Wong and Boyce, 2016 Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo LVIII ... Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo LVIII – Further novelties described for the genus Piptospatha, and a note on Piptospatha Sect. Gamogyne Wong Sin Yeng* Department of Plant Science & Environmental Ecology Faculty of Resource Science & Technology Universiti Malaysia Sarawak 94300 Kota Samarahan Sarawak, Malaysia [email protected] Associate Researcher Harvard University Herbaria 22 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 USA *corresponding author Peter C. Boyce Honorary Research Scientist Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Department Biologie I Systematische Botanik und Mykologie Menzinger Straße 67, 80638 München Germany [email protected] ABSTRACT P. burbidgei, a species formerly allotted its Piptospatha bella S. Y. Wong & P. C. Boyce own genus, Gamogyne, later made into a and Piptospatha lurida S. Y. Wong & P. C. section of Piptospatha. Notes on Gamogyne Boyce are described and illustrated from are provided and a correction to published Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Their information on the placentation of recognition takes Piptospatha to 18 described Gamogyne offered. species. Piptospatha lurida is most similar to Aroideana VOL 39 NO 2, 2016 61 Wong and Boyce, 2016 Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo LVIII ... KEY WORDS Bintulu, Tatau, Sungai Bawang, Rheophyte, sandstones, shales, placentation. 02°42’01.6”N 112°40’47.9”E, c. 60 m asl, 9 May 2012, M. Lo 3909 (holo SAR!). Figure 1, Figure 4B. INTRODUCTION Piptospatha N.E. Br. in our research Diagnosis collection continue to reveal additional taxonomic novelties. Here we describe two Piptospatha bella is unique in the genus by new species that have recently flowered with the diminutive oblanceolate to spathulate us for the first time. One of them, here leaf blades with undifferentiated primary named Piptospatha bella S.Y. Wong & lateral veins and by producing stiffened stilt- P.C. Boyce, sp. nov., has long puzzled us roots. Among Piptospatha species with green as to its identity since in habit it much better syncarpous pistils and a spathe lacking matches species of the genus Bucephalandra rostral keels (= Piptospatha Sect. Gamogyne), Schott, although production of numerous P. bella is distinguished by the above adventitious plantlets upon the main roots is characteristics and (except for P. burbidgei) by reminiscent of Ooia S.Y. Wong & P.C. producing abundant plantlets from the Boyce. The other species, here described as spreading roots. Piptospatha lurida S.Y. Wong & P.C. Boyce, sp. nov., was initially assumed to be Tufted rheophytic herb to 10 cm tall. Roots Piptospatha burbidgei (N.E. Br.) M. Hotta so composed of several stiffened stilt-roots c. closely does the sterile plant resemble that 3 mm in diameter and penetrating deeply species, but on flowering proved to be a into mud and extensive spreading roots quite distinct species. from which are produced numerous plantlets. Stem condensed, to 5 mm in Dimensions used in the descriptions are diameter, obscured by leaf bases. Leaves derived from fertile (i.e., mature) plants. many together, arching, forming a rosette; Seedlings have overall smaller petiole 3–4 cm long, c. 2 mm in diameter, measurements. weakly D-shaped in cross-section, minutely scabrous, especially dorsally, with dorsal Interpretation of the intricate geology of edges minutely crispulate-alate, dull reddish Borneo relies as ever on Tate (2001). olive-green; petiolar sheath with free ligular portion c. 2 cm long, these briefly marcescent, ultimately deciduous, dark Piptospatha bella S. Y. Wong & P. C. reddish brown; leaf blades oblanceolate to Boyce, sp. nov. Type: Malaysian Borneo, somewhat spathulate, stiffy chartaceous, 5– Sarawak: 10 cm long × 2–3.5 cm wide, base cuneate, apex subacute with stout tubule c. 5 mm long, margins wavy, semi-glossy medium to Aroideana VOL 39 NO 2, 2016 62 Wong and Boyce, 2016 Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo LVIII ... Figure 1. Piptospatha bella S. Y. Wong & P. C. Boyce. A. Plant in Type habitat. B. Detail of adventitious plantlets arising from roots. C. Habitat during wet season. Piptospatha bella grows on the mud protected by submerged shale rocks. D. Leaf blades, abaxial surface. E. Inflorescence at pistillate anthesis. The tubular spathe with the oblique terminal orifice is diagnostic. F. Inflorescence at late pistillate anthesis. G. Spadix at pistillate anthesis, nearside spathe artificially removed. All from P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong AR-3909. Images © P.C. Boyce. Aroideana VOL 39 NO 2, 2016 63 Wong and Boyce, 2016 Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo LVIII ... Figure 2. Piptospatha lurida S. Y. Wong & P. C. Boyce. A. Plants in Type habitat. B. Habitat during dry season. Piptospatha lurida grows at the base of the stratified waterfall. C. Leaf blades, abaxial surface. D. Inflorescence at pistillate anthesis. E. Spadix at finish of pistillate anthesis, nearside spathe artificially removed. All from M. Lo AR-4917. Images A & B © M.Lo; images C – E © P.C. Boyce. Aroideana VOL 