

Earth Tones Native Plant Nursery & Landscapes 212 Grassy Hill Road Woodbury, CT 06798 Telephone: (203) 263-6626 Hours: Weds. -Sat. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon.- Tues. By Appointment [email protected] Plant Catalog 2021 Who We Are: Earth Tones is a native plant nursery that offers ferns, grasses, perennials, shrubs, trees, and vines that are native to our local region. We propagate from a native seed source. Earth Tones also provides landscape design, consulting, installation, and wetlands mitigation services with a focus on environmentally sound practices. Table of Contents Perennials….…..1 Ferns…...….…16 Grasses……….17 Trees/Shrubs/Vines…19 Plugs/Quarts/Starters….29 Nursery Policies…. 30 *Indicates Plants Native to Neighboring States-Not Connecticut Perennials 1 Latin Common Type Size Price Achillea Common Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 millefolium Yarrow *Actaea American Perennial 2 Qt. $15.00 americana Bugbane Actaea Doll’s Eyes Perennial 2 Qt. $15.00 pachypoda Baneberry Actaea racemosa Black Cohosh Perennial 2 Qt. $15.00 Actaea rubra Red Baneberry Perennial 2 Qt. $15.00 Agastache Purple Anise Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 foeniculum Hyssop Ageratina White Snakeroot Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 altissima Agrimonia Agrimony Perennial 2 Qt. $8.00 gryposepala Alisma Water Plaintain Perennial Bare $14.00 subcordatum Root *Allium cernuum Nodding Onion Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 Allium tricoccum Wild Leek Perennial 1 Qt. $12.00 Ramps Amphicarpaea American Hog Perennial 2 Qt. $12.00 bracteata Peanut *Amsonia Eastern Bluestar Perennial 2 Qt. $12.00 tabernaemontana *Amsonia Dwarf Eastern Perennial 2 Qt $12.00 tabernaemontana ‘montana’ Perennials 2 Latin Common Type Size Price Anaphalis Pearly Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 margaritacea Everlasting Anemone Sharp-lobed Perennial 1 Qt. $9.00 acutiloba Hepatica Anemone Blunt-lobed Perennial 1 Qt. $9.00 americana Hepatica Anemone Canada Perennial 1 Qt. $8.00 canadensis Windflower Anemone Wood Anemone Perennial 1 Qt. $8.00 quinquefolia Wind Flower Anemone Tall Windflower Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 virginiana Angelica Purple-stemmed Perennial 2 Qt. $12.00 atropurpurea Great Angelica Antennaria Field Pussytoes Perennial 1 Qt. $8.00 neglecta Antennaria Plantain-leaved Perennial 1 Qt. $8.00 plantaginifolia Pussytoes Apocynum Indian Hemp Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 cannabinum Hemp Dogbane Aquilegia Red Columbine Perennial 1 Qt. $8.00 canadensis Aralia nudicaulis Wild Sarsaparilla Perennial 1 Qt. $10.00 Aralia racemosa American Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 Spikenard Arisaema Jack-in-the - Perennial 1 Qt. $12.00 triphyllum Pulpit Perennials 3 Latin Common Type Size Price Asarum canadense Wild Ginger Perennia1 1 Qt. $15.00 Asclepias exaltata Poke Milkweed Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 Asclepias incarnata Swamp Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 Milkweed 1 Gal. $16.00 Asclepias syriaca Common Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 Milkweed 1 Gal. $16.00 Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly Perennial 1 Qt. $9.00 Milkweed 2 Qt. $18.00 Asclepias verticillata Whorled Perennial 1 Qt. $10.00 Milkweed Astragalus canadensis Canadian Milk Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 Vetch Baptisia australis Blue Wild Perennial 1 Gal. $12.00 Indigo Baptisia tinctoria Wild Indigo Perennial 2 Qt. $15.00 Boltonia asteroides Thousand Perennial 1 Gal. $12.00 Flower Aster Calla palustris Wild Calla Perennial BR $15.00 Caltha palustris Marsh Perennial 2 Qt. $12.00 Marigold Campanula Bellflower Perennial 1 Qt. $8.00 rotundifolia Caulophyllum