KUNKEL'S MUSICAL REVIEW, FE.hltUARY, 1890. 9 MAJOR AND MINOR. tralto solo, "Fiaher Boy, My Own," Miss Carrie M. Farwell; .,.-Louis Nathal, husband ofthe popular prima donna, Mad· flute and plano, Valse de Concert, Emil Pollak and C. N. Pol· ame Natali, died in New York City, of "La Grippe." He was .../ Bollman Bros,, in Kansas City. lak; baritone solo. "The Grave on the Heath," Max Descl, well known throughout the country, especially in St. Louis plano and violin, sonata in D minor, op. 21, Frank P. Flak and where he spent sometime In the management of opera and as Bollman Brothers gave a grand opening at their superb John Brunckborst. a basso; be was highly regarded as a singer and actor. new piano house, 12ll and 1213 .Main street. The rooms are Part second-Duo, voice and piano, "Le Papillon," Miss Nathal's real uame was Louis de Plainville, beinK a native among the largest and finest in the country. They occupy Mabel Haas and Frank P. Fisk; solo, Francis Walker; vocal of the province of France. He first became known as the four fioors, each 50 by 117 feet. The warerooms and music duet, Miss Glenna C. Wright and Max Desci; cornet and business ma.na&'er of Madame Patti. Lately, he had given hall wele elaborately decorated with fiowers and artistic plano, "Air Yarie," J. G. Pearson and Frank P. Fisk; song much attention to the writing of plays in which he proved statuary. During the afternoon Hulett's Symphony orcheatra ''Israfel" Francis Walker; trio, "Madre del Sommo Amore,•1 molt 1ucceasful; among the best known are "Monbars," "A of thirty musicians began a select programme. At 8 o'clock Miss Mabel Haas, Francis Walker and W. P. Potter. Prisoner !or Life" and "Suspect." Madame Natali is at in the evening the opening musicale began. It was the finest present in Paris, where she:is soon to appear in grand opera. concert of the season and the best known artists in the city Alonzo E. Stoddard, the well known baritone, died at the and is desUned to achieve ever greater successes than ever. participated. The Kansas City branch is under the manage. Homceopathlc Hoapital, Boston. His last engagement was ment of II. H. Bollman. - with the Emma Juch Opera Company. GeneUJ, of 923 Olive Street, makes 100 Stamp Photos, from The following programme was rendered: Piano, andante cabinet size, for $1. Cabinet will be returned by mail, un· spinato, op. 22, polonaise brill! ante, Miss Ida Simmons; con- l&O SONGS for a 2 cent stamp llo•u & YooTII, C•o••· o. soiled with stamps, on short notice. Mall Cabinet·with $1. MUSIC BOOKS l?U":SLIS::S:ED :SY OLIVER DITSON ' CO. BOSTON, M:ASS. Autumn leaves and Winter Wreaths PERFECT MUSIC BOOKS RICHARDSON'S OF MUSIC. for CHOIRS, for CLASSES for CONVENTIONS, are per- New Meth 0 d haps imposaible-but DITSON & CO.'S matchless books are FOR THE PI NOFORTE juat en the line. A • Y N R 0 (60 cts., $6 doz.) for Quar- ' 1 h (80 t S7 d ) From the very day of its publication, it has been a decided Emers 0n s ew esp nses. tet and Chorus Choirs; 74 Emerson s Easy ant ems, in ;:mb~;~~~lteoz::~~~~:~ success, selling steadily from year to year, and giving the short pieces of sacred music of the best character, such as about one ror each Sunday in the year, and are full of printer no rest with its frequent editions, its total sales to the your choir needs. grace and beauty. present time aggregate nearly (35 cts., $3.60 dozen), by L. 0. (60 cts., $6 per dozen) by L. 0. Emerson, ia 450,000 COPIES I Song Harmony 1 a new and very "perfec~" book for 8I]!(G· Recreation and Study are in it admirably combined. The Th 9 Temperance Crusa d81 Emerson and Edwin Mo~re. ING CLusxs, perhaps the best o! a long series of books book has been many times revised, and is the molt perfect of Earnest, refined, elevated poetry and music, which wlll be by the 1ame author. instruction books. It has also had additions. Price, with American Fingering, 83: with foreign fingering, $3 most welcome to the best classes of temperance workers. ·nglng School (5o eta., suo per dozen), by The Graded Sl ' D. F . Hodgea, is & sensible, practical method, by a Tery sensible, practical teacher Adopt, without fear, for Graded Schools, our and Is fully furnished with good material !or successful (Book 1, 30 cts, $3 doz.; or Book 2, 40 cts., work. New England Conservatory Method for the Song Manua I1 $4.20 doz,; or Book 3, 50 cts., $4.80 doz.