39 NO 2, 2016 64 Wong and Boyce, 2016 Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo LVIII ... deep green adaxially, pale ochre abaxially apex blunt; staminate flowers congested, with newer leaves tinged reddish; mid-rib mostly weakly defined as individual flowers, bluntly raised adaxially, rounded-raised and where distinct then flowers comprised of minutely scabrous adaxially; primary lateral paired stamens; stamens irregularly oblong veins c. 5 per side, parallel pinnate, almost and very weakly butterfly shaped, c. 0.5 mm indistinguishable from the more numerous wide × c. 1 mm long, connective board, interprimaries, both sets arising at c. 60° truncate, glabrous; thecae lateral, c. 0.3 mm, from mid-rib and joining a sub-marginal ellipsoid with a narrow rim. Infructescence collecting vein. Inflorescence solitary, and fruits not observed. erect; peduncle c. 10 cm long, c. 2 mm in diameter, minutely scabrous, dull olive Ecology — Obligate rheophyte on green. Spathe initially erect, later held at c. seasonally flooded riverine dense mud 90° to peduncle, not constricted, dull olive protected by semi-submerged shale rocks green and pale pink in late bud, spathe limb under perhumid lowland forest; c. 60 m. asl. opening mainly in shades of glossy medium pink with darker staining, with terminal Distribution — Known only from the rostrum glossy deep purple-pink and lower Type locality. spathe and ventral mentum dull olive green; spathe limb c. 4 cm long, remaining Etymology — From Latin adjective, bellus, cylindrical with an oblique terminal orifice in the feminine nominative form – bella: for much of pistillate anthesis before beautiful, coined for the attractive inflating to c. 1.5 cm, terminating in a inflorescence of this species. rostrum c. 1 cm long, lacking rostral keels. Spadix c. 2 cm long × 5 mm in diameter, strongly obliquely inserted on Notes — Piptospatha bella is remarkable by spathe/peduncle; pistillate flower zone its diminutive size, it is the smallest tufted pale jade-green, cylindrical, basally obliquely Piptospatha species yet described, the contiguous with infrapistillar pistillode zone, Bucephalandra-like stiffly chartaceous dorsal side c. 3 mm long, ventral side c. 5 spathulate to oblanceolate leaf blades, and mm long, × c. 5 mm in diameter; uniquely stiffened stilt-roots. The habitat of infrapistillar staminodes in c. 2 rows, c. 1 seasonally inundated bare alluvial mm diam., truncate, white; pistils consolidated mud to which the species is syncarpous, individually slightly tapering- restricted is extraordinary – in wet weather cylindrical, truncate, c. 0.6 mm diameter; plants are often submerged by turbid water placentation parietal; stigma capitate, for several days on end. papillate, wider than ovary; pistillate and staminate zones contiguous; staminate Solely on vegetative form it is far from clear flower zone pale cream, c. 1 cm long × 5 to what P. bella may be most closely allied mm in diameter at base, slightly tapering, since out of flower the plant resembles Aroideana VOL 39 NO 2, 2016 65 Wong and Boyce, 2016 Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo LVIII ... persuasively species of the genus (2000) resulted directly from this illustration Bucephalandra. On flowering we were of an erroneously determined collection. surprised to discover that the pistils were connate and that the spathe lacked rostral Piptospatha lurida S. Y. Wong & P. C. keels, indicating placement of P. bella in the Boyce, sp. nov. Type: Malaysian Borneo, group of species around P. burbidgei. Sarawak: Limbang, Lawas, Maligan, Air Terjun Payeh Maga, near Camp, Brown (1882) based his genus Gamogyne on 04°26’16.3”N 115°30’42.8”E, 820 m asl, 9 what is now Piptospatha burbidgei, comparing Sep 2014, M. Lo 4917 (holo SAR!). Figure it with the then only known species of 2, Figure 4A. Piptospatha (P. insignis N.E. Br.) and citing united ovaries and different stamens (Piptospatha insignis has a uniquely extended Diagnosis connective) as the differentiating Piptospatha lurida most closely resembles characteristics. Subsequent additional Piptospatha burbidgei by the deep metallic species discoveries have excluded the green leaf blades with undifferentiated staminate flower difference, but the primary lateral veins, and blunt-tipped characteristic of the connate pistils remains spathe, but is readily distinguished by the reliable, and was used by Hotta (1965) in spadix lacking pistillodes below the pistillate recognizing sect. Gamogyne (N.E. Br.) M. flower zone, the shorter interstice zone (c. Hotta. Based on our observations of many 1/10th vs 1/6th of the entire spadix length), more species, we would add the character and lax (vs densely arranged) pale orange of the spathe limb lacking internal rostral (vs cream) staminate flowers, and in lacking keels as a feature for species of Sect. plantlets arising from the roots. Gamogyne. Solitary rheophytic herb to 20 cm tall. Brown reported Gamogyne to have parietal Roots strong, adhering to rocky substrate. c. placentation (as does Piptospatha). However, 3 mm in diameter. Stem short, condensed, Mayo et al. (1997) depicted P.
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