Blue Cohosh Perennial 1 Qt. $12.00 thalictroides Chamaepericlymenum Bunchberry Perennial 1 Qt. $15.00 (Cornus) canadensis Perennials 4 Latin Common Type Size Price Chelone glabra White Turtlehead Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 *Chrysogonum Golden Star Perennial 1 Qt. $6.00 virginianum Claytonia virginica Spring Beauty Perennial 1 Qt. $15.00 Clintonia borealis Yellow Blue Bead Perennial 1 Qt. $12.00 Lily Collinsonia Northern Horse Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 canadensis Balm *Conoclinium Hardy Ageratum Perennial 2 Qt. $12.00 coelestinum Coreopsis Lance-leaved Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 lanceolata Tickseed Coreopsis rosea Pink Tickseed Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 Coreopsis tripteris Tall Tickseed Perennial 1 $12.00 Gal. Coreopsis Threadleaf Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 verticillata Tickseed Decodon Swamp Perennial 2 Qt. $9.00 verticillatus Loosestrife Desmodium Showy Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 canadense Tick Trefoil Desmodium Large-bracted Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 cuspidatum Tick Trefoil Desmodium Panicled Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 paniculatum Tick Trefoil Dicentra cucullaria Dutchman’s Perennial 1 Qt. $10.00 Breeches Perennials 5 Latin Common Type Size Price *Dicentra Wild Bleeding Perennial 1 Qt. $9.00 eximia Heart Doellingeria Flat-topped Aster Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 umbellate Drosera Spatulate-leaved Perennial Bare $15.00 intermedia Sundew Root Echinacea Pale Purple Perennial 2 Qt. $12.00 pallida Coneflower Echinacea Purple or White Perennial 2 Qt. $12.00 purpurea Coneflower Erigeron Robin-Plantain Perennial 1 Qt. $8.00 pulchellus Fleabane Eryngium Rattlesnake Perennial 1 Gal. $12.00 yuccifolium Master Erythronium Yellow Trout Lily Perennial 1 Qt. $8.00 americanum Eupatorium Hyssop-leaved Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 hyssopifolium Boneset Eupatorium Thoroughwort Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 perfoliatum Boneset Eurybia White Wood Aster Perennial 2 Qt. $9.00 divaricata Eurybia Big-leaved Aster Perennial 2 Qt. $9.00 macrophylla Euthamia Grass-Leaved Perennial 2 Qt. $9.00 graminifolia Goldenrod Perennials 6 Latin Common Type Size Price Eutrochium dubium Coastal Joe Pye Perennial 2 Qt. $12.00 Weed Eutrochium Joe Pye Weed Perennial 2 Qt. $12.00 fistulosum Eutrochium Spotted Joe Pye Perennial 2 Qt. $12.00 maculatum Weed Filipendula rubra Queen of the Prairie Perennial 2 Qt. $12.00 Fragaria vesca Wood Strawberry Perennial 1 Qt. $6.00 Fragaria virginiana Common Perennial 1 Qt. $6.00 Strawberry Gentiana clausa Bottle Gentian Perennial 2 Qt. $15.00 Geranium Spotted Crane’s Bill Perennial 2 Qt. $12.00 maculatum Geranium Herb Robert Perennial 1 Qt. $8.00 robertianum Geum rivale Water Avens Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 Helenium autumnale Sneezeweed Perennial 1 Gal. $12.00 Helenium flexuosum Purplehead Perennial 2 Qt. $12.00 Sneezeweed Helianthus Thin-leaved Perennial 1 Gal. $12.00 decapetalus Sunflower Helianthus tuberosus Tuberous Sunflower Perennial 1 Gal. $10.00 *Heliopsis Sunflower Perennial 1 Gal. $12.00 helianthoides Everlasting Perennials 7 Latin Common Type Size Price Heracleum American Cow Perennial 2 Qt. $12.00 maximum Parsnip Hibiscus Swamp Rose Perennial 1 Gal $18.00 moscheutos Mallow Hibiscus Pink Swamp Rose Perennial 1 Gal $18.00 moscheutos var. Mallow palustris Houstonia Blue or White Perennial 1 Qt. $8.00 caerulea Bluets Hydrophyllum Blunt- Leaved Perennial 1 Qt. $8.00 canadense Waterleaf Hylodesmum Pointed Leaved Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 (Desmodium) Tick Trefoil glutinosum Hylodesmum