Umbrella Day tomorrow? ty JULIE MCDONNELL dustry, Joseph A Hoffman; former Essex County Sen though. Ihe Democrats have contests in the lOlh and Raymond Kramer and Thomas J Lynch Jr on the par- Monmouth County voters may have to tote their urn- Ralph C DeRose. and Bergen County Sen Raymond 11th districts, and the Republicans in the 10th district ty line with Hoffman brellu to the polls tomorrow as they vote in primary Garramone In the 10th district Assembly race in the Democratic contorts for candidates tor governor, state legislators, The other six slates are Carol Neves and Anne J In the four-way race for the Republican gubernatorial primary, former Assemblywoman Gertrude Berman. Hubbard in Ihe Kean column; Carolyn J Hogan and county sheriff, freeholders, local councilmen, and coun- nomination, either Sen Raymond Bateman of Somersel Richard J Rooney and John Paul Clancy are competing ty committee members Catherine E Norris in Ihe Florio column; Granl N Ken- County or Essex County Assemblyman Thomas Kean for two spots on the Democratic lickel ny and Laurence M Schreiber in the Byrne column; The weatherman is predicting cloudy, windy weather are expected to grab the top prize On the GOP side in Ihe 10th Assembly District, the Jans Christian Svane and Mary Anne Murphy in the col- for primary day, with scattered showers and thun- Officially and unofficially, candidates on both sides three competing tor two spols are Assemblyman An dershowers. umn of Paul T Jordan (who withdrew from the gover- have been running for several months and spending at a thony M Villane Jr.. William F Dowd. and Judy R nor's race): Peter J. Blake Jr and Teresila B Orrego Polls wUI be opened statewide from 7 a.m. to I p m record rate. Wolfersberger in the Roe column; and. finally. Lois B Markov and Ir The weather may keep down the large turnout pFe- The 13 5 million cumulative total all candidates re- Five candidates are seeking the two spols on the ene Salotti in Ihe column of Paul Weiner. who Is running dieted by pollsters In recent days Estimates are thai ported spending through a week ago breaks down in il Democratic ticket from the Mlh district They are As- for sheriff from 800.000 to 050.000 of the stated 3 7 million regis most a dollar for every registered voter — twice the 50 semblyman Walter J Kozloski. Clinton C Crocker. Pe- tered voters will go to the polls cents per registered voter allowed In the November ter E Donoghue. Joseph R Hawley. and Jerrold A The only serious county primary race is Ihe Demo All eyes will be on the gubernatorial contests, where, state elections Tenzer cratlc contest for sheriff, which pits Mr Weiner. of in the Democratic primary, Gov Brendan T Byrne is With the media blitzes and regular campaign staff Eight freeholder slates have been fielded, with the Long Branch, against incumbent Sheriff Paul Kiernan fighting to win renomlnation by his party lo seek anoih- and office spending. Jerseyans will have had spcnl nn two regular-party slates expecled to breeie to victory The Republican sheriff nominee. William l.anzaro of er four years as chief executive them between M and 14 50 per head for every one of the The Republicans endorsed Thomas Powers, a Matawan Malawan. is unopposed. His five key opponents are Congressmen Robert A H00000 to950.000 persons expected to vote Tuesday. Township councilman, and Arthur Kondrup. Freehold In local contests, there will be races In Eatontown. Roe of Passaic County, and James I. Flora of Camden .In Monmouth County, there are no contests for stale Township mayor, in Ihe Bateman column, while the Highlands. Manalapan. Matawan Township. Marlboro, County; former state Commissioner of Labor and In- Senate nominations in either party. In the Assembly. regular Democratic organization bracketed incumbents and West Long Branch The Daily Register VOL. 99 NO.281 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1977 15 CENTS Tinton Falls blaze guts historic home By JULIE MCDONNELL This is the second time in seven months that an historic home in the borough has been destroyed by fire TINTON FALLS — A blaze of unknown origin gutted a Last Nov 22. fire swept through the three-century old Sycamore Ave. home that dated back to pre-Revolutlonary home of the Alan Crawfords at 750 Tinton Ave.. only 100 yards times early yesterday morning. from the scene of yesterday's blaze According to Tin(nn Falls Fire Company Chief ferry Mac- The building which burned yesterday was owned by East- Pherson, the fire broke out aTound 1:20 am Sunday in the em Associated Innkeepers. Inc. which also owns Charlie middle of the two-story, wooden house, located across the Brown's