INT 11-3 Workshop Applications of AdS-CFT to Hadronic Physics and the Quark Gluon Plasma October 31 – November 4, 2011 Monday, October 31 8:00 – 11:00 Check-In C411, Physics/Astronomy Tower 11:00-12:00 Room C520, Physics/Astronomy Tower Eugenio Megias Fernandez, IFT Universidad Autonoma de Madrid/CSIC Gravitational anomaly and transport Abstract: Quantum anomalies give rise to new transport phenomena. In particular a magnetic field can induce an anomalous current via the chiral magnetic effect (K. Fukushima, D. Kharzeev, H.J. Warringa, Phys. Rev. D78 (2008) 074003) and a vortex in the relativistic fluid can also induce a current via the chiral vortical effect (D. T. Son and P. Surowka, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009) 191601). The related transport coefficients can be calculated via Kubo formulas (I. Amado, K. Landsteiner, F. Pena-Benitez, JHEP 1105:081 (2011)). In this work we perform a first- principle quantum field theory calculation of the Kubo formula for the anomalous vortical conductivity and show that it receives contributions proportional to the gravitational anomaly coefficient, inducing a dependence proportional to T2 in the vorticity. The gravitational anomaly gives rise to an anomalous vortical effect even for an uncharged fluid (K. Landsteiner, E. Megias, F. Pena-Benitez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 021601 (2011)). As a second step of this work, we study an holographic AdS/CFT modelling of the gravitational anomaly by considering a 5-dim Einstein-Maxwell model supplemented with a gauge Chern-Simons and a mixed gauge- gravitational Chern-Simons term. We confirm at strong coupling also the dependence on T2 induced by the gravitational anomaly (K. Landsteiner, E. Megias, L. Melgar, F. Pena-Benitez, JHEP 09: 121 (2011)). 12:00-2:00 Lunch 2:00-3:00 Room C520, Physics/Astronomy Tower Mariano Chernicoff, Universidad de Barcelona The gluonic field of a heavy quark in a strongly coupled CFT Abstract: By means of the AdS/CFT correspondence, we determine the gluonic field configuration sourced by a heavy quark undergoing arbitrary motion in N=4 super-Yang-Mills at strong coupling. Our results for this observable show that signals propagate without temporal broadening, just as was found for the expectation value of the energy density in recent work by Hatta et al. We attempt to shed some additional light on the origin of this feature, and propose a different interpretation for its physical significance. As an application of our general results, we examine tr[F2] when the quark undergoes oscillatory motion and uniform circular motion. 3:00-3:30 Coffee and discussion Tuesday, November 1 10:00-11:00 Room C520, Physics/Astronomy Tower Ruben Sandapen, Université de Moncton Holographic wavefunctions and Distribution Amplitudes for the rho meson Abstract: In a recent work, we have extracted the light-cone wavefunctions and Distribution Amplitudes (DAs) for the rho meson using the current HERA data on diffractive rho production. We found that the extracted DAs are broader than the asymptotic DA and are consistent with Sum Rules and lattice predictions. We now compare our extracted DAs with those obtained using the AdS/QCD correspondence. 11:00-12:00 Room C520, Physics/Astronomy Tower Andreas Karch, University of Washington An improved model of vector mesons in holographic QCD Abstract: We analyze the sector of dimension-three vector meson operators in the "hard wall" model of holographic QCD, including the vector and axial currents, dual to gauge fields in the bulk, and the tensor operator ψ σ μ νψ, dual to a two-form field satisfying a complex self-duality condition. The model includes the effect of chiral symmetry breaking on vector mesons, that involves a coupling between the dual gauge field and the two-form field. We compute the leading logarithmic terms in the operator product expansion of two-point functions and the leading non-perturbative contribution to the tensor-vector correlator. The result is consistent with the operator product expansion of QCD. We also study the spectrum of vector mesons numerically. 12:00-2:00 Lunch Break 2:00-3:00 Room C520, Physics/Astronomy Tower Hilmar Forkel, Humboldt University Hadrons as Holograms Abstract: We present an overview of our recent work on strong-interaction physics from the gauge/gravity perspective. In particular, we will discuss (i) a minimal “metric soft wall” AdS/QCD dual which generates linear trajectories of universal slope for both meson and baryon square masses, (ii) a holographic description of diquark correlations in baryons and in the lightest scalar mesons, (iii) an AdS/QCD dual which emerges as a new solution of 5d Einstein-dilaton gravity and realizes area-law confinement and linear meson trajectories dynamically, and finally (iv) the calculation of glueball correlation functions and decay constants, as well as a quantitative analysis of their QCD-related physics content, in both the hard- and dilaton soft-wall AdS/QCD duals. 