Naked- Flowered Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 (Desmodium) Tick Trefoil nudiflorum Hylotelephium Wild Live Perennial 2 Qt. $9.00 (Sedum) Forever telephioides Hypoxis hirsuta Yellow Stargrass Perennial 1 Qt. $6.00 Ionactis Stiff- Leaved Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 linariifolius Aster *Iris cristata Dwarf Wood Iris Perennial 1 Qt. $8.00 Iris versicolor Blue Flag Iris Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 Perennials 8 Latin Common Type Size Price *Jeffersonia Twinleaf Perennial 1 Qt. $15.00 diphylla Krigia virginica Dwarf Dandelion Perennial 1 Qt. $6.00 Lespedeza Round- Headed Perennial 2 Qt. $9.00 capitata Bush Clover Lespedeza hirta Hairy Bush Perennial 2 Qt. $9.00 Clover Liatris ligulistylis Meadow Blazing Perennial 1 Gal $12.00 Star Liatris novae- New England Perennial 1 Gal. $12.00 angliae Blazing Star Liatris spicata Blazing Star Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 Lilium canadense Canada Lily Perennial 1 Qt. $9.00 2 Qt. $18.00 Linnaea borealis Twin Flower Perennial 1 Qt. $10.00 Lobelia Red Cardinal Perennial 2 Qt. $12.00 cardinalis Flower Lobelia siphilitica Blue or White Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 Lobelia Lobelia spicata Palespike Lobelia Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 Lysimachia Fringed Perennial 2 Qt. $9.00 ciliata Loosestrife Lysimachia Swamp Candles Perennial 2 Qt. $9.00 terrestris Maianthemum Canada Perennial 1 Qt. $6.00 canadense Mayflower Perennials 9 Latin Common Type Size Price Mainthemum False Solomon’s Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 racemosum Seal (Smilacina racemose) Maianthemum Star-Flowered Perennial 1 Qt. $10.00 stellatum False Solomon’s (Smilacina Seal stellata) *Mertensia Virginia Bluebells Perennial 2 Qt. $12.00 virginica Mimulus ringens Allegheny Perennial 2 Qt. $9.00 Monkey Flower Mitchella repens Partridgeberry Perennial 1 Qt. $8.00 Mitella diphylla Miterwort Perennial 1 Qt. $8.00 Fairy Cup Monarda didyma Oswega Tea Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 Bee Balm Monarda Purple Wild Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 fistulosa Bergamot Monarda Dotted Mint Perennial 1 Qt. $8.00 punctata Nuphar variegata Yellow Water or Perennial Bare $15.00 Pond Lily Root Oenothera Sundrops Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 fruticosa Oenothera Small Sundrops Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 perennis Perennials 10 Latin Common Type Size Price Opuntia humifusa Prickly Pear Cactus Perennial 1 Qt. $12.00 (Yellow) Opuntia cespitosa Prickly Pear Cactus Perennial 1 Qt. $12.00 (Red Center) Osmorhiza Long-styled Cicely Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 longistylis Packera aurea Golden Ragwort Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 Packera obovata Round- Leaf Perennial 1 Qt. $8.00 Ragwort Peltandra virginica Arrow Arum Perennial Bare $12.00 Root Penstemon digitalis Beardtongue Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 Penstemon hirsutus Hairy Beardtongue Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 Penstemon pallidus Pale Beardtongue Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 Phlox divaricata Blue or White Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 Wood Phlox Phlox maculata Wild Sweet Perennial 2 Qt. $9.00 William Phlox paniculata Pink or White Perennial 2 Qt. $9.00 Garden Phlox Phlox pilosa Prairie Phlox Perennial 2 Qt. $9.00 Phlox subulata Creeping Phlox Perennial 1 Qt. $8.00 Physostegia Pink Obedient Perennial 2 Qt. $10.00 virginiana Plant Perennials 11 Latin Common Type Size Price Podophyllum May Apple Perennial 2 Qt. $12.00 peltatum Polemonium Jacob’s Ladder Perennial 2 Qt. $9.00 reptans Polygonatum Wild Solomon’s Perennial 2 Qt.

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