and the nearby Dam Site restaurant. street from Charlie Brown's Restaurant. The structure dated "at least back to Ihe early 1700s." The blaze was contained by 4 am., the chief said, and fire according to Richard Brandstetter of Bradford Circle, a pro- trucks remained on the scene until 6 am to guard against fessional photographer and member of the borough's Histori- flare-ups. cal Society. The home was unoccupied and there were no injuries. Mr. Among its owners was Louis Morris, the first governor of MacPherson said. New Jersey, who used the building as a residence for a miller "The fire started In the middle of the house and spread up employed by him. Mr Brandstetler said and out." he said "It went up very fast By the time we got He said the home was used during the Revolutionary War there It was a wall of flames ' to store arms and ammunition. He said the fire is "of unknown origin." and that local and In recent years, the home had been known as the "Dupr- county tire officials are still Investigating. ee" house, after one of its owners, but had been vacant re- Responding to the call were the Tinton Falls Fire Com- cently. pany, Northslde Engine Cojnpany. Pine Brook Fire Company, Ironically. Ihe borough's Historical Society had met just and the borough's First Aid Squad and fire department aux- last week and discussed the possibility of approaching the iliary. See Fire, page 14 i> nara kr MMt Mel BEFORE — This was the way the pre-Revolutlon- early yesterday morning, officials have not BLAZE FOUGHT — Firemen from three Tinton Ave. early Sunday morning. The house was unoc- ary home on Sycamore Ave., adlacent to the Dam determined the cause of the blaze. Falls fire companies struggle to contain a fire cupied and no in|uries were reported, fire officials Site restaurant, looked before a fire destroyed It which destroyed a historic home on Sycamore said. Tony: Julie, fAnnie9 Driver's wife NEW YORK (AP) - A mu- Amherst." won her fifth Tony "Little Orphan Annie." was sical based on a comic strip as best actress the big winner, taking Ihe of another era and portrayals Al Pacino. best know for his Tony in seven of the 19 cate- of a gentle poet of another movie roles' in "Serpico " and gories at last night's nation- dies in crash century and a Vietnam War "The Godfather." returned to ally televised presentation at Broadway playing the title the Shubert Theater The FREEHOLD TWP - A Freehold T»p woman was killed GI of another decade were and her husband injured early today in a two-car accident winners at the 31st annual role in a Theater company of siring of awards for "Annie" Boston revival of "The Basic showed why it is already Ihe according lo police. Tony Awards for excellence Mil Gladys Caldwell. 44. of K D 4. was killed in Ihe I] M on Broadway. Training of Pavlo Hummel' hottest ticket in town and won as best actor in the Thomas Meehan. in accept- am crash, while her husband Jerry. 3H, identified b> police Julie Harris, who portrayed as one of the drivers vat injured the reclusive poet Emily Dick Vietnam War Play. ing his Tony for best book of But "Annie. " the musical a musical, said that when lyr- He was taken to Freehold Area Hospital and then Ifadl inson In her limited-run one- fund in Ike Paul Kimball Hospital in Lakewooa, where his woman show "The Belle of built around the story of icist Martin Charnin phoned him with the idea for a musi- condition was described as stable cal based on the comic strip. The other driver. Daniel J Owenburg, 14 alsu uf R D 4, "I thought It was the worst was treated and released Irom the Freehold, hospital idea I'd ever heard." Charnin Palrolman Stanley Bniga. ihe Investigating; officer taM The Inside Story and composer Charles the accident occurred when the Caldwell ctr, traveling south, Strouse picked up Tonys (or hit the abutment of a bridge over a small creek on Jacksnn THE WEATHER best score. Mills Road, about 100 yards from Strickland Road The Caldwell car was ihen struck by Mr Orenburg's car. Cloudy and cooler with showers through "Annie" producer Mike which was traveling in the .same direction, he said tomorrow, with passible thunderstorms this Nichols accepted, the Tony for Patrolman Balga said it was not known why Ihe Caldwell afternoon or tonight. Rain probable tomor- best musical Comedienne- car hit the bridge and that the-investigation is continuing row. Complete report on page 3. singer Dorothy Loudon. who runs the orphanage, won as Newest of Ihe June brides 7 best actress In a musical. Pe- Gtvemmenl aid and Conrall ] ler Gennaro won the chore- Blaiers NBA champions I graphy.
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