NEH: ScHolarly EditioNS aNd traNSlatioNS applicatioN §6.0 6.0) project application appendiceS appendix §6.1: index of Sample pageS § pg. type Source deScription 6.1.0 28-9 InterlInear Cook 2003: Annotated English version and transcription of translatIon 47-8 許慎 Xǔ Shèn’s SW Postface (his last known writing), & apparatus 段玉裁 Duàn Yùcái 1815 [1989:783.2-784.1] 6.1.1 30-3 text, Cook 1995: 《辰字的原始義》The Etymology of Chinese 辰 Chén. translatIon 0-2,9 Section 1: “說文解字的辰字” The Shuō Wén Analysis & exegesIs [frontispiece and two translations,literal and free] 6.1.2 34- InterlInear Cook 2003: 《汲古閣·說文·訂·序·注》 45 annotated 57-68; Jígǔ Gé SW Dìng Xù Zhù [Annotated translation of translatIon 段玉裁 Duàn Yùcái’s (1799) Preface to his book, The Jígǔ Gé & Inventory Duàn Yùcái Studio’s Shuō Wén Reproductions: A fair appraisal.] of texts 1799 Illustrates Duàn’s study of transmission issues. [3 editions] 6.1.3 46-7 CollatIon: Cook 2003: Case Study: Comparing Four Commentary Editions Base text & 10,19 徐鍇 Xú Kǎi (974 ad), 徐鉉 Xú Xuàn (991 ad), Commentary 桂馥 Guì Fù (1805 ad), 段玉裁 Duàn Yùcái (1815 ad) 6.1.4 48 ConCor- Cook 2003: Sample concordance page (10607-10613). danCe 1744 6.1.5 49 urtext Cook 2003 Sample reconstructed Urtext entries, p. 608 (10600-10613). 6.1.6 50 Qīng 段玉裁 Modern (上海古籍出版社) photographic reproduction Commentary Duàn of Duàn’s original (1815) text, typeset by his family orIgInal Yùcái 1815 in vertical columns: the base text is in large type, and [1989:745] Duàn’s commentary is in half-size small type. 6.1.7 51 the 540 Cook 2003 《說文解字·注·部首》SW - Bùshǒu sW lexICal Frontispiece The set of 540 SW Lexical Classifiers (Radicals) ClassIfIers [typeset in Adobe InDesign CS4, in the OpenType font] appendix §6.2: project Staff reSuméS § page perSon 6.2.1 52-3 BiSHop, Thomas E. 6.2.2 54-5 cook, Richard S. EaStErN HaN cHiNESE dictioNary traNSlatioN projEct 27 [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] Thomas Eugene Bishop 2500 Spring Street, Eureka, California 95501, USA [email protected] 877.4.WENLIN Born May 21, 1962 in Princeton, New Jersey, USA WORKS PUBLISHED Wenlin Software for Learning Chinese Wenlin Institute, Inc., 1997 to Present I started what was to become the Wenlin project in 1988 after returning from a year in China. I wrote the dictionaries as well as the software for the first version, published in 1997. Subsequent versions 2 and 3 incorporate the ABC Dictionary (see below). I co-authored the 250-page printed User's Guide. The current version of the software is 3.4.1. Thousands of students and scholars around the world use this software. Customers include universities and governmental institutions as well as individuals. Version 4 is planned for publication in 2010. ABC English-Chinese/Chinese-English Dictionary University of Hawai'i Press, 2010 (forthcoming) The chief editors are John DeFrancis and Zhang Yanyin. I am an associate editor. The English-Chinese part of this student-oriented dictionary is new, while the Chinese-English part is abridged and improved from the Comprehensive edition (see below). I provided linguistic expertise and technical implementations, including addition of International Phonetic Alphabet for English pronunciations, creation of new entries, checking and revision of existing entries (for consistency, orthography, parts of speech, grammar, etc.), abridgment, indexing, and typesetting. ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary University of Hawai'i Press, 2003 (ISBN 0-8248-2766-X) The chief editor was the famous linguist and author John DeFrancis. I was an associate editor, and was responsible for the technical aspects of the project as well as sharing in linguistic tasks, including addition of complex (traditional) forms of Chinese characters, creation of new entries, consistency checking, orthography, parts of speech, grammar, indexing, and typesetting.This dictionary contains approximately two hundred thousand entries. We actively maintain it in preparation for future Comprehensive editions, in both printed and digital forms. Pop Mandarin: A Postmodern Chinese Phrasebook from Feng Shui to Wallstreet Red Mansions Publishing, 2005 (ISBN 1-891688-04-9) By Kirsten Ditterich-Shilakes & Janey Chen. I did the typesetting and addition of pinyin romanization, and assisted in design and proofreading. A Specification for CDL: Character Description Language and Character Description Language (CDL): The Set of Basic CJK Unified Stroke Types Published in digital form, 2003-2004 With Richard Cook. These documents were submitted as expert contributions for reference of the Unicode Technical Committee and the Ideographic Rapporteur Group (part of the International Standards Organization, in charge of encoding Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese characters). One result was the encoding of the CJK Strokes block characters in