Academic Catalog 2008-2009 For information about Scripps College: Office of Admission (909) 621-8149 or (800) 770-1333 Office of Financial Aid (909) 621-8275 Office of the Registrar (909) 621-8273 Office of the Dean of Students (909) 621-8277 Office of Public Relations and Communications (909) 621-8280 www.scrippscollege.edu Produced by the Office of Public Relations and Communication Editor: Carolyn Robles • Designer: Christina Kelly • Printing: Dual Graphics SCRIPPS COLLEGE ST UDEN T LIFE 182 ACADEMIC CATALOG Residence Halls Co-Curricular Opportunities 2008-2009 Rules and Guidelines Contents Services REQUIREMEN ts FOR T HE BACHELOR OF SCRIPP S COLLEGE 3AR ts DEGREE 191 Mission General College Enrollment Founder Discussion of Requirements Setting Core Curriculum in Interdisciplinary Humanities Curriculum Writing: Critical Analysis La Semeuse Breadth of Study Principles of Community Quarter Credit Course Limits Race and Ethnic Studies Gender and Women’s Studies THE CLAREMON T COLLEGE S 8 Foreign Language Pomona College Mathematics Claremont Graduate University Requirements for Major and Minor Claremont McKenna College Honors Harvey Mudd College Pitzer College Keck Graduate Institute ACADEMIC POLICIE S AND PROCEDURE S 200 Cross-Registration Class Level Course Numbering and Credit Grading Policy COUR S E S OF ST UDY 10 Changes in Registration COMBINED DEGREE PROGRAM S 173 Academic Transcript Academic Advisers Guidelines for Programs in Engineering Preprofessional Advisers Claremont Graduate University Writing Haven Business Administration Academic Freedom Politics and Economics Independent Study: Reading and Research Philosophy Internships Religious Studies Transfer Credit Advanced Placement and International SPECIAL PROGRAM S 176 Baccalaureate Off-Campus Study College-Level Examination Program European Union Center of California Class Attendance Money Wise Women Reading Days Physical Education Examinations Military Science-ROTC Cross-Registration Post-Baccalaureate Premedical Certificate Audit of Courses Program Petitioning Process Repeating Courses Leaves of Absence Withdrawal from the College Policies on Disputed Grades Academic Dishonesty Probation/Dismissal SCRIPPS COLLEGE ACADEMIC CATALOG 2008-2009 • Scripps Catalog 2008-2009 1 ADMI ss ION 211 THE FACUL T Y 240 First-Year Applicants Transfer Applicants ADMINI st RA T ION 247 Re-entry Scholars Scripps College International Students The Claremont Colleges Mid-Year Admission Credit by Examination BOARD OF TRU st EE S 2008-09 248 Re-admission Visiting Students ALUMNAE COUNCIL 2008-09 250 Visiting the College/Directions Contact Information CAMPU S FACILI T IE S 251 Geographical Distribution ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2008-09 253 EXPEN S E S 216 GENERAL INFORMA T ION 255 Comprehensive Fees Miscellaneous Expenses and Fees Accreditation Payment Schedules Affirmative Action Installment Payment Plan Nondiscrimination Policies Prepayment Plan Student Rights and Privacy Refunds Student Right-to-Know/Campus Security Delinquent Accounts Information Off-Campus Study Directions to Scripps College FINANCIAL AID 219 INDEX 257 Family Contribution NO T E S 264 Financial Aid Package Grants/Scholarships MAP OF THE CLAREMON T COLLEGE S 269 Loans Student Employment Other Forms of Assistance International Students Off-Campus Study How to Apply for Financial Aid Financial Aid Regulations Satisfactory Academic Progress Financial Aid Awards Financial Aid Disbursement Installment Payment Plan Revision of Award Refunds and Repayments Appeals Renewal of Financial Aid Awards Scholarships RECOGNI T ION OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMEN T 234 Honors Awards National and International Fellowships and Awards 2 Scripps Catalog 2008-2009 • Contents SCRIPPS COLLEGE uncommon beauty, a tribute to the founder’s vision that the College’s architecture and landscape should reflect and influence taste and judgment. MI ss ION As one of the founders of The Claremont Colleges Group Plan, Scripps is a principal contributor to the “The paramount obligation of a college is to de- university community, which offers expanded intel- velop in its students the ability to think clearly and lectual, curricular, athletic, and social opportunities independently, and the ability to live confidently, for students and faculty at each college. Scripps courageously, and hopefully.” emphasizes high aspirations, high achievement, Ellen Browning Scripps and personal integrity in all pursuits, and it expects The mission of Scripps College is to educate wom- students, faculty, staff, and alumnae to contribute to en to develop their intellects and talents through Scripps and to their own communities throughout active participation in a community of scholars, their professional, social, and civic lives. Scripps so that as graduates they may contribute to society