REVIEW OF WORKS BY ACS, WRD & ENC, WRD AT BHOPALON 10.10.201s MAIN POINTS 1. AINAL - Target2300 ha. Kharif 150ha. irrigated.Bhopal Sub Dn' 5 SubEngineers; 4 SubEngineers shourd be there. 2. Kaliasoteand Bhopal Sub Division shouldbe merged._ 2750ha. (SE,Admn;) 3. BagSewania _ In 750m. Vegetable marketgarbage menace. Cut andcover be proposed. (EE, Bhopal) 4. M-2 minorencroachment to be removed. 5. For minorsof Kariasote,permission feesshourd be Rs. 5 lakhs per bridge.permission will be givenby E_in_Cin future.E_in_C will issueorder. 5. Shiv lvlanciir- Kaiiasote- No extensionto original temple construction. 1. OneSub Engineer from Kaliasote HeadworkSub Division No. 1 Bhopal beshifted to W.R.SubDn., Berasia. 8. ShriAdnani, Sub Engineer will remainat Kalapipal.Other Sub Engineerwill be sentto project. Tawa EE Bhopalwill propose nameto E-in-C. o Birhaicommand to be increasedto 1200ha. Live (10.92_2.12: 8.2MCM) 10.PHE clusterproject possibility may be explored. 11. Kalapipalinitial reach aqueduct be completed by 25.10.i5. 12. Namdarpura- Paievaand onewatering. 13. Sagonikala - Watercourse not constructecl. 14. Constructabout 12 colabas.Construct colabas upto 31.10.15. Start work on i1.10.15.About2.4 Km watercourse. Rs. 3 lakhs will begiven. 200 m concretedrains. 15' Shri RajendraSharma, SDo be regularisedin wR Sub Division, Berasiadistt. Bhopal. (se pa-'in.; l6' canal shor-rldbe cleaned.colabas shourd be in propersize and condition.SDOs will inspectall colabas. 17' - ShriNitin Kuhikar 12500ha,, Shri sharma- il000 ha. Total 23500ha. 18. Qualitycontrol sub Division should be under E.E., vidisha. shri R.K.Jain, SDO be regularised. (SE, Admn.) 19, Mohanpura- Surge analysis.132 KVA tne shifting. FRl demarcation.Raili,vay alignment. Intake well - LandAcquisition is underprocess. 20. Somecultivators are creating problem. WRD VIDISHAShri P.K. Barua, E.E. 21 EE informedthat cc of Bagharruproject wirl be issuedon 31.10.15. 22. DANMADI - Canal system is not proper. 50 hours JCB permittedto excavatetail portion.Colabas not fixed. - 23. Ialar CCAI 145ha. is nor correct. Correct it (EE.Vidisha). 24. IawariCCA should be243 ha not 343 ha. 25. Rusiya- CCA - 364 ha.Live - 2.09 MCM. Commandshould be increasedif areais available. / 26. PoniaL.LS. - Shouldbe revived.Take willingness of cultivators to adjustamount from wheatprocurement amount. 27. SDO,Ganjbasoda - Rabi target 15000 ha. 28. 2 Amins. 6 Amins from E&M to EE, Vidisha. 29. EKODA L.I.S. - Transformerto be erected. 30. 60 hoursJCB permittedlinked to areairrigated.' 31. KurwaiSub Division - 3500ha. 32. No SubEngineer should work undertwo SDOs.EE will inform CE in caseof default. 33. After irrigation work distribution between Kurwai and Ganjbasodabe re-allocated. 34. Bardha - Basin leakage.Poor record of completefilling. Investigate.(EE, Vidisha) 35. PuraGhateria - Palevaand one watering. 36. GARETIIA- Canallining is in progress.EE assuredto complete by March2015. WRD DIVISION. RAISEN- Shri Harsh Saxena,E.E. 37. SEMzu- Minor, subminorsunder construction. SE assuredthat a$ueductwill becompleted by 31 . 1 0. 1 5. 38. Colabasto befixed. 39. TULSIPAR- Outletsto befixed. 40. CommandArea proposai shouid be prepared. 