Riot, V. J. et al. (2021): JoSS, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 995–1006 (Peer-reviewed article available at www.jossonline.com) www.adeepakpublishing.com www. JoSSonline.com Lessons Learned Using Iridium to Com- municate with a CubeSat in Low Earth Orbit Vincent J. Riot, Lance M. Simms, and Darrell Carter Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Livermore, CA, USA Abstract This paper presents the design and approval process for operating an Iridium transceiver on orbit and provide on-orbit performance data obtained from a CubeSat platform in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) (500 km orbit). On-orbit data demonstrates that use of a commercial, low-cost Iridium transceiver can serve as a valuable communication approach for low volume telemetry with less than a 30-minute lag for approximately 90% of the time. We also demonstrate that a radial differential velocity of 7 km/sec corresponding to about a 37.5kHz doppler shift and a distance of less than 2,000 km can be used for mission planning. Introduction Setting up a dedicated radio communication link tion is about 5-15 minutes per day per ground station, with a CubeSat in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) presents depending on the altitude and inclination of the satel- several challenges, especially for institutions with lim- lite, as well as the latitude of the ground station. This ited funding or resources. The traditional approach of means the operator is oblivious to the current state of using one or more dedicated radio ground stations to the satellite most of the time, even if multiple ground communicate directly with the satellite is often prohib- stations distributed across the Earth are used. It also itively expensive for university groups or organiza- means the operator must plan far ahead in terms of tions with limited involvement in space-based applica- commanding the spacecraft, which can be an issue if tions, and it also requires a significant amount of ex- the command and data handling unit reboots due to a pertise. The approval and licensing process for radio single-event upset, latch-up, or similar causes. spectrum allocation with the Federal Communications Several satellite-based communication networks Commission (FCC) may introduce additional difficul- exist to overcome the short communication window ties. problem. NASA set up the Tracking and Data Relay From an operational standpoint, relying on a ter- System in the early 1970s, using geosynchronous sat- restrial line-of-sight ground station limits the period ellites in an effort to provide near-continuous commu- of time in which the operator can communicate with nications with its LEO satellites. More recently, satel- the satellite. For a satellite in LEO, the typical dura- Corresponding Author: Lance M. Simms – [email protected] Publication History: Submitted – 04/14/20; Accepted – 01/29/21; Published: 02/26/21 Copyright © A. Deepak Publishing. All rights reserved. JoSS, Vol. 10, No. 1, p. 995 Riot, V. J. et al. lite operators have begun to use existing LEO cross- Although 17 hours is not a long period of time, the link communication networks, such as Globalstar and spacecraft continuously attempted to transmit teleme- Iridium1. While the primary purpose of these networks try messages at least every five minutes, and some- is to offer communication between two modems on the times as often as every five seconds. This cadence al- ground, they also offer an inexpensive means for sat- lowed us to measure the average delays between at- ellite operators to establish quasi-continuous commu- tempted message transmission and successful delivery nication with their spacecraft. in both directions, as well as the calculated differential For the present study, we chose to take advantage velocities and ranges to the Iridium satellites for 161 of the Iridium network for communication with our message transmissions. This paper will present these MiniCarb satellite, a joint venture between NASA empirical results for our MiniCarb satellite, which had Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and Lawrence a 51.6-degree inclination, 471 km orbit. It will also Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The cover details regarding the licensing and approval pro- MiniCarb satellite was intended to: cess for using an Iridium transceiver on a satellite in 1. Test the CubeSat Next Generation Bus stand- LEO. ard developed by LLNL and several of its part- ners (Riot et al., 2014). Previous Heritage with Satellite Telecom Crosslinking from Low Earth Orbit 2. Test several custom hardware components. These consisted of a radio board populated MiniCarb was obviously not the first space-based with an Iridium 9523 transceiver, solar panels mission to propose using an Iridium crosslink or developed at LLNL that employed a patent- demonstrate successful ground communication with pending deployment mechanism, and several an Iridium transceiver. In 2008, Kahn showed the po- other custom electronics boards. tential of using a number of