June 3, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 10 13881 In 1973, Ephraim Katzir answered Prime President Al Gore. Despite some initial skep- TRIBUTE TO MR. DAVE SALLENGS Minster Golda Meir’s call to serve as President ticism about a surgeon writing on other topics, of Israel. During the first year of his tenure, his books wove connections between every- HON. HAROLD ROGERS Israel was attacked by her Egyptian and Syr- thing from art and physics to human evolution OF KENTUCKY ian neighbors in the Yom Kippur War. Just in a highly creative and accessible style. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES four years later, President Katzir and Prime Wednesday, June 3, 2009 Minister Menachem Begin welcomed Egyptian Art & Physics (1990) was hailed as a vision- President Anwar El Sadat to Jerusalem, mak- ary exploration of the work of scientists and Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Madam Speaker, ing Sadat the first Arab leader to visit the Jew- artists over the centuries. The Alphabet vs. the I rise today to pay tribute to Dave Sallengs, a ish capital. This visit, combined with President Goddess (1998) further enhanced his reputa- Kentuckian whose efforts to fight the scourge Katzir’s dedication to peace and human tion as an insightful and poetic storyteller while of drug addiction throughout Kentucky have made huge strides towards stopping this hor- progress, led to the Camp David Accords a Sex, Time and Power: How Women’s Sexu- rific epidemic. His extensive knowledge of year later and an easing in the previously con- ality Shaped Human Evolution (2003) offers scheduled prescription drug trends has im- tentious Israeli-Egyptian relations. dramatic explorations into the emergence of pacted the method in which doctors prescribe Like Cincinnatus returning to his field, Presi- the human species. His fourth book, scheduled narcotics, how pharmacists track dent Katzir chose to not stand for a second Leonardo’s Brain, The Right-Left Roots of Cre- and fill orders, and the way law enforcement term, instead returning to his studies and ativity, will be published next year. agencies fight the drug problem throughout spending time with his beloved wife, Nina. Dr. Shlain won many awards and was in Kentucky. Though an able public servant, Katzir was As the manager of Kentucky’s Drug En- never motivated by power not defined by his high demand as a speaker from Italy to Los forcement and Professional Practices Branch, position. His integrity and intellect had few Alamos. But the most memorable thing about Dave Sallengs is responsible for operating the peers, and his devotion to the State of Israel him was his generous and outgoing person- Kentucky All-Schedule Prescription Electronic was sincere and complete. As a scientist, a ality matched by intellectual curiosity and en- Reporting (KASPER) monitoring program, as politician, and a proud citizen, President Katzir cyclopedic knowledge. His colleagues, friends, well as enforcing the Kentucky Controlled dedicated his life to a Jewish state for the and family were privileged to experience this Substances Act. With the leading prescription Jewish people. Through his stewardship of the side of him, and he instilled his enthusiasm monitoring system in the nation, Mr. Sallengs Office of President, President Katzir handed and drive in his children. has made it his mission to train a broad range down to later generations a safe and pros- of authorized users on KASPER. perous nation. Daughter Kimberly Brooks relates ‘‘dinner Under the leadership of Mr. Sallengs, the The prophet Isaiah writes, ‘‘Those who walk conversations typically spanned from the number of KASPER users tripled in merely uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle to politics, lit- two years. On average, the number of individ- they lie in death.’’ On behalf of the Fifth Dis- erature to an incredibly dirty joke.’’ He would uals participating in KASPER continues to trict of New Jersey, I wish peace for former often ‘‘diagram the operation of the day on a grow by an astounding two percent each President Katzir, and convey my deepest con- napkin. Later, his diagrams became more ad- month. This growth is a testament of his effort dolences to his family, friends, and country. venturesome and expanded to thought experi- to promote and educate health care providers f ments that included what it would be like to sit and law enforcement officers to the tremen- dous impact KASPER can make on people’s astride a beam of light and how that cor- PERSONAL EXPLANATION lives. The KASPER system is one of the best responded with Picasso’s rose period.’’ She weapons we have in the war against prescrip- HON. GREGG HARPER also remembers how, for show and tell at her tion drug abuse and trafficking in the Blue- OF MISSISSIPPI elementary school, her dad brought a human grass State. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES brain in a white bucket of formaldehyde and Mr. Sallengs’ passion for eliminating drug how he built a stained-glass geodesic dome abuse and addiction is evident by his continual Wednesday, June 3, 2009 (complete with a hot tub) in the back yard in- efforts to promote KASPER to all those agen- Mr. HARPER. Madam Speaker, on rollcall stead of a conventional swing set. cies who benefit from this important program. Nos. 292, 293 and 294, my flight was delayed A graduate of the University of Kentucky Col- Born in 1937 in Detroit, Michigan, to immi- due to weather. Had I been present, I would lege of Pharmacy, Mr. Sallengs spent 12 have voted ‘‘yea’’ on all three. grant parents, Dr. Shlain graduated from high years as an owner and operator of an inde- school at the age of 16 and from medical f pendent retail pharmacy before gaining in- school when he was 23. After a stint as a depth experience in the wholesale drug and HONORING DR. LEONARD SHLAIN Captain in the U.S. Army, he got married and pharmacy computer industries. In addition to moved to Mill Valley in the late sixties. being a registered pharmacist, Mr. Sallengs HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY He is survived by his wife, Judge Ina has served his community as a law enforce- OF CALIFORNIA ment officer. Gyemant, and children, artist Kimberly Brooks, Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES filmmaker and Webby Awards founder, Tiffany me in honoring the Pharmacy Association of Wednesday, June 3, 2009 Shlain, and doctor/entrepeneur Jordan Shlain. Kentucky’s ‘‘Pharmacist of the Year,’’ Mr. Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, I rise He was also father in-law to filmmaker Albert Dave Sallengs. The award recognizes those today with sadness to honor Dr. Leonard Brooks, scientist/artist Ken Goldberg, Ph.D. who use their profession to benefit those both Shlain of Mill Valley, California who passed and Caroline Eggli Shlain, Ph.D., respectively. in the profession and the community. In my away May 11, at the age of 71, after a strug- He had two stepchildren, attorney Anne opinion, there is no one more deserving of this gle with brain cancer. Gyemant Paris and writer Roberto Gyemant, award in our state, or in our country, as his Dr. Shlain excelled in two professions simul- Jr. His son-in-law Michael Paris is a medical work is now part of a national model to end taneously. He was a pioneering surgeon in engineer. He is pre-deceased by his sister prescription drug abuse. San Francisco as well as a best-selling author. Shirley Wollock and survived by siblings f As Chairman of Laparoscopic Surgery at Cali- Marvin Shlain and Sylvia Goldstick, and nine HONORING MS. BEATRIZ A. GARZA fornia Pacific Medical Center and Associate grandchildren (with a tenth on the way). Professor of Surgery at UCSF, he developed his surgical techniques to such an extent that Madam Speaker, although Dr. Shlain taught HON. CIRO D. RODRIGUEZ OF TEXAS he was flown around the world to train other his children never to trust a man who needs IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES doctors and also patented several surgical in- more than one sentence to describe what he struments. does for a living, it is impossible to sum up his Wednesday, June 3, 2009 His three published books have been best- own accomplishments so briefly. The world is Mr. RODRIGUEZ. Madam Speaker, I rise sellers, their thoughtful and provocative con- a richer place for his work, his spirit, and his today to celebrate and recognize the accom- tent earning him fans from singer Bjork to Vice wonderful family. plishments of Ms. Beatriz A. Garza, the recent VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:47 Sep 12, 2011 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E03JN9.000 E03JN9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 13882 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 10 June 3, 2009 college graduate from Haskell Indian Nations of the United States to honor Native Ameri- Southern Methodist University. In his current University in Lawrence, Kansas, and a tribal cans by designating the Friday immediately role, he serves as the 5th grade humanities member of the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of following Thanksgiving Day as Native Amer- teacher and senior class advisor. During his Texas (KTTT). ican Heritage Day. I also would have voted tenure at St. Mark’s, he has also taught 7th, Graduating from Haskell Indian Nations Uni- Yes on H. Res. 489, recognizing the 20th an- 8th, and 9th grade Social Studies, 8th grade versity with an Associate of Arts degree in Lib- niversary of the brutal suppression of pro- Humanities, U.S. History, and Advanced eral Arts in 2006 and a Bachelor of Science testers and citizens in and around Tiananmen Placement Law and Government.
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