Unicode. ABC Dictionary of Chinese Proverbs University of Hawai'i Press, 2002 (ISBN 0-8248-2221-8) By John S. Rohsenow. I did the typesetting and assisted in indexing and proofreading. [52] (C.V. of Thomas Bishop, second page) EMPLOYMENT President, 1996 to Present Wenlin Institute, Inc., Eureka, California, http://www.wenlin.com In addition to running the corporation, duties include continued development and support of Wenlin Software for Learning Chinese, serving as an associate editor of the ABC Dictionary, and sublicensing the ABC Dictionary to other software developers. Another exciting current project (Fall, 2009) is conversion of Wenlin Institute into a non-profit corporation, which entails forming a board of directors, and applying for 501(c)(3) status. Computer Programmer/Consultant, 1988 to Present Self-employed Designed and wrote Wenlin Software for Learning Chinese. Also worked as independent consultant for high tech industry, programming in C and assembly language. Programmer/Mathematician, 1989 to 1990 Netrologic, Inc., San Diego, California Applied neural networks to diverse problems such as handwritten digit recognition and space shuttle main engine fault detection. Co-authored papers for NASA. Teacher of English as a Foreign Language, 1986 to 1987 Chongqing Institute of Posts and Telecommunications, People's Republic of China Taught advanced and beginning English, as well as mathematics (complex analysis) to teachers and students at a 4-year technical college for one year. EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts in Applied Mathematics, March 1985 University of California at San Diego (Also attended U.C. Santa Cruz and U.C. Berkeley.) Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores: Quantitative 800, Analytical 790, Verbal 780 (Highest possible score is 800.) Language and Linguistics courses: Russian (two years) Phonetics (one quarter) Spanish (one year) Advanced Syntax (one quarter) Chinese (one quarter) Grammar & Cognition (one quarter) Japanese (one quarter) Latin (three years, Jr. High) Grade A in each of these courses except Grammar & Cognition, a graduate course taken on a pass/not-pass basis; and Spanish and Phonetics, both of which were taken at U.C. Santa Cruz, where written evaluations were assigned instead of letter grades: “easily the best student” (Spanish) and “brilliant...in the top three of a class of over ninety” (Phonetics). Computer Languages: C, Perl, Java, HTML, XML, PostScript, TEX, Metafont, SQL [53] Richard Sterling Cook, Jr. <mailto:[email protected]> <http://linguistics.berkeley.edu/~rscook/> STEDT Project · Linguistics Dept. · UC Berkeley · 1203 Dwinelle Hall · Berkeley, CA 94720 ·(510) 643-9910 WCS · Artificial Intelligence Group · ICSI · 1947 Center St., Suite 600 · Berkeley, CA 94704 · (510) 666-2954 HOME · 2048 Cleveland St., San Leandro, CA 94577 · (510) 667-0957 Academic University of California at Berkeley, Department of lingUistiCs 2003 ◊ Ph.D.《說文解字·電子版》 Digital Recension of the Eastern Hàn Chinese Grammaticon. 2000 ◊ M.A. [Chinese languages, instrumental phonetics and phonology, computational linguistics.] ColUmBia University in the City of new york, Dept. of english anD Comparative literatUre 1989 ◊ B.A. [Epic literature, Classical Greek & Latin, Anglo-Saxon, Russian.] Current 1998- University of California at Berkeley, Department of lingUistiCs The Sino-Tibetan Etymological Dictionary and Thesaurus Project (STEDT) National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) & National Science Foundation (NSF) funding (1987-) • Researcher, Programmer, Archivist, Grant Writer <http://stedt.berkeley.edu/> [w/ Prof. James Matisoff] 2002- international CompUter sCienCe institUte (iCsi), artifiCial intelligenCe groUp The World Color Survey (WCS) • Researcher, Programmer, Archivist, Grant Writer <http://icsi.berkeley.edu/wcs/> [w/ Prof. Paul Kay] Awards 2007-2008 national enDowment for the hUmanities (neh) Digital hUmanities start-Up grant Character Description Language (CDL) Project <http://wenlin.com/cdl/> [w/ Thomas Bishop] 1999-2003 STEDT Graduate Research Fellow (Linguistics) 1998-1999 US Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellow (Chinese) 1998-1999 University of California Regents Graduate Fellow (Linguistics) Languages & Computing • Modern & historical languages & writing systems • Chinese; Tangut; Classical Greek & Latin; Anglo-Saxon, Russian; Marshallese • Lexicographic database, corpora, publications systems; C, Perl, SQL, XML • Digital typography: Modern & historical orthographies, phonetic transcription, CDL • UniCoDe teChniCal & eDitorial Committees; ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2/IRG • sCript enCoDing initiative (SEI) <http://linguistics.berkeley.edu/sei/> [w/ Dr. Deborah Anderson] Publications (Selected)
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