41. AMRAWAD - Groutingis to bedone. A' Salabharru- Colabasto be fixed. 43. PalakmatiProject - Upper and Lower shouldbe taken as one project2400 ha. Paleva and one watering. 44.BANCI+{OR = Only palevafor g00hectares. 45. Onlypalewa 600 ha per MCM shouldbe the criteria. 46, PagneshwarL.I.S. is runby cultivatorsthemselves. A1 2 moreamins to Smt.pratibha Singh, SDO. 48. Smt.Lata Dhokle,Amin if doesnot work, gendp{apoqal lor compulsoryretirement to E_in_C(EE, Raisen;. 49. MOGHACanal shouid be lined under RRR. 50. Deori- Onemore amin is required. 5I . ShriRaj Kumar pandole, AE to beregularised at Gairatganj.(SE, Admn.) 52. Aminsto GairatganjSub Division by CE,E&M. 53 Nagpura- - Nagjhiri werlsto beconstructed to lift water, 54. Colabasto befixed. Float separate tender. 55. SubmitR.A.A. case _ of Nagpura Nagjhiri.Time limit to reach E-in-Coffice - 30.10.15. 56. KALIASOTE L.I.S. - Cultivatorsif willing, chargesmay be adjustedthrough e-Uparj an. 51. E.E.Raisen - Target45000 ha. for Rabilrrigarion. S 58. OneAmin to SironjSub Division. 59. - Sagadlining 2Il52KM completed.Sand shortage. 60 Dedicated sandquarry be alrocated.possib'ity of manufacturins sandbe explored. / 61' E'E'promised to issuec.c. of SAGAD'R.JECT byJune 2016. 62. SAGAD lining contractexpenditure Rs. 14/ 21 Cr. 63. Balrampurand Ukaila targetcompietion June 2016. About25 KM liningis to be done. 64. MukeshRaikwar AE be postedasSDO, Bah SagadCanal Sub Division, Ganj Basoda. Rehtiwork will also bc in this Sub Division. 65. LandAcquisition Unit I shouldbe mergedand named Bah Sr_rb Division. 66. ShriJ.K. Thakur, SDObe sentto Sidhi.Mahan Extension (SE, Admn.) 61. ShriR.K. Jain, AE nearSagar in vacantSub Division. 68.Workof D-1of Bahwill endby 31.10.15. 69. One Sub Engineer from Ganj BasodaSub Division to Ku. PriyankaBhandari SDO. 70, Bah2400 RD courtcase. Cultivator is creatingproblem. 71. SAPAN- CCA 1800ha- Onee 360x 5 Lift 35 m. i Cumec. Five pumps are too much. Only two pumps are sufficient. Inigation must start by 31.10.15.Floating platform to be provided. 12. Shri Malkit Singh to be postedin SAS Sub Division No. 3 Sultanpurdistrict Raisen (SE, Admn.) 5 13. Canalcleaning should be done on priority. 74. Twomore Sub Engineers to SubDivision No. 5,Vidisha. 75. Waterquality should be tested. 16. - Diwanganj 50Yoaward passed. Paymentvrill be ccmpletedup 31 .10.15. 71. 100/600pipes reached site. 2.4 m dia.ConcreteUdyog. Khan Diversion- Pipesize - 2.6m diameter, l8 Disnettender. w )RE SHRI B.K 79. Total7 SubDivisions. 80, AchhahiL.I.S. 120 hp x 3 pumpsshould be utilisedelsewhere. Liftl8 m. Q: 0.25q. 8i. 4 moreAmins to WR SubDivision, Doraha Distt. Sehore. 82. WR SubDivision, Ashta is vacant. 83. RabiIrrigation genrally starts in thefirst week of November. 84. 3 SubEngineers are required. 85. - chhaparTank canaris not complete.court case.case for forecloseof contractis with E-in-C.(SE, Budget) 86. MainaI & Ii - Canalrepairing is required. 87. AroliyaL.I.S. to berenamed as Aroliya Barrage. (EE, Sehore) 88. LASUDIYAL.I.S. at 1800halcumecs. 89. CE,E&M.will prepareinventory of L.I.S.in the State. - parapelwall 90' GhoghraMain is notrequired. pitching is barance. 