vi-A ■' l>RBSS R im AVratAOE DAILir CmCVIiATIOIi (M^ THE EVENING m a iA J J i toe th« Bwnith of Febmptr* ltM| Sntnrdnjr d —idj, 4,690 poaaiUjrr mftmon. Wanner. m: 0 1—d i ed Adveitiilng on Page • VjOL. XU V., n o . 144. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIRAY, BlARC^ 1 9 ,19M (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICK T E I U ^ C iltl^ WORST OF WIVES GONE WMtLD COURT KILLS HUSBAND W -b BDCKLAND Russian Woman Carried Her ^FUMESANEW System of, Subjugation to a TOOK OWN LIFE Logical Conclusion. WTHBENATE Leningrad. March 19.— Po­ PERMrr SHOWS lice accuse Alexieva Prokofleff TO SEE HIS FATHER AUVE 2 7-year-old self - made wld« ow, of having, been the worst IivitatioB of League to Dii- wife in Russia. Bvial Permit Discloses For­ <9- Arrested for killing her COL. COOLIDOE DIED OF husband, Ignatz, aged 45, CANCER, IS mSCLOSURE cuss Reservalioas Re­ Alexieva cooly confessed and mer Business Nan Here SANITORIUMAT Colonel CoeUge Dead at recommended for the use of Plymouth, Vt., March 19.— vives Fight ia AH Its other wives a system of hus­ Was a Snic^e in Florida; Official cause of the death of 10.41 Last Night While band taming. SARANAC TO BE Colonel John C. Coolldge, father "If a woman wants her of the President, was announced ^ OrigBial Bitterness. husband td behave, she has to Premeditated Deed. here today by 1^. A. M. Cram, Son Was on Way— Latter know how to make him be­ attending physician, as “ car­ have,” said she, describing ‘BIGSOIRINE cinoma” or cancer. her system. Among her max­ Gets News at Bridgeport ,W —Mngton, March 19— The A dispatch from Bradenton, Fla., The secondary and contribu­ ims were:— and the burial permit given to Mar­ ' spectacular fight over the World “ Never let a day pass with­ ting cause was myocarditis, a Stands Dry Eyed at Cottm Court, Once thought ended "When out hitting him.” tin Koehler, sexton at the Buckland Christy Mathewson Find h - disease of the heart muscles. tfce Senate voted American adher- “ If he complains, hit him cemetery, today gave the informa­ elice, was revived today with all harder.” tion that W. L. Buckland, former This Morning — Funeral old bitterness and^ virulence— “ If he resists, use an axe.” north end business man, took his corporated to Build a Re­ Ignatz resisted the night he to Be Held Tomorrow. and some new. died. • own life. News came to Miinches- DOES SIX MURDERS The invitation from the Council Though Alexieva weighs ter of Mr. Buckland’s death a week treat for Tnberodosis of Ihe League of Nations for an only llO pounds she proudly ago last night. No details were American commission to come to stated that she never had any glvaa in any of six telegrams that War Veterans. THEN KU15 SELF Plymouth, Vt., March 19.— While Geneva in September and discuss difficulty in handling Ignatz. the President’s special train was vtlth the League the reservations came to town relative to the cause. She admitted she had struck rushing toward this northern coun­ which surround America’s en­ him at various times with Newspapers circulating in Bra­ trance has fanned the coals of op­ chairs, bricks and china; and denton told the story of Mr. Buck- Albany, N. Y., March 19.— The try and while it was still within the position into roaring flame again. had sliced him twice with a land’s death saying he was a sui­ “ Christy Matthewson Memorial Califoniia Cripple^ Brooding borders of New York state and ap­ There is a division of opinion butcher knife and once shear­ cide and the burial permit read Fund” to perpetuate the name of proaching the Connecticut line, among constitutional authorities “took life by shooting in the ed off a bit of his ear with a baseball’s great pitcher, who died Col. John C. Coolldge, the Presi­ , as to whether the state department pair of scissors. moutli.” Mrs. Buckland. who ac­ Oyer Real and Fancied dan send such a negotiating com­ Neighbors said they wef* companied her husband’s body last fall at Saranac Lake, today dent’s father, breathed his last, at missioner without the express au­ accustomed to hearing Ignatz’ North, revealed the nature of Mr. was incorporated with the secre­ Wrongs, Rons Amuck. 10.41 o’clock last night. More thorization of the Senate. groans and paid no attention Buckland’s death to her close tary of state. than an hour later, as the special Law of Treaty the night he disappeared, friends only. She could not be The fund will be used to estab­ made its first stop since leaving The pro-courters are inclined to though tile Prokefieff apart­ feached tpr The Herald today. wnslder the dispatch ot such a ment resounded with yells lish a sanitorium at Saranac Lake Placerville, Cal., March 19.