Satellite Personal Com- 3. Measure greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmos- munication Networks (S-PCNs), including Globalstar, phere using a GSFC-designed Laser Hetero- Thuraya, Inmarsat, and Iridium, for nano-satellite-to- dyne Receiver-based science payload. ground communication (Kahn, 2008). Since the pre- sent work is focused on results using Iridium, the short Unfortunately, due to a deployment anomaly history that follows will focus on the Iridium network (MiniCarb had an unexpectedly large tipoff rate of only. For a more detailed treatise on the history of us- over 20 degrees/sec after being released from the Cyg- ing S-PCNs for nano-satellite communications, the nus NG-12 vehicle), the attitude control system (Blue- reader is referred to Rodriguez et al. (2016). Canyon XACT) was unable to stabilize the spacecraft Recent hardware miniaturization has allowed two using its magnetorquers to the threshold needed for the networks to stand out in terms of use in CubeSats, with reaction wheels to turn on. This prevented the solar commercial transceiver form factor now being within panels from properly charging the batteries, and as a the 10 x 10 x 10 cm3 footprint. These are the Global- result the total operational mission duration was lim- star and Iridium networks, both of which provide ited to ~17 hours. We were thus unable to collect data 100% coverage for the MiniCarb spacecraft orbital pa- with the science payload. However, we did advance rameters. several hardware components to TRL-8. These include The Globalstar constellation is designed to have 48 our custom solar panels and deployment system, our satellites in eight orbital planes of six satellites each. custom battery power system unit and our command The satellites are in LEO at 1414 km, with an inclina- and data handling system. In addition, we achieved tion of only 52 degrees. Detailed on-orbit performance successful ground communication using the Iridium has been presented using the Globalstar constellation network. 1 Here and throughout this paper, we use the term “crosslink” more terminal on the ground via one or more satellites in the chosen commu- broadly to refer to communication between a satellite of interest and a nication network. Copyright © A. Deepak Publishing. All rights reserved. JoSS, Vol. 10, No. 1, p. 996 Lessons Learned Using Iridium to Com-municate with a CubeSat in Low Earth Orbit (Voss et al., 2014), but many other missions have used knowledge, no one has published empirical infor- Globalstar using the NSL-EyeStar commercial system mation regarding measured transmission delays or cal- developed specifically for on-orbit operation. One of culated Doppler shifts using an Iridium crosslink from the issues with using Globalstar is the low inclination a satellite in LEO. It is also important to note that the of the constellation, significantly reducing coverage NASA Ames satellites communicated with the origi- for polar orbit missions. nal generation of Iridium satellites. On Feb. 6, 2019, The Iridium constellation is designed to have 66 communications switched entirely to the Iridium Next satellites in six orbital planes of 11 satellites each. The generation of satellites, which features different hard- satellites are in LEO at 783 km with an inclination of ware specifications. It appears that no one has yet pub- 86.4 degrees. Iridium has the advantage of an in- lished results on crosslink communications between a creased coverage near the pole (beneficial for polar LEO spacecraft and the Iridium Next constellation. missions), but the lower altitude increases the range of Doppler shift that has to be supported. Satellites in the Iridium Hardware and Experimental Configu- Iridium constellation are equipped with transceivers ration that have a carrier frequency of 1621.25 MHz and an allowable frequency shift of +/-37.5 kHz. This fre- The MiniCarb satellite, along with an expanded quency shift translates to a maximum relative velocity view of its in-house-designed Iridium carrier board, is of about 7 km/s between the source and receiver. In shown in Figure 1. The transceiver shown in the lower 2013, Claybrook used Systems Toolkit (STK) to ex- right picture is an Iridium Core 9523 model. The Irid- amine communication opportunities with the Iridium ium patch antenna is a Taoglas unit part number network, analyzing expected Doppler shifts for vari- IP.1621.25.4.A.02. ous orbits, orbital coverage, etc. (Claybrook, 2013). At the time the MiniCarb spacecraft was designed, He concluded that orbits with a lower semi-major axis two units were available from Iridium resellers. The and a higher inclination were preferred. David et al. 9603 SBD-only unit and the more capable 9523 unit, improved upon this study in 2018, taking into account both next generation of earlier models. Both units have nodal precession and eccentricity, lengthening simula- a form factor compatible with a CubeSat, well below tion duration, and analyzing Doppler shift more the 10 x 10 x 10 cm3 footprint.
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