} Ad· 's Praise ($11 or S9 per.dozen} by L. o. Emerson, is mlrably adapted to the different ages of school life, with plain Jehovah ' a run s1ze Church Musto Book, with a PIANOFORTE. large number of Anthems and Tunes for choirs, also instructions and best of music. In Three Parts, with American and foreign fingering, each Glees, Part-Songs, and a multitude of melodiou1 exer­ $1.~0. complete, $3.00. cise• for classes. This fine book seemed at once the powerful aid and ap­ Select for practice in your Singing Society one of our noble (35 cts., $3.60 per dozen} by Ev .&.NGII:LIST proval of the professor.. u.nd pupils of the great Conservatory and beautiful CANTATAS (send for list), or the easy Ora· Temple Chimes ' LUTHER, just published, is a very superior for which it was complled, and in which it has always been torlo, EMMANUEL, ($1) by Trowbridge; or for Fairs and collection of new Gospef Songs, of Hymns and Tunes. used. Very widely known and used. Festivals, the peculiarly nice. pretty and easy DAIRY MAIDS' SUPPER, (20 cts., $1.80 doz.) by Lewis; or for the ng (40 Ctll., $4.20 per dozen) by L. 0. and E. U. The best Companion for an Instruction Book is MASON'S children, Macy's new STRANGE VISITORS, or A MEET­ Praise to So 1 Emerson, ia a new Sunday School and PIANOi'ORTE TECHNICS, containing every exercise ING OF THE NATIONS, (SO cts. $3 doz.); or the KINGDOM Pratse book, full of uncommonly good music and hymns. A needed for the full development of technical ability on the Ojj' MOTHER GOOSE, (25 cts., $2.28 doz) by Mrs. Boardman. Tery "perfect" book for Testry singing. pianoforte. By Dr. Wm. Mason, with explanations byW, B. B. Mathews. Price, $2.50. Any book mailed for retail price. Any book mailed for retail price. Any Book mailed for retail price, ESTABLISHED 1802. $5.00. EQUITABLE BUILDING, $5.00. THE S~ITH 6TH AND LOCUST STS. American Organ and Piano Co. MANUFACTURERS OF FIVE DOLLARS PIANOS Per Year for a Box In the !ORGANS. SAFE DEPOSIT Co.- Our Instruments have a world-wide repu­ GEO. D. CAPEN, Pres. tation, and are second to none in Tone, Touch, Workmanship or Design. An absolute war­ EDW. A. SMITH, Supt. PASCHALL CARR, Treas. ranty with every instrument. Catalogues and prices on application. The Smith American Organ and Piano Co. MO. SAFE DEPOSIT CO. BOSTOK, IISS,, or KIKSAS CITY, 10 • S5.00. Open from 9.00 A.M. to 4.30 P. M. $5.00. • r ~I N Bankers and flrokers. :hank Stocks, ~Iunlcipal 13onds, Tele}lhone SJ Wm. F. Viernse & Miscellaneous Securities and Loans. ForeJgn Exchange. ~ 32g_N. Third St., St. Louis, Mo. 380. ID eo.1 Sl A D [l( A el Co IU T eo NEW ~TORE. THE LARCEST AND FINEST DRY COODSI HOUSE IN THE CITY. EAST SIDE OF BROADWAY, CORNERS WASHINCTON Everything in the Dry Coods line at the lowest AVENUE AND ST. CHARLES STREET. cash prices. Positively nothing misrepresented. The Largest and most complete Mail Order Depart­ ment in the West. Send for Sam,ple or Catalogue. B. NUGENT & BRO. What are Etchings 1 era or for concert use, that will be most acceptable to those sities of his fleecy charge, and, changing hiM tune, he gives What are Artist Proofs 1 who have the first edition, and is a valuable f~Jnture in itself. his dog1 the signnl to drive his flock under shelter. Hardly i& How can I tell a Remarque Proof from an Artist Proof or a This composition may be called a tone picture of pastoral sum. this done when the rain begins to fall and the storm's prccur­ plain Impression 1 We mail you a book on receipt of 5c. mer life. All is peace in the Alpine valley where the young sor. the wind. to hiss through the mountain pines. Soon the Postage fully answering above questions and describing how shepherd tends his sheep. For the time being, however, he storm breaks iu all its fury, the mount.ain torrents leap from Etchings and Engravings are made. has left the responsibility of the care of his flock to his ft~.ith· rock to rock, the trees twist their arms as if in agony, and bend RKDHOFFER & KOCH, ful and well. trained dogs, ror his mind is now upon the lamb before the Storm King as if asking mercy at his hands. '£heir 4.19 & 421 N. Broadway. of another flock, Lisette, whose mother's cottage he can see prayer is heard. The Storm King departs; the sun breaks The Leading Art Dealers of St. Louh!. in the distance. He thinks that even now he sples her in the through the clouds; a million rain.drops sparkle like dia­ meadow, caressing her pet lamb, and he takes up his oboe in monds ou each tree; the birds twitter to their mates in the the hope that some faint echo of her favorite love-song may bunches; the young shepherd signals his flock to return to ALPINE STORM.
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