.. HnTi1Tl,"f'‘“'^"'','atK:a“r,l°1‘ —H1WKTTTOTPORTLAND r- ..r*..-* -—v ^|T- K. ,ni ———————m ■ ■ niMMMWrr" r>|-Ltl] L_ -||ffl|r DAIRYBltrl. --.T1| PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1802—VOL. 21. PORTLAND, TH'JK DAY MORNING. MARCH 27, 1884. SIfs“5S^^-??|£l PRICE THREE CENTS. »l*Et IAL NOTICES. DAILY re- THE PORTLAND PRESS, Capt. Reed, of the brig A. G. Jewett, FORTY-EIGHTH MINISTER SARGENT. Republican Convention 'Plans. A Noble Speech. as CONGRESS- THE OLD WORLD, Published every uay (Sundays excepted) by the ported foundered at pea in Wednesday’s To Press, was of as a shipmaster. he Transferred from Berlin to PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, highly spoken SENATE. St. Tlie Chicago Comm,tier of Arrimgemeuts 4*overiior Kobiuaon of TfaMachuieito on He was about 54 of age and leaves a PeteiwW At 97 Exchange Me. years g—The Change Causes Ulueh Doubtful no lo their Cause and Work. Street, Portland, widow and four wbo reside Washinoton, March 26. Critical Condition of the Ponrn. the Temperance feathTF pillows grown children, Surprise in Washington. English Army a Terms: Eight Dollars a Year. To mail subscrib near Reed was tbe The Chair laid before the Senate today Is,— — Bangor. Oapt. principal ANI) era. In- in the Sondan. A that the local com- (F. oai the Boston Advertiser.) Seven JoollarB a Year, if paid In advance. owner of the lost vessel, which was valued at communication from the Secretary o! the Chicago despatch says Rates of Advertising: One inch of space, the about $10,000. terior, transmitting information relating tj the Washington, Mar. 2G. mittee of citizens appointed to take charge of Governor Robinson was the guest of the Social BOLSTERS length of column, constitute* a “square.** lease of a reserva- The President has sent after- FAYETTE. portion of the Crow Indian to the Senate the the arrangements for the Temperance Union at its gathering Friday $1.60 per square, daily first week: 75 cents per tion in Montana. preparatory Republi- or nomination of Aaron A. The Ranks Decimated Intense noon. A prominent of worker* in renovated by week after; three insertions le*B, $1.00, continu- Mrs. Rhoda Sturtevaut, whose 90th birthday Sargent, Envoy Ex- by can National Coventfon seem to be mneb company leading steam, Mr. Gorman presented a memorial of the very the ing every other aa> after first week, 60 cents. came ou the 20th lust retains her faculties in traordinary and Minister to various lines of the temperance cause were at Half three insertions or 76 one Baltimore y of Friends, urging Plenipotentiary Heat. in donbt as to what their powers and fnnetions square, less, oouts; some in a remarkable Oo the arly_ meeting present, repr all shades of a* to cents week respects degree. the Senate now be- to be seuting opinion week, $1.00: $60 per after. to pass the education bill Germany, Envoy Extraordinary and held a and decided Sunday preceding her last birthday, besides are. They meeting today, method, from the extreme of Dr. Special Notices, one-third additional. fore it. Mr. Gorman, in presenting the memo- Minister to prohibition policy head of other reading, she read through the book of Plenipotentiary Rassia, vice Wm. that about all were to do was to to that of FOSTERS Under “Amusements** and “Auction rial remarked that the Society of Friends had the; employed Miner the Law and Order League. The week: usiug no Sue can go about H. Hunt, deceased. Outrages Committed by Rioting La- Sajles,” $2.00 per square per three insertions Romans, glasses. themselves contributed toward the ed- raise foods and tarn them over to the Treasur- Rev. E. E. Hale presided. Dr. Hal* had or less, $1.60. the bouse as as a some work 820,000 spoken, Forest City I>ye House spry girl, doing ucation of all classes oi illiterate in the LATER. borers. from choice each tbe er of the National Sub-committee. Ex-Con- and the company liad been ente taiued with sieging AND — THE MAINE STATE PRESS. day. Sooth. The nomination of Mr. Sargent to be Minis- gressman Farwell the feeling that by Professor Mitchell, and a recitation bv MU* Publutied HOULTON. The expressed every Thursday Morning, at $2.50 a following bills were introdaced and ap- ter to Russia was a total the local committee was to no hand In If in surprise to most per- have Carrie Hale, when the Governor came in. He was MACHINE CARPET BEAT NS year; paid advance, $2.00 a year. A new church bell baa been placed in the propriately referred: IN THE SOUDIN. ROOMS, sons at the printing and distributing tickets to the conven- a Advertisements Inserted m the “Maine State of Mr. fine Capitol today. It was not delivered given very oordial greeting. Dr. Miner made a belfry tbe Free Baptist meeting house, pays By Call, to establish a bureau of London, March 26.