91. Ghoghracanal without lining wiil be completeciby 30.11.15. Tareet6b00 ha. 92. Ghogra3 WUA to be constituted. (Commissioner,CAD) prepare 93. CAD proposai. 94. Mrs. patel, / Kumkum SDO, Ghoghraproject completealongwith SubEngineers will hold complete chargeof Ghoghracompiere project. 95. ShriB.K. Jain,SDO, WR SubDn., Nasrullagan; alongwithSub Engineers will hold minor projects, which are presentlywith Mrs.Kumkum patel. 96. Ghogra project Sub Dn., Headquarter will be changed from Sehoreto Narullaganjrenamed Ghoghra Complexproject Sub Division. 91. Shyampur Canalsyphon to be dismantled and replacedby pipe aqueduct. 98. Nimota palewa tank_ and2 watering. 99. "BanerhaL.l.S. _ 350 X 6 pumps. _ Q 3.15q.CCA _ 24ACha. Reduce pumps.Ljft23 m. Rising _ main 2 km. 1500KVA,2 transformersare fixed. Increase cemmandto 3000ha. 100. Doublelift. 3 pumpsof 40 hp Targetthis year 2400ha. 101.Link BadaBayan, Khandawad, Saikanpur tanksto Kolar Canal. l02.Kusmeli- CCA 2g5 hectares. _ Live 2.15 MCM, increase command. 103'TAL'URA - Exproreaddition of command.command reducecl dueto factoryconstruction. 104.Bagwada, Guwadiaand Ramnagar L,i.S.pumps to be removed andnsed sonewhereelse. (EE, Sehore) 105.Close Water Resources Sub Division, Rampura Khr-rrd, Sehore. (se a, 106.Revise CCA of LotiyaTank. CCA 105ha Live capacity3.33 MCM. - 107.CHHIPANER 350x 4 hp.Increase command area from gi0 ha. to 2400ha. 108.Shri Mayank Parmar, SDO to beposted at Ashta.(SE ,\d" tn ) 109.SDO will checkcolabas personally" 110. Shri Anicit Saral SDO - 2012. 1 11. Kunwar Chainsagar, Dhabla road wiil betemporarily repaired by WRD.Permanent repair by pWD (EE,Narsingarh) - 112.Shamsherpura Tail porlioncanals to be excavated.100 hours JCBpermitted. I 13.Ghoghraghat Barrage - 250ha. irrigation. 114.PAHARGARHf..LS. - Handoverto pHE department.(EE, Narsinghgarh) 115. A11Sub Divisions of Narsingarhwill beunder EE, Rajgarh, SE, G'"rna.(SE, r\dmn) 116.EE,Rajgarh will be in additionalcharge of Narsinghgarh Division. NarsinghgarhDivision 2 Sub Engineerfrom EE, Rajgarhto EE,Narsinghgarh. I 17.Dob - Target850 ha. i 18.Peimission to lift waterfrom reservoirby undergroundpipes. i 19.DHATRAWDA - 425ha. Devpur - paieva+ 2 watering. **."*""-""*.**,1}t-*-*-, J . .,. , +]i.#.,,.+...r 120.Bhagora L.I.S.to berenamed Bhagora Barrage. 121.ASANPURA L.I.S._ Write off thiswork. / 122. ShriRanawat, SDO : targetg700 ha. 123.Bioramandu _Write off. 124.Choutra _ \00% by lift. CCA555 ha. as shown is notjustified. I25' chhapni- Seepageproblem. EE to investigateSE tc inspectsite anddiscuss with E_in*C on 16.10.15. \26. GIILAV/ATA _ Waterpercolates. SE to investigate. r27'WR SubDivision Beora, Shri waskel,SDo shouldbe shiftedto Sarangpur. 128.BADzu _ Seepageproblem. NDT invesrigation. 129.BARGOLIYA _ fi}%by !ift. 130.CCA to berevised in manyprojects. 131.Doiaj L.I.S.shoutd be renamed as Dolaj barrage. l 132'"Mohanpura,pankhedi, Sluicewerls are fi'ed by anrr_social : elements.(S.p., Rajgarh) i l33 .I'AL'AKALA - F'e casefor removalagainst wuA president. (EE,Rajgarh) 134. RUPAHEDA_ Canalto becompleted. 135'Singanpur - Barragefoundation hole to repaired. 136. SDO, Khilchipur _ 2 Sub Engineers are required.Two more employeesfrom CE, E&M to beposted. 137. Jeerapur_3 moreAmins
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