1933 .CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4847 The Chief Clerk read the nomination of John Bright Hill Mr. GREEN, Mr. Speaker, it is my purpose at a later to be collector, customs collection district no. 15, Wilming .. date to speak on the subject of the canal across Florida, but ton, N.C. this morning I ask unanimous consent to extend my re­ The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, the nomina .. marks and present therein a memorial from my legislature tion is confirmed. to the Congress. The Chief Clerk read the nomination of James J. Connors The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the to be collector, customs collection district no. 31, Juneau, gentleman from Florida? Alaska. There was no objection. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, the nomina.. Mr. GREEN. Mr. Speaker and my colleagues, the canal tion 1s confirmed. aero~ north Florida is the most important waterway which DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR has been suggested since the construction of the Panama The Chief Clerk read the nomination of William Zimmer­ Canal. It, we believe, will handle as much or probably more tonnage than is handled by the Panama Canal and will re .. man, Jr., of Illinois, to be Assistant Commissioner of Indian dound greater benefits to the American people. Affairs. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, the nomina­ The proposed canal acl'oss north Florida is by no means a local project, but is decidedly a national project and will tion is confirmed. benefit every one of the States of the Union and all citizens That completes the calendar. therein. RECESS This project has been a dream of several generations, but Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. Mr. President, as in legis­ was in a dormant stage until in 1927 I introduced a survey lative session, I move that the Senate take a recess until 11 bill which the Congress passed, and then in 1930 it was my o'clock tomorrow. pleasure to introduce a further survey bill, which the Con .. The motion was agreed to,. and Cat 6 o'clock and 55 min­ gress passed in the general rivers and harbors bill. Under utes p.m.) the Senate, as in legislative session. took a recess the provisions of this survey bill the Board of Army Engi­ until tomorrow, Saturday, June 3, 1933, at 11 o'clock a.m. neers are now completing the surveys, and we hope for a favorable report. CONFmMATIONS During almost each session of the Congress since I have been a Member you have patiently listened to my discussion Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate June 2 of this most worthy project, and I trust that the next time (legislative day of May 29), 1933 I address you upon this subject it may be the last one neces .. AsSISTANT COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS sary. It is a project full of merit, and, frankly, I believe William Zimmerman, Jr., to be Assistant Commissioner the American people, under the able leadership of President of Indian Affairs. Roosevelt, will soon realize the beginning of actual con .. COMPTROLLER OF CUSTOMS ·struction of this great waterway improvement. The people of my State are deeply interested and are Arthur A. Quinn to be comptroller of customs, customs offering the Federal Government every possible cooperation. collection district no. 10, New York, N.Y. I am glad to now submit the recent memorial of the Florida COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS Legislature urging prompt action upon the project. Clement L. West to be collector of customs, customs col .. The memorial follows: lection district no. 46, Omaha, Nebr. SENATE COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION John Bright Hill to be collectol' of customs, customs col­ NO. 11-JOINT MEMORIAL OP THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENT­ lection district no. 15, Wilmington, N.C. ATIVES OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA A memorial to the President of the United States requesting the James J. Connors to be collector of customs, customs col· assistance and cooperation of every available Federal agency in lection district no. 31, Juneau, Alaska. order to make possible at an early date commencement of con­ struction work on a ship canal across the peninsula of the State of Florida HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Whereas the construction of a. ship canal across the State of Florida will give employment to a. vast amount of human labor, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1933 thus greatly relieving the distress due to the unemployment crisis, at the same time creating a valuable commercial and mili­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. tary asset which will in the course of time repay its own cost The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D.D., offered through the collection of reasonable tolls from ships using the canal; and the following prayer: Whereas the constitution of the State of Florida contemplates with favor the construction of such a canal across the State and Heavenly Father, as Thou art so merciful unto us, teach makes provision for and authorizes special legislation in order to us to be merciful unto others. May we hear and obey the facilitate such construction, and the Legislature of the State has commandment-do unto others as we would have them do now created a public corporation known as the "Florida Ship unto us. Hasten the day when those jealousies shall cease Canal Authority" and has granted to said corporation a franchise With full power and authority to construct said canal; and which have separated nations so long and dashed one upon Whereas such a canal will cut off approximately 500 miles. of the other. Grant, our Father, that the citizens of our own distance by the water route between New Orleans and the Gulf land may live intelligent and obedient lives, and that the ports on the one hand and New York and Liverpool on the other, will eliminate the danger to shipping incident to passage through hearts of our people may more and more cleave together. the Florida straits, will bring about tremendous savings by rea­ Blessed Lord God, may a high standard of morality and son of the resultant reduction in time, insurance, and other trans­ essential unity live and prevail throughout our entire Nation. portation costs, and will constitute a valuable asset to our national Be with any who may be perplexed in business and upon defense; and Whereas such a canal will largely solve the distribution prob­ whom care and anxiety are weighing heavily. Hear our lems of the Mis.sissippi Valley and of the southeast section of the prayer and be pleased to give direction to the deliberations United States, will greatly aid the agricultural and industrial of this day, and unto Thee be eternal praise and glory. activities in said section by furnishing them perpetual and cheap transportation to the Atlantic seaboard where the best markets Amen. are loeated, will enhance the value of the farm lands through the The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and producing of means for delivering their produce to market, and will offer material advantages and benefits to fully one half of the approved. producing area of the United States; and PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE Whereas said ship canal, while rendering this valuable service to labor, industry, agriculture, and ocean shipping, will at the Mr. GREEN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to same time, and Without additional cost, provide a connection be­ address the House for 1 minute. · tween the Atlantic coastal water\Vay and the Gulf coastal water­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the way for barges .and small craft plying between Boston, Mass., and Gulf of Mexico ports; and gentleman from Florida? Whereas the Corps of Engineers of the Army of the United There was no objection. I States, pursuant to authorization of Congress, is now completing 4848 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE 2 an exhaustive phys1cal survey o! various possible routes for such a Mr. CELLER. When will the· opportunity be granted, canal and of the costs of the construction thereof; and may I ask the gentleman from Tennessee? Whereas an application is now pending with the Reconstruction Finance Corporation of the United States for a loan o! sufilcient Mr. BYRNS. After we conclude general debate on this funds with which to construct said canal, such loan to be self­ bill, if the House wants to remain in session and hear the liquidating in character: Now, therefore, be it gentleman, he may then address the House. Resolved by the Senate of the Sta.te of Florida (the Home of Representatives concurring), That the Pres1dent of the United Mr. SNELL. I hope the request of the gentleman from States be, and he is hereby, respectfully urged to approve of said New York will not be tied up with the request of the gentle­ construction project as an effective measure in relieving unem­ man from Massachusetts. ployment and stimulating industry, and that he be, and he is The Is hereby, further requested to procure the assistance and cooperation SPEAKER. there objection to the request of the of every appropriate and available Federal agency in order that gentleman from Tennessee that when the House adjourns construction work upon said project may be commenced at the today it adjourn to meet at 11 o'clock tomorrow? earliest possible date; be it further There was no objection. Resolved, That the secretary of state be directed to furnish a certified copy of this memorial to the President of the United The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the States, to each of our Senators and Representatives in Congress, gentleman from Massachusetts that he be permitted to ad­ to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation of the United States, dress the House for 20 minutes? and to the Associated Press.
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