3:00-3:30 Coffee and discussion Wednesday, November 2 10:00-11:00 Room C520, Physics/Astronomy Tower Alex Buchel, University of Western Ontario Confinement/deconfinement and csb in gauge theory/string theory correspondence Abstract: I will discuss the physics of confinement/deconfinement and chiral symmetry breaking phase transitions of a QCD-like model in the framework of gauge theory/string theory correspondence. 11:00-12:00 Room C520, Physics/Astronomy Tower Mithat Unsal, San Francisco State University Gauge dynamics, topological molecules and deconfinement Abstract: We study the dynamics of four dimensional gauge theories with adjoint fermions by using circle (non- thermal) and thermal compactification. Circle compactification admits a semi-classical domain where gauge dynamics, both perturbatively and non-perturbatively, is under control. There are new gauge phenomena. We show that, to all orders in perturbation theory, many gauge groups are Higgsed by the gauge holonomy around the circle in the weak-coupling domain. Non-perturbatively, there are monopole-instantons (with fermion zero modes) and two types of monopole--anti-monopole molecules, called bions. The plasma of the type-one bions---which carry net magnetic charge---induces a mass gap for gauge fluctuations. The type-two bion is both topologically and magnetically neutral, and its understanding requires a generalization of multi-instanton techniques in quantum mechanics---which we refer to as the Bogomolny--Zinn-Justin prescription---to compactified field theory. The type- two bions generate a center -stabilizing potential for the gauge holonomy, which is a new topological effect in 4-d gauge theories. If I have enough time at the end, I will switch to the thermal theory and briefly mention the role of center-stabilizing bions in deconfinement phase transition. 12:00-2:00 Lunch 2:00-3:00 Room C520, Physics/Astronomy Tower Arnab Kundu, University of Texas, Austin External parameters and chiral symmetry breaking in the holographic dual of large N gauge theories Abstract: Using the gauge-gravity duality, more specifically the AdS/CFT correspondence, we will discuss strongly coupled dynamics of fundamental flavours in a large N gauge theory. We will primarily focus on the physics of chiral symmetry breaking by introducing flavour degrees of freedom in the so called Klebanov-Witten model. We will discuss how these fundamental flavours respond to external parameters such as non-zero temperature or an external electro-magnetic field and analyze the corresponding non-trivial phase diagrams. We will briefly comment on the results of similar studies in other holographic models. 3:00-3:30 Coffee and discussion Thursday, November 3 10:00-11:00 Room C520, Physics/Astronomy Tower Mindaugas Lekaveckas, MIT Transverse Momentum Broadening in Weakly Coupled Quark-Gluon Plasma Abstract: Jet quenching parameter or, equivalently, transverse momentum broadening distribution is an important quantity which helps to understand energy losses in heavy ion collisions and get insights into properties of the de- confined quark-gluon plasma. SCET provides framework to calculate jet quenching parameter at weak coupling using expectation value of two space-like separated light-like Wilson lines which can be evaluated for desired medium. In this work we evaluate transverse momentum broadening distribution for the equilibrium weakly coupled quark-gluon plasma valid in all the momentum region and in the IR limit go beyond Hard Thermal Loop (HTL) approximation. 11:00-12:00 Room C520, Physics/Astronomy Tower David Mateos, ICREA and Universidad de Barcelona Thermodynamics and instabilities of a strongly coupled anisotropic plasma Abstract: I will present a IIB supergravity solution dual to a spatially anisotropic, finite-temperature, N = 4 super Yang-Mills plasma. I will discuss its thermodynamics and show that the phase diagram exhibits homogeneous and inhomogeneous (i.e. mixed) phases. In some regions the homogeneous phase displays instabilities reminiscent of those of weakly coupled plasmas. I will comment on similarities with QCD at finite baryon density and with the phenomenon of cavitation. 12:00-2:00 Lunch 2:00-3:00 Room C520, Physics/Astronomy Tower Jinfeng Liao, Indiana University Fermion Fluctuations & Correlations in sQGP: Quasi-Particles, or Bound-States, or Holography? Abstract: Fermion fluctuations and correlations provide essential information about the microscopic structure of the strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma created in relativistic heavy ion collisions. These properties are closely related to the experimentally
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