— New York’s Grand Central station, Premeditated. for world war veterans suffering commission as merely a means of and sounds of blows. The'po- That Mr. Buckland had given Seven persons— himself, five wom­ at Bridgeport, a newspaper man on accomplishing something the Sen­ from tuberculosis. llce found the body of Ignatz considerable thought to the deed Landis on Board. en and another man— are dead be­ the platform handed In a dispatch ate already has agreed to. but the two days later In a sack in the J<4m Calvin Coolldge. was proved by a number of things On the board of directors are cause John Goins, 48-year-old from Everett Sanders, private sec­ irreconcilables hold no such views. cellar. Physicians said the he did in preparation. He chose a Kenesaw M. Landis, baseball’s Stockton cripple, driven mad by retary to the President, notifying . They poin(.ed today to the rider body had been chopped Into time when there would be no one tacked on the treaty of peace with two hundred and fifteen high commissioner; John J. Mc- real and fancied wrongs, started Mr. Coolldge of his parent’s death. at his home, Mrs. Buckland having Graw, manager of the New York Germany, which prohibits the ex­ (215) pieces. gone away to a ball game, it ia re­ out to avenge them with a pistol. The sad news had been telephoned ecutive branch of the government Giants; August Herrmann, of Cin­ ported. Moreover, he'completed cinnati: Walter H. Cluett, Edward Police, following the trail taken from this place to Washington and from sending delegates to any for­ most of his business dealings, cash­ STORES’ SPRING OPENING by the slayer as he wiped out those N. Packard and Edward W. Cady, relayed to the President at the earl­ eign donfetence without the Sen- ed In on what holdings he had and concerned in his family troubles— ata's consent. And they served no­ Jr., of Saranac Lake; Harry A. iest opportunity. RADDING, REALTY placed the money, said to be over Wilder of Malone, Nathan A. Shea a dispute over a charge of horse tice they intend to fight any con­ 85,000, in Mis. Buckland’s pocket- Shortly after 10 o'clock this trary proceedings, tooth and nail. of Liberty, N. Y., and Mrs. Mat­ stealing and the failure of a law book. suit against a railroad company morning, the President, arriving The Irreconcilables hold that the thewson of Saranac Lake. Mr. Buckland’s knowledge as an PROVES MOST SUCCESSFUL for the loss of his leg— caught up GAMBLER, SUICIDE During the last few years of his here from Woodstock, stood, silent League, as such, has nothing to undertaker was used by him in tak­ say about the drastic Senate reser­ life, “ Big Six,” as Matthewson was with him near here just as he sent and dn’ eyed, by the coffin. ‘ ing his life. He used a revolver a bullet into his own brain while vations. They are for the conser­ known throughout the baseball President Coolldge arrived at vation, rather, of the individual and the bullet penetrated the roof world, made a game but losing fleeing in an automobile along a of his mouth so that the wound Woodstock at 6.40 this morning. nations comprising the League, and Thonsaads Throng Streets^MEXICANS DIE IN fight against the ravages .of tuber­ mountain road. one of thh'reservations specifically SprmufieU and Providence was not outwardly visible. Those culosis. Tho-Victims. Woodstock is 16 miles from the provides that America's adherence otlending the funeral could see no Goins’ victims are: Mrs. George Coolldge homestead. There the shall be contingent upon each of Specular Succeeds in a evidence of suicide. in Shopping Dislricte; RIQT OVER CHURCH F. McNoble, prominent Stockton j presidential party had breakfast at these forty-odd nations individ­ It is known that Mr. Buckland clubwoman, wife of a former pres-1 The Woodstock. was in financial trouble. He had Ident of the California Bar Asso­ In Coma for^Rurs. ually' agreeing in writing to ac­ Special PoBco Needed to ; ___ CULUN^S CONDITION cept the conditions imposed by Second Death Attempt completed several successful ven­ ciation and former San Joaquin While the President was racing , the Senate. tures in Florida real estate, but he district attorney; Mrs, Florence to the bedside, Col. Coolldge sank Fight Deferred - became involved in one thi^t was Regnkte Traffic Podesta Goins, the slayer’s wife; into a comA from which he never -TL The rescurrection of tbre^£iague cot successful. Payments. Attai^LS Sol­ IS S m t UNCHANGED Mrs, Minnie Podesta Clark, her sis­ omegged and died at 10.41 p. m. fight at this time is acutely de­ Providence, Meveh 19.—^Bdward coming’ due and this, it is belleYcd, ter; Altoander Marengo, wealthy With him was Dr.
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