Fall 1976 Lj L L./7" 1 \ Was!flington Redskin, ripp ed Lou's pin­ strip' es and the coach bellowed,"McKee, I told :you to keep me on the bench, not rip my new suit!" About 3,000 fans heard Coach Alexa nder, because action (and noise) for To the editor: somee unexplainable reason had stopped at I was sadd en ed to read of Lou Alexander's that very moment. (I know because I was a death. Forty yea rs ago as a strugg ling soph, playeer inthat game and at th e very moment Lou gave me opportunities to play both was seated next to McKee.) basketball an d baseball , and th e kind of SEPTEMBER Muchhas been written about Lou's gr eat lead er ship to w hich I could respond. team s and career as a coach and teacher at The cha nce to play for UR culminated in Rochester. Those wh o knew him are acute­ . catching Gerry Zornow's one-hitter at 11, ill Rochester-A lum ni-Varsity Soccer ly aI-we of his sensitivity and fairness. He Oberlin in '37, my brother Gil's three victo­ Game a nd Family Picnic. was a ma n's man, and he brou ght dignity ries in '39, and all of Bob Ulrech's successful 19, ill New Y ork City- Tully Hall Co n­ and intelligence to coaching. Many veteran pitching in '38. In basketball, I was captain ce rt and Reception with th e Cleve land athleetir administrators and coaches still of Lou's 1938 -39 team that lost onl y the Quartet. remoe mber his courses at Columbia in sum­ first game of the season, to Michigan, 21, ill Rochester-Alu m ni Lun cheon mer months of the 1930s. 47-45 . with President Sproull at th e Faculty l'vlIany know of his devotion to his sons Lou's in tens e dedica lion , skill in teaching, Club. and that at one time Rogers, Lou, [r . and and professional handling of player s and 21-29, ill Bavaria-Alumni Bavarian Neil. were on the same basketball squad at situations alike es tablished his reputation as Tour, dep arting from New York Ci ty. UR. This was a supreme thrill for Lou. a winning coach and a man of goo d will. TlheUniversity lost a great, loyal teacher Happil y, our friend sh ip was maintain ed 28-0ct. 6, in Bavaria-Alumni Bavar ian whe nLouis Albion Alexander died th is past through out the years. Tou r, departing fro m Rochest er. sprlmg. I am not sure tha t the modern My wife and I che rish our last visit with 28-0ct. 2, itl Rochester-University Unh..ersity community reall y realizes what him in his hom e at th e tim e of my 35th class Alumni Co uncil, Trust ees' Council, Aleseander achieved here . reunion in 1974 . We are gra teful to our River Campus Alu mni Board, Nursin g It ismy belief that athletics have had two alma mat er th at emp loyed a man of Lou 's Alumni Council meetings. outs tanding periods in the history of the high caliber and then reco gni zed his great Uni...·ersi ty: con tributions by namin g the Palestra for OCTOBER O ne-The Fauverian Era, the tenure of him . Prep Lane '39 Dr. Edwin Fauver, who built an outstanding 14, itl Rochester- Alumni Luncheon program of physical education to serve all La Canada, Ca lif. with Pr of . Gordo n Black at th e Univ er­ stud ents. This was fostered and continued by :men like Walter (Doc) Campbell and sity Club. Roman(Speed) Spee gle. 21-22 , ill Rochester-M edical Alumni Two-The Age of Alexand er, th e tenure Co uncil an d Medical Reunion . of L ouisAlbion Alexand er , who developed To the editor: 22-23, in Rochester- Reunio n-Home­ an i ntercollegiate athlet ics progr am wh ich I appreci ated you r "alurnnotes " an­ comi ng Week end. (see story, page 22). taug htathlete s the competitive aspects of nouncem ent of the wedding of Sue Eddy 29- 30, itl Rochester-Eas tma n Reunion spor t (This was aided in th e formative ('76) and Da ve Bloom ('74, '76G). I suppose and special celebra tion of Dr. Howard stages by such outstanding coaches as Dud the space needed to list usher s and the Hanson 's 80th birthday. brid esm aid wa s appropr iate in light of DeG roo t, Elmer Burnham, Paul Bitgood). 31, itl Rochester- T ully Hall Co nce rt In deed, the history and tradition of a th­ Dave's famous candidacy for SA president. with Barry Snyder. let ics were boosted by the Connecticut However, som e details were lacking : Is it Yan keewith the Spirit of '76. If Dr . Arthur true that Dave met Sue Eddy throu gh her I. M ay were still alive and writing UR his­ relati ve, Baske t Eddy? Did Dave Bloom NOVEMBER torll' he wo uld hav e mourned with us the really par achute on to the chapel par king lot pas:sing of our "Alexander the Great." on th e day of th e wedding? Was it tru e that 4-6 , itl New Y ork City-Graduate School David R. Ocorr '51 none of th e ush er s came stoned? of Man agement -"M. B.A. Admis ­ Director of Athletics Please give us the details (or at least prin t sions Fair" at the Roosevelt Hot el. University of Roche ster the ques tions ). 4, in Rochester-Alum ni Lun cheon wi th Sand y Melnick '73 Dea ns Clark and Rock at th e Facul ty Philadelph ia, Pa. Cl ub. (Here are the questions...bul none of liS wereal the 17-20, in Rochester- Presi de n t's Leader­ wedding, so, lei's hear from you evnoitnesses. - Ed.) ship Council Symposium. 21, in New York City- T ully Hall Con­ cert with Helen Boatwri ght and Paul O 'D ette. 1 - Lellerl ARTICLES ID Ihe Radical Feminism and the English Language 2 A lo o k a t " h is to r y" a nd " h e rs to r y" EdilDr Janice Cummings: Enlightened Prison Reformer 4 To th e edi to r: Fr om g u a rd to s u pe r in te n d e n t Lou is Albion Alexander's death in the Bicentennial yea r see med as congruous as Study ing Ch aucer Til the Cows Come Home 6 death and time can ever be...Lou wasa Read iri',' r it in'. and r ural liv in ' Connect icu t Yan kee w ith the Spirit of 'i6 For mo st of his 77 yea rs he taught, b\ Financial Authorit y Ranks GSM Fourth 12 exa mpl e and wo rds , that comp etition w,; Ban ker-lec tu re r Joel S tern o n th e w orld's top business sc hools th e core of our coun try. He believed even' person sho u ld me et a test, should measur; Walli s Book Warns of Excessive Government 14 to a standard. For most of us who knewhirn as studen ts and athletes he was an exacting Excer p ts from A ,r Orergoremed Soc iety father. As Joh n Baynes of the 194H 2 unde fea ted basketball team stated ina re­ He's the 'Luckiest Man in the World' 20 port of Lou 's death in a local newspaper,"hf A p rofile o f a lu m nus Fr ancis D 'A manda was pretty in ten se....he was a helluva competi to r." As Harry Stathe of the 19;1 Tributes to Lou Alexander and Dr. George Whipple 28 ,29 baseball team sa id so ft ly a t the memorial se rv ices a t th e River Campus chapel, "Yo, always kn ew whe re you stood with the G rey Fox....He to ld yo u right out and yo, DEPARTMENTS resp ect a coa ch like th at. " I knew Lou Alexander as a stu dent ani letters . .. .. .. .... .. .. ... .. .. 1 at hlete, as a member of his staff, and laters Alumni Calendar. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .... ... .. 1 a fellow athletic dir ector asking advice0: Travel Corner 5 th e "chai rma n of th e board." Lou, as , News Digest 22 dir ector eme ritus, was a valued friendand Identit y Crisis 27 expressed opinions on trends in sports0: Alumnotes 30 ou r colleges. Despite infirmity and creeping age, his O bituaries 32 keenness for compet ition and sense of Review Point ins ide back cover humor -hon ed by the years of winninganci losing-remained until the end. O fte n in th e yea r before his death, when his friend Les Harrison would take himto Rochest er Revie w. Fal l, 19 76 ; Ed it o r: Ronald C. Roberts; A sst. Edi tor: lun ch at his favorite Rund's or Cart­ w righ t's , we wo uld refresh Lou's memories R'lymo nd:\. M artin o; C o py Ed it or: S. Lei gh Harrison; Art D ir ector:Jeffrey of playe rs and team s over his 30 plus year; T . H ermann; Staff Writers : We ndy A .Leopold, Da ve Erickson; Staff of UR coach ing . We would talk of the Ph otog raphe r: C h r is T .
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