בס”ד Kislev 5770/2009 SPECIAL DAYS IN KISLEV Volume 20, Issue 9 Kislev 1/November 18/Wednesday Rosh Chodesh Kislev Chasidim mark Rosh Chodesh Kislev with a Farbrengen in honor of the recovery of the Rebbe, in 5738 [1977]. Yartzeit of R. Yosef Shmuel of Frankfort, author of Mesoras HaShas, the Talmudic cross -reference index printed in the Gemara, 5464 [1703]. Yartzeit of R. Sholom Shachne, founder of the first Yeshiva in Poland, 5319 [1558]. R. Aharon HaLevi Hurevitz of Stroshele, primary student of the Alter Rebbe, released from imprisonment, 5587 [1826]. He was arrested around the same time as the Mitteler Rebbe. When his son, R. Michoel Dovid, confronted the slanderer of the Mitteler Rebbe, the slanderer said, “You're time he and the Mitteler Rebbe saw each other also talking? I'll bring your father here, too.” since the Alter Rebbe's passing. (Beis Rebbe) And so he did…. The Strosheler made Kiddush one Friday Birthday of R’ Shmaryahu Gurary, the night with great Hislahavus, as was his way; “Rashag,” o.b.m., son in law of the Friediker an officer who happened to see him told the Rebbe, brother in law of the Rebbe, governor he was a G-dly man who couldn't 5658/1897. possibly be a criminal. His sentence was Kislev 2/November 19/Thursday reduced and he was eventually released a few CHABAD OF HANCOCK PARK OF HANCOCK PARK CHABAD Return of the Seforim and Writings of the days before the Mitteler Rebbe. It was the only Rebbeim to the Library of Agudas Chasidei Chabad, 5748 (1987). Yud Tes Kislev ~ The Rosh Hashanah of Chassidus Motzei Shabbos/Sunday December 5 & 6 The Nineteenth of Kislev is the Yahrzeit of noon Tuesday of Parshas Vayeishev, 5559 our saintly master, R. DovBer, the Maggid of (1798). Mezritch, the mentor of the second genera- The Alter Rebbe writes in a letter: “...This tion of the Chassidic movement, from 5521 indeed must be made known, that on the day (1761) until his passing on Tuesday, of Par- which HaShem made for us, on the nine- shas Vayeishev, Kislev 19, 5533 (1772). For teenth of Kislev; on the third day of the week a biography in English, see: R. Jacob Imman- (about which the Torah writes twice, “It is uel Schochet, the Great Maggid (Kehot, N.Y. good”) on the Yahrtzeit of our holy master 1974) (the Magid of Mezritch), whose soul reposes R. Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter in Eden Rebbe, author of the Tanya, founder and first On that day, while I was reading the verse leader of the Chabad Chassidic movement in the Book of Tehillim that begins, “he has from 5533 (1772) until his passing on Teves redeemed my soul in peace” (55:19), and 24, 5573 (1812), was released from his first before I began the following verse, I went CONGREGATION LEVI YITZCHOK CONGREGATION 5770 Chabad Chodesh Kislev imprisonment on Kislev 19, late in the after- forth in peace through the G-d of Peace.” (Continued on page 5) came, as well as the Chevrah Kadi- On Chol HaMoed Sukkos it Yartzeit of R. Shmerel of Verchovka, sha. The chassidim and the family became known that the Mitteler student of the Baal Shem Tov, 5536 didn't give up hope; they tried and Rebbe had been slandered and [1775]. successfully revived him. accused of using funds to They asked the Rebbe, "Didn't overthrow the Russian government. Kislev 3/November 20/Friday you hear the shouting in the house? The accusers noted that the Rebbe Roman images removed from the Why are you frightening us so was sending money to the Turkish Beis HaMikdash courtyard when much?" He answered, "I heard a Sultan (the money was for Jewish Jews threatened a war. (Megilas heavenly voice asking what does settlers in Israel, which was under Taanis 9) such a Neshamah have to do in this Turkish rule). And, they said, the physical world?" Rebbe's Shul was built to the same Kislev 4/November 21/Shabbos The Rebbe asked that he be measurements as the Beis A delegation of Jews from Bavel dressed in his white clothes. Color HaMikdash. (But when the Rebbe's came to Yerushalayim to ask returned to his face; he spoke of Shul was measured to compare it Zechariah if they should continue Zechusim - good things about Jews with the measurements of the Beis to fast on Tisha B’Av, since the - that Jews are careful to do HaMikdash it was determined that Second Beis HaMikdash was being Mitzvos, especially Tzedakah, the measurements were quite built; He prophesied that all fasts giving more than they can. He told different). All of the Rebbe's would become days of joy and his chassidim and family to be accounts were to be translated [into celebration, 3412 [349 BCE]. happy [because] simchah sweetens Russian]. The accusers wanted the (Zechariah:7-8) judgment. He began to say work done by their side. And so it Chassidus. The chassidim became was. The translation proved all Kislev 5/November 22/Sunday happy, as if it were a wedding. All funds had been spent according to Yartzeit of R. Shmuel Eidels, the felt that now the Rebbe would law: Jews in Russia were helping "MaHaRSha", 5392 [1631] regain his health. Jews in Eretz Yisroel which was He said Chassidus all night and legal. Wedding of the Tzemach Tzedek often asked if it was morning. He When the Rebbe was brought and Rebbitzen Chayah Mushka, in finished just before dawn; as he said before the Governor-General he Liadi, 5564 [1803]. the words “with You is the source showed him that all funds were for of life,” he passed away and was the poor in Eretz Yisroel and all the Kislev 6/November 23/Monday united with HaShem. (Sefer accusations were false. Tenaim between the Rebbe and the HaToldos) The Governor-General wanted to Rebbitzen Chayah Mushka, in Riga, The Tzemach Tzedek said there bring the Rebbe face to face with his Latvia, 5689 [1929]. wasn't such a passing since R. accusers. When the Rebbe arrived, Shimon Bar Yochai. The Zohar says the Governor-General honored him Kislev 7/November 24/Tuesday he was saying Torah and passed on, and gave him a chair. At one point, King Yehoyakam burned the scroll saying the word "Chayim" - life. the accuser turned to the Rebbe and (of Eichah), dictated by Yirmiyahu The Rebbe was buried in Niezhen said, “Rebbe…” The Rebbe said to HaNavi to Baruch b. Neriah, 3321 and that year the joyful day of the Governor-General, “He calls me [603 BCE]. (Yirmiyahu 36:23) redemption became one of a thief, and accuses me of treason - mourning. and calls me ‘Rebbe’ because that's Once a fast day, (Megilas Taanis) the truth.” The accuser started to death of Herod, [4 BCE], proclaimed Yartzeit of R. Moshe of Slavuta, a stammer and stutter until the a holiday, (Megilas Taanis 9). printer in Slavuta, son of R. Pinchas Governor-General asked him to of Koretz, 5598 [1837]. He was leave. Kislev 9/November 26/Thursday very close with the Alter Rebbe. On Shabbos, Tes Kislev, at Birthday of our holy Master and (Beis Rebbe) Mincha, while the Rebbe said the Teacher, the Mitteler Rebbe, R. The Alter Rebbe had the first Maamar, “Atah Echad”, news came DovBer, second Chabad Rebbe, Tanya printed by him (printed this that he was innocent and would be 5534 [1773] and his Yartzeit, 5588 month on Kislev 20), out of a debt released. [1827]. of gratitude to his father. (Ohel In the middle of his Chassidus he Rachel, p. 199) said “Shah! Make a place, my father On the night of Kislev 9, the is here.” On Sunday, Yud Kislev, he Mitteler Rebbe fainted many times. Kislev 10/November 27/Friday was freed. Once, they were unable to The Mittler Rebbe was released On this day Farbrengens should resuscitate him. The chassidim from imprisonment, 5587 (1826). be made. We should add in our To- VOLUME 20, ISSUE 9 Page 2 rah study, especially from the After the death of the Tzemach Motzei Shabbos, during the Maariv Mittler Rebbe, we should give addi- Tzedek's mother, his father, R. Amidah, we start to say “V’sein Tal tional Tzedakah and add in our Sholom Shachne, married Rebbitzen Umatar” in the Brocha of Teffilah. (Sichah 10 Kislev 5748) Rivkah, daughter of R. Aharon of “Mevarech Hashanim.” Karlin, and had two daughters. We don't say Tachnun. Kislev 19/December 6/Sunday Kislev 18/December 5/Shabbos Yud-Tes Kislev Kislev 12/November 29/Sunday Yartzeit of R. Avraham Maimuni, Rosh HaShanah of Chasidus Yartzeit of R. Shlomoh Luria, the son of the Rambam, leader of Gut Yom Tov! "MaHaRShaL", author of Yam Shel Egyptian Jewry, author of Shelomoh, 5334 [1573]. HaMaspik LiOvdei HaShem, 4998 May you be written and sealed for a [1237]. good year in the study of Chasidus, Kislev 13/November 30/Monday and the ways of Chasidus. Yartzeit of Ravina b. Rav Huna, co- Yartzeit of R. Boruch of Mezhbyz, editor of the Gemara, last of the grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, Redemption of the Alter Rebbe from Amoraim, 4235 [475]. author of Botzina DiNehora, 5572 his first imprisonment, 5559 [1811]. [1798]. Kislev 14/December 1/Tuesday Birthday Reuvein son of Yaakov Yartzeit of R. Yosef Yitzchak of Yartzeit of our holy Master and Avinu, 2194, and Yartzeit 2319. Ovritch, son of the Tzemach Teacher, R. Dov Ber b. Avrohom, Tzedek, father of Rebbitzen Shterna the Magid of Mezeritch, second Wedding Anniversary of the Sarah who was the wife of the leader of the Chasidic movement, Lubavitcher Rebbe and Rebbetzin Rebbe RaShaB, 5637 [1877].
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