believes that this form of challenging and individu- through public and private lives of leadership, ser- alized education will best prepare women for lives vice, integrity, and creativity. of confidence, courage, and hope. Adopted by the Scripps College Board of Trustees COLLEGE in 1996. Scripps emphasizes a challenging core curriculum based on interdisciplinary studies in the humanities, FOUNDER combined with rigorous training in the disciplines, One of the most remarkable “Scripps women” never as the best possible foundation for any goals a attended Scripps—she founded it. Born in 1836 and woman may pursue. The interdisciplinary emphasis raised on a farm in Illinois, Ellen Browning Scripps of the curriculum has always been a hallmark of a was one of the first female graduates of Knox Col- Scripps education. Because Scripps women learn to lege, Illinois, and one of the first women college see the connections not only among academic sub- students in the United States. She began her profes- jects, but also among the major areas of their own sional life in the traditional role of a schoolteacher. lives, alumnae often remark that Scripps “prepared At the age of 37, Miss Scripps became a path-break- me for life.” ing journalist and publisher, joining her brothers in From its founding in 1926 as one of the few institu- Detroit, where they founded the Detroit Evening tions in the West dedicated to educating women News. A shrewd investor, she helped her brothers for professional careers as well as personal growth, develop the business into the Scripps-Howard news- Scripps College has championed the qualities of paper chain and United Press International. mind and spirit described by its founder, newspaper Miss Scripps celebrated her success with philan- entrepreneur and philanthropist Ellen Browning thropy, giving to improve the quality of life in her Scripps. Scripps College remains a women’s college community and in support of education. Already in because it believes that having women at the core of her nineties when Scripps and the undergraduate its concerns provides the best environment for intel- Claremont Colleges were being planned, her finan- lectually ambitious women to learn from a distin- cial generosity laid the bricks and mortar for the guished teaching faculty and from each other. first buildings of Scripps College and secured the Scripps aspires to be a diverse community commit- land on which the three newest of the undergradu- ted to the principles of free inquiry and free expres- ate Claremont Colleges would be built—Claremont sion based on mutual respect. The College chooses McKenna, Harvey Mudd, and Pitzer. The spiritual to remain a largely residential college of fewer framework of Scripps was also established by Miss than one thousand students, a scale that encourages Scripps and, like the buildings, it has become the women to participate actively in their community supporting framework of generations of Scripps and to develop a sense of both personal ethics and women. As the Scripps Mission states, Ellen social responsibility. Scripps cherishes its campus of Browning Scripps believed that the primary obliga- SCRIPPS COLLEGE • Scripps Catalog 2008-2009 3 tion of a college is to educate students to be clear tive, and verbal—that are critical to any endeavor and independent thinkers and to live their lives with and encourages opportunities for artistic expression confidence, courage, and hope. and aesthetic response. The College seeks to foster a passion for inquiry in each student, expecting her to reflect upon and, when appropriate, challenge SE tt ING received ideas. Because a liberal education aims for Modeled after the Oxford University plan of small, freedom of mind, it has a moral dimension as well. coordinating residential colleges with central, Scripps expects flexibility of approach, tolerance for university-level services and graduate schools, the diversity of ideas to which open inquiry exposes Scripps and the four other undergraduate Claremont one, and the imagination required to understand Colleges—Claremont McKenna, Harvey Mudd, those ideas. Pitzer, and Pomona—are the finest assembly of The Scripps curriculum has four parts: the three- small, liberal arts colleges in the United States. semester Core Curriculum in Interdisciplinary Graduate education in Claremont is represented by Humanities; the General Education require- the Claremont Graduate University and the Keck ments; the Disciplines or Area Studies in which Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences. Lo- students major; and the Elective courses that lend cated at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains in the breadth to a student’s education. Scripps requires city of Claremont, California (population 36,500), in every
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