4 of 6 I' rÉ:1°.r - - - Ï''.ec.n::::,- - — TRANSLATION 3204 and Van, else--- de ,-0,- SERIES NO(S) ^4p €'`°°'°^^`m`^' TRANSLATION 3204 5 of 6 serceaesoe^nee SERIES NO.(S) serv,- i°- I' ann., Canada ° '° TRANSLATION 3204 6 of 6 SERIES NO(S) • =,-""r I FISHERIES AND MARINE SERVICE ARCHIVE:3 Translation Series No. 3204 Multidisciplinary investigations of the continental slope in the Gulf of Alaska area by Z.A. Filatova (ed.) Original title: Kompleksnyye issledovaniya materikovogo sklona v raione Zaliva Alyaska From: Trudy Instituta okeanologii im. P.P. ShirshoV (Publications of the P.P. Shirshov Oceanpgraphy Institute), 91 : 1-260, 1973 Translated by the Translation Bureau(HGC) Multilingual Services Division Department of the Secretary of State of Canada Department of the Environment Fisheries and Marine Service Pacific Biological Station Nanaimo, B.C. 1974 ; 494 pages typescriPt "DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE SECRÉTARIAT D'ÉTAT TRANSLATION BUREAU BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS MULTILINGUAL SERVICES DIVISION DES SERVICES DIVISION MULTILINGUES ceÔ 'TRANSLATED FROM - TRADUCTION DE INTO - EN Russian English Ain HOR - AUTEUR Z. A. Filatova (ed.) ri TL E IN ENGLISH - TITRE ANGLAIS Multidisciplinary investigations of the continental slope in the Gulf of Aâaska ares TI TLE IN FORE I GN LANGuAGE (TRANS LI TERA TE FOREIGN CHARACTERS) TITRE EN LANGUE ÉTRANGÈRE (TRANSCRIRE EN CARACTÈRES ROMAINS) Kompleksnyye issledovaniya materikovogo sklona v raione Zaliva Alyaska. REFERENCE IN FOREI GN LANGUAGE (NAME: OF BOOK OR PUBLICATION) IN FULL. TRANSLI TERATE FOREIGN CHARACTERS, RÉFÉRENCE EN LANGUE ÉTRANGÈRE (NOM DU LIVRE OU PUBLICATION), AU COMPLET, TRANSCRIRE EN CARACTÈRES ROMAINS. Trudy Instituta okeanologii im. P.P. Shirshov *FERENCE IN ENGLISH - RÉFÉRENCE EN ANGLAIS le Publications of the P.P. bhirshov Oceanography Institute PAGE IN ORIGINAL PUBLI SHER EDITEUR NUMBERS Nauka DATE OF PUBLICATION NUMÉROS DES PAGES DANS (Institut° of Oceanography DATE DE PUBLICATION L'ORIGINAL Academy of Sciences of the USSR) YEAR ISSUE NO. VOLUME 1— 2 A o PLACE OF PUBLICATION ANNÉE NUMÉRO NUMBER OF TYPED PAGES LIEU DE PUBLICATION NOMBRE DE PAGES DACTYLOGRAPHIÉES iCioscom e UbSit 1973 91 tee 494 REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Environment TRANSLATION BUREAU NO. 784575_ MINISTÈRE-CLIENT NOTRE DOSSIER N° HGC BRANCH OR DIVISION Service TRANSLATOR (INITIALS) DIRECTION OU DIVISION Fisheries TRADUCTEUR (INITIALES) PERSON REQUESTING A. T.- --Reid --- DEMANDÉ PAR UNEDIT:-D TRANSLAT!ON For iio on!/ YOUR NUMBER VOTRE DOSSIER N° TRADUCT;ON NON ViSE Informa :ion scukment DA TE OF R EO LI EST 28 March 1974 OATE DE LA DEMANDE OCT - 3 1974 505.2 Cs-C*1 ('.<1 (rt EV. 2/8t3) PEPARTMENTOFTHESECRETARYOFSTATE SECRÉTARIAT D'ÉTAT TRANSLATION BUREAU BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS MUI-TILINGUAL SERVICES DIVISION DES SERVICES DIVISION MULTILINGUES CLI ENT'S NO. DEPARTMENT DI VISION/BRANCH CITY N° DU CLIENT MINISTÉRE DIVISION/DIRECTION VILLE re Environment Fisheries Service Ottawa BUREAU NO. LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR (I NI TI ALS) N° DU BUREAU LANGUE TRADUCTEUR (INITIALES) 784575 Russian HGC OCT - 3 1974 MULTIDISCIPLINARY INVESTIGATIONS OF THE CONTINENTAL SLOPE IN THE GULF OF ALASKA AREA Based on information collected during the 45th Cruise of the Scientific Ship "Vityaz" UNEDir.:D TRANUATI011 For info:tr.:Dion only Edited by Z. A. Filatova TRADUCTIN NON REVISEE Informal-ion seulement (Kompleksnyye issledovaniya materikovogo skions v raione Zaliva Alyaska. Po materialam 45-go reisa NIS "Vityaz". Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Trudy In—ta Okeanologii im. P. P. Shirshova, tom 91. Moskva, 1973.) Abstract 4* This collection contains the results of investigations in the Gulf of Alaska and the Aleutian abyssal trench. Quantitative data were obtained on the vertical and horizontal distribution of life along the slope of the bathyal zone and on biological zonation. There are also * Figures in the margin give page numbers in the original. -- TRANSL. SOS-:00-1 0-31 2 articles on hydrology; hydrochemistry and microbiology in the region investigated. The book is intended for hydrobiologists, oceanographers, zoologists and ichthyologists. INTRODUCTION 5 The information on the biology of the bathyal zone (the slope of the continental margin) in the Gulf of Alaska and the Aleutian trench presented in this collection waa obtained in the spring of 1969 during the 45th biological cruise of the Scientific Ship f4Vityazl". The activities of that cruise were subordinated to a single purpose -n- the study of the composition, distribution, quantitative abundance and trophic zonation of the fauna along the continental slope of the Gulf of Alaska and the Aleutian trench. rhese studies were a continuation of the bio- logical investigations of the bathyal zone of the Pacific Ocean started with the 39th cruise of the ttVityaz "p over the Kuril-Kamchatka trench. Academician L. A. Zenkevich, who directed this cruise, believed that the time had come to start regular studies of the biology of the continental [margin] slope which has thus far been very little studied and un- deservedly forgotten (Zenkevich, infra). At the same time, judging from data obtained by the 'TVityazi" in the Kuril-Kamchatka trench, the con- tinental slope of the Pacific Ocean, especially in its eutrophic zone, is a highly productive region where all preconditions exist for the abundant development of plankton and benthos as well as bathypelagic and benthonic fishes. 3 he Gulf of Alaska was chosen for the study of the bathyal zone not only because it is an open gulf of the Pacific Ocean that is covenient and easily accessible to investigation, but mainly because all vertical geomorphological zones in it are fairly well developed and inhabited by a rich oceanic fauna. This is well-nigh the only area in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean where an open and deep bay is surrounded by extensive land areas rather than island chains, so that its waters are subjected to the strong influence of the continental runoff. Therefore, biological zonation in this area is bound to be fairly complete, providing a base for the study of the distribution of biogeocenoses and trophic groupings in all their variety. Here we are indeed dealing with a well-inhabited littoral and a sublittoral zone rich in life which gradually goes over into a gently inclined, well-developed continental slope. In some places (in the upper part) it is cut by submarine canyons, but on the whole it descends gradually into the abyssal part of the open bay, known by the name of "Alaska Mountain Province." Because of the abundant life in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Alaska there are widespread terrigenous greenish-gray sediments with high contents of chlorophyll and organic matter. It is into this area, the bathyal zone, that the detritus from the upper water layers of the gulf and its coastal zone is being carried. Partly it is consumed by the fauna existing there, and partly it accumulates at the foot of the slope. Before the studies of the "Vityazt" the Gulf of Alaska had been studied very unevenly. The biology of the shelf area, studied by the field parties of , VNIRO-TINRO (All-Union Scientific-Research Institute for Sea Fisheries and Oceanography-Pacific Scientific-Research Institute for Fisheries and Oceanography) is known in somewhat greater detail, but as regards the greater depths (the slope), their geology and relief have been well studied, while their 6 biology is known only in bits and pieces. Early investigations of the "Vityazi" (Cruise 29) dealt only with the abyssal zone at the exit from the gulf, and a few stations were occupied near the Canadian coast. Thus the bathyal zone of the gulf remained practically un- studied. At the same time, the shelf zone of the gulf and the uppermost part of the slope have long served as fishing grounds for a number of benthenic and bathypelagic fishes, which are abundant here and possess a good food base. This mas confirmed not only by underwater photographs made during Cruise 45 but also from catches of the Large Refrigerated Fishing Trawler ("BMRT") tt Ekvator," mhich operated in the same area. As has been pointed out by P. A. Moiseyev, "there can be no doubt that the first steps in understanding the greath depths of the slope will lead to the commercial exploitation of new resources of the Pacific Ocean perch . of the Gulf of Alaska, which are at presently not being used at all." * Cruise 45 of the "Vityaz , " began on 23 April 1969. Passing through the Sangar or Tsugaru Strait into the Pacific Ocean, the ship set its course toward the central part of the Aleutian trench, where it mus to begin its first activities. However, because of a continuous storm the "Vityazt" was forced to enter into the Gulf of Alaska, having with some * P. A. Moiseyev, "Some results from the investigattons of the Bering Sea fisheries-research expedition." Publ. of VNIRO, vol. 53/ 1964, p. 24. difficulty occupied only one deep—sea station -- No. 6085 -- on the Aleutian trench (Fig. 1). The activities in the gulf were carried out along four profiles running at right angles to the coast. Stations were established over depths of 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 meters from the sublittoral to the abyssal zone. The length of the profiles mus 100-150 miles. AT each station we carried out a full range of observations, both biological and auxiliary (in order to define the habitats), including underwater photographs and observations mith the bottom bathometer.(Fig. 2). The first profile (counting from the west) starting fram Kodiak Island covered depths from 200 to 4,500 meters (stations 6089-97). At a depth of about 1,500 m the catch of the Sigsby trawls frequently contained various fishes, including large grenadiers (up to 90 an). The second profile from Yakutat (Bering) Bay with a length of about 140 miles (stations 6098-6107) covered depths from 180 to 3,750 m.
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