CAPROWAXCAPROWAX PP™™ The biodegradable, thermoplastic material system is particularly suitable for the cycle of matter for use in agriculture, horticulture, landscaping, nursery, viniculture, greenhouse, floristry, forestry, waste water treatment. Range of total organic carbon is 63-73 %, thereof are >80% biobased carbon from genetic engineering free plants. Primarily no content of foods and feeding stuff Raw material for following applications: Masterbatches Monofilaments InjectionMoulding Thermoforming BioMineralComposite Textile Systems NF-BioComposites Blow moulding CAPROWAXCAPROWAX PPTM 6006–00-0006006–00-000 Compostable material proofed according to DIN EN 13432, layer thickness 500µm, by MFPA, official material test establishment of Bauhaus- University Weimar (Germany) Test material: CAPROWAX P® 6006-00-000 Test report (german) on request: Nr. B31/188-05 Test certificate (english): No. P31/029-05 (see page 5) Albrecht Dinkelaker Polymer and Product Development [email protected] www.caprowax-p.eu Most recent amendment of CAPROWAX P™-Brochure: September 20th 2021 B O W CAPROWAX P™ compostable of course R A I N S O I L StableStable inin use,use, thereafterthereafter degradesdegrades inin compostcompost Products Properties Advantages Masterbatches for bioplastics, biocomposites, filaments TM CAPROWAX PTM BioMineral- and NF-Bio-Composites Monofilaments and textile systems, plastic films Injection- and blow moulding, thermoforming sheet Compounds with custom-designed additives Hotmelt, binding agent, substrate Thermoplastic plasticine, modelling, joint sealer Plastisation of bioplastics, coloured imitations stones Hydrophobising of water sensitive bioplastics Water proofed, tensile, stable in use No tendency to mildewing Tearproof and cold-flexible after stretching Processing without pre-drying: 80°-150°C Free of aromatics and nitrogeneous substances GM-Free, no content of starch or PLA Primarily no content of foods and feeding stuff TM CAPROWAX P 6006 according to DIN EN 13432 Range of total carbon: 63-73%* *) calculated from that 80-90%* carbon from biobased resources After composting pH-value 7 – 8 Disposal of latent heat storage at 63–50 °C Environmentally friendly colourant Products made of CAPROWAX P™ Product surfaces of CAPROWAX PTM-Material are self-cleaning with water or rain just like lotus flowers. Quick degradation in compost or slow rotting in soil works into biomass, mixtures of soil-similar, mineral, inorganic substances, carbon dioxide and water. In the course of composting the brown to black colour of compost or humus change over to the coloured bioplastic and the colourful appearance disappears. B O W CAPROWAX P™ compostable of course R A I N S O I L The most important advantages of CAPROWAX P™ CAPROWAX P™- materials are processible like plastics and contain by the majority parts biobased vegetable carbon. The processing without predrying under moderate temperatures, low shear rates and pressures is especially suited for nature fabrics and heat-sensitve additives. The stability against water or mildewing and the balanced combination of stable in use, composting and rotting is exemplary. Ecofriendly,Ecofriendly, mainly no contentcontent of foodfood inin rawraw material ManufacturingManufacturing of BioCAPROWAX PTM is feasible CAPROWAX PTM-Compounds consist of aliphatic, home/industrial compostable certified polyester and modified, readily biodegradable, renewable, GMO-free plant oil. Ecofriendly: “Free of aromatics and nitrogen, renewable raw materials without genetically modified growing”. No content of starch or PLA. The plant oil content no food and feeding stuff and is gained from oil plant for technical applications. The applied aliphatic polyesters could be processed from biomass like renewable cellulose-/hemicellulose-material. By modification, the renewable platform chemical 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural makes it possible to get BioCAPROWAX PTM B O W CAPROWAX P™ compostable of course R A I N S O I L CompostableCompostable materialmaterial proofedproofed byby MFPAMFPA CAPROWAX PTM 6006-00-000 is a compostable material according to DIN EN 13432 (layer thickness up to 500 µm) Testmaterial: CAPROWAX P® 6006-00-000 proofed by MFPA, the official material test establishment of the Bauhaus-University Weimar. Especially attention to the quality of raw material and products and rely on in all confidence with suppliers amd customers. There is an abdication of registration and control as compostable material for reasons of cost. The proof of compostability, according to DIN EN 13432, is documented by the official material test establishment MFPA of Bauhaus-University Weimar in Germany. Test certificate No. P 31/029-05 see on page 5. Under anoxic/denitrifying conditions degradation occurs fully as well. Masterbatches: for colouration of bioplastics, biocomposites, filaments: Such as: PLA, PBS, PHA, PCL, CAPROWAX PTM/Blends/BioMineralComposites, Bio-NFC, Bio-WPC, Polysaccharides/Derivate, Casein,PVAc/Bioplasticblends, Bio-TPE, io-UPR, NIPU. As colourants are used biobased, bio-mineral and/or harmless, inorganic pigments. A sustainable and lightfast brightening without Titanium Dioxide is possible. The palette of masterbatches is changed to the eco-friendly, soil-similar, calcined, pigmentlike Kaolin (FK) as white pigment. Titanium Dioxide will be used strong reduced only. The carrier material is compostable and waterproof. Colouration of bioplastics comply the specifications of DIN EN 13432. Colourations with natural, biomineral Calciumcarbonat support biogenic weathering in soil and waters. Compostable carrier material CAPROWAX P 6006-C65 (Intermediate), based on CAPROWAX PTM 6006, according to DIN EN 13432, see page 1 and 7 also. After a successful test with selected samples customers request will be coordinated with toll manufacturer. You can order masterbatches – manufactured batchwise +/- 25kg in a range of 100 kg, 200 kg and 500 kg.(page 7 to 11, 20) Customer projects with basic material CAPROWAX PTM In a project with customers CAPROWAX P™-Compounds are produced in form of pellets, powder-mixtures with nature fibres and compounds with custom-designed additives. Furtherinformation page 13-15,18,19. To know material properties about you can order a lab prototype a 300g in fragmented or powder form. Information about products and projects: Albrecht Dinkelaker Polymer- and Product Development Talstrasse 83 [email protected] D 60437 Frankfurt am Main Fon:0049 69 76 89 39 10 [email protected] Ideas increase to pellets www.caprowax-p.eu B O W CAPROWAX P™ compostable of course R A I N S O I L B O W CAPROWAX P™ compostable of course R A I N S O I L CAPROWAX P Network StrongStrong partnerspartners toto getget CAPROWAXCAPROWAX PPTM-Material-Material CAPROWAXCAPROWAX P-P-MaMaststererbbatatchcheses with compostable carrier material Contract manufacturing Pellets and NF-Powdermix for customer projects Contract manufacturing Quality, Development and Analytic 2 analytical laboratory for plastic examination Development together with contract manufaturer Colaboration with thermoplastic processors Injection moulding Vacuum forming Application Tests, Quality assureance and Compostability Forschungsgemeinschaft biologisch abbaubarer Werkstoffe e.V. ( FBAW ) Hannover MFPA Materialforschungs- und Prüfanstalt an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Marketing development Distributors B O W CAPROWAX P™ compostable of course R A I N S O I L <<CCOOLLOOUURRAATTIIOONN<< CAPROWAX P-Masterbatches for Bioplastics/Biocomposites/Blends/Filaments PLA, PBS, PHA, PCL, CAPROWAX PTM/Blends, BioMineralComposites, Bio-NFC, Bio-WPC, Polysaccharides/Derivates, Casein, PVAc/Bioplastic- Blends, PVOH, Bio-TPE, Bio-UPR, NIPU. Carrier material based on CAPROWAX PTM 6006 is compostable, waterproof and according to DIN EN 13432. Customers request will be coordinated with toll manufacturer. Full covering or translucent to transparent colouration for: Injection-/Vacuum-/Blow-/Compression-Moulding, Mono-/Multifilaments, Film, Hotmelts, NF-BioComposites, Thermoplastic Plasticine, Foams, Coating Pigments are biobased, bio-mineral or calcined pigmentlike Kaolin and/or of inor- organic, synthetic production. They are harmless, lightfast, non-migratory, water insoluble, temperature stable and comparable with natural, mineral pigments. They are low-dusty incorporated in compostable carrier material and already mineralized. Masterbatches added to different bioplastics in a range of 0,5-6% can be processed at 90-200°C, short time up to 220°C. In coloured final products the content of each separate pigment is ≤1% Colouration of bioplastics comply the specifications of DIN EN 13432. B O W CAPROWAX P™ compostable of course R A I N S O I L MaMaststererbbatatchcheses forfor translucenttranslucent colourationcolouration Addition of CAPROWAX P - Masterbatches to different bioplastics: 0,5-4% Injection- /Vacuum- /Blow- and Compression-Moulding, Filaments, Foils/Sheets, Hotmelts, Thermoplastic Plasticine, Foams and Coating. All shades of colour are comparable or similar to the product colours. ApplicationApplication projectsprojects withwith pearlescentpearlescent pigmentspigments For your shortlist: Coloured buttons of MB-Laboratory prototypes (LP) with CAPROWAX PTM-Blends on request Addition of Pearlescent-Masterbatches to different bioplastics: 0,5-6% Pearlescent pigments: Mica coated with TiO2 and/or Fe2O3 Preferably pearlescent masterbatch Silver 9001 is additive combinable with translucent CAPROWAX P - Masterbatches to yield diverse pearlescent colouration
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