see also and technological revolution in weaponry violent non-state actors (VNSAs) 116 and career prospects 60 and the military-industrial complex 123 and globalisation 141 and World War I 136 and honour code 63 European Union 11, 20, 64, 71 and initiation 53 Evangelista, M. 146 and masculinity 42 Even, S. 61 and professionalism 49 Executive Committee of the National Security and socialisation to violence 32 Council 82 and sources of legitimacy 78 explanatory theory 11 and strategies for recruitment 55 empiricist 12 and the city 75, 141, 154 pragmatist 12 and the market of violence 124 196 Index as fringe armies 47 Guantánamo 146 Ganguly, S.
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