—The latest had litt'e to do bnt to skir- Office 13 Preble St,, Preble House* Press iwbieb has a circulation in part to advices from tion, and, indeed, radical Tbe opp. large every tbe Pioneer. It was made in Baltimore, arts in the Smithsonian Institution. the Senate until after dated mish prohibition speeeh. Hon. Rufus S. mar!8 of the State) for $r .0** per square for first insertion Secretary Freliogbuy- Khartoum, M.roh 20, confirm the report for money. Secretary Martin, of the Na- sneodtf 1138 and coBt about $250. By Mr. to forms of bills of sen Frost and then the Governor was and 60 cents per square for each inser- weighs pouudB, Miller, regulate had spent an hour or more at the that the town is almost surrounded tional committee, and also a member of the spoke, presented: subsequent or capitol by rebel., tion. KNOX. lading duties and liabilities of ship owners whose numbers are I do not with Dr. Miner on the tem- for the purpose, it is of increasing. sub-committee, reminded the meeting that it entirely agree FIRE Address all communications to aod otners; a[so to for of conjectured, preparing Rebels are per nee question, and be knows I do not. INSURAKOE. Mrs. Susan Watts of this town was strioken provide inspection massed near the sixth cataract be- had been promised at Washington that the ett- (Laugh- rags in leading members of that for its ter.) But 1 am delighted to tlnd that in this or- PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. with and Egypt. body reception, low Shendv. A steamer proceeding from zeus of Chicago would hire and fit up the paralysis Snnday morning expired Mr. was and ganization any gentleman and any lady is welcome Hale offered a resolution, which when it wa9 laid before the Senate in to Khartoum was fired on and for the force and immediately. Shendy obliged building, provide police who has at heart wl at he or she believes to be the agreed to, on the of the to retaro. and for NOBTH MONTVILLE. calling Secretary executive session a few were asked guards, the printing of tickets and pub- interests of 1 am to questions temperance. (Applause.) glad WEATHER INDICATIONS. Treasury commanlcate to the Senate the and The advance to Tamanieb has been the convention's He Baid that there is one W. D. LITTLE J. K. briefly auswered to the effect that the delayed lishing proceedings. association, l know ibere are more, & of delivered a CO., Osgood, Esq., Gardiner, reason for tbe redaction and lowering of the in order to the a of rest. that in 1880 there were that the in which a man stand and declare though no^ or even suggest- give troops day The complaints may up himself 31 EXCHANGE STREET. March 27. stirring temperance address at the F. B. church ligbt on Portland in tbe of ^j^®8*®*** hall in favor of even f he has Dot Washington, Head, State Maine, ed by Minister Sargent, would doubtless be 10th and 19tb Hussars and mounted infantry was too large, but he thought the majority temperance commit- The Sunday evening. and in view of ted himself to any particular »• heme of Established in 1843. indications for New England are the loss of property by reason agreeable to him, and that it would advanoed tonight to the wells of of the National Committee would favor a seat- legislation. OLD also un- Tamanieb, It <3 a >aot- that here, as we took * ORCHARD. sf such whether there was any reason the remaioer of the this of from to just elsewhere, at a cloudy weather and rain followed change, doubtedly be productive of a whither force will advance ing capacity year 8,000 10,000. man for by clearing good results as what he is, not alone for what he says. Insure In the Monday forenoon a yonng son of Samuel why such light should not be restored. matter of national in the morning. A reconnois- Mr. Martin excited some surprise by weather, winds to with policy, although in what early cavalry stating (Applause.) Life counts for something, and the 6hiftiDg northwesterly King of Ocean Old while The Senate then took the bill ance ascertained that Osman that be bad received no notice of the sub-com- Park, Orchard, up providing manner was not stated nor asked, as the Sen- today Oign a’s temperance cause, I beg to assure you.—and 1 say It lower with bis older brother on a cake of ice fer the al otment of lands in to the whose number is mittee’s last with u P1HEXIX ! temperature. playing severalty ate thereupon, accepting these assurances of force, uncertain, holds t e meeting Saturday, aud was here the most fraukuess aud with intense kind- at Goose Indians on the varions to ex- i* Cautionary signals from Cape Henry to Fair, was carried rapidly oat to Bea, reservations, and the members of the foreign relations commit- rugged and rising ground at the